:jig kyfChurches Midnight Services, Parties Will Be Held ByMary Youth Gvroupf, Both midnight services and parties Will mark the New Year's Eve cele- bration planned by many churh Sroips for tonight. Ulnitarians will hold their party a: 8 p.m. with folk dancing, games anc' -" ref rehments for the entertainment A. canlelight service will start at Zion Parish Hall will be the site of 'toe 'Lutheran Student Associatlon'S~ *rty ~at 9 p.m. tonight which will b followed with a short devotional ser-~ vice at 1130 p.m. At the 5:30 pzim meeting on Sunday, Virginia mock. '44, will lead the discussion of "Effec- tiye Living." l%ev.-Abery Will Speak Weseyan Guild is scheduling thei party for 8:30 p.m. tonight with the mnerbers joining the church group at thie Watch Night Communion service at 11 p.m. The Rev. Paul Albery of F~int will speak to the Guild at 5 :3G p,,. Sunday on the topic, "Challenge of the New." Supper and fellowship 1 our will follow the talk. Gamma Delta is planning its New year's ,Eve service for 7:30 p.m. and will gther afterwards for a social Hour. The Sunday night supper and m;eeting at 5:30 p.m. will be at the Student Center on Washtenaw Ave- nue. In the series of programs on post- war problems presented by the Con- gregational -Disciples Guild, Dr. Ed- wArd, Blakeman will speak on "Wha Would a Christian Reconstruction Look Alike?" at 5 p.m. Sunday. Sup- per will be served after the meeting in the church. Five 'Masses Sheuled .St. Mary's Chapel will hold five masses :during the holy day tomor- row starting at 6:30, 7, 8, 10 and 11:30 a.m. programs Sunday include the Can- terbury Club meeting at 5 p.m. fo evening prayer and a talk by Prof Howard Mc~lusky on "Marriage" at AP.M, "Rev. Leonard A. Pairrwill address the Roger Williams Guild at 5 p.m. Sunday on "Religious, Valuies in Modern Literature." .Open huse is planne for the New Year's Eve pro- gram from 9 pa. to midnight. A candlelight communion service will also .be 'held. An informal service and tea will be .jgvppi'Eby the Westminster Guild at ~the Presbyterian Church at ";6,pn.m. Sunday. The hymn sing will be led by Peg Jefers. Woen for Musical Casting for female roles in .C' proposed musical comedy, "Bidin' Our Time," will begin, the second week in Januaryy when the soldier students ,rt~in from fu~rlou.gh Cp. Troy Bartlett and Sgt. Ily- mian Wtolotsky are nw arranging the music and, polishing the scrit at their homes. ...... Y .,. TY __ _. A, N AT _7 V 0---Ir- - __ _ _ __ _ _ ll > dlt&Icf11t_. ( 4J a t i L 7 v . ; L. C. et in Fiial 1r h Iii froinIst 4a 4 i re' MAl tg , ' h . V arg;a girl i: Y L11 i ill diwng ndotr mi~a Ie'ril offend- I )a lit lIif Id Post,: )1 14 )ol1'wen' ji~~~~ . dpie of its O nd-clly l 1:. iillt_ (7 f111' '' ForiiiaI Retirea I . nIlj e I f M\\\ANCHUKUn KcAtIAI~A LimtAfPAp HeIDWyAY #NI ,UwA~ Control Today .HAWIA INIs. ° . Id AU1 Mo MARSHAt14L Pcific Ocear INEA~aGILBERT is, EQUATORq NETHERLANDS ® - EAST INDIES ' _-SOLOMON 1M I a ca tEntire Forvi1.aiii Wa ,; Phlaned h Mi ~el A; S4 any134heG oroma r a t ,3 p.!t'. ye:;iti'tiay by l!te lI:;: ~ ,ik on the iag? ona;l, the latst formatiiiioni of the companiy before pare ow tmeva- dlets leave f or basicntrin~iing. IaPep-artions a¢ nd Carrying ont.of l~it llair vwere cvt ill'ire l nII he 1.11 ls ti it " he cdet.'. The'Iile des 1niurelied u11'to Owe lag- nola led b d e1; f;it (ati .Jo111 ( ? i Aftt] e t 1 c eroi they li,is' tt r ieview of Col. Frederick C. 11oger~s and his staff, which inc;luded MaE L. P1. Warner, Cttpt. Eric L. 1-. Sw yler :,,,(I ta. ClhlesE. vPeake. Th1-e Army Land marched in front (_ 1 t' cets ;;s they well(, down 1t he 111; tl l.tup North University, up tar tree+t and down~ South. University to the Qurttzerma~teir building. During t HeC past wee(k Co. B-4 ha1s been rune by its own cadet officr .. TWhose men in' the mpany wvho ha~d made the best records in leadership were g.iven full responsibility for the i d(mini - istraion: of the company from s 1IUday until tomorrow. lCadet Capt. Carron is acting a commanding officer, Cadet Lt. Pa~ul Dots on exectivie 'offier, Catde"lt i- a amt .ilMtad Thtomans Ja- ruu :i. ti;;lit 1'Fikand Henry Mlc? ezea, platoon commnander s, and Cadet IChar les Best;,ad-i i'ti l ive s (Officer. C1t.adtI, Lt. Jaes cceowrl, who IIici I Ie1t'l :iol d ti : i n Il~ IIr j; tiA iei l":t:! I ll Oct :A ! ts as sh t aloit In Ut llitra So i ltiI), I~ ~Iois:u WAR BONDSI-D HERE Week Iy ?K c'5M. T S[J~-ILLE MRSI ~R~h~iT,,DEC. ' Indian Ocean ?P IS."" 1 TU AMOT U is. T 1000 MILES ATEQUATOR I -I Outstanding gains against the Japanese during 1943 -were the American capture of Atto. Ki~ka.,(, Gilberts, most of the Solomons and the Allied push up New Guinea culminating in the American ivso of New Britain. Arrows indicate Allied drives or potential drives. CIiiIlui tomotive Tehuiejans Instruct Army In MantenaceReairof Wheeled Vehicles _ _ . _ ___ _ CATS .are. now instructing Army )fficers and enlisted personnel. The t'echhical namne for this group is Civilian Automotive Technicians, out the boys in Army training camps throughout the country refer to the civilian experts as CATS. Col. Harry Adamson, commanding -)etroit's Fort Wayne, said recently ghat the Ordnance Department, Army Service Forces was simply fol- lowing its traditional practice of recruiting the best brains of Ameni- Hures, donifistrations uaid -advice. on all phas(es of first and seconid. echelon maintenanlce training." Tool Kits Used First echelon maintenance, {Col. Adamson explained, is performed by the drivers themselves, using only the tool kit that is supplied with Churches Plan Union Service has rein ed ilthroi iout thme year every ordnance - procured vehicle. as executive officer of the company, Second echelon mnaintenance in- will leave today for OCS. "I think cludes one to six thousand mile in- this is a swell company and I would spection jobs And minor repairs in rather stay here than go to OCS," small field shops. This is the speedi- Cadet Lt. McKeown said yesterday. est on-the-spot kind of battlefield "Cadet Lt. McKeown has done a repair work. More difficult break- fine job and his services will be downs are- turned over to ordnanceI greatly missed," Lt. Peake, comman- ma.intenance companies. ding officer of Co. B, said. periiori i mt ters relauting ;to the nl;'u1t'!1; 'nancelaid lImprovemenit'l of morae x~ilhi U.S. Amy orce'; ft opr~sifrainsrices >to l~l~rs Ulvi', ew rel, adio andl nes eriesar sdIin tthb. g lobal operion.v The division also conducts the Ar- my Orientation Course and educa- tional programs for" troops, consisting oft correspondence, and self study courses, educational films, exhibits, ecetures and group ins tructiont. III I TONIGHT AT 11: 45 P.M. --NEW YEAR'S EVE SHOW I can industry to help solve some par- Eight local churches 'will unite in ,icular problems, a traditional New Year's Day service, Civilian Advisors Help. to be held from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. to- In this .case the problem was how morrow at the First Presbyterian to keep huge fleets of Ordnance cars, Church. trucks and tanks moving up to the Planned in accordance with a re- front. -Ar'my ordnance therefore se- cured 'the services of a number of quest by President Rqosevelt that the civilian~ automotive advisors, former- nation set aside one /hour of the day ly eploed y lrgemanufacturing for prayer and worship, the service any emaplorbtargeopaie. will be open to all students, towns- and ranporatio copanes. people and servicemen who wish to "Thze function of these civilians," attend. col. Ada~mson sai, "is to advise and ministers who will taket part in the i~nstrict Atm ofices ad elised erVlce include the Rev. C. W: Brash- i'personnel ini the proper care, ser- ares of the First Methodist Church, vicing; and repair of wheeled, half- he Rev. T. R. Schmale of the Beth- tracked veliieles, and the parts there- of. The term instruct' includes lec- 'ehem Evangelical and Reformed ________________________ ;hurch, the Rev. E. H. Redman of .he First Unitarian Church, the Rev. Prof. Fajans To Tour L.awrence Neff of Pilgrim Holiness MTurch, the Rev. C. H. Loucks of the Prof. . asimiz. Faians of the chem- "irst Baptist Church, the Rev. C. W. istry 'department will leave Saturday "-arpenter of the Second Baptist for a lecture tour of four schools- Turch, the Rev. L. A. Parr of the State College, Pa., Columbia Univer- _? irst Congregational Church, and the city, University of Rochester and th-. Rev. W. P. Lemon of the First Pres- Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. )~yterian Church. AL SEATS 55c (Incl. Tax) SPECIAL PERFORMANCE! The Kings of Comedy At their Best ! BONDS ISSUED HERE - DAY 09 NIGHT Ccntinuous Doily from I P.M. i NEW YEAR'S 1L Gala Midnighft Frolic Tonight! All Seats 5c for Tonight's Midnight Show yA1 , . " I iG.% r a __w ''GA WAONDR SHW O7H E YEAR ! ,tY o What galis O t" 1111 r aoOP"I ii" AIP# f ?. RJ 411p ?r G k? ' : "''. :'B B 5" . r - .. r.e 1 r. r Iw r