1 MIt.QjtAIU 4ail Weather Cloudy VOL. LIV No. 43 ANN ARBOR, MLCHIGAN, -RIDAY, DEC. 31, 1943 PAWSE flyECENTS Marines Ca Russians Surge Forces 44 Miles from, Pre-War Poish Border German Divisions Fall Prey To Blunder; Ukrainian Army Smashes Through Line y The Asspiated Press LONDON, Dec. 30.-Th Red Army pursued the scattered remnants of 22 Nazi divisions-perhaps 300,000 men--through a 185-mile breach in the heart of the German eastwall today, capturing 300 more communities for y seven-day total of 1,300 and seing ,cQlulnns to within 44 miles of the pre-war Polish border ad 90 miles of the Dniester River, the frontier of Rumania. The First Ukrainian Army surged westward through the greatest breach ever smashed in a German defense line, and official Russian an- nouncements and press dispatches' from Moscow indicated that the Ger- man Command had fallen victim to a great strategic blunder-its recent unsuccessful counteroffensive toward T Kiev-and now was paying with a A rrive io defeat rivalling that at Stalingrad. Capture of Kazatin, 15 miles below Lond ontPa'le Berdichev, left the Germans only oneY trunk railway from Poland to supply their entire southern Ukraine force. Plans for Allied Drive In addition to the smashig victory On, Western Europe west of Kiev,- a oscow communique said, the Russians captured 0 more I Formative Stages poulated places in their; two-day-old bffenlve west of Zapor6zhe in the LONDON, Dec. 30.-(IP)-Invasion Dnieper Bend. Far to the north in headquarters of General Dwight D. the Vitebsk area.of'White Russia'the Eisenhower were being made ready Soviet Baltic Army captured several tonight for his early *arrival, and iore populated places. fateful conferences of the high com- The Red Army, which has now a w e dt g h driven half-way from ,Stalingrad to rand were expected to begmnwithin Berlin since the turning point of -the a short time.. war a year ago, has virtually engulf- Intense Planning Is Started- edZhibmir and Berdichev and is ad- It is apparent that 1944 will scarce- vancng eyon thm twar Polnd y begin before General "Ike" has his and Rumania. One of the towns command complete and the intense captured was' Chervonarm eisk, 44planning of the forthcoming action miles. from the' pre-1939" Polish bord- satd r.One gap in the invasion command " .: not' yet filled is the field commander Br rtish of the American armies, the counter- part of Gen. Sir Bernard L. Mont-5 gomery, who already has been named, Is, B eu gugCrUseato lead the British 'ground forces. This selection is expected to be announced shortly and speculation -n.London was that the choice is be- tw an LTtY-e1nV Mark W_ Clark- Al pture New Britain Airdrome Through Nazi East Wall Berlin Is Next Stop for Plane Being Laden with Bombs Jap Defenses Crack At Cape Gloucester Aerial Bomibarcdment, Fiame Trlowers Used To Clear Out Enemy Pillboxes By The Associated Press ADVANCE ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, New Guinea, Dcc. 31-Hard- hitting United States Marines have cracked stubborn Japanese defenses to capture the vital airdrome at Cape Gloucester, New Britain. The Leathernecks' final assault put them in full possession of the two air strips at noon yesterday, just four days and a few hours after their Sunday's invasion landing at Borgen Bay. Details of the final hours of the battle were meager, but Gen. Douglas MacArthur's communique announcing the victory said that "following an Allied Troo Path opts to, C0 *1 ' I U~assiii d B LO CK. B U S T E R--Through, open bomb bay doors of a Lancaster soiewhere in"Englandground 'crew members load a 4.000-pound block buster for delivery to Der Fuehrer's capital city--Berlin. , a, ,'. LONDON, Dee. 30.-( )-The Royal Navy, which brought its most: suc- cessful war year to 'a climax with the sinking of the - German battleship Scharnhorst and three Nazi destroy- ers, is being employed;In increasing- force in the ,Pacific, the Admiralty said tonight in a revewof 1943 op- erations. Among significant :1943 develop- ments the review listed: Unchallenged domination of the Mediterranean was regained with surrender of the Italian battle fleet. The mid-Atlantic air-cover gap in the convoy routes was bridged by the use of small aircraft-caried escorts' and the acquisition of bases in the Azores. New methods. were devised for es- cort ships, making U-boat packs "the attacked rather than the attackers." Penetration of Alten Fjord in Nor=- way by British midget submarines Which severely damaged the German battleship Tirpitz. More than 100 enemy ships, ex- clusive of the Scharnhorst and three destroyers sunk this week, were sunk or damaged during the year, :the re-- view stated. Groundwork Laid. By Education Study After hearing Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven point out the need for im- mediate action in the educational field, the State Public Education Study Commission yesterday pledged to "take the initiative" in laying groundwork for post-war adult ed- ucation in Michigan. The Study Commission, which end- ed its three-day session here yester- day, agreed to become a counseling agency for educational planning. Dr. Ruthven, who recently return- ed from England where he made a survey of educational facilities, as- serted that some concerted action in education should be taken to prepare for returning veterans and civilians. The 24-member commission recom- mended that Governor Kelly seek a school aid appropriation of $50,000. for the next fiscal year. The group We Cl -i. Mu . . t, m present commander of the Fifth Army in Italy, and Lt.-Gen. Omar N. Bradley, commander of the Second Army Corps, with Clark considered the more likely.. Armies Ready for Rush It was considered probable that the American and British military lead- ers might be joined in some of .their conferences by Russian representa- tives. Training of the invasion forces has been under way for some time and staff organizations are believed prac- tically complete. Both infantry and armored forces have been at work on secret maneuvers and naval and air forces .earmarked for the invasion are in the last stages of preparations. Britain, as a matter of fact, is be- coming one gigantic operations base. Vandenberg Ce iiden Of Swift Reconversion, LANSING, Dec. 30.-(AP)-U.S. Sen- ator Arthur H. Vandenberg (Rep.- Mich.) expressed confidence today that Congress will be able to give American industry "reasonable re- assurance" within 90 days that de- mobilization of industry from a war- time basis and reconversion to full peacetime production "will be pos- sible on a practical, swift and effec- tive basis." The success of federal studies on reconversion, Vandenberg declared, "will determine the economic destiny of the United States for the next 50 years." Union, officials. Charge Delay in Railway Ditspute WASHINGTON, Dec. 30.--(P)- Chiefs of the three railroad unions who cancelled. strike authorizations. only ater government seizure of the nation's railroad system accused the Administration tonight of delay and mishandling of the wage dispute. The joint statement was issued by top,officers of the firemen, conduct- ors and switchmen shortly after the War. Department declared that it could not return the railroads to pri- vate management as it desired be- cause at least two of the unions had merely postponed their strike can- cellation orders for the period of gov- ernment control rather than cancel them. Unions Also Scored They also charged that two other operating brotherhoods, who capi- tulated first, had struck them "a stab in the back." The statement disclaimed any re- sponsibility for the taking over of the carriers, and asserted that "for five days we and other responsible repre- sentatives of our unions were waiting for some representative of the Ad- ministration to make. some: move in the direction of an adjustment." The War Department identified the unions as the Brotherhood of Loco- motive Firemen and Enginemen, headed by David B. Robertson, and the Order of Railway Conductors, headed by Harry W. Fraser. Strike Orders Recalled With the Switchmen's Union, the two brotherhoods only last night re- called the strike orders for today. The 17 other unions called off their sche- duled strike earlier and the War De- partment stated it had not ascer- tained whether the switchmen head- ed by Thomas C. Cashen, had can- celled or postponed their strike or- ders. LONDON, Friday,. Dec. 31,-(/P)-- A record force of approximately 1,5001American planes blasted targets in southwest Germany yesterday as its part in possibly the mnost sus- tamned air assault of the war which saw at least.3,000 British and Ameri-, can war planes over Germany and occupied territory, in the past 24 hours. The American daylight attack yes terday, which also set a record 'for the deepest penetration y. ecorting- fighter planes, some of 'which flew, the entire "1,100 mile round-trip; came a few hours after RAP night raiders dealt Berlin a shattering new 2,240-ton blow. A joint U.S. Eighth Air Force-Air. Ministry communique issued early today said that 23 German fighters were destroyed while the American force lost 22 bombers and 12 fighters for a total of 34 planes, in fights raging across France into Germany. Blasting their targets through clouds the American Fortress and Liberator airmen employed . once more a remarkable new navigation Local Army Meng Place in Contest Lt. Samuel Riesman, commanding officer of Co. G, Sgt. R. B. Mathews, Army Headquarters, and Pvt. Steven' B. Smart Jr. of Co. E have received personal letters from Maj. Gen. Hen- ry S. Aurand of the Sixth Service Command. These letters said that the sugges- tions which these men sent in to Chi-. cago in the Think To Win contest were outstanding and meritorious. The suggestions made by the three men were forwarded to Washington, D.C. for approval and consideration. BOMB THROUGH CLOUDS: Southwest Germany Blasted by Record Force of 3,000 Planes instrument which permits t e bom- bardiers =to hit targets they an'tsee. A dispatch from ' its Stpckhoqm correspondent to the Lond4rn Daily Express said'that WedniesdaTnight's blow through the clouds - at Berlin was a triumph for the'-RAF's "tele- vision" bombsight enabling allied air forces to do accurate. bombing: through clouds and in darkness. In tlb official Army announce- ment the 'armada of Fortre ses and Liberaters ith their 'hunreds'-of supporting fighters was described as a "task-force," apparently td under- line. the magnitude of the oper.ation. Specific targets hit -were n4 Imme- diately announced. RAF .reviews Allied :Air War LONDON, Dec. 30.- (R)-The Allies have achieved air superiority in every theater of the war and sent planes on the offensive all around the world, the RAF announced today. In a review of the aerial war of 1943 Britain's air arm said 'the year's fighting produced these victories and accomplishments in various fields of operation: (1) Nine of Germany's 2f major in- dustrial cities with populations ;of more than 250,000 each have' been "so seriously devastated that in all pro- bability they have been forced for some time to consume more than they produce." (2) Many more U-boats lave been destroyed by the Coastal Command in 1943 than in the three previous years together. The whole of the'North At- lantic is now covered by shore-based aircraft, the report said. (3) Magnificently complete air support was given Allied ground forc- es in Africa and Southern italy. Victorious Canadian Forces Pass Ortona; San Vittore Blasted ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, AL- GIERS, Dec. 30.-UP)-American troops fought through the streets of the demolished village of San Vittore today, blasting out a path to the stra- tegic city of Cassino on the main in- land highway .to Rome, while victor- ious Canadian forces pressed on be- yond Ortona on the Adriatic coast to within nine miles of Pescara. San Vittore, on the southern base of Mt. Sammucro six miles'from Cas- sino,.was reduced to rubble by a ter- rific ,Ameican artilery bombardment yesterday before Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark's' infantry left' itS foxholes and charged into the village. 'An Amei- can patrol previously had penetrated into its; streets, only to be driven out by fiercely resisting Nazis. The Nazis also are strongly .en- trenched in caves and dugouts on s1hes n ,rth of '1ah Vitto'e; as welt as on a ridge east of the town, and it is a slow, costly process to dig them out. This is believed to be the ene- my's, last powerful outpost before Cassino, which is 70 miles from Rome on the Via Casilina. Canadian troops in the two days since; Ortona's. fall .had swept across a wide area west of the town and were reported approachin'the valley of ,the little _Tesore : River. Infantry was pushing along the coastal road to Pescara, while tanks cut across coun- try, .The:.Nazis rearguard made one brisk stand a mile outside Ortona, and enemy long range artillery shell- ed the Canadians throughout the cold day. Rationed Goods To Be Released By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Dec. 30.-Civilian consumers got a peek at the official 1944 rationing calendar today and prospects looked good for a greater abundance of some foods and home appliances. While the new year predictions from various government agencies indicated even greater scarcity of some goods, they assured the first important resumption of civilian manufacturing since the war started. The War Production Board au- thorized manufacture of 2,000,000 electric irons and 50,000 bathtubs in 1944-the first since early 1942 when production was stopped to preserve short supplies of strategic metals. The Office of Price Administration removed canned green and wax beans and a number of frozen fruits and vegetables from rationing in Janu- ary. Point values were lowered on canned tomatoes and peas. Co. B-2 Engieer, To Leave for OCS. A corps of six engineers of Co. B-2 will leave today for OCS at Fort Bel- voir, Va. They are Pfcs. Robert L. Herbst, James McKeown, Robert Minshull, Robert Reisdorf, Paul H. Van Wert and Richard G. Widman. Five men will leave on January 4 forw ifa~tjv,',- ~, hwr1 ~'~at lr Thnnino'_ Halsey Says Yanks Are Ready in South Pacific intense air preparation our ground forces took the positions by assault." A headquarters spokesman said an air assault on two successive days had softened up the line of Japanese pill- boxes for the Marines, who used flame throwers to clear out strong positions which survived aerial bomb- ing. Hundreds of Japs Killed "Many hundreds of Japanese dead are in the area," the spokesman said, adding that American losses were "slight." Supported by artillery and air bombardment, the American forces expanded their general landing areas Tuesday, unhampered for the first time by enemy air action. Our bomber and attack planes had again attacked the enemy's bases at Rabaul, Gasmata and Cape Hoskins; all on New Britain, effectively pinning down his airforce. Only two enemy reconnaissance planes were reported'-over' the' 1tru cester area Tuesday. Japs May Withdraw Again there were 'significant indi- cations of a Japanese withdrawal from Bougainville Island, their last major stronghold in the Northei'n NEW YORK, Dec. 30.-(iP)-Ad- miral William F. Halsey,; American Commander in the South Pacific, says in a New Year's message to the home front that "never have we'hieln ready to strike killing blows in so many places, simultaneously. "We propose to strike these blows again and again." y y '.. t 1' F 4 t Y i 1 I f 1 c r Solomons. Fred Hampson, Associ- ated Press War °Corresporidont, e ported that Marine Corps pilots re'- turned to their Solomons bases with stories of spotting "and attacking' en- enly, .barge trafic off.. the northern coast of Bougainville. Kieta Shelled Adding emphasis ,to these reports was a daring operation by American warships which on Monday shelled the important enemy air and ship- ping base of Kieta, half way up the coast on- the eastern -side-of -Bet- gainville. It was the first time those combat vessels had penetrated that area. The action evidently was in- tended to speed any enemy retreat and break up forces that may have been ;Iconcentrated there from the southern area. FBI To Hold Parley Here r KING'S WARNING TO JAPS: All-Out Offensive in Pacific Planned for 1944, The FBI will hold a conference which will deal with coordinating po- lice and war activities at 7 p.m., Jan. 12, in the Rackham Auditorium. John S. Bugas, formerly head of the Detroit FBI office will serve as chairman for the open session. Mov- ing pictures concerning police acti- vities in wartime will open the con- ference. These will be followed by registration and meeting announce- ments. L. C. Knox, Chief of the Wayne, Mich., Police 'Department and state commander:of the American Legion, will discuss "American Legion Law Enforcement Agencies." Jerry MC- Safety, "of the Detroit Police Depart- ment, will talk on "Practical Educa- tion in Traffic Safety." "Selective Service will be taken up by H. B. Hove, a special agent for the FBI. This will be followed by an open for- um discussion led by Mr. Bugas. The public and state law enforce- ment officers are invited. WASHINGTON, Dec. 30.-({')- A tremendous offensive against Ja- pan is planned in 1944, it was made clear today' by Admiral Ernest J. King who said the United Nations will begin shifting their power from the Atlantic to the Pacific theater even before the final defeat of Ger- many. many next year may be expected and, meantime, "unremitting pres- sure on Japan will be continued and increased." 2. Strategy for the defeat of Ja- pan and the "main lines of attack" have been determined. The means for carrying out this strategy will be available with transfer of power threatened, launch offensive opera- tions in 1944. "I don't quite see how they are going on the offensive where they are in contact in the Pacific," he said. "What they may do in China, Manchuria, or even Burma is some- thing else." The Navy, King said, would like nothing better than to get the Ja- "The Germans don't tell us very much," King said. "We know they have the carrier Graf Zeppelin but 'they don't tell us much what kind of shape it's in. There's the remot- est possibility that it might get out but it is so remote I hope th.t it will not be given serious considera- tion. "To the best of our knowledge