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December 30, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-30

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'tTht_ fC1:bAY, Dt. ;if), t1943

.... ......... . .. ........ . .. . . ... . . . .... . .....

Fifty-Fourth Year

RaUther Be Right

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all othler matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

Editorial Staff

Marion Ford
Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Marjorie Borradaile
Eric Zalenski
Bud Low .
Harvey Frank .
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz
Molly Ann Winokur
Elizabeth Carpenter
Martha Opsion

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Ass't Women's Editor
Business Staff
Business Manager
. . , Ass't Bus. Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials pub/lished in The Michigan Daily
are written by inembers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
War Effort Slowed by
Indifference of Women.
TJHE NATION-WIDE WAC recruiting program.
-which will be opened Jan. 10 here in Ann
Arbor, should make every University woman
pause and think seriously about what women of
the country are doing to help bring victory
The recruiting program is not intended pri-
marily to reach college students because mot
of them are too young to volunteer yet. Rather
it should make every woman in the country
within the eligible age group conscious that she
'has just as important a role to play in this war
as our fighting men.
Volunteers for the WAC are needed des-
perately. Requests have been pouring in from
overseas for more than 600,000 WACs. With
the opening of the all-out continent invasion,
scheduled within the next few months, the
need will become even more urgent.
So far women have shown a shameful lack of
interest. During the last eight months hardly
6000O have volunteered.
THERE IS NO NEED to stress the advantages
of enlisting in the WAC. Servicewomen re-
ceive better food and clothing than most civil-
ians, more than adequate pay. chances for higher
education and post-war benefits such as money
bonuses, preference in private and government
employment and bonuses of 10 points on all
Civil Service examinations.
It is high time that women wake up to the
fact that they are shirking their responsibil-
ities. We are all in this together, the women
as well as the men. There is hard fighting
ahead and all of us have an important part to
do. -Jennie Fitch
Japanese Peopole Are
Not Inherently Wicked
N A HITHERTO inconspicuous "comic" called
"Little Joe," a subtle exposition of a danger-
ous post-war philosophy was presented for the
consumption of young American readers in Sun-
day's strip.
Little Joe's mother sent Christmas presents to
Jap internees working on a western ranch with
the thought that "everybody understands kind-
ness." In return she received a package from
Them that exploded when opened.
Said Little Joe's mother: "Oh-h-h those
awful inhuman beasts! They tried to kill us!"
Said Utah, the character who carried the
presents: "Yep-I still claim Japs jest don't
understand kindness..
When the war ends we shall have to face the
problem of dealing with Japan. We probably
could place the Jap people under our military
thumb and keep them in a state of slavery for
'many years after the war. This would seem to
be the artist's (he signs his name Leffingwelh
conception of the ideal solution.
VITYTT Im TPF m'rTT~T V ffonlosed to the mral

NEW YORK, Dec. 30-When General Marshall
said that the Japanese are already beaten,
though we still have much fighting to do. many
of our journalists Jumped him. Bad for morale,
they said. Makes over-confidence. A new jour-
nalistic game is going on, in which a number
of commentators sit about, their eyes as bright as
buttons, waiting for some general or statesman to
make an optimistic remark. Then they let him
have it with the old inflated bladder.
Well, it is an easy way to make a living, but
it is also a rather crude approach to the complex
question of morale in war-time.
To begin with, morale is confidence. You can't
get away from it. Morale is confidence that we
can solve our problems. Gloom is not morale:
doubt is not morale: worry is not morale. If these
things were morale, the French should have been
busting with morale in June, 1940, for they were
filled with gloom and doubt and worry. The
French did not think they were going to win,
and they were .Quite right. They didnt win.
Contraiwise, the Nazi troops had been in-
formed, on the personal word of their leader,
that they were of a higher species of human-
ity than the French and were, indeed, super-
men. Whereupon, by the crude standards cur-
rently being set up, they should have lost the
war against the French. Somehow, they won.
1 cite these facts to show that the question is
.a bit more complicated than would be indicat-
ed by our current burlesque debate over wheth-
er we ought to wear a property smile or a
property frown.
Our own worried approach to morale is thin,
childish and insipid. One of our high (but an-
onymous) officials became so disturbed. about
our supposed over-confidence last week that he
even predicted we were soon going to have 400,000
new casualties. This frantic effort to get us
to wipe the smile off our faces was, I think, pan-
icky and disgraceful. It was an expression of
fear of ourselves, just as hysterical as any sud-
den expression of fear of the enemy.
We need a much richer approach to these
matters than this inept little campaign of glum
prognosis and simulated woe. If our weapons
are good, and plentiful, the people who built
them have a right to know it: a parade of those
weapons would produce more of same than the
pretense that we do not have them.
A thirty-minute radio speech, telling the evil
story of fascism and denouncing same, would
have better effect than thirty minutes of syn-
thetic tears over alleged American complacency.
If we want the people to fight fascism, why don't
we tell them the truth about fascism. instead of
lies about themselves? Why not explain the
importance of the coming second front opera-
tion, instead of inculcating the heebie-jeebies
about it?
An organized campaign to do just this in
army camp and factory would be the confident
approach to the morale problem. The Army
Dewvey's SayNothing'
olicy. Reaps Dividends
0OV. THOMAS E. DEWEY of New York. ac-
cording to a poll reported in Tuesday's New
York Sun ranks first in his views on foreign
policy among the GOP contenders for the Presi-
dential nomination.
If the victor of the survey had been Shirley
Temple, the results could have been no more
surprising for with the exception of one brief
and almost meaningless remark at the time of
the Mackinaw Island conference, Mr. Dewey
has said absolutely nothing about foreign pol-
Wendell Willkie, the party's outstanding sup-
porter of a program of international coopera-
tion. ranked a poor third.
It would thus appear that the "say nothing
wise old owl" attitude which Dewey has been
so carefully pursuing since 1940 is reaping
dividends in the middle-western agricultural
areas of the nation.
The results of this poll'reflect either a lack of
interest on the part of our fellow countrymen

in the vital issue of the moment or a failure to
understand even after being involved in a world
war for the second time that our nation cannot
live peacefully by following a policy of "splendid
-Monroe Fink

has been doing something like this through its
wonderful special services films; you don't find
sound Army officers encouraging their men to
fight by telling them that they stink. They
know morale to be a comlex of work and pride
and truth.
The worst aspect of our current informal
morale program is that those in charge of it look
so scared. They had better be called off before
they damage the national morale.
(Copyright, 1943. N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Railvay Wage Dispute
Must Be Settled Now
r1 HE PRESIDENT'S action Monday taking over
the nation's railroads carries with it a double
Primarily, it averted the most damaging
blow our war effort could have suffered. As
Secretary of War Stimson pointed out Tues-
day, "his action prevented here what our
bombers are doing to German transportation,
a complete crippling of our rail life-line."
It is difficult to conceive of some two million
Americans, the railroad workers, actually para-
lyzing the efforts of the rest of the nation.
In the second place, whatever free enterprise
protgonists miight holler, the executive order
providing that the railroads be kept intact and
operated by private industry, nullifies their
In this instance President Roosevelt was coun-
seled wisely by history. The memory of the
railroad entanglement that came out of govern-
ment ownership in 1917-20 provides a basis for
present action, but decidedly in the opposi-te
JARLY in the first World War, President Wil-
son issued an executive order putting the
government in charge of the railroads bag and
Wilson made the error of placing political
men who knew nothing of railroad manage-
nment in charge of the nation's rail systems.
The culmination came in 1919 'when William
G. McAdoo, then Secretary of the Treasury, was
made director general of American railroads. He
went so far as having his name printed on every
ticket in the scountry and attempted to dictate
the lunch hours of rail executives. As a railroad
man he made a better finance expert. '
But by the action of Secretary Stimson and
the President this comedy of errors will not be
repeated. This can be considered as great as
any military achievement.
This step is, however, only the beginning of
untangling one of the most serious tieups in
American industry. Notwithstanding the fact
that the government is technically operating the
roads, the workers' grievances with respect to
wages cannot be ignored.
If an adjustment is not made now, it will
cause an even more serious situation in the near
It is imperative that some action be taken
on this wage dispute immediately.
-Stan Wallace
Company Must A void
Further Buiis Accidents
ETROIT has had more than its share of bus
accdents. Yet, despite the caution taken aft-
er the bus-train accident in 1942, another black
mark was made against the city's transportation
system when a Greyhound suburban bus, crowd-
ed with office workers and businessmen, crashed
into a streetcir Monday monring.
Blame for this accident cannot be placed upon
faulty railroad crossings and late signals as in
the previous mishap. There is no excuse except
thetdriver's negligence which could have prompt-
ed the collision.
Whatever the minor reasons, whether steam-
ed windows or dark hours, it was the driver's
responsibility to see that he had clear vision and
the ability to safely stop the vehicle. The in-

juries of 45 people. five seriously, and the death
of the Royal Oak man cannot be shoved off .so
lightly. Pressure must be brought against both
the particular driver and the company if Detroit
is not to face another bus accident in 1944.
-Adele Rhodes

WASHINGTON. Dec. 30 -- Distin-
guished 71-year-old Senator Dave
Walsh of Massachusetts has appoint-
ed himself a committee of one to
protect the purity of American wo-
manhood. The Navy Department
wants to send WAVES overseas, but
Walsh, as chairman of the Senate
Naval Affairs Committee, says, "Am-
erican women must not be subjected
to the evil influences of service
The Navy wants WAVES over-
seas because of the manpower
problem. As things stand now, the
Navy is obliged to Use men for cer-
ical work at many overseas bases
nowhere near war zones.
The Navy has large establishments
in Puerto Rico. Trinidad, Newfound-
land, the Canal Zone. These are no
more dangerous militarily than New
York or San Francisco. WACS are al-
lowed to serve there, and the Navy
is allowed to send civilian women
there, but WAVES are barred be-
cause Dave Walsh is out to protect
American womanhood.
Everybody high up in the Navy,
has pleaded with Congress for auth-
ority to let the WAVES go overseas.
including Secretary Knox, Admiral
Randall Jacobs, chief of Naval Per-
sonnel, and Captain Mildred H. Mc-
Afee, director of the WAVES.
Admiral Jacobs told House Naval
Affairs that Aftmiral Harold Stark,
European Commander - in - Chief,
had sent word: "Send me WAVES,
I could use fifty in my London of -
fides and replace 50 men for fight-
The House committee was impress-
ed and was willing to give te
WAVES a break, but Walsh blocked
action onathe Senate side. The mat-
ter never came out'for debate on the
Senate floor. Walsh sat on it in:
Meantime. the Wa'r Department
has sent 1,000 WACS to the North
African theatre alone,
More Strikes Ahead
There are a lot more strikes in the
country than the public is aware of.
The Government has abandoned the
policy of regular announcements of
the number of strikes and the num-j
ber of many hours lost. Thus the
strikes do not get into the news-
But here are some figures which
reveal that the no-strike pledge of


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- x

"Willis, stop piling your stuff in that linen closet- I expect
tIh- stuff we sent to the laundry will eventually come hack!"

labor organizations is not very ef-
In November alone, there were
120 strikes. The December figure
will be only slightly lower.. In the
week before Christmas. 91,000 man
days were lost in plants engaged
in war production. Two days be-
fore Christmas, 21,000 people were
out on strike, and a number of
critical items were behind sched-
Some of the strikes have no rela-
tion to wages. Take for example the
rtrike which Washlinlgton officials re-
to as "The Baltimore backhouse
strike. The Western Electric plants
at Baltimore are producing such
highly important items as marine
cables and radar wire. But white
workers went on strike because white
and colored workers did not have
separate toilet facilities.
The War Department was obliged
to step in last week and take over
the plants--solely because of toilet
trouble. Workers began coming back
slowly, but four days after the plants
were taken over, over half the work-
ers were still out.
Unfortunately, there is every
probability that strikes will in-
crease, rather than decrease in the
future. Next in line demanding
wage increases will be aircraft, steel
and shipyard workers. John L.

Lewis's victory broke the line. has
stimulated demands for increases
in many industries.
After the President yielded to Lew -
is, George Harrison. railroad brother-
hoods chief, visited the White Hose
and said, "For G aw d's sake, you gt t o r e e n c , w y n t o yive
it to your enemies. why not to your
Red Tape HB S eMe iIPf
Meat producers in Mexico would
like to send a million pounds of fresh
beef a week to the U.S.A., but the
U.S.A. declines to receive it.
There is no question of foot-and-
mouth disease, as in Argentina. It
is merely a technical quetion of
whether or not U.S. Federal meat in-
spectors should cross t.he border.
Washington says "no." The law
gives our inspectors no authority to
operate outside the United States.
Washington says Mexico will have
to set up its own Federal meat in-
spection system before the beef can
be shipped across. It is a game- of
tiek-tack-toe, with the housewife
But not a pound can come across.
Actually, an old plant at the same
site years ago had U.S. Federal in-
spection. under a special agreement.
cannot be revived.
,Copyright. 1943, United Features Synd.)

By Lichty



THURSDAY, DEC. 30, 1943
VOL. LIV No. 42
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 5. from
4 to 6 o'clock.j
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: The Adminis-
trative Board has agreed to penalize
students who are absent from classes
before or after Christmas vacation,
unless they have been recommended
for make-up privileges by Assistant{
Dean E.A. Walter. Students who were#
absent on Monday, Dec. 20, will be.
penalized by a subtraction of six,
honor points from their academicl
records. Three honor points per day
will be subtracted for absence on
Tuesday, Dec. 21, Wednesday, Dec.
29, and Thursday, Dec. 30. In more
extreme cases of absence, students
,v Crockett Johnso n

will be suspended from the College
for the balance of the Fall Term.
The Administrative Board
The Members of the Faculty of the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts will meet in Rm. 1025,
Angell Hall on Monday, Jan. 3, at
4:10 p.m.
Reports of various committees have
been prepared in advance and are
included with this call to the meet-I
ing. They should be retained in your
files as part of the minutes of the
January meeting. Edward H. Kraus
1. Consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of Dec. 6, 1943, pp. 1006-
2. Consideration of the reports sub-
mitted with the call to this meeting.
a: Executive Committee-Professor
Louis I. Bredvold; b. Executive Board
of the Graduate School-Professor
Chester Schoepfle; c. University
Council-no report; d. Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University Af-
fairs -Professor Clarence D. Thorpe;
e. Deans' Conference-Dean E. H.
3. Adjustment of College Regtula-
tions for Students in the Armed For-
4. New Business.
5. Announcements.

Freshmen, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Freshmen
may not drop courses without "E"
grade after Saturday, Jan. 1, 1944.
Only students with less than 24
hours credit are affected by this reg-
ulation. They must be recommended
by their Academic Counsellor for
this extraordinary privilege.
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean
Concerts: The University Musical
Society announces the following con-
certs after the Christmas vacation
Choral Union Series: Tedy
Jan. 18, 8:30 p.m.-Atu Rubinste.
Pianist; Sunday, Jan. 30, 2:30 p.m.
Marjorie Lawrence, Soprano: Thurs-
day, Feb. 10, 8:30 p.m.-Mischa El-
man, Violinist; Thursday. March 6,
8:30 p.m.-Ezio Piza, Bass. A lim-
ited number of tickets are available,
tax included: $2.75. $2.20, $1.65,
Fourth Annual Chamber Music
Festival: The Roth Quartiet : Feri
Roth. violin;Michael uitter. vio-
lin; Julius Shaier, viola, and Oliver
Edel, violincello, will participate in
three concerts, Friday, Jan. 21, at
8:30 p.m. and Saturday, Jan. 22, at
2:30 and 8:30 p.m. Series tickets. ta:.
i~tiirnr7 tq r, 4'7,ft r r sf1 f ar -


Fs that what was in that _
package from Aunt Emma,
Barnaby? Boxing gloves?
I ~ Aunt Emma 1
sent them?
' Cp,,,hi 1943 Fied Pbfoin

..ii j R ll L x v v s ar v ar w w av v .s v v

inciuded,$7, $2.2 ads$.z , 0 : !n-
Fgle concerts, $110 and 55c-on sale
School of Education Faculty: An i at offices of the University Musical
informal conference of the staff will Society in Bumrton Memorial Tower.
be held tonight at 8:00 in the East Charles A. Sink, President


Mr. O'Malley' Aunt Emma gave
me the boxing gloves. It wasn't
Santa Claus.. So you'll have to
keep on investigating him, huh?
rAunt Emma?



Public interest in Santa Claus is
at low ebb after Christmas, m'boy.
My startling revelations won't get
the headlines they deserve. . . So
my committee ought perhaps turn
its attentiontoward something else.
Say! How about the Easter Bunny?
when is

Same day as usual. First Sunday
alter the first full moon after
the Vernal Equinox... . But that's
some time away, isn't it m'boy?
While we're waiting, let sr
slip on the boxing gloves
and go a few fast rounds.

Conference Room of the Rackhamn
To Students of the College of' Lit-
erature, Science and the Arts: Stu-
dents of this college who were ad-
vised by the University Health Ser-
vice to remain away from classes;
Dec. 20. 21. 29. 30, should apply at
1220 Angell Hall for excuses which
they may present to their instructors.
E. H. Walter
Choral Union Members: Members
of the Chorus are requested to return

Events Today
Varsity Glee Club rehearsal to-
night at 7:30.

The American Society of Mechani-
cal Engineers will meet tonight at
7:30 in the Union. A movie entitled
"Grand Coulee Dan," which deals
with materials handling methods and
equipment used in the construction
of this dam, will be shown. Professor
Ransom S. Hawley will comment on
the film. A copy of the 'Ensian pi-
fairej will hP in ~~ 1~andorde~rs




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