PAGE FOXYRl TUEMICH-IGAN fDAILY FRIDAY. la-lWS'- AN V l tpA Iis H4cJi'fl lajf Fifty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by stuzdenits of the University .of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon-, day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-4 4 Editor Marion Ford Jane Farrant . . Claire Sherman Marjoric Borradaile Eric Zalcnski Bud Low . Harvey Frank . Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Rosmarin Hilda Slautterback Doris Kuentz Busine Molly Ann Winokur Elizabeth Carpenter Martha Opsion .,,. Telephon al Staff . . Managing Editor .Editorial Director * . . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor . Associate Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor Ass't Women's Editor . . . . Columnist Columnist ss Staff As As ne 23-24-1 Business Managpr s't Bus. Manager s't Bus. Manager NIGHT EDITOR: STAN WALLACE Edi/orials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. COOPERATION? USO Hostesses Fail To 'l Give Aid During Week OF THE 750 ODD COEDS who registered en- thusiastically for USO work in order to "do their share to entertain the boys," only 11 have made it their business to entertain the service- men during the week. The apathy that has been shown by the University women is in marked contrast to the active participation of the mem- bers of the much smaller Ann Arbor group. Every Junior Hostess must realize that USO work is not just a social diversion, something to be taken seriously only when there is a lack of dates or when she feels the need of a new man. It is a job that continues throughout the week. Servicemen drop into the USO at anytime be- tween 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. looking for someone to talk to, for someone to play bridge with or for a dancing partner. No wonder they are disappointed when, there is no one there to greet them except the director, and a single host- ess. It was understood when the new center was opened that the Ann Arbor Girls Club and the University USO would cooperate and share the responsibility. However, the coeds are letting the Ann Arbor girls carry the heavy part of the load. Instead of making it a 50-50 proposition, University women have shirked their job. Although vacation will begin, shortly, -there are still a few days remaining in which the coeds may show that they are worthy of carrying a USO pass. It is up to us to seethat our fellow Utu- dents--the servicemen," will not leave this cam- pus s&- ing that the coeds are disinterested and unfriendly. The New Year will bring us the op- portunity for a fresh start. It is up to us to make the most of this chance. -Mary Anne Olson Dona Guimaraes HOL D THE INE:- Railroad Strike Result . Of Lack of Su'bsidis WITH THE OLD BATTLE SLOGAN: "we de- mand increased wages to -meet -the -increased. costs of living," the Operating Railway Brother- hoods have set Dec. 30 as the day on which they will go on strike if their demands are not met. This cry has an unfortunate habit of run- ning in ycles, for if granted it never faila to meet with the reply, "we demand an increase in prices to meet the increased costs of, pro- duction," and if this is granted once again the cry goes up: "we demand increased wages to meet the increased costs of -living." :All these demands and counter-demands, if al- lowed to continue at their present rate, can add up to only one thing:. inflatin. The Presidents of the Railway Brotherhoods brought the issue out, in the open when they declared Wednesday that .their ,strike would. be "a strike against inflation for the privileged few and deflation for the many." In other words, let's have inflation for everybody. While the railway workers of the nation are shouting for an increase in wages, the Michigan DISCONTFENT: McCormick Criticizes Administration Again COL. ROBERT McCORMICK, publisher of the Chicago Tribune, has again struck off on the administration in another attempt to create a feeling of discontent within the country.- McCormick said we came close to being in- vaded by the British after the first World War. He criticized American entanglements with foreign powers and said that the treaty limiting .our Navy was adopted because Great Britain's insistence forced it. In an article in yesterday's Free Press, Mc- Cormick was quoted as saying, "At that time (the time of the dissent between Great Britain and this country over our naval building plans) the tension was so great that our general staff feared an army of 300,000 regulars then in Eng- land, would be landed in Canada and marched against this country, which had completely de- mobilized." McCormick blamed the American Govern- - ment for starting the Japanese wave of expan- sion, "unknown to its citizens," by informing France and Germany that if they helped Rus- sia fight Japan, the United States would join a Japanese-British "alliance." Probably McCormick will soon be claiming that the administration persuaded Japan to bomb Pearl Harbor so the administration would have a good excuse for getting the United States into the war. -Doris Peterson Id R a t hehr Be Right_ By SAMUEL GRAPFTON NEW YORK. Dec. 17.-The greatest single piece of wartime inflation is the elevation of Mr. Alf M. Landon to the role of roving adviser to the American community. Mr. Landon, who drew eight electoral votes seven years ago, now makes regular sleeper jumps from Topeka to Washing- ton to stir the Republicans to suspicion regard- ing the Moscow Declarations, and to admonish Secretary Hull. He breaks one trip in Milwaukee to deliver a hollering kind of speech, in which he raises the totally false issue of defense of the Republicans' right to criticize. WHO'S ENIGMATIC NOW? Mr. Landon stops in Manhattan, too, where, after having attacked the Moscow Declarations as mysterious, he then beats tin pans and blows horns for Governor Thomas E. Dewey as the next Republican candidate for President. It makes a strange picture, because Mr. Dewey is, on the whole, considerably more mysterious than the Moscow Declarations. He is almost the only leading figure in American life who has said nothing whatever about Moscow, qr Cairo, or Teheran. But Mr. Landon finds the Moscow Declarations an enigma, and Mr. Dewey clear. THE ADVOCATES OF CLARITY Mr. Herbert Hoover is also shuttling about fit- fully in the political sky. He, too, turned up in Manhattan the other day, with Mr. Landon and Mr.d Dewey. When a number of good, solid Re- publican newspapers attacked Mr. Landon for attacking the Moscow Declarations, Mr. Hoover issued a statement explaining what Mr. Landon really meant, and how he really approved of the Moscow Declarations, and how he really was not against them, but merely wanted more informa- tion and more light and clarity, etc. It is strange how these advocates of clarity find it necessary to explain each other., It was also strange to see Mr. Landon, the ad- vocate of clarity, sitting mum, like an exhibit, while Mr. Hoover, taking the role of barker, or cicerone, told the world what he thought Mr. Landon thought. While Mr. Landon was pounding his tub for Mr. Dewey, Mr. John O'Donnell, the anti-inter- nationalist writer for the anti-internationalist New York Daily News, suddenly began tothump his tu for both Mr. Landon and Mr. Dewey. Taken together, it made an enormous racket. As to what it means that a long-time pro- isolationist writer has enthusiastically squeez- ed Messrs. Landon and Dewey to his hard bosom, I do not know. I won't know until, perhaps, Mr. Hoover issues a statement explaining what he thinks Mr. O'Donnell thinks. A SCATTERING OF HINTS I would not want anyone to suppose.21 am hint- ing that Messrs. Landon, Dewey and Hoover are _. i - m WHAT D'YOU BET I will pull out my cigar- ette holder the first day I'm home? You do and I won't have a roommate for the rest of the semester. Wait'll Dad asks how much of my allowance I've saved. Wonder what they'll say when they meet Jane? They're liberal all right, but what'll they think about me joining the WAVES! And subtler thoughts, scarcely formulated homesick, and still afraid to walk in the door on all of them and the emotional confu- sion we left two months ago. They are the same, our families, but we've changed. Going home after the first time we've been away is a hard business. After that it's easier, a little. Some of us were brought up on the theory of the Queen (I can't remember whether Red or White) in Wonderland: "Speak roughly to your little boy, Andl beat him when he sneezes. He really thoroughly enjoys The pepper when he pleases." Chorus:"Waaah, Waaah" Others were "progressively educated" .to "ex- press ourselves" at an carly ae in finger paints. mud pies. "projects." The rest were either raised according to the book., or allowed to do as we pleased, within the somewhat elastic limits of our parents ccliective temper. In any case, we all grew up and left home ,nd arcnow on our way back to: "Wear your rubb rs. dear. it's. wet out. Why don't you go outs more. Bill? The Evans' girl would like a date I'm sure . . . you're too serious. Didn't stay home the first night he got here; out gallivant- ing already! I can't understand why you don't have time to write letters home when other children seem to." Some of us, conscious of our debt to our par- ents. are willing to write letters home everyday abut the state of our health, grades, morals, weather, lMost of us have our parents' money safely in checking accounts under our names. We want to be treated as adults who can make our own decisions,. forgetting that we aren't making our own way, only spending it. We wonder how our parents can be so old-fashioned and tyrannical about minor issues. AND THE REST of us pay our own way and have little or nothing to ado with our parents' and family domination. We have no respect for them, because, after all, we are better educated than they, and more ambitious. They've been stuck in the same rut ever since we can remem- ber. But eventually we may all learn that there's a difference between parents as parents and parents as people. As people, our parents are interested in world affairs and the state of the market. They have more obligations and de- sire , for security than we. They prefer less riotous amusement and may be on the thrifty side. They are quite normal, intelligent citi- zens. But our parents as parents are worriers and objectors. They feel responsible for our eating, sleeping, clothing, dates, social acceptance, gangs we go around with. They think about our grades and our future. They almost invariably and somewhat automatically object to possible spouses for us, and they oppose progressive ideas we seem to pick up at college, not because they necessarily disagree, but because they don't want us to jeopardize our careers. So we call them prejudiced and reactionary, when actually they are just people acting in their official capacity as parents. Personally, while we're home we hope to catch our parents in an unofficial moment, and tell them how much we respect them for the lives they lead as people. Merry Christmas! The Happy New Year comes later. even partially isolationist, or anti the Moscow Declarations. But I cannot get over the strange feeling that it is they who are issuing the hints and tipping the winks along this line. This is almost the first time I have seen poli- ticians circulating °insinuations, not about the other fellow, but about themselves, as part of a campaign tactic. They seem to be starting whispering campaigns on their own behalf, and almost to be spreading rumors as to the purity of their own intentions. There is a certain joy in the manner in which they have placed them- selves in an equivocal. light. (Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate) >E 1 a #UtIj by ay i.rr: - 6 J y (1 C4 /4 Y r,< r a GRIN AND BEAR IT I- "I changed my mind about going home to mother! Rather than fight for a seat on the train I'll stay and fight with you!" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN CD 4- /f+ ~; VV~rri r K I ,: 770 c <, a_< rn By Lichty DRAMA FRIDAY, DEC. 17, 1943 VOL. LIV. No. 39 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin. are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Christmas Recess: The official calendar of the University includes a Christmas recess beginning with the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 21; classes will be resumed Wednesday morning, Dec. 29. The reasons for the selection of these -dates were, as a war measure, to avoid travel either at the week-end, when traffic is heaviest, or immediately before or after holidays, and to conform as closely as possible with the recom- mendations of the Office of Defense Transportation and the railroad as- sociations. For these reasons Uni- versity students will be expected to observe strictly the limits of the re- cess period as fixed by the official calendar. The several faculties will be expected to discipline appropri- ately any ,individuals who absent themselves from classes either before or after the vacation period: without being excused by the appropriate authority. The above does not apply to mili- tary and naval personnel, who; will follow the orders issued by their re- spective services. Alexander G. Ruthven Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The Adminis- trative Board has agreed to penalize students who are absent from classes before or after Christmas vacation, unless they have been recommended for make-up privileges by Assistant Dean E. A. Walter. Students who are absent on Monday, Dec. 20, will be penalized by a subtraction of six honor points from their academic records. Three honor points per day will be subtracted for absence on Tuesday, Dec. 21, Wednesday, Dec. 29, and Thursday, Dec. 30. In more extreme cases of absence, students will be suspended from the College for the balance of the Fall Term. The Administrative Board To the Members of the University Senate: The first regular meeting of the University Senate will be held Monday, Dec. 20, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Women's residences will close at 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 28, but, if necessary, special arrangements may be made with house heads to arrive on 'later trains that same night. No house head is authorized to grant any permission involving the cutting of a class. Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women The University Automobile Regu- lation will be lifted at 12:00 noon on Tuesday, Dec. 21, and will be re- sumed at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday' Dec. 29. No modification of the driv- ing regulation will be granted either before or after the Christmas vaca- tion period, except in instances of unusual emergency which have been approved in advance by the Dean of Students' Office. To Students Having Library Books: 1. Students planning to leave Ann Arbor for the Christmas vacation who have in their possession books drawn from the University Library are notified that such books are due Monday, Dec. 20. 2. Failure to re- turn books before the vacation will render the student liable to an extra fine. 3. Students remaining in town may charge and renew books as us- ual. W. G. Rice, Director University of Michigan General Library: During the Christmas holi- days the General Library will be open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from Dec. 21 to Dec. 28, except that it will be closed from noon on Dec. 24 through Sunday, Dec. 26. The Collegiate and Departmental Libraries will be closed evenings be- ginning Dec. 21 and from noon Dec. 24 through Sunday, Dec. 26. I'or the rest of the holiday they will be open 10:00 a.m. to 12:00; 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., except the Engineering Library which will maintain its regular schedle-8:00 a.m. to 12:00; 1:00 to 5:00; 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Angell Hall Study Hall will be closed for the entire period. Students who have previously reg- istered in the Teaching or General Division of the Bureau of Appoint- ments and who have not added their new credits to their records, are asked to come in to bring their rec- ords up to date. Courses of the pres- ent semester are to be'included.also. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Academic Notices -Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet today at 4:00 p.m., in Am. 319 West Medical Building. - "The Role of Glutamine in the Animal Organ- ism" will be discussed. All interested are invited. The next seminar fol- lowing this will be held' on Friday, Dec. 31. Bacteriology Seminar will meet Saturday, Dec. 18, at 8:30 a.m. in Rm. 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: Cold Agglutinins. All inter- ested are invited. Freshmen, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Freshmen may not drop courses without "E" grade after Saturday, Jan. l1, 1944. Only students with less than 24 hours credit are affected by this reg- ulation. They must be recommended by their Academic Counsellor for this extraordinary privilege. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean Doctoral Examination for Julius Stuart Youngner, Bacteriology; the- sis: "The Effect of Two Type-Spe- cific Pneumococcus Polysaccharides DESPITE the script which was too unreal, cinema-like afnd without the usual depth for Play Production performances, three talented actress- es tried to "put over" Emmet Lavery's "Brief Music" last evening in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Marjorie Leete, Patricla Meikle and Blanche Holpar, as "DrIkzle," "Spiff," and "Rosey," attempted, with a great deal of finesse, to live their characters sincerely. Their Sperformances were good, but the play was not at the level of their abilities. The script was all against them. It was cute but unreal college life. The exaggeration of character types, the beautiful scenery, the atrocious selection of names, and the lack of sincerity could not convince any of the audience that this was "typical." "LOVEY," played by Barbara White, was a beautiful New Yorker. She was above it all and seemed like a New York actress trying to play a college girl. It was "Lovey" who, having lft school and married, pro- vided the moral of the play, if one were intended, when she prophesied to her graduating collegiates, "You're young so short a time that no one should cut it short." (brief music.) The southern gal, "Jinx," played by Mir ian Ruge, was tiring and aft example of perennial monotony. However, she rectified the dislike for her type by her almost tear- rendering confession in the final scene of her cut-throat attempts to "be one of the crowd." "Maggie" and "Minnie," played by May Chosed and Barbara Stuber were likewise acted to type. Lines were stiff in several scenes. One couldn't imagine a non-sophis- ticated college girl saying, "She's not come back!" The audience was con- stantly ahead of the plot, knowing what would happen the next minute and five minutes after. One could say it was entertaining in spots. mission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C, S. Yoakum Doctoral Examination for Albert Harold Wheeler, Public Health; the- sis, "A Study of Certain Faqtors In Attempts to Alter Resistance of Ani- mals to Virus Infections of the Res- piratory Tract," today, 1564 East Medical, 11:00 a.m, Chairman, W. J. Nungester. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this ex- amination, and he may grant per- mission to those who for sufficeient reason might wish to be present. C S. Yoakun Concerts Messiah Concert: The University Musical Society will present Handei's "Messiah," Sunday afternoon, Dec. 19, at 3 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. The following will participate : Agnes Davis, soprano- illian $nowles, contralto; William Miller, tenor; Wellington Ezekiel, bass; Palmer Christian, organist; the University Choral Union, and a special "Mes- siah" Orchestra, Hardin Van Deur- sen, conductor. A limited number of tickets, tax included, will continue on .sale at 60c, 50c, and 30c, at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower until noon Satur- day;. and preceding the concert be- ginning at 2 o'clock, Sunday, at the Hill Auditorium box office. Charles A. Sink, President Exhibitions Exhibition, -College of Architecture and Design: An exhibition of paint- ings by Eugene Dana, and color prints by Louis Schanker, is presented by the College of Architecture and De- sign in the ground floor corridor of the Architectural Building through Dec. 28. Open daily, except Sunday, 8:00 to 5:00. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Surgical Dressing Unit will be open at the League today, 1:00-5:00 p.M. The Lutheran -Student Association will have its annual Caroling Party tonight. Lutheran students .and ser- vicemen are cordially inited. The group will meet in the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington St., at 8:00 p.m. After the sing, Rev. and Mrs. Yoder will entertain the group at their home. Wesley Foundation: Bible Class with Dr.. Brashares as leader tonight at 7:30. oming Events International Center: Annual Christmas Party on Sunday, Dec..19, at 7:30 p.m. Carol singing, exchange of gifts, refreshments. Please bring a BARNABY Those crowds in that department store! Rioting! Jarring my sensitive nerves!. . I expected the place to be completely deserted! Everyone was urged to shop early! Shouldn't have been one s'igle soul in the store!.. . It was all a plot of that Claus, with hisphony whiskers, to- 6 Q( By Crockett Johnson - Did you tell your Fairy Godfather Santa Claus' whiskers are REAL? I .f~ What? Claus has real whiskers? Cushlamochree!.. . Is it possible my investigation of him has been proceeding on a wrong tack?,.. Many of these folk legends HAVE a basis in fact, you know, and- 1i We'll write him a letter. In your name. Requesting that, among the usual run-of-the-mill toys, he bring one specific present- say-a set of boxing gloves... I He sounds like he might get to believe in Santa Claus, Barnaby. t k \ u a craocx rr QW'ISV must mull over this information, m'boy... Gosh. You have your earmuffs on, Mr. O'Malley. SYes, of course. It's winter now. . . Barnaby, on INr' this Santa Claus matter. I have a clever idea H Very likely not. In which case l can confidently denounce himt - as a fraud ... But if, by chance the gloves QO arrive-well, we have a set of boxing gloves .. 1.1 I I