I x'x . s " ii. k X ii . , x t. i ~c. ~ - - --- ------ t ifiy-Fi'"irifh Year Edited and managed by students of theUniversity of Michigan, under th-e niuthorlty of the Board in Control of Student Publications. . Published every mor ing except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during tf miirnnier session. Member (4 r 1e Associated Press The Associatd Press Is xrclusively entitled to the use for republication of all new s dispatches cr'edited to'it or otherwise credited iin 1Iths newspaper. All rights of[ repub- lication ( f all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail nutter Si hscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $x5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 Editorial Staff Marion Ford Jane Farrant Claire Sherman Marjorie Borradaile Eric Zalenski Bud Low . Harvey Frank . Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Rosmarin Hilda Slautterback Doris Kuentz . Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor Women's Editor Asst Women's Editor Columnist S . Columnist Business Staff Molly Ann Winokur . . . Business Miager Elizabeth Carpenter . . . Ass't Bus, Manager Martha Opsion . . Ass't Bus. Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: BARBARA HERRINTON Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represetit the views of the writers only. SUPPORT DRIVE- THiLR PARTY; %iouwen Pcper Fcttr ~ Secession from Union Editor's note: This editorial which appeared in the Jackson (Miissisippi) Daily News favors a third party now being formed in the South. Frederick Sulles is editor of the paper. The platforn of this third party is anti-negro, for pal-taxes and iynching It seems to us that if we are to win this war and hIOpe for any kind of a lasting peace afterwards, certain groups in this rountrr wi have to stop fighting the Civil War- SENATO "Coton Ed" Smith. South Carolina, wants to form a new Democratic party in the South and proposes Senator Harry Byrd, of Vir- ginia, for President. Senator Harry Byrd is Presidential calibre. No doubt whatever about that. He is the out- standing Democratic statesman in the Senate today. He would make a great President. The South is badly provoked, but it is not yet ready to clit the regular lDemocratic organiza- tion. We are not willing to leave the house of our fathers, but if those gol-darned Republicans don't quit trying to tinker with the election laws and persist in ramming the Negro down our throats, we may get mad and secede from the Union. Please bear in mind that wedid that once before and it started an awful lot of trouble. Watch out, Republicans and Yankee Demo- crats! You may be right now starting some- thing you can't finish. Suppose-just for the sake of supposing-we should get real mad, secede from the Union, and leave those damnyankees with the whole war debt to pay-a debt of 200 billion dollars and getting bigger every minute? -Jackson Daily News By SAMUEL GRAFTON - NEW YORK, Dec. 16-I write this piece only to hold down my anti-Vittorio Emmanuel fran- chise. Our policy makers watch the press, you know. You'd be surprised how they follow it. Well, if for a few weeks, nobody says anything about Vittorio Emmanuel, some underling in charge of checking up on Grafton might say: "Looks as if there's not much interest in oppos- ing the King any more." I would not want this fellow, who probably needs his job, to draw any false conclusions, so this is strictly for his files. A BRAND ON A MAVERICK The messiest thing which has happened re- cently in the Naples area has been the suppres- sion of Croce's Irregulars. This was a kind of Italian guerrilla or partisan army, which some of the Neapolitan liberals recruited to fight alongside the alls. No sooner was it formed than Marshal Badoglio snatched it, drafted it into the regular Italian ramy, placed it under the command of the monarchist general, Basso, and then sewed the personal emblem of the King on the shoulder of each man, like a brand on a maverick. We let Badoglio do it. But at this very' mo- ment we have a similar situation in Yugoslavia, where there are both regular and irregular forces, the regulars under Mikhailovitch and the irreg- ulars, or Partisans, under Tito. The irregulars have been doing much better than the regulars. HE FLIES THROUGH THE AIR Well. If Mikhailovitch had had his own way, he would have put the Partisans down long ago. He tried hard enough. If we do not let him suppress spontaneous movements for na- tional independence in Yugoslavia, why do we let Badoglio do it 'in Italy? Our admiration for the flare-up of genuine spontaneous, liberation movements sometimes seems to increase in direct proportion to our distance from them. THE DOOR MUST BE WIDE All this is defended on the ground that we have to have unity in fighting the war. Indeed we do. If we are willing to work with Communists in Yugoslavia, as some of the Partisans undoubted- ly are, we should be willing to work with mon- archists in Italy. That is true, too. But the cry for unity is too often twisted into the slogan that anything goes. Mikhailovitch requested the Partisans to take drop-dead pills two years ago, under the slogan of unity. If they had done so, we would be without their valuable aid today. The search for unity is the search, not for the least common denominator, which, in Italy; would be Victor Emmanuel, but for the largest common denom- inator, which would be a government of all SAWDUST AND OYSTER SHELLS o BED, unmade, in the morning, past four. Eggs boiled in coffee on a hotplate Escapist inense anid cold beef stew-nausea. Beifning day when rhe whistle blows, past noon. Day in the life of i in the blank, number the form S-ive.wAh tWm threen': heae mr niugled in. Die tliree dieaths ini an ice cold shower. Two classes missed, forget it. One to go, get; ip., Do thy duty-ten minutes late. Answer three names on one, single role call-friendship, much admired. Christianity, the rise of. Jesus in a half shell. Watch the nun's face. Catholics aren't supposed to be here. Isis is a God, too, so is Mithra. Libation for Mithra, bow near the altar of. Marginal notes- sacrilege unreadable. Professional dignity. One word of Sanscrit. Ask him another. Scattered igwwane, an- notated slop. Deified phonies. Hell, bravely pictured in a ten cent magazine. What if there is one? "Prepare to meet thy God." Dante was a wise guy. State Street is where the whites are. Line up for candy, coffee is eight cents. In the next booth they still talk of Thomas Wolfe-sex femalia, camouflaged purpose. Little girls in preponderence, red sweaters, beginning learned. 4- INSPECION, uniformed magic. Sentiment is a middling emotion-amorphous. Contrast Romanticism. Theodore Spencer is F name. Continue discussion. "Come around the cor- ner like a snakeon its belly," Wolfe said it, you do it. Laugh! "With stupidity and a sound digestion man can conquer all." Carlyle said it. Wolfe never had ulcers.- Dinner at six, waiting impatiently. Event of a day. Pork chops are ninety cents. Soup or cigar- ettes? Fingers stained mahogany. Order soup. Sit with your coffee making conversation. Others are starting, get up and go. Go home in pairs. Look for a letter. You haven't been back--past two. Freud's children, talk of sex in the evening. Wait for a phone call or wash your hair Beer in bottles is cheaper. And so to bed, forgetting Pepys. Pray for the right side, forget not your principals To bed, unmade, in the morning, past four. WAR STl.RAT EGY: Coalition of Yugoslav Factions Vital to Allies AN IMPORTANT STEP toward an organiza- tion of an Allied offensive against Germany in Yugoslavia would be a coalition of the con- flicting political regimes in that country. At the present time, the military strategy in Yugoslavia is emerged into two separate gov- ernments. The first is a temporary govern- ment headed by Dr. Ivan: Ribar, former parlia- mentary leader and supported by Marshal Josip (Tito) Broz's Partisan Army, which numn- bers about 250,000 strong. The second is King Peter ifs earlier government, now represented by the army of Gen. Draja Mikhailovitch, Minister of War. His force is composed of about 20,000 men. Last week, Russia decided to recognize Tito's government as the legal representative of that country. This recognition came amid increasing signs of British and American aid to the Partisan leader, who has already been the recipient of a bulk of Allied supplies. This is part of the Allied policy of furnishing supplies to any Yugo- slav group effectively fighting the Germans. However, the leasing of more aid to one faction jeopardizes the future organization of a cooperative Yugoslavian offensive r in the eastern and southern. regions of 'that country. Only by Allied pressure and persuasion can. these two conflicting factions be induced to end their -rivalry and concentrate all their efforts on. the important task of winning the war. -Neva, Negrevski Italian parties, plus a regency for the King's grandson. Italy's liberals have swallowed their anti-monarchism sufficiently to make this pro- posal. (Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate) ~~IN A1~13 REAR iT iH A\A . .4is~rw p " - ) T 11 "I'll be disappointed if my husband gives present I think Christmas is something another payday!'" me money for a special, not .ust DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN IAih . 1 . .) --- Waste Paper Shortage Encangers War Effort r TOMORROW we are asked to help replenish the rapidly diminishing stocks of a vitally needed war-time resource-waste paper. Plain, common, ordinary waste paper that used to be only a nuisance is now needed by the country's paper mills. The mills use it as a fibre base for cardboard cartons, paper and protective sheathing used in shipping war materiel to our fi hting forces overseas. The waste paper may be in almost any form. Old newspapers, magazines, paper bags, card- board boxes all are urgently needed by the mills. These mills, eight of them in Michigan, are so short of waste paper that many of them are working only four days a week instead of six. The shortage is serious. There's no doubt about it. We have been issued a challenge and the challenge has been accepted by the dormi- tories, league houses, co-ops, sororities and fra- ternities on campus who have pledged them- selves to support the drive. Every, scrap counts. -Ray Dixon TRANSIT JAMMED: Vaca tioii Complaints Reflect Selfish Attitude ,T E 7 PRACTICABILITY of cutting classes just 1preceding Dec. 21 or immediately following Dec. 29 appears to be the most discussed matter on campus. Christmas vacation was set at this time to 'comply with requests from the Office of De- fense Transportation. We all know that trans- portation facilities will be especially crowded from now until after New Year's and that they will be even more crowded over the week ends during this period.. By traveling during the week students can help to ease the situation. That is why the Uni- versity has decided on harsh penalties for those who fail to limit their vacation to the time set. Many soldiers here on campus will have only two or three daiys over Christmas. Some will have no vacation. With this in mind the student who grumbles about having only a week over Christmas and tries to find an alibi .to extend his holidays is considering only his own selfish interests. -Barbara Herrinton 'HALF TRUlTHT: Basis for Milk Price Increase Is in justified LABELING GOV. KELLY'S report on milk pro- duction as a "fake," Prof. Edward W. McFar- land of Wayne University yesterday warned OPA officials that they would hear from Greater Detroit Consumers Council if they accepted the recommendations "as the Bible." In. trying to justify a raise in milk prices, the Michigan Milk Producers Association and Michigan State College said the average De- troit consumer's weekly income last August THURSDAY, DEC. 16, 1943 VOL. LIV No. 38 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Christmas Recess: The official calendar of the University includes a Christmas recess beginning with the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 21; classes will be resumed Wednesday morning, Dec. 29. The reasons for the selection of these dates were, as a war measure, to avoid travel either at the week-end; when traffic is heaviest, or immediately before or after holidays, and to conform as closely as possible with the recom- mendations of the Office of Defense Transportation and the railroad as- sociations. For these reasons Uni- versity students will be expected to observe strictly the limits of the re- cess period as fixed by the official calendar. The several faculties will be expected to discipline appropri- ately any individuals who absent themselves from classes either before or after the vacation period without being excused by the appropriate authority. The above does not apply to mili- tary and naval personnel, who will. follow the orders issued by their re- spective services. Alexander G. Ruthven Women's residences will close at 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 28, but, if necessary, special arrangements may be made with house heads to arrive on later trains that same night. No house head is authorized to grant any permission involving the cutting of a class. Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Friday, Dec. 17, at 4:00 p.m., in Rm. 319 West Medical Building. "The Role of Glutamine in the Ani- mal Organism" will be discussed. All interested are invited. The next sem- -inar following this will be held on Friday, Dec. 31. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for REMOVAL OF IN- COMPLETES will be Monday, Dec, 27. Petitions for extension of time must be Ofice on on file in tU secretary's or iwore 'Tuesday Dec. 21. A. 1i. lolell, Secretary Students, College of Engineering: The final day for DROPPING COURSES WITHOUT RECORD will be Monday, Dec. 27. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the lassifier, after conference with the instructor. A. I. Lovell, Secretary German 159 Nordmeyer) will not meet today. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for February and Tune 1944: A list of candidates has been posted on the bulletin board of the School of Education, Rm. 1431 U.E.S. Any prospective candidate whose name does not appear on this list should call at the office of the Recorder of the School of Education.3437 U.E.S. Doctoral Examination for Julius Stuart Youngner. Bacteriology; the- sis: "The Effect of Two Type-Spe- cific Pneumococcus Polysaccharides and Gelatin on the Settling Rate of Red Blood Cells and on the Circula- tion, Sedimentation Rate, Respira- tion, and Heart Rate of the Mouse," Friday, Dec. 17, 1564 East Medical, 1:30 p.m. Chairman, M. H. Soule. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this ex- amination, and he may grant per- mission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Doctoral Examination for Albert Harold Wheeler, Public Health: the- sis, "A Study of Cert ain Factors in Attempts to Alter Resistance of Ani- nals to Virus infections of the Res- piratory Tract," Friday, Dec. 17, 1564 East Medical, 11:00 a.m. Chair- man, W. J. Nungester. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this ex- amination, and he may grant per- mission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: An exhibition of paint- ings by Eugene Dana, and color prints by Louis Schanker, is presented by the College of Architecture and De- sign in the ground floor corridor of the Architectural Building through Dec. 28. Open daily, except Sunday, 8:00 to 5:00. The public is cordially invited. Events Today The American Institute of Electri- cal Engineers will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Michigan Union. Mr. A. R. Hellwarth, electrical system engineer at the Detroit Edison Co. and a former member of the faculty here, will speak on "The Communi- cation System of Detroit Edison Co." Plans will also be made with respect to the A.I.E.E. picture for the Michi- ganensian. Refreshments. Phi Sigma meeting tonight at 7:30 in the West Lecture Room of the Rackham Bldg. Election of officers. Attention all Glee Club members: WERRY-60 ROUND B y D IEEW PEARSON WASHINGTON, Dec. 16.-When U S Marines stormed ashoe on the GUibert Islands they found what the Jap:, dd not iud tw o yersbefore when they raided wae -ad Guaan Just after Pearl1 arorr -namel,. tremendous concrete block-houses, which not even big guns could knock out. Today, however, if the Japs should counterattack some of the islands we have taken from them, they would find mirales of con- struction. 'These miracles have b>een performed by a branch of the Navy which was thrown to- gether only after Pearl Harbor and which this month celebrates its second anniversary-the branch known as the Sea Bees. Official name of the Sea Bees is "C.B.'s" or "Construction Battal- ions." Two years ago, they did not exist. And it was the killing and capture of civilian construction workers on Wake, Gutam and at Cavite which emphasized the Navy's need of enlisting construction men and forming them into fighting en- gineer battalions. There are 59 construction trades enrolled in the Sea Bees--so wide a range that their men can oper- ate bulldozers, install water sys- tems, telephones, electric light plants, build cantonments, or even repair ships.' In the Aleutians, at Salerno, and especially in the Southwest Pacific, they have had to do all of these things, sometimes under enemy at- tack. in the Solomn Islands, for instance, a battalion of Negro Sea Bees landed on a jungle-covered is- land and began construction of a vitally needed airfield. A few days later, despite enemy fire, they had logged and milled their own lumber from native trees, supplied water from a mountain stream, installed lights and telephones, and had the field in operation-all in addition to digging fox holes for themselves. Road Building ... When U.S. troops landed on Ren- dova Island, a Navy communique carried one terse sentence, "The cor- rugated road maie possible the pas- sage of all equipment," which, to any engineer, meant another construc- tion miracle. What happened was that the cozy, tropic muck of the shore made it impossible to land trucks, tractors, artillery, ammunition. The Sea Bees first laid down a steel mesh net. This merely sank into the muck. Trucks began to disappear as if in quicksand. So an entire forest of palm trees Was felled and their trunks laid across the roadway. This was the "cor- rugated road" described in the terse one-line communique. At Salerno, the Sea Bees together with the Army's Amphibious Engi- neers did- some of the most heroic and important work of that bloody landing, laying out a network of roads across the beach before heavy artillery could come ashore. One important factor behind the meteoric development of the Sea Bees in two short years is the tough, thorough-going training they get be- fore being shipped overseas. This takes place at three U.S. camps- one at Davisville, R.L., under Capt. Fred F. Rogers; one at Camp Peary, Va., under Capt. J. G. Ware; one at a location which- must remain secret. (Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.) 7:30 in Rm. 305, Michigan Union. Professor O. W. Boston will speak on "New Developments in Aircr~aft In- dustries," and will show a movie on "Milling in West Coast Aircraft In- dustries." Le Cercle Francais will hold its Christmas meeting tonight at 8:00 in the Assembly Room of tile Rack- ham Bldg. This meeting is open to members and would-be members. All servicemen i*e invited. Post-War Council will hold a pub- li, panel tonight at 7:30 in the Mich- igan Union. Subject: "Imperialism, Stumbling Blocks to Post-War Un- ity." Panel membe.rs: Professors Brumm, Calis, and Dorr. Everyone invited. Surgical Dressing Unit will be open at the League today, 1:00-5:00 p.m. The Red Cross Surgical Dressings Unit of the Hillel Foundation will meet today from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. All volunteers will please wear washable blouses or smocks. Coming Events Women's Glee Club will meet Fri- day, Dec. 17, at 4:00 p.m. in the Kalamazoo Room to have a picture taken for the Michiganensian. Wear white blouses and plain dark skirts. Bring dues. BARNABY By Crockett Johnson 12-7 I' Mere comes 6~another one! f r/ _ v f 7 -YaAf 74 .4 capy4ghti4o mw ftuk4flo" f 7 iC II craoc T-r L-_ I [ Someone wound up al Help! the model airplanes! GoodnessThis ' .waychildren! - A BIG one! It flew out the window! Mom! That was Mr. O'Malley, my- Fairy Godfather!/