ig .4it 4k Weather Continued Cold VOL. LIV No. 38 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DEC. 16, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS mmmmwmm Allies Bom Arawe, Jap Shipping Base AIesians Clear -4Mile Area of YVjal Tetrritory' Bridgeheads on West Dneper Bank Linked, + aring Germans Out By The Associated Press LONDON, Dec. 16, Thursday-The Russians announced officially early today that they had linked their Cherkasy and Kremenchug bridge- heads on the west bank.of the middle I)neper, completely clearing the Ger- mans from a 65-mile stretch of vital territory.. 'Southeast of Cherkasy our troops, continuing the offensive, captured several populated places and joined hBids with groups opera ing west of the town 'of Kremenchug," said the Moscow midnight communique, re- corded by-the Soviet Mnitor from a broadcast. 'he Germans announced today two powerful Russian drives launched in White Russia-possible harbingers of a thticnderous winter offensive toward theBaltic and a link with the Allies th the west-while Moscow told of 16 towns captured in the Ukraine, the yi t t de roled froln -.Chegkasy" to within five u ssians also reported -that tn orces counte-attacking' to- ev were rolled back from qevei pulated plces soith of tea- lhi h a Russin drive towardKir- w, ui thesouth Ukraine gained iT tl postonts . cmot importan't advance of the d bte 9rded b the oviet bulletin c6 teapture of Byelozere, a rail staio aie miles northeast- of Smela, See RUSSA, p. 4 e - The one-week .a $cmpus waste p dive raches I tlimx tonior- r hen representatives of the sabteniaw County', Salvage Com- mittee will pick up student collec- titt fiat specified sororities, fraterni- tid, Ieague houses, dormitories and co-ops. .Assembly, Pan-Hellenic, Congress, Inter-cooperative Council and Inter- FrTernity Council are all cooperat- n g~ to help put over ths campaign. "" the urgent request of the War LiberBoard, the drive is being held to help 'replenish the dangerously- low stocks of paper mills throughout_ the country whish use waste paper as the basic raw material, in pro- duciig carnboard cartons and pro- tetive wrapping for war goods shipped overseas.. Old . newspapers and magazines should be tied together in pilest ab0ut . a foot high, cardboard boxes should be flattened and tied together and- loose scraps" nof waste paper should be packed in'bags or boxes to rake it easier to carry, according to George H. Gabler, chairman of the city drive..1.1 President, Eisenhower, Patton in Sicily 22 Coeds Sign For Chi(ild Care At Willow Rin Hun(res(, Needed for Recreation Program ; Registration Is Today Only 22 women signed up yester- day for the Child Care Program at Willow Run where hundreds of Uni- versity coeds are needed as volun- Record Load Dropped On New Britain Field B '11w Associated Press SOUTHWEST PACIFIC ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, Dec. 16, Thurs- day-Allied bombers. returning to New Britain, have dropped a record load of 356 tons of bombs on Arawe, on the southwest coast of the island. It was the second raid in recent days on important Japanese supply installations on the much-bombed island, General MacArthur's planes dumped 248 tons on Gasmata, on the south central coast, last Sunday. The delugo of explosives on Arawe. a Japanese shipping base, was a record load laid on any enemy base on New Britain. the highest previous being 350 tons dropped on Rabaul teers if the recreation program is to-s be successful. Lucy Chase Wrightee committee chairman, announced last e night.I enla tyfor Coos Seated in a jeep, President Roosevelt relaxes at Castelvetrano airport during his visit to Sicily. Left of the President is Gen. Dwight Eisenhower and left of Eisenhower is Lt. Gen. George Patton, U. S. Seventh Army Commander. HIGHEST 'U' HONORS: I Henry Russel Lecture Award Pl World INews In Brief .. . Destowed on The highest honor that the Uni- versity of Michigan can bestow upon a member of its faculty-the Henry Russel Lecture Award-was given to Dr. John Alexander, Professor of Sur- gery in the Medical School.r The Henry Russel Lectureship was established by the late Henry Russel, -r-ex-- ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, AL- the present time. He has world note GIERS, Dec. 15-(/P)-Indian and Ca- through his publications which are nedian troops of Gen. Sir Bernard accepted as standard authorities on L. Montgomery's Eighth Army have te sbe tndds carved out a firm five-mile-wide h bridgehead north of the Moro River He wrote the first' book in English on the Italian Adriatic coast, it was on The Surgery of Pulmonary Tuber- announced today, while the Fifth Ar- culosis in 1925 and it has been repro- my front, relatively quiet militarily, duced in three languages. was marked by complaints by Nazi He recently performed for the first prisoners that they were forced to time in medical history a delicate fight against "tough wild men from operation on the thoracic aorta. The Texas." details of this operation will be car- * * ried in the forthcoming University Hospital Bulletin. Dr. Alexander has been associated ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, AL- with numerous medical associations GIERS, Dec. 15.-(,-More than and is at present Chief Surgeon of 300 Flying Fortresses, Liberators the Michigan State Sanitorium. and escorting Lightnings of the He received the Henry Russel powerful new American 15th Stra- award in 1930 and his nomination to tegie Air Force opened the winter the lectureship marks the first time bombing offensive from Mediter- in the 18 year history of the function ranean bases yesterday with that the same man has received both smashing attacks on three big Nazi honors. military airdromes in the outskirtsI Registration will be held again from 3:3£ to 5:30 p.m. today in the League lobby, Miss Wright said. Women are needed to direct recre- ation for teen-agers. to act as music instructors, Sunday school. dramatics and handicraft teachers, nursery school and playground directors and story tellers. It is impossible for the few child care workers at Willow Run to care for the 2,500 children of school age now in the bomber plant district, Miss Wright said. She stressed the point that one of the major causes of absenteeism is the fact that par- ents often cannot go to work be- cause there is no one to care for their children. While the government has built three new schools to provide for the increasing enrollment, recreation fac- ilities are still grossly inadequate, she added. At present there are only three playgrounds and one nursery school. Women are asked to work for four consecutive hours at a time. Miss Wright urged all women who have one afternoon or morning a week free to sign up for the program. She emphasized, however, that coeds who do not intend to do the work should not volunteer. Railroad MCent 'Set- National Walk out Date CLEVELAND, Dec. 15.--(P- Set- ting a joint nation-wide walkout date for the third time in history, the Op- erating Railroad Brotherhoods today established Dec. 30 and the three succeeding days for a "progressive strike" which the National Mediation Board immediately sought to avert. I Ultimatuni Lists Honor Point Los, Suspension In a sweeping move to curtail stu- dent absence before and after the Christmas recess, the Administrative Board of the literary college yester- day determined penalties ranging from loss of honor points to suspen- sion. The Board unanimously agreed to impose the following penalties upon students who did not secure make-up privileges from Assistant Dean ErichI Walter: 1) Students who are absent Mon- day, Decenmber 20, wvill suffer the loss of six honor points from their academic records. 2) Three honor points per day will be subtracted from students cutting classes on Tuesday, Decem- ber 21: Wednesday, December 29, and Thursday, December 30. 3) In cases of extreme absence those students affected will be sus- pended for the balance of the Fall Term. Although this ruling is not a blan- ket order for the entire University, it covers the majority of civilian stu- dents, more than 80 per cent of whom are enrolled in the literary college. The Board announcement stated it took its stand in accordance with the principle of the Board of Regents to aid in the war effort by trying to limit student travel during rush peri- ods. Making its stand clear, the Board -issued this statement: "The Administrative Board in vot- ing a new policy for this war-time holiday is particularly concerned that students, who still are aware only of their own comfort and who fail to realize that they are enjoying the pri- vileges of university education be- cause of the efforts of their fellows last Oct. 12, when around 300 planes visited that harbor base. MacArthur's communique said that Adm. William F. Halsey's planes hammered Japanese positions on Bougainville island in the Solomons with 134 tons of bombs, continuing the blasting of enemy air fields and depots which was resumed a few days ago with clearing weather. Navy Catalina bombers, the Black Cats, scored direct hits on a Japanese cruiser off Kavieng, northwest of New Ireland. There were sharp patrol clashes in the Ramu valley, above the Huon peninsula, New Guinea, where Aus- tralian troops are moving in the dir- ection of the Japanese coastal supply base at Madang, and minor fighting between Americans and the enemy in the Empress Augusta Bay area on Bougainville. The enemy sent bombers over on light raids on Huon peninsula; Good enough Island, off the southeastern tip of New Guinea; Kiriwina Island in the Trobriands and the Treasury Island, off the south coast of Bou- gainville. Yanks Attack lI'ars hail Isles PEARL' HARBOR, Dec. 15.-(P)- Seventh American airforce Liberators and Japanese bombers have traded new aerial punches in the enemy Marshalls and the Allied-held Gil- berts, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz an- nounced today in a press release. The Liberators bombed the alf- drome and started fires in the hangar area on Taroa in the Maloelap atoll of the Marshalls yesterday. Seventeen Zeros intercepted. One was known to have been shot down, four others probably were destroyed and five da- maged. Three Liberators sustained slight damage but they all got back to base. Victory Group To Meet Today Program To Discuss Proposed Principles The Student Victory Committee, newly-formed anti-fascist group, will hold its second meeting at 8 p.m. to- day in Unity Hall, at the corner of State and Huron. P.rogram for the meeting will deal mainly with the suggested principles and form or organization which the steering committee, chosen last week, has proposed. The position which the group will take if the suggested prin- ciples are accepted will be against fascism, racial and religious discri- mination, and in favor of the greatest good for the greatest number, and social, economic and political demo- cracy. All actions of the group will be in accordance with such policies as will be decided at today's meeting. SDirectory Goes DR. JOHN ALEXANDER AB '73, MA '76, in 1925-26 and is awarded annually to the member of the faculty who attains the highest distinction in the field of scholarship. The award was made by the execu- tive council of the University Re- search Club at its meeting yesterday and Dr. Alexander has been nomin- ated to the Board of Regents. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania in 1912, Dr. Alexander served with both the French and American Armies in the last war. Upon his discharge from service, he became associated with the Uni- versity in 1920 and was made a full professor in 1932. Dr. Alexander is recognized as one of the leading thorasic surgeons at Lewvis Labels '43 CongFres ~Coiiscientiou's "Of all the Congresses I have ever seen, I have never seen one as con- scientious, constructive, courageous; and determined as this one is," Fult- on Lewis, Jr., Washington news com- mentator, told an Oratorical Associ- ation audience yesterday. "It not only is giving powers, but: it is coming back afterwards and seeing that they are being adminis- tered the way they are supposed to be administered," Lewis said. If Congress continues the way it is now, it will be a perfect safeguard . . . against the economic hypochron-, driacs (he mentioned Dr. Gilbraith and Richard V. Gilbert of the OPA) who have been persuaded that for Severyeconomic stubbed toe we must of Athens and the harbor of Pi- raeus, gateway to the Greek capi-I tal. U.S., Arab Leaders Meet CAIRO, Dec. 15.-V/P-An Ameri- can military mission has completed successful introductory talks with one of the Arab world's most renowned warriors, King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia, it was announced today, rais- ing speculation of a possible expan- sion of military and supply transpor- tation activities in the Middle East. Taft Urges Compromise WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.-(P)- Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio) sought to break the Senate deadlock on food subsidies today through a compromise bill which he said would eliminate Government pay- ments to roll back beef and butter prices and the present milk subsidy, but retain most other price con- trols. Senate Votes ort Tax Bill WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.-A)- The Senate Finance Committee voted today to retain the present Victory tax rather than adopt alternate plans advanced by the House and Treasury Department for integrating it with the regular individual income tax. No Reduction in Q+ iha frmlf Olalllrl ha cavaraly nary- ! The Board invited railroad officials at tue "fr"nt," "'u"a" C eve 1e "-e I and leaders of the 350,000 unionists alized." -97.7 percent of whom voted for a walkout to enforce demands for wage Flu Cases Spread; increases-to meet Monday in Chi- ! cago. Presidents of the five Brother- SX iDetrolters Die hoods, declaring this was "a strike against inflation for the privileged By T'e Associated Press few and deflation for the many," an- A nation-wide wave of more than nounced they would attend. 1,000,000 cases of the grippe and a John J. Pelley, President of the As- generally mild form of influenza sociation of American Railroads, said reached a new peak today (Thurs) in Washington the carriers also had with an emergency declared in Seat- accepted the Mediation Board's invi- tie and a report of 10 new deaths in tation and expressed belief a "con- other cities. scientious effort" would be made by Detroit reported six influenza both sides to "adjust the matter." deaths in the past 36 hours, and Chi- "The outcome remains to be seen," cago reported four. Chicago's influ- Pelley said. "but I'm an optimist- enza deaths thus mounted to 15 since See WALKOUT, p. 4 Dec. 1. CHARACTER CONTRAST: Play Production To Present Drama, Brief Music'i Toay i Post-War Panel, To Meet Today ~"Imperialism" is the topic of the weely public panel disission toebe held at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union by the Post-War Council. Prof.4 JohnBrumm of the journal- ism dpartentProf. Helmut Calls, lecturer in the war program, and Prof. Harold Dorr of the political sci- ende' dlepartment will present their opinions, and will answer questions from the floor. Bill Muehl, '44L, will act as panel moderator; General outline for the panel in- cludes the following topics: 1-The future of Britain's colonies, 2-Rus- sia' aims in Central Europe, and 3-'Manifest Destiny' and the United Stats: Military Police To Donate Blood Today A pint of blood will be donated to- day and tomorrow at the blood bank here by each of the more than 400 members of the 701st Military Police battalion who will arrive in Ann Arbor this morning as part of a 3 l t On Panel 'Speak Todayv "Religious Cooperation for World Peace" will be the topic of a panel discussion to be held at 8 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture Hall. Dr. Horace Holly, executive secre-! tary of the Baha'i Assembly of the United States and Canada. will be the principal speaker. Also participating on the panel; will be the Rev. Chester Loucks, president of the Ann Arbor Minis-' terial Association, Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, director of Hillel Foundation, and Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, coun- selor in religious education. Prof. William MacLaughlin of the Ro- mance language department will be the chairman. run to ge an economic band aid. "These gentlemen believe that they can run a marionette show economy, doing a perfect job of controlling ev- ery little economic detail. I would rather be a free man in an imper- feet economy than live in a perfect economy that would make us a na- tion of slaves o,f which I would be' one," the commentator said. Lewis denied that he approved a "little inflation" stating that he fa- vors "honestly and legitimately; freezing wages and prices" and an "administration that, when it says it ii i Piay Proaucuon o me speecn ae- character contrast and development nar I~k±C ill trP~ tLL h fiie t11f 1J I of (Zn f 1 'RniC, ,JIJin D T liC, JLU*T U' ASTP V r I-- T],,-A--4- ;,-..-, ,.c i-t-, Seen is going to hold-the-line. it the line." will hold When asked about subsidies, he said, "'Subsidies will hold the line against inflation, except that subsi-; dies aren't necessary to hold the line. What the administration wants in advocating subsidies is a price roll- back." Although there has been a 10 perj cent reduction in enrollment in the Army Specialized Training Program ordered within the next three months, "this will not affect the men1 stationed here on campus as far as I know," Col. Frederick C. Rogers, com- mandant of University Army forces, said last night. The order, which came through the War Department, was announced by Maj. Gen. H. S. Aurand, commander of the Sixth Service Command. partment w presenL ne rs per- ofSpii. nosie, jnx, rizzie, ovey. formance of "Brief Music." by Em- Maggie and Minnie form the content Sale - -~~-------- -- -' of the play. O o a For the first time in the history of Play Production an entirely feminine If you're looking for the phone cast and technical staff is being used. number of that cute brunette who The cast includes Patricia Meikle as sits next to you in chem lab, or the Spiff. the college Amazon; Marjorie address of some girl friend to whom Leete as Drizzle, the frail and intense you'd like to send a Christmas card, poet: Barbara White playing Lovey, the Student Directory, which goes the class beauty; Blanche Holpar on sale this afternoon, has all the playing the role of Rosie, the college answers. oracle; Miriam Ruge as Jinx, the The Directory will include names, eternal straggler with a southern addresses, home towns and phone drawl; Barbara Stuber as Minnie, numbers of all civilian students, Ma- the college smoothie; and Mae Cho- rines, and Navy V-12 men, June Gus- sed as Maggie, leftist and proud of it. tafson, business manager of the "Brief Music" is the second pro- Michiganensian, said. Iduction of the semester to be given Also included in the Directory will by this campus dramatic organiza- be the telephone numbers of the tion. The comedy was first produced professors, University officers and at the Pasadena Playhouse in 1936 the Army units. under the title "Lark on the Wing." Salesmen will be on hand at the Tickets for the play may be ob- Engine Arch, the Student Publica- yr. Kellogg Dies .r Visit BATTLE CREEK, Dec. 15.-:'1- _r 7 Funeral services for Dr. John Harvey Ai i CAb'o oday' O(