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December 15, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-15

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Nli I'Al 1 3" -A N. 11-A, I IN

WWNE-SDAY$ DMA 15, 1943

PAGEFOURrp4 U.4I%~A 1'---I

Fifty-Fourth Year


H y1 a ffi3' '9.' *L~P r^'yTI aa.-J-w
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board .in Contro)
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
,:egular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of# The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
ror republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the. regular school year by car-
rier $4.50, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff

Mario c Ford .
Jane Farrant .
Claire Sherman
Marjorie Borradaile
Eric Zalenski
Bud Low
Harvey Frank
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin .
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz .

. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . ~Editorial Director
. . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
* , Associate Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
. . . Ass't Women's Editor
. . . . . Columnist
. . . . . Columnist

WE HEAR IT SO MUCH, this theory of the
value of objectivity in dealing with contro-
versial questions. The notion that one can de-
pend upon "impartial observations" and statis-
tics to get an "accurate view. If someone would
convince us that the premise is sound, we would
accept the rest of the theory. But it seems to be
something "liberals" all assume, without saying
Psychological experimentation has shown
that a stimulus acting upon an organism pro-
duces a response. The "objectivists" want to
leave out the organism . . . want to get from
one side of a river to the other without admit-.
ting they crossed a bridge. They put meat in a
grinder and see that it comes out different
than it went in, but deny that the machine
caused the change.
For instance, almost any liberal professor will
tell you that, after carefully weighing the facts,
he has come to the conclusion that organized
labor isn't doing all it can for the war effort.
Mention post-war problems and to almost any
progressive business man, and he will tell you
that-according to impartial observers-the big-
gest worry is whether the Soviet Union will pro-
mote red revolution in the European states be-
fore we can set up good democratic governments
Where do they find such accurate and unt-
colored information? Why, they read "The
New York Times," "The Christian Science
Monitor," "Time," "Reader's Digest," and lis-
ten to H. V. Kaltenborn and Fulton Lewis, Jr.
They get "all the news that's fit to print," "a
true picture of conditions as they exist."
THEN what are we eomplaining about? Well,
let's look at the professor. He almost cer-
tainly has never been a union member, or worked
and lived as factory workers do. Last summer
when he had his house painted he had to pay an
outrageous wage to the union painter. And the
other night when he read the wages factory
workers are getting now, he couldn't help com-
paring them with his own salary.
And the businessman, for all his foresight-
edness, can scarcely be expected to lose his
fears of communism in this country when he
starts considering the European situation. Be-
sides, he knows the Soviets don't believe in
private property or the class system upon
which his whole condition of life is based.
Now these men sit down Sunday afternoon to
catch up on their reading. They start with page
one: and eventually get to the editorials, but
probably miss completely the advertisements
covering each page. The revenue from these ads
determines the size of the paper, and since bus-
iness concerns are generally not pro-unions or
pro-Soviet Russia, it is extremely unlikely that
the editor will print news which will alienate his
customers and cut off his own salary in the bar-
gain. Circulation, too, is an important item, and

ONE OF'THE leading male choruses in the
world today appeared here last night when
the Don Cossack chorus and its dynamic leader
presented the sixth concert of the present Choral
Union Series to an enthusiastic Ann Arbor audi-
It is no wonder that the chorus isso outstand-
ing for its director, Serge Jaroff. is a fine musi-
cian who knows choral work as well as any be-
cause of his excellent training. But there is an
even greater reason for the fine work done by
the ensemble: the presence of a working principle
that is so important in any art and yet often
completely overlooked. The men sing what they
know and have experienced in their own lives.
They are all men who have been reared in Rus-
sia, they know the country, its people and its
music. Consequently when they present Russian
songs you may be sure that their rendition is
authentic to the last detail and full of a real
spirit. This fundamental principle of dealing on-
ly with what one is familiar has too often been
neglected, and it is heartening to see it thus ap-
plied, proving its own worth so completely.
The program opened with a group of reli-
gious songs and a requested number, all indic-
ative of the superb control possessed by the
entire group: their pianissimo passages which
swelled to great organ-like tones were magni-
ficent. A series of gay, festive songs followed,
and Shvedoff's "Russian Fair" was particular-
ly outstanding here because of the way in
which the spirit of the men spread to the
audience, which enjoyed itself immensely.
The last group, including the Hymn of the
United Nations by Shostakovich, was predomin-
ately war songs and a vigorous dance finale with
all the gymnastics, followed by two encores, end-
ed the program. The ensemble is not only to be
praised for its excellent blending and great pre-
cision in every essential, but also for its abun-
dance of fine solo voices, all of which goes to
make up an outstanding chorus that is certainly
one of the greatest musical aggregations of its
kind today. -Jean Athay
since the Negro people are a minority group, why
should the best reporters cover Harlem beats?
And besides, reporters may be subject to the
same prejudices readers have.
So what are we saying? That the solution to
these problems can't come till professors join
unions, till we're willing to look at the Soviet
Union as she is and not through a cloud of
hate, till economic interests cease making free-
dom of the press an empty phrase.
And what have you to do with all this? Once
you've made up your mind you can't sit on a
fence all your life-you're free to start doing
things. Help change the world-on campus, in
Congress, in post-war planning. You are a more
valuable citizen when you realize that writing
your Congressman is a better pastime than try-
ing to be objective.



Business Staff

WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.- Some
extremely important conferences
have been taking place between the
State Department and the Treasury
-which the public doesn't know about
but which may influence our whole
policy on the South American con-
tinent for years to come.
Briefly summarized,, these confer-
ences involve the question of whether
the United States should crack down
on Argentina. Specifically, they in-
volve the question of whether we
should permit Argentina to sneak
her gold out of this country and con-
tinue to use her credit in U.S. banks
to pay off Nazi agents in the U.S.A.
Actually, they involve the broad-
er question of whether a gang of
pro-Nazi Argentine Army officers,
educated in Germany, should be
permitted to continue to thumb,
their noses at the U.S.A., while
every other Latin American coun-
try anxious to be friendly with this
country is amazed that we let them
get away with it. -
During these State Department
conferences, a battery of Treasury
officials has argued vigorously that
we must crack down on Argentine
finances. A coterie of diplomats has
sat around Mr. Hull's desk, most of
them arguing to the contrary. The
Secretary of State himself swings his
black-ribboned pince-nez glasses.and
listens. So far, nothing has hap-
Amazing Intrigue .
Meanwhile, the story of what is
happening in Argentina continues to
be the most amazing of the war. Few
people realize that the most prc-Nazi
nation outside of occupied Europe
has developed right under the wing
of our Good Neighbor policy.
There is a strong censorship in
Argentina. Any newsman who writes
what is really happening is kiked
out of the country, sometimes beaten
up by gangsters. But pieced together
from diplomatic dispatches, from re-
ports of returned diplomats and frxm
the underground, here is a close-up
picture of what is happening.
The former government of aged
President Castillo was conserva-
tive, isolationist but somewhat pro-
American, and leaned increasingly
toward the United States as it be-
came apparent that the war was
sure to go in our favor.
Then, suddenly, a clique of Argen-
tine Army officers seized power. This
was on June 4, one month after ve
had triumphed in Tunisia, several
months after the tide of Russian de-
feat had turned to victory at Stalin-
grad, and when it was quite oinvious

even to doubting Argentines that the
Allies would come out victorious.
The revolution was engineered
within a few hours, with the loss of
only thirty lives. The Army simply
took command. The men who led the
Army were, almost without excep-
tion, friendly to Germany. Many -f4
them had been educq ted there. An
even greater number had been care-
fully cultivated by the Nazis.
And what most people don't kiuow
is that many Argentine Army offi-
cers, paid meager salaries, had bor-
rowed heavily from German friends.
Some of them, though not pro-Ger-
man at heart. were subjected to
blackmail and threat of exposure re-
garding these debts unless they
played the Nazi game.
Refuge for Hitter?
One theory which cannot be
proved, but which is believed by
many diplomatic observers, is that
Hitler's gang for years had worked
to build up a place of exile for them-
selves in case of defeat. After the
fall ofrStalingrad and then Tunisia,




. . . ;


By Lichty

Molly Ann 7inokur
Elizabeth Carpenter
Martha Opsion

they began to see defeat staring them
in the face. That, therefore, was the
cue to move into Argentina.
But what can be proved is that
concrete Nazi plans had been made
long ago to seize the oil fields of
Patagonia; also that the crew of
the Graf Spee had special training
and instructions in infiltrate into
Argentina for revolutionary pur-
poses in case of naval defeat.
Spearhead of pro-Nazi leadership
in Argentina is General Vasilio Per-
tine, who served as Argentine mili-
tary attache in Berlin during the last
war and was so pro-German that he
offered his services to Germany and
they were accepted. Since then, he
has been president of two large Ger-
man companies, Semma and Afa T'i-
dor Varta.
Today, under the revolutionary re-
gime, General Pertine is Mayor of
Buenos Aires, which, because so much
of Argentina's popuplation is con-
centrated in this one city, is the
second most important post in the
country.' .
(Copyright, 1943, United Features. Synd.)

. . Business Manager
. . Ass't Bus. Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager
e 2'3-24-1



Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Coed Response Uged
In WAVE Recruiting
THE WAVES are returning to Ann Arbor and
will have a recruiting and information booth
in the League until 5 p.m. Friday. This is the
second appearance of the WAVES on campus
this semester. The first time they were here they
met with a gratifying response and it is their
desire to outdo even the campus interest evinced
in their first drive this time.
The main interest' of the recruiting officers
who are here at this time is to give informa-
tion to women who will be graduating in Feb-
ruary and who would be eligible to join the
WAVES following graduation. At present a
drive is on to'fill the WAVES quota of 20,000
recruits for the year. If this quota can be
filled there will he a total of 47,000 women
serving in this auxiliary force.
These women are doing a vital work in untold
naval shore establishments. Tday women are
doing the work at control towers at air fields,
serving the nerve centers of Navy communica-
tions, restoring health to the wounded at naval
hospitals, packing the Jarachutes that will save
men's lives.
There will be quite a few girls graduating in
February who could qualify for the WAVES
but there are too few women actually consid-
ering the WAVES as a post-graduate vocation
until the war is over. It provides an oppor-
tunity for self-advancement, the learning of
a profitable trade and the opportunity to serve
one's country in a very helpful capacity.
Senior girls should take advantage of this
opportunity to acquire information concerning
this valuable service whether they have any defi-
nite intention of joining the WAVES or not.
- Evelyn Phillips
Political Trend Evident
In Release of Mosley
THE BOMBING OF BERLIN last week over-
shadowed the most important British action,
namely, the freeing of Oswald Mosley, Britain's
leading fascist.
Although the effects of Mosley's release were
not as startling as the bombings, it holds greater
significance for Great Britain's future.
The government's action in releasing Sir
Oswald, his wife, and a number of Mosley's
followers was conducted in true British tradi-
tion. Mosley and his followers were held in
prison for three years without trial under a
wartime security regulation. Mosley's ill health
was given as the reason for his release. His
wife and followers, however,, were not ill, and
they also were released.
So Britain, inspired by a guilty conscience and
respect for upper-class privileges, released the
country's leading fascist. In doing so, it found
itself fiercely attacked by organized labor and
the unorganized public.
This anger over traditional English proced-
ure is not a fight about Mosley but a popular
.r.i n oIPL o vnf-nee i n enotimel

. /I ; R/Y

I'd RaUther BeRight

d £ ; 4 '.;; 1.

~ 14 0-e19#'a, cJhica;O 'riS . 2c

-And if you folks are the type who like to do Postwar Planniug-
you can run riot on this!



NEW YORK, Dec. 15.--Chew betel nuts and
win the war. What war? Why, the war against,
Roosevelt. Haven't you heard? The President
wants low prices. Let's give him high prices. The
President wants high taxes. Let's give him low
taxes. Have a nut?
Anyway the soldier boys will take care of the
President when they can make their voices
heard. So let's let the soldier boys vote. Hey,
just a second. They might vote for the President.
So let's not let them vote. States' rights, that's
the ticket. Have a nut?
Throw out subsidies. Throwing out subsidies
will win the war. Hey, but we vegetable oil pro-
ducers like our subsidy! All right, leave that
one in.
We're not doing enough fighting in the Pacific.
And too many boys died on Tarawa. Okay, pal;
let's divide up; you makge the first speech and
I'll make the second. Have a nut?
Yes, sir, this administration deliberately led
us into the war. Yes, sir, this administration
wasn't thinking of war at all; that's why it got
caught at Pearl Harbor. It planned it all. It
never planned a thing.. It did. It didn't. Who
bungled the big production miracle? I mean,
who miracled the big production bungle?

And in Manhattan an obviously frightened
man delivers a strange speech to the National
Association of Manufacturers.
He is Mr. Charles E. Wilson, former president
of General Electric, now vice-chairman of the
War Production Board. Ile has been listening to
the noises in Washington, and he is plainly
scared. And why should he be scared? Those
noises have been designed to frighten the Presi-
dent of the United States, not the president of
General Electric.
But something has got under Mr. Wilson's
skin. He talks of how much hate there is in the
country. le speaks of something wild and
dangerous that may lie right ahead of us "a
right-wing reaction" which may "draw some
sections of capital so far away from our tradi-
tions as to imperil the entire structure of
American life as we know it." He seems to be
trying to say that somehow we have got to get
together again; and his hand makes a little
We mustn't oppose the Moscow Declarations.
We mustn't support the Moscow Declarations.
We must support and oppose the Moscow Dec-
larations. Give labor some more money and get
the labor vote. Get the labor vote and down with
labor. Hlave a nut?
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

.. ..

i '

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15, 1943
VOL. LIV No. 37.
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p~m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Women's residences will close at.
10:30, p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 28, but,
if necessary, special arrangements
may be made with house heads to
arrive on later trains that same
night. No house head is authorized
to grant any permission involving the
cutting of a class.
Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women
Academic Notices
Classes in English 107 will not meet
until after the Christmas vacation.
After theholidays, classes will resume
on their usual schedule.

Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for February and June 1944:
A list of candidates has been posted
on the bulletin board of the School of
Education, Rm. 1431 U.E.S. Any
prospective candidate whose name
does not appear on this list should
call at the office of the Recorder of
the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
Spanish 2, 31, 32, 61, Mr. Stau-
bach's sections, will meet as sched-
uled Thursday and Friday.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: An exhibition of paint-
ings by Eugene Dana, and color prints
by Louis Schanloer, is presented by
the College of Architecture and De-
sign in the ground floor corridor of
the Architectural Building through
Dec. 28. Open daily, except Sunday,
8:00 to 5:00. The public is cordially
Events Today
Research Club will meet in the
Rackham Amphitheatre tonight at
8:00. The following papers will be
read: "The Discovery in Eastern
Washington of a Hitherto Unsuspec-
ted Glacial Lobe," by W. H. Hobbs,
and "Protective Coloration in Mam-
mals," by L. R. Dice. Please note,
change in program.
Sociedad Hispanica: Due to the
illness of the officers of the club,
the meeting scheduled for today has
been cancelled.
It Circolo Italiano will meet to-
night at 8:00 in Rm. 305 of the
Michigan Union. All faculty mem-
bers, students, and servicemen in-
terested in speaking Italian are in-

Pan-hellenic representatives will
meet today at 4:00 in the Michigan
League. Two delegates from each
sorority should attend.
The Association Music Hour will
continue Bach's "St. Matthew's Pas-
sion" tonight in Lane Hall.
Child Care and Girl Scout and Girl
Reserve information table will be in
the lobby of the League today and
Thursday, Dec. 16, from 3:30 to 5:30
p.m. Girls may sign up for any phase
of the wo rk with children in which
they are interested.
Surgical Dressing Unit will be open
at the League today, 1:00-5:00 p.m.
Coming Events
The American Institute of Electri-
cal Engineers will meet Thursday
evening at 7:30 in the Michigan Un-
ion. Mr. A. R. Hellwarth, electrical
system engineer at the Detroit Edi-
son Co. anda former member of the
faculty here, will speak on "The
Communication System of Detroit
Edison Co." Plans will also be made
with respect to the A.I.E.E. picture
for the Michiganensian. Refresh-
Le Cercle Francais will meet on
Thursday, Dec. 16, .at 8:00 p.m. at the
League. This meeting is for mem-
bers and would-be members. Ser-
vicemen are also invited.
Phi Sigma meeting on Thursday,
Dec. 16, at 7:30 p.m. in the West
Lecture Room of the Rackham Bldg.
Election of officers.
Women's Glee Club will meet Fri-
day, Dec. 17, at 4:00 p.m. in the
Kalamazoo Room to have a picture
taken for the Michiganensian. Wear
white blouses and plain dark skitts.
Brine dues.


By Crockett Johnson


All right' Maybe it W AS your fairy Godfather
who caused all those accidtents, Barnaby . .. We'l
not argue about it . .. Now go see Santa Claus.
And we'll hope there won't be any more trouble.
? _BJ tr. O'Malley
wudn't cause
an rouble on
pupse, Mom.

f ;
} r

No, of course not, but-
We'll be right back.
We just have to pull
Santa's whiskers off.

S. O'Malley
d s _,.M:JOH NSON/

' Copyright 1943 PFild Pbhit,. aIZ-

,Your mother said not 1oput/

Well, why doesn't your Fairy

___ - . I


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