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December 15, 1943 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-15

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aaas J31stj Ar,. Nt

- WENESAY. ~Uk15, 1943


Audience Appreciaftinr
Praised by Cos;sack Director

"I tiank music is more important
to people now at this time than it was
before the war, and I have felt a
greater response from audiences; _I
think the Ann Arbor. concert_ goers
showed. their appreciation tremen-
dously." Serge Jaroff, famnous con-
ductor of the Dkon Cossack Chorus.
commented after the concert last
"The majority of the audience is
young and it is a keen delight to per-
form here. Their "Iec-o brings
forth a parallel reaction and great
appreciation from the chorus," he
M1~r. W. U. Flustikoff, a member of
the chorus, said, "Always when we
get on the stage, we feel a contact
established immediately between the.
Ch aanika l1Party
To**Be Held at Hille

Ann Arborw audience and ourselves,.
and we arc happy to sing. Sometimes
on some stages we have the feeling
that our performance is a little bit.
of work, but we feel here that it is a
pleasure to sing and we do not want
the concert to be over."
Whe-nasked how the Russian folk
songs originated. Mr. Flustikoff com-
mented,."If something happens to aj
}peasant like the death of his wife or
a loved one, or a fight, he goes to
workL and he keeps thinking of it. He
starts to sing because he can't keep
it inside of him any longer. He sings.
a melody to himself as he work, and
in a fecw days he repeats it again. And
pretty soon others hear it and sing


MOMS' Club
Collects Gf
Ariny Convalsetii
To Rceive Prese w-,
Gifts for convalescent, service mnen
at Willow Run and Battle Creek
vere collected at a meeting of h
MOMS Club in the League last nh .!.
These gifts which include si eL
things as playing cards, games e-nd
kits will be taken to North Hall anti
distributed by the Red Cross.
The cantata "Birthday of a Kh<'
by Norwood Dale, was.-sung o~y Ii-
13 women in the B(-=thei A...
Church chorus. This cantata along;
with several. Christnias car"ols wh-k.
were sung made up .the musical pjr
of the program which was hanced
by Mrs. E. W. Blake.
At each meeting of the MOMS Clubs
stamps. and bonds are sold, interest-
ing letters from the sons of mem-
bers, are. read and gifts which have
been sent to the members from for-
eign countries are displayed.
Saturday, the MOMS will serve as
hiostesses at the Co. C Christmas
party in the Union. Many of the
members have invited servicemen t o
their homes for Christmas dinner.
Finland Pays Ieht
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.- -l
Finland today paid the United Startes
$233,915.06 as another installment on
money borrowed from this country
after the First World War.




_ __ ,t


A ~ ~ ~ ~ -i l'iliv n etincomilttee
fr a ; e ngwl be On Campus to-

Coast. Lt. Robert MacVicar of Ann
Arbor, who has had six months
duty on the coast, was among those

ow nspet he University with
a vew o mkinwot the .budget for Records To Be Played ...
huX~ ear i a announced yes- Music by Brahms and Rimski-Kor-
s akoff will be featured in the record
In ilevas a egiLtive committee , concert at 7:30 p.m. today in the In-
0,6~ i~-i. u every twvo years, al-:traina etr
f i as etour as only a year The selections will be Brahm's Coni-
~ Attha, tie te apropia-certo in D major for violin and or-
} usu efxe fra oen-yar period. chestra played' by Jascha Heifitz and
instad f te uualbienia peI the Boston Symphony and Schehera-
MP'ioa StteNorm al College zade by Rimski-Korsakoff played by
at yalant ad YpilaiBnti State Hos- the Cleveland Symphony with Artur'
pitaI -ill lsobe nspetedby h odzinsksi conducting.'
1,vtivet'L eek. Findings willx
be rporedit the, special session of

W r n -ir"Can d!(mocracy survive the pres-
)it war?,-\,,ill be the theme for the
Wragles'Club whenm it broadcasts
fro~m 2 to 2:30 p.m. Saturday over
tation WJR.
Theproramwhich is given every
Saturday is a round table discussion
based on incidents and episodes in-
volving perplexing questions and epi-

I f

WJR Broadcast 'Kad IR. -Mysci
To* Bfe Given Killed i. Srvie

former Student Dics
1.1 1"vMPlne Crash
The Navy disclosed recently the
death of Snarl 1;,. Mysen, University
s tudent from 1935 to 19374 and. broth-
er of Mrs. Char les N. Stauibalh, fac-
ulty memb ers' wife.
The plane whiich Mysen was flying
crashed Dec. 1 near Woodland, Wash.,
but his body wais not fotuxA until
about a week later. A coripanion

A traditional Channu:
be held frlom 9 p.m. to]
day at the Hillel Foun(
The foundation will
ately decorated and t
ment will consist of
dancing, and singing.

tkah party willj
12 p.m. Satur- Membei's of the English faculty
.dation.. and students in writing classes are
.be appropi- invited to a Christmas party which
he entertain- is to be hield from 3:30 to, 5 p.m. to-
games. group morrow in the Hopwood Room,.
The arrange-

he nislt ~enext February.
(hiv harjelly and Mayor Ed-
ward ;.1. cFfries commended the.
:ork G-f the'Ciail Air Patrol at a
lunheo atenedby six Ann Ar-
;: ;r;.,mCEmbersao the CAP in the
l~oak PdilHotel .in Detroit yes-
A-n Arbor, active in the Work of
r'vrhing ainy Air Cadets, has
~cn i.,*ltoI2 naes of candidates,
includIng)89who have passed their
~h:~ caland mental screening
e 7li;ner was also held at the
l~ok Cdilaclast night for CAP
v:n who have been engaged in sub-
n . carin ihsn duty on the' Guilf

xMauer To Brodcst.
Prof. W. H. Mauer, of the jour -
nalism departmlent, will speak on
current magazine articles and books
dealing with topics of vital public
interest from 1 to. 1:15 p.m. every!
Monday on the, University studio
broadcast over WJR.
John To Speak Today- ,. .
Mr. V. P. John, of the Americain
Blower Corporation, will speak on
"Hydraulic Couplings" at 7:30 p.m.
today in Rm. 229, of the West Ergin-
eering Building.
The lecture is sponsored by the
IQuarterdeck. Society of the Naval
fArchitecture Department, and thel
public is, cordially invited to attend.

sode. Te to pevius rogamsplane c:rasked at Llie sei ie and
code. Te to pevius rogamsfell within a mile of Mysen's. The
have ha.' as their themes DIs intelli-1 accidents wvere attributed to bad
gcnce easily betrayed by emotions" weather.
and "Habit as a barrier to' progress." 7Mys;en enlisted i the Navy -August,
The broadcast is led by Prof. John 1941. Mirs. Mysen is the forner Miri-
L. Biummi of the journalism depart- am Pomeroy, '31, who graduated fromt
inent. The others on the program arei the School of Nursing here.
Professors Harold M. Dorr, political The funeral will be at the. Mysen
science; Norman R. F. Maier, psy- home in Muskegon some tim~e this
chology; Wi'llard C. Olson, education, week. The day has not beeni defin-
and Clarence D. Thorpe, English. titely decided.
Let's Make the
Evenings Before Christmas GAY!!

ments for the affair will be made by
Shirley Levin, '46, and Faye Bron-
-stein, '45, representing the Hillel
Council, and Benson Jafifee, '46, rep-
resenting Avukahl.

Ending Today


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the early mronths of 1944 will
Fee two new Ilopw4ood books pub-7
Ii, lied: Rosemary Obermeyer's
"Golden AIpples of the Sun" which
wcon a major fiction prize in 1942,r
has been chosen by the Catholic
book of the month club; Rosamnond
Haas's volume of poetry, "Delay Is
the Song," is scheduled to appear 1
March 1. A poem from this vol-
ume, "Annunciation," came out in
a recent number of "Spirit." This
magazine has also taken another
of the poems and two more are toI
appear in "The Saturday Review."
The most prolific Hopwood novel-
ist on record to date is Mildred Walk-
er' (major awards in fictions and es-
say. 1933) whose sixth volume, "Win-
ter' Wheat" is a Literary Guild choice
for February. A condensed version
of this novel appears in the Decem-
ber number of the "Ladies Ho~me
Journal." Harcourt Brace will brict
out the regular trade edition at, thw
end of January.
"A Tree Grows in _Brooklyn . by
Betty Smith (major award, 1931)
has aroused more reader interest
than any other book by a Hopwood
winner.. It appeared on the. best
seller lists soon after publication,
and has now reached second place.
Club To Meet
Election of officers for the Inter -
national Relations Club will be held
at the organization's first meeting of
the semester, 8 p.m., today, in the
International Center.
The club, along with similar clubs
at other universities and colleges, is
sponsored by the Carnegie Endow=.
ment Fund. Through this fund,. the
clubs obtain various books on inter-
national matters and are able to build
their own libraries.
Membership is open to all second
oemester students. The only. re-
quirement needed is an active inter-
est in international affairs and the
ability to discuss them fairly intel-
ligently. Those interested may ob-
tain further information by contact-
ing Sue Simms, secretary-treasurer
of the club, Fred Hoffman or Prof.
L. L. Laing, of the political science
department. Information will also
be given at the meeting tonight.

._. v
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tab o tt c Can m ake or
I# IS Your Future-your Pcay check, your savings, your life insur-
ance, your plans for tomorrow-1-I t rising_ price's can ehidanger.
For cis prices go; up/ the 7,money you have-buys less and less-the
things y>ou want- cost more and more.



A 72, .

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Y~u~ ~ w~As wil ~ ~ ell ~
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Rb1 MIMM...

- Produced at WARNER BROS. Stud ios

Put some money in
account every pay

your savings
day. And

;Matinee Today-
2-4 p.m. -
Tonight, 7-9 p.mn.


buy that future security you
dreamed of - with a new life in-
surance policy.

You can order
at Special Christmas Gift Rates
v r{ FThe Weekly Newsmagazine
$5.40 for the first subscriptior
$4.25 for each additional gi
Thme Weekly Newrspkiturae
i w ' $4.50 for the first subscription
j ..$3.50 for each additional gift
r K-
The Mvagazine of Management
/$10.00 for the first subscription
y $7.00 for each additional gift
Special Military Gift Rates for these favorites of the Armen
Forces; TIME, $3.50; LIFE, $3.50; FORTUNE, $6.00

O _ "&e/cowe hih taxe's
s help keep prices down.
ivy taxes now save you and
rchildren the crushing post-
tax burden that could make
rce of peace.
0~ o A9'more v,'twar' et
I keep them! They are an in-
ment. They help pay for the
And they keep your mohney
ipushing up price's' o things
must buy;
[ar it aOUT.

DoI 0P. Y Yom,- Jc//i'
Why go on paying interest? Get
out of debt now. Pay off insur-
cnce loans, your moorage
everything you owe. AVnd don
make new debts.

Miake itdo....Ordowthout .,.

* Use it up.~.

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