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December 14, 1943 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-14

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T. M-P-Alt -. REC.,1:4,. 1943

M-FC, WI-C A N 14,A I IN

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1!AQE. Fn

Sweet Old lit Cetera,
;: >r:;'::4
OIT'S FLU, IS IT? Well, flu isn't the only thing that's flying around this
campus. Anybody can see that. Why, we're practically the most diseased
student body in the country. We haven't missed a thing. Speaking from a
purely mental point of view-not to be confused with the medical approach
-we are all of us suffering from one or another of the Epidemica Academia.
TAKE far example, Mark Fever, the more extreme cases of which take the
form of Phi Beta Kappa Fever. Why, there are people walking around
all over the place with that communicable disease, and nobody has done a
thing about it. The chances are that your best friend has it. That's the
funny thing about Mark Fever-you never know who's a carrier. But the
symptoms are unmistakable-rapid pulse accompanied by rapid rush to the
office of the professor who awarded a point too few on a bluebook; inco-
herent mutterings about the mediocrity of B's; frequent and vigorous nod-
dings of the head which are supposed to give the professor the courage to
go on with his lecture; and, finally; cryptic references to Phi Bete-the
utterance of which are expected to provoke from one's friends the query,
"You'll probably make it, won't you, Smith?" This last, we might add, is
usually followed by energetic denials during which the diseased student,
never believing a word he says, explains that he can't possibly make it be-
cause so-and-so deliberately did him out of an A last semester.
THEN there is the other extreme, the "I-don't-give-a-damn-about-marks"
or "Have-you-heard-that-I'm-flunking-out" variety. This type tricks
others into underestimating the importance of the course by refusing to
attend classes any more often than necessary and, when he does attend,
failing, as obviously as he can, to take notes. Thus, the unsuspecting and,
as yet, healthy student is fooled into believing that he too has a photo-
graphic mind, and the results are disastrous. Imagine the mess when at the
end of the semester, people discover that no one has taken any notes at all
so that the final is a hopeless catastrophe.
OTHER TYPES might well be mentioned, despite the fact that limited
space makes the infinte detail unutterable. Think of the "Let's-all-live-
in-the-clouds" or "No-economics-for-me-variety." Consider the unhealthy
state of the "Nothing-before-eleven-in-the-morning -or-after-two-in-the-
afternoon'' group. Weep for the "No-Saturday-classes" category. And
decry vigorously the fate of the pitful "pipe-trotter."
SOMETIMES it get to the point where we wonder whether anyone has
the right slant on education. With all these diseased characters hover-
ing around the future looks pretty black for universities. The students
blame it on the professors and the professors blame it on the students. A
professor of ours once compared our system to a sink full of water and
peas, in which certain peas float to the top and others go down the drain
which is education. Maybe somebody ought to pull the stopper out. Nobody
seems to be going down.

To Ga

>on Sale

Ficitiy Women Entertain


Petitioning for

' Tickets for"The Final Spree of
'43," this year's New Year's Eve
dance, will be on sale after 1:00 p.m.
today at the Travel Desk in the
lobby of the Union.
The dance, which is to be held
from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. in Water-
man Gym, will be the sole campusI
social affair of the evening. Only
1,000 tickets will be sold, and each
customer will be limited to the pur-
chase of one ticket.
Proceeds from the dance will be
added to the Bomber Scholarship
Fund, co-chairman Roy D. Boucher
and Rupert J. Straub said. This
fund is a student project established
to create scilolarships for servicemen
returning to school after serving in
the armed forces.I

Advisors Will .
Run Until Friday
Petitioning for 01ientation advis-
ors for the February. July, or Fall
terms will continue until Friday of
this week in the Undergraduate Of-
fice of the League.
"Women who will be juniors or
seniors at the time, of this position
are eligible-their main requisite be-
ing a illeasing -and vibrant person-
ality," announced Miss Anne Mac-
i Millan.
"The purpose of orientation advis-
ors is to make the freshmen and
transfers feel a part of the University
of Michigan as readily as possible.
Therefore," Miss MacMillan added,
"We are anxious to have women who
will devote the orientation week to
this job and who will keep in touch
with their group during the year."
In the interview the applicant will
be given a chance to give her opin-
ions on the present system of orien-
tation and present. any original ideas
toward bettering the system.

Additional members
committee are Stan
Jean Bisdee, who are

of the dance]
Wallace and;
handling the

Women ,To


Two Ex-'Daily'
Managers Wed
Two former Daily business mana-
gers set a new precedent in Daily
history when they exchanged vows
on Sunday at 2:00 p.m.
The bride, the former Jeanne Lov-
ett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
W. Lovett of Detroit, is a member of
Alpha Phi. The bridegroom, Frank
M. O'Brien, '43, son of Dr. and Mrs.
F.-.M. O'Brien of Bluefield, W.Va., is
affiliated with Delta Tau Delta and
is a member of Scabbard and Blade
and Sphinx, junior honor society.
Mr. O'Brien was Daily business
manager during the spring semester
of '43, and his bride was business
manager in the summer semester.
There will be a meeting for all
Panhellenic representatives at 4:00
p.m. tomorrow at the League, room
to be p tdaccording to Frances
vm 44,treasurer.

'Positions Open
On '47 Corps
Freshman Coeds May Petition
For Central Committee Jobs
Four new positions on the Central
Committee of the '47 Corps:" assis-
tant chairman, equipment manager,
bookkeeper, and publicity . director,
are open, announced Ann MacMillan,
'44, president of Judiciary.
These new positions are open to
freshman women, and petitioning for
these and other positions previously
announced will continue . through
Friday. Coeds may sign up for an
interview on the sheet posted on the
door of the Undergraduate Office of
the League.
This project was started as a gen-
eral drive to clean up the campus
grounds, but it has been taken over
by the freshmen as their class pro-

For Badminton
"Women who are interested in
playing in a badminton doubles tour-
nament to be held shortly after
Christmas vacation, should register
at the WAB or at Barbour Gym
now," announced Madeline Vibbert,
44, manager of the Badminton Club,
Any woman may enter the tourna-
ment even if she isn't a regular mem-
?er of tl frclub. Forthose eliminated
in their first gam~e, a second tourna-
ment will be, formed the next week.
This will give everyone a more equal
chance to participate. The tourna-
ments will begin shortly after Christ-
mas and last throggh the first weeks
of January.
The regular meeting of the Bad-
mn4ton Club will be held at 8:30 p.m.
Thursday at Barbour Gym. The
meeting will last for an hour and
consist of practicing and perfecting
badminton technique.
The club recently adopted a policy
of including men at its meetings
every other week.' Men are invited
to attend the meeting this Thursday.
"Badminton is a fast game, much
faster than tennis. It is easily,
learned and a girl can develop into a
good player in a very short period of
time. Our meeting this week would
be a good time for those girls who
are planning to enter the tourna-
ment to get a little practice," Miss
Vibbert suggested.
Because the equipment is not fur-
nished, players must bring their own
birds and rackets.
WAA Notices
Nancy Hattersley, '44, president of
WAA, has announced that Virginia
Dodd, '45, has been selected as bowl-
ing manager for WAA. Although the
alleys at the WAB are not ready for
use as yet, it is hoped that they will
be opened soon after Christmas.
The La Crosse Club wants to play
one last "real" game before the
Christmas holidays, according to Pan
Daniels, '46, club manager, and 22
women are urged to come out at 4:30
p.m. Wednesday on Palmer Field.



Army, Navy


Servicemen were entertained re-
cently at an informal party at the
home of Prof. aid Mrs. Charles
Good, 2307 Hill Street. The above
scene is typical of the gatherings
that the Faculty Women's Club
has been sponsoring since this past
summer. Every two weeks 75 men
have been invited to various Ann
Arbor homes.
Facul~ty Women,

Par1t ies

Some dozen or more parties will be
given under the sponsorship of the
Faculty Women's Club on the eve-
ning of Dec. 18 and the afternoon of
the next day in various Ann Arbor
homes for servicemen stationed on
the campus.
These parties are a continuation
of a series which the club has been
giving every two weeks since this
summer. On these week-ends 75
Army and Navy men are invited to
different faculty women's homes.
Most of the parties are small and
informal with the woman in whose
home the party is, serving as hostess,
Rushees Ms
Be at MeetIng
Because so many questions have
arisen in regard to rushing proced-
ure, there will be a compulsory meet-
ing for all women who have signed
up for rushing at 4:30 p.m. today in
Rackham Auditorium, according to
Mary June Hastreiter, '44, president
of Panhellenic.
"It is imperative for all rushees to
attend this meeting," Miss Hastreiter
said, "because the procedure for the
next few functions will differ con-
siderably from those which have
taken place up to the present.'
There will be a meeting of the
JGP from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Thursday in the undergrad office
of the League. The meeting will
be held for the women selling war
stamps to dorms and auxiliary
dorms. The war stamp money will
be collected at the meeting.

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