~z -1. I7 11 1'%M .I A"T va *4 live - ,a. as i.s _ fIa A :,M AN .:.. _....R/ 4W.A AA X .r h1i~iL LWt i .Wilkie Rev. Sillivain To Ta k Today Jap Internlient Camp Life To Be discussed Rev. Phillip Sullivan, who has just returned to the United States on the exchange ship Giipsholm, will talk of life in a Japanese internment camp at 7:30 today in the International Center. Since his graduation from the Uni- versity in 1922, Rev. Sullivan has spent most of his time in Shanghai where he was prcfesso'r of economics at St. John's University.. .From February to Sept. 20, when he sailed from the United States, he was interned in a Japanese camp in Shanghai. In this camp were 1,100 men from all walks of life. A univer- sity was set up in the camp with Rev. Sullivan and 12 of his colleagues forming the nucleus of it. These men did all the work in the camp, from the preparation'of the food to the repair of buildings. Their only contact with the outsidef world was a Japanese English lan-I guage newspaper. By reading it care- s . Agrees To Be Cross-Examined ......................_... . 'Pistol Packin' /Uomma' Ca -ries 75-Millimeter Cannon &n e Mia~nen IB-2s c.rvy a 7-mihmeter canon in Iront turret, as "Pistol Packin' Momma" (right) illustrates. At left, Jack Fox, North American Aviation representative, holds one of the shells fired in the bomber's newest weapon. -Associated Press Photo fully the internees could judge the other aspects of life in the camp in progress of the war to some extent. his speech today. All interested are Rev. Sullivan will discuss these and invited to attend. I v. k,§w . We gnade a spc ial study of this year's gift requirem en/s so' /hat w could advise you cor- rectly on u hat/o choose. Come to one of our sales,,irls and let her tell you what to select, how ituch it will cost - and (especially for men) it will be beautifully gift wrapped for you. Gifts from as little as 50c to as much as you want to pay. Dr. KUroda To Talk Today Ann Arbor Churches Plan Varied Activities Today's Guild activities include a talk by Dr. Andrew Kuroda, Neisi, appearing at the Wesleyan Guild at the Methodist Church at 5 p.m. with supper and social hour at 6 p.m. Westminster Guild is planning a supper and fellowship hour at 6 p.m. in the Presbyterian Church with Prof. Howard McClusky leading the discussion on the subject "Finding Life's Meaning." Rabbi J. M. Cohen will speak to members of the Congregational-Dis- ciples Guild at 5 p.m. on "Post-War Relationships Between Jew and Gen- tile." Supper will follow the meeting which is to be held at the Memorial Christian Church. Gamma Delta and the Catholic Student Club are arranging for skat- ing parties at 3 p.m. today at the Coliseum Rink. At 5:30 p.m. the Lutherans will return to the Student Center for a supper meeting while the Catholics will come back at the same time to St. Mary's Chapel for supper and discussion. The Lutheran Student Association will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the Zion Parish Hall for a fellowship hour and supper followed with Sister Margaret Fry speaking on her experiences working in the Willow Run area. A choral evening prayer will begin at 5 p.m. in the Episcopal Church with supper and a panel discussion at the Canterbury Club meeting. The subject will be Father Allen Whitte- more's recent mission. Subcommittee To Investigate Bribe Charges Alleged 'Irregularities At 1940 Convetion Subjet of Hearings WASHINGTON ,Dc. 11.--WencIell L. Willkie said tonight he would be delighted to undergo "unlimited cross-examination" by a Congres- sional committee concerning charges that some of his supporters sought to buy votes at the 1940 Republican ccnvention. Members of the commit- tee immediately indicated willingness for him to appear. Willkie telegraphed Chairman Kil- gore (Dem., W.Va.) of a Senate elec- tions subcommittee offering to ap- pear personally for questioning i connection with a resolution intro- duced by Senator Langer (Rep.. N.D.) asking an investigation of any "irregularities" at the Philadelphia convention. Book Starts It Langer's resolution was based on charges made by C. Nelson Sparks, former mayor of Akron, O., and manager of the 1940 campaign of Frank E. Gannett for the Republi- can nomination, in a book "One Man -Wendell Willkie." Asserting that these charges were "ridiculous," Willkie wired Kilgore: "I shall be delighted, at the com- mittee's convention, to appear before it and place myself subject to unirn,-. ited cross-examination of any or all of its members on any subject cov- ered in the books or on any other subject on which the committee de- sires to examine me." Telephones Bridges Previously Willkie had telephoned Senator Bridges (Rep., N.H.), a member of the subcommittee, ex- pressing his desire to appear before the group to answer Sparks' charges. Bridges told a reporter he had no objection to such a course, if the committee desired to call Willkie. Concert. . (Continued from Page 1) "Dona Nobis Pacem." This work is based on the writing of Walt Whit- man. In all, over 160 musical performers will be featured in the concert. In addition to the two main choirs, there will be the Congregational Church Junior Choir and a mixed orchestra of 35 pieces adding melodic background. Seven soloists are also a feature of the program. They are Corps. Arthur Flynn, Joseph Procac- cino, Allan Beach and Arthur Mc- Evoy, and the Misses Bobette Ring- land, Marjorie Gould, Jacqueline Bear, and Charlotte MacMullen. This will mark the first time in the 38 year history of the Glee Club that they have teamed with a serv- ice organization of any kind. The Soldier Choir is best remembered for its work in Co. A's musical hit, "Nips in the Bud." They have also had their own broadcast over WJR, De- troit, and their concert in Hill Audi- torium last summer drew an au- dience of 4,000. This may be the Choir's last appearance for some time as most of the members are awaiting transfer toan advance base early in January. Git Apple lossom Gift S Ilelena Runhns/ein's lovelyA pl cBlossom fragrance in spa li iiyEau de oil rile wi/h ['retly round box of Apple l3h soB ody Pou'der. in gift b iea.ven-Sent Gift Set A graceful flask. of Helena Rub- instein's famous Heaven - Sent Fait de Toilette with a large bm Of deeply-scented Heaven- Sent Body Powder. A lovely Christ mas surprise! iet aa los- rk - 'ox. White Flaie Perfume by Helena Rubinstein An exciting new perfume. A heart-stirring unforgettable fra- rance. A breath-taking gift! In a slim purse-flacon, packaged in deep purple. OF BEAUTY... by Isln ru biustein s-iP(To Serve Lone Y-12 Dietitians un kithen iep in the WetiQuadra l help n theDec. 23, two men on Friday, Dec. 24, 'West a to dig upfour men on Sunday, Dec. 26 and two some new e " ring the "men on Monday, Dec. 27. Acm stmeving holiday-2 The Christmas spirit will not be acking though for five Christmas men, hey wih t( or'only treeswill be put up in the ship on O~iCIliAI~011ChI'~lm S ) 'Dec. 18. Thre men hae edi'ed their There will be a tree in each of the tltiO1 IA eii t: meals in the four mess halls and one in the lounge tess hail of the shiu on Tiursday, of the ship. BUY WAR BONDS INVEST IN VICTORY SJ ANN ARBOR'S FINE DOWNTOWN STORE Main at Liberty. UTZEL'S Main atLiberty -- Give He Somet y ti thing Beautiful (- to Wear -V t a f Dressy blouses in white, shocking, pampas and shell pink . . . -.-- - . Clip Here And Mail To A U.-M. Man In The Armed Forces - EDITION ti i§ iat On S/ate a/ Ihe Head of North University WE DELIVER ANN ARBOR, MICH DEC. 12, 1943 JACKIE WALL was found delinquent in the Nov. 19 accidental shooting of Bar- ry Rothstein following a hearing Thursday. The boy will be placed under the care of the Michigan Chil- dren's Institute here and then will be given a 30-day test at the University Psy- chiatric Institute. He will then be placed in a suit- able home by the Chil- dren's Institute until his own home is approved . . . Probate Judge Jay Pray stressed the employment of both parents as a factor in the boy's delinquency. He said, "I wish there were a law forbidding every wo- man with children under 17 to work." Mrs. Wall, a skilled lathe operator, is employed as a stock- stamper at Willow Run. She has not been to work since the shooting, howev- er. JUDGE PRAY announced the same day that a panel of experts will discuss the Canine Hiker YPSILANTI has an epi- demic of rabies to add to its many other problems. Within the last month 18 dogs' have been diagnosed as having the disease antd 32 more are undergoing treatment. * *. *, MISS VIOLET RUSBY, representative of the Unit- ed States Cadet Nurse Corps, was in Ann Arbor last week to explain the ad- vantages of the Corps to the coeds. She said it is fascinating because "it of- fers women an opportunity to work with other people besides preparing them for a profession in the future." She spoke of the great need for nurses, the training needed, uniforms, salaries. But she was not here to get girls to sign on the dot- ted line, she said. * * * THE GIRLS whom she was addressing got some more of the same verbal lambasting last week. The by challenge moved from the Home again in Norfolk, Va., after a 40C-mile hike to Patchogue, L. L,, Pete, a three-year-old Pomer- anian, is petted bVy his mistress, Barbara Ann Staud, whom he followed on foot when she left Norfolk for a visit. --AP Photo Pleated skirts F :n voter {r # i' r n.-;fc inged for war jobs b THE SAME OPINION excha