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December 12, 1943 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-12

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War Prisoners to Work in Lumber Camps

War Nerve Cited as Cause
Of More Interest in Music
By MONROE FINK have received in the last 25 years in
"The desire of soldiers as well as the schools and by radio."
civilians to find in good music a sub- Increase in Musical Interest
stantial, stabilizing influence in a Ann Arbor record dealers also bear
war-nerved world has been largely witness to the increase in musical
responsible for the packed auditori- interest which the city has displayed
um which has marked every Choral in the last year. They report a great-
Union concert so far this season," er demand than ever before for clas-
Dr. Charles Sink, President of the sical recordings.
The effect which concerts here
'University Musical Society, said in an nd .l o

interview yesterday.
"We have always had large audi-
ences in the past," he continued, "but
the increasing student and town in-
terest this year combined with that
of the servicemen stationed on cam-
pus has served to jam Hill Auditori-
um to capacity for every concert."
Programs Provide Appeal
"We have designed our programs
for this year with the intention of
providing the greatest possible appeal
to all tastes and thus giving the max-
imum of relaxation and pleasure,"
Dr. Sink said.
"It is interesting to note," he add-
ed, "that the servicemen of today
are much more interested in classical:
music than those of the last war.
This interest, I believe, can be at-
tributed to the increased music ed-
ucation which the American people

- ol VU r e raco n ave on sales was
especially noted by one dealer who
said, "No sooner is the concert heard
than the next day we are besieged
with customers requesting to buy the
pieces which were performed."
Earlier Opening Set
For May Festival
The Fifty-First May Festival will
start on Thursday, May 5, 1944, in-
stead of on Wednesday of that week,
Dr. Charles Sink, President of the
University Musical Society, announc-
ed yesterday.
"Under the new arrangement there
will be one concert Thursday, one
Friday, two on Saturday and two on
Sunday of 'May Festival week," he


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Army Pernits
Use of 1,250
Nazis in State
Captives To Relieve
Acute Labor Shortage
II Upper Peninsula
The Army has approved use of
1.250 German prisoners of war for
work in Upper Peninsula logging and
lumber camps to help relieve a cri-
tical labor supply problem, it was an-
nounced oday.
Many of the German prisoners,
who will begin work in the camps aw
soon as housing can be provided, have
served in Rommel's famed Afrika
Korps. They have been billeted at
Camp Grant, Rockford, Ill., and
Camp Ellis, which is near Peoria, Ill
Army Handles Details
Preliminary negotiations for the
use of war prisoners were made with
Lt. Col. Harry Brawner, chief of the
labor branch, Sixth Service Com-
mand. Transporting and maintenance
details are being worked out by Ar-
my labor branch officers.
According to Edward L. Cushman,
acting state director for the. War
Manpower Commission, more than
3,500 workers are needed immediately
by Michigan's woods industries. Ar-
rangernents to secure the services of
war prisoners were undertaken be-
cause the need is so urgent that the
manpower agency could not rely upon
ordinary recruitment methods to mo-
bilize an adequate working force.
However, Cushman emphasized
that importation of the 1,250 war pri-
soners by no means solves the man-
power problem in the woods indus-
tries. These men will help ease the
immediate demand, but unless hun-
dreds of local workers accept jobs,
quotas cannot possibly be met, he
Lumbering Is Vital
"Actually, the lumber, logging and
pulp wood industries are an integral
part of the war effort," he pointed
out. "Munitions, food, clothing, and
parts for tanks, planes, trucks, and
other war equipment are shipped in
crates and boxes made from Michi-
gan wood. Michigan wood also is used
in the production of vital chemicals,
plywood, explosives and in all types
of construction work."
Upper Peninsula employers who
hire the war prisoners will pay the
prevailing wage scale to the govern-
ment. Each prisoner receives an al-
lotment of 80 cents a day in the form
of coupons with which such items as
tobacco, candy, toilet articles and
food products may be purchased at
the camp canteen.
Commissioned officers are not re-
quired to work, and non-commission-
ed officer prisoners are required to
do supervisory work only.
Supervision Strict
Supervision over prisoners of war
is strict, but they are provided with
food, clothing and medical care on
approximately the same basis as en-
listed men in the Army of the United
Reading material is censored before
it is made available to war prisoners
and the possession of shortwave radio
receiving sets is banned although pri-
soners may have long-wave sets.
Regulations provide that prisoners
be allowed a period of rest of 24 con-
secutive hours every week, preferably

Miniature Engine

Less than 13 ounces in weight,
this tiny Lear Avia electric motor
held by Helen Devlin turns up one-
sixtieth horsepower at 9,000 revolu-
tions per minute. It was designed
to operate cowl flaps and other de-
vices requiring mechanization on
modern U. S. fighting planes.
- olly To Speak
Here Thursday
Religious Unity Will Be
Subject of Discussion
Horace Holly, executive secretary
of the Baha'i Assembly of the United
States and Canada, will be the prin-
cipal speaker of a panel discussion
on "Is Religious Unity Practical?" at
8 p.m. Thursday in Rackham Lecture
Chairman of the discussion will be
Monsignor Allen J. Babcock of the
Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in De-
troit. Also participating on the panel
will be Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,
counselor in religious education, Rab-
bi Jehudah M. Cohen, director of Hil-
lel Foundation, and the Rev. C. H.
Loucks, president of the Ann Arbor
Ministerial Association.
Dr. Holly is author of several books
on sociology and religion. He has
spoken before audiences throughout
America on the importance of esta-
blishing peace on a spiritual basis
through the unified efforts of people
of various religious faiths.

Letter Collection
Is on Display
Documents Set Forth
Tappan's VieWs on
Educational System
Letters, clippings, diaries, pictures
and documents of Henry Philip Tap-
pan, the first President of the Uni-
versity in 1852-63, and other faculty
members, are on exhibit now in the
Michigan Historical Collections of
the Rackham Building, and describe
vividly the early beginnings of the
A clipping from the New York
Daily Tribune of July, 1854, com-
ments on Tappan's appointment as
president of the University,
"We regard it as an era in the his-
tory of education in this country
when one of the most eminent men
of science in Europe is called to fill a
chair, not in one of our Atlantic
cities, but in a young and vigorous
institution of the West."
Letters and pamphlets show that
President Tappan, who had spent
many years in Europe, and who ad-
mired the Prussian system of educa-
tion, thought that the Prussian Uni-
versity system, unlike the English
system of colleges, should be estab-
lished at the University of Michigan.
Mrs. Leslie, assistant curator of
the Michigan Historical Collections,
commented, "President Tappan
thought there should be limitless
opportunity for the scholar in the
University. He thought there should
be a progression from the elementary
public schools to the university, that
the state should be responsible for
the education of a student. through
the university, and that the true
university should not be built up of
separate undergraduate colleges but
should go beyond the Bachelor's De-
gree and provide materials and books
without limit to cover all fields of
Pres. Tappan took a radical view,
according to comments of letters of
the time, when he adopted the view
that faculty members should be ap-
pointed on their merits as teachers
and not their religious denomination.
It was the policy of the University
then to keep a balance between
members of different Protestant
Causing much admiration in the
newspapers of his day, was Tappan's
foundation of a first-class astronom-
ical observatory at Ann Arbor called
the Detroit Observatory.

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