Y days till Christmas, It43r 4 ait Weather Snow and Colder VOL LIV No. 35 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DEC. 12, 1943 Reds Hurl Back azis Fightingnear PRICE FIVE CENTS Kiev Yanks Down 138 Nazi Planes over Emden Soviets Wreck German __ ,- Tanks; 1,500 Men Killed North Sea Port Left in Flames' In Day Raid Americans Lose 17 Bombers, 3 Fighters In Intense Combat By GLADWIN HILL Associated Press Correspondent LONDON, Dec. 11.-Americah Fly- ing Fortresses and Liberators and ac- companying Lightning and Thunder- bolt fighters attacked the German North Sea port of Emden by daylight Glee Club and Soldier Choir E-W-Tr Present Concert Tonight { a half-mile-square area and towering columns of smoke dwarfing a feeble, wind-scattered ground screen miles below with which the Germans tried to obscure the American objective.. Over 100 Downed A total of 117 of the German planes fell to the crack American heavy bombers and 21 to the doughty fight- ers that went the whole 375 miles to the target and back in intense com- bat that saw infuriated German fighters machine-gunning boys who parachuted out of crippled U. S. bombers.' But Emden, one of the Germans' most important ports since the de- struction of Hamburg-a point of_ enitry for vital Scandinavian iron ore and timber and the site of important U-boat yards-was thoroughly plas-' tered with high. explosives and in- cendiaries. New Tactics The Germans tried a new tacic in swarming in four and five abreast, returning fliers said, but they gave indications of inexperience an a.lack of eagerness, and between their own lethal bursts the American gunners watched Nazi planes exploding in air and crashing to the ground at theE rate of seven for every American ship downed. Taking off from English bases inj chill wintry weather, the fliers bat- tled a 75-mile-an-hour headwind that made the trip over the North Sea, twice as long as the return journey. It was the Americans' fifth blow at Emden, which now has been bombed 84 times in the war. It was last hit Oct. 2 by Fortresses in a raid which2 was the city's third in a week. Five days before that it was hit by both the U.S. Eighth Air Force and the RAF on the same day. Don Cossack Chorus To Sing Tuesday Night Songs of Shvedoff and Tchaikow- sky will be featured by the Original Don Cossack Chorus at the sixth Choral Union concert to be given at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium. Serge Jaroff, conductor of this world renowned choral group, will al-7 so lead them in selections by Tches- nokoff, Borodin, Varlanoff and Shos-t takovitch, in addition to several of, his own arrangements of popular Russian folk songs. "Legend," and "Blessed Art Thou1 O Lord," are the compositions by Tchaikowsky to be performed. "Rus- sian Fair," "Song of the Apple," "Marching Song," and the "Can- paign Song" by Shvedoff will also be heard. Selections from the opera, "Prince Igor," will be presented by the Don Cossacks as part of the first part of Tuesday's concert, while "Border to Border," the famous song of Shosta- kovitch will highlight the second half of the program. War regulations have necessitated a change in the means of travel em- ployed by the Don Cossack Chorus. While in the past they traveled in their own bus, their concert tour this year is being made by train. One of the major changes which has occurred in the appearance of the chorus, since it was founded in 1919, Featured in tonight's concert at Hill Auditorium, The Soldier Choir's final appearance of the year, in conjunction with the University Women's Glee Club, will be these seven talented soloists. Bottom, left to right, Harriet Porter, '45 SM; Corp. Arthur McEvoy, Marjorie Gould, '44 SM; top, Corp. Joseph Procac- cino, Jacqueline Bear, '44 SM; Charlotte MacMullen, '44 SM, and Corp. Arthur Flynn. The concert is free and will begin at 8:15. -Daily Photo by Cpl. R. L. Lewin, 3651st SU, Co. A HITLER'S PUPPETS: Hull Warns Balkan Satellites To Overthrow Nazi Regimes By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. - The United States, in a move to split Hit- ler's Balkan satellites away from the Axis, tonight solemnly warned the governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and Rumania that they must share the "consequences of the terrible de- feat that United Nations arms are so surely bringing to Nazi Germany." The somber warning came from Secretary of State Cordell Hull on the second anniversary of a declara- tion of war against the United States ,by the three governments. It implied an appeal to the peoples of the three nations to overthrow the "puppets of Hitler" and take their governments into their own hands. Continue War Regardless of "the sentiments of their peoples," Hull said, "the gov- ernments in power in these three countries have recklessly continued their participation in the war against us." "They must by this time realize that they will have to share the responsibilty" for aiding the Nazis, he said. The strong statement was , issued just one day afters waves of Allied bombers struck a heavy air blow at Sofia, capital of Bulgaria. It came, too, at a time when there are mount- ing indications that the pro-Nazi Bulgarian and Hungarian govern- ments faced a showdown with their own masses. Text of Warning Following is the text of the Secre- tary of State's announcement: "It is just two years since the gov- ernments of Bulgaria, Hungary and Five Subs Suik In Atlantic Fiht Convoys Saved from Fierce U-Boat Attack LONDON, Dec. 11.-(AP)-In a fur- ious 48-hour day and night battle in the North Atlantic, British and American planes and warships beat off a pack of at least 20 German U-boats recently, sank five, dam- aged three and brought two valuable convoys through virtually without loss. Rumania, having already become servile puppets of Hitler, obedient to the orders of their master, declared war against the United States. "To what degree they have been counting on our magnanimity to spare their peoples the consequences of this rash step foredoomed to dis- aster we do not know. - "The fact is that whatever may be the sentiments of their peoples, the governments in power in these three countries have recklessly con- tinued their participation in the war against us, strengthening with men and material resources the Nazi war machine. "They must by this time realize that they will have to share the res- ponsibility for the consequences of the terrible defeat that United Na- tions arms are so surely bringing to Nazi Germany." MSC.To Give Civilian Party EAST LANSING, Dec. 11.-(P)- For the first time since soldiers have arrived on the Michigan State College campus, students have planned an all-civilian activity to which servicemen will not be invit- ed and will not be welcomed if they try to attend. The event will be a "college car- rosel," a one night Stage Door Can- teen with the absence of uniforms, which will be presented Jan. 28 by members of the faculty and student, body. The Union ballroom will be transformed into a cabaret and en- tertainient will be a floor show with an all-faculty and student cast. Members of the men's and wo- men's faculty clubs are working with student co-chairmen Helen Fisher of Grand Haven and Ruth Thorburn of Lansing. ~Brief Music' Sale To Open Tickets for Emmet Lavery's "Brief Music" to be given by Play Produc- Yuletide Concert To Be Given Here Tonioht The Soldier Chou in conjunction with the University Women's Glee Club, will make its final appearance of the season at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium in a special Christmas concert. The concert will be free to the pub- lic and doors will open at 7:45. The two choruses have been re- hearsing steadily for the past two months under the direction of Wilson Sawyer, and their selections today represent some of the most inspiring and at the same time vocally diffi- cult seasonal music of the ages. The result of their work will be fitting tribute to the time and effort these two groups have devoted despite nec- essarily conflicting schedules and limited rehearsal time. The program follows the theme of victory and peace in the future, and the spirit of the presentation will be keynoted by the tone poem in six parts by R. Vaughan Williams, See CONCERT, p. 7 No Rabies Epidemic Here Engleke Says. Dr. Otto K. Engleke announced yesterday that Ann Arbor need not fear the outbreak of a rabies epidem- ic similar to that of Ypsilanati. After carefully checking his files,j Dr. Engleke stated that there was only one known rabid dog running loose in Ann Arbor within the last month. U.S. Bombers Pound Balkan City of Sofia Tons of Bombs Strike Vital Railway Centers Of Bulgarian Capitol By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, AL- GIERS, Dec. 11.-Wave upon wave of American Liberators hurled tons of bombs yesterday on Sofia, the capi- tal of Bulgaria, and returned scot free -a pointed reminder to Hitler's wav- ering Balkan satellites of what Allied Mediterranean air power has in store for them if they remain in the war. The heavy bombers, escorted by long-range fighters, pounded railway yards and barrack areas for an hour and 45 minutes and the bombing was "accurate and effective," Allied head- quarters announced. Third Raid Some 40 Nazi fighters sought to in- tercept and 11 of them were shot down. It was the third raid on Sofia in a month. The military effect of the raid un- doubtedly was great because it was directed at an important communi- cations center-the Hungarian news agency was quoted by the BBC as saying passenger and express trains on important Bulgarian lines. had been cancelled-but its propaganda effect in the Balkans seemed likely to be even more significant. Abandons Sessions A mile;away from the railway tar- get the'-Bulgarian'parliament, wrest- ling over an internal crisis growing out of the war of nerves, was forced to abandon its sessions, the Sofia ra- dio, said. It added the raid caused great destruction and many deaths. (According to' a Budapestdispatch to Bern, Switzerland, American planes recently dropped leaflets warning Sofia would receive heavier raids unless Bulgaria qut'the war.) Another indication that the Sofia raid was merely a forerunner of what could be expected was a broadcast from the headquarters of Marshal Jo- sip Broz (Tito), leader of the Yugo- slav Partisans, urging all Yugoslavs to get out of Nazi-held towns, "as the Allied airforce is helping the op- eration of Yugoslav units." Prince Confers With Ruthven Orizu Outlines Plan for Scholarship Program Prince A. A. Nwafor Orizu of the state of Nnewi, Nigeria, visited the University yesterday and conferred with President Alexander Ruthven and James Edmonson, Dean of the School of Education. The Prince, one of the few who have ever been in Ann Arbor, dis- cussed a scholarship program for Ni- gerian students to come to the Uni- versity. He is making a tour of midwestern universities representing his country in an attempt to organize an Ameri- can Council on African Education. The plan as he outlined it would have the University offer scholarships after the war for worthy Nigerian students under the directorship of the new council. Only preliminary conferences were held yesterday and no definite action has been taken. was going on in Cherkasy. Destroy Troop Carriers Over 70 German troop carriers and trucks were destroyed and prisoners captured by the Russians in the all- out battle south and southwest ,f Malin, 55 miles from Kiev where the Germans were assailing a 40-mile front in a drive to retake the Ukrain- ian capital. The Moscow communique. recorded by the Soviet Monitor, said that in one sector about 5,000 German in- fantrymen, backed by a large group of tanks, succeeded in taking a single height in a morning attack. By the end of the day the Russians with their own tanks and self-propeiled artillery had blasted. the Germans from the height and "completely restoring positions." Serious War Battle Eddy Gilmore, Associated Press Correspondent in Moscow, called the Kiev bulge conflict "one of the most serious battles of the war." "There is a stretch of battlefield south of Malin which for violence of tank against tank and mobile gun against mobile gun out-rivals any- thing since the days of the big tank battles on the Don Steppe before Stalingrad," he wrote. CJar'r Appoints Prosecutor To Aid Inquiry' LANSING, Dec. 11.-(M)-Recent stormy developments in Circuit Judge Leland W. Carr's one-man grand jury investigation of the legislature had a sequel today in announcement by the court that he was appointing a new special prosecutor to aid him in the probe of tales of graft and conniving in adoption or defeat of important laws. The Judge followed a cautiously phrased original statement with an oral elaboration in which he said he was "emphatic" in his desire that no one interpret his decision as meaning that Attorney General Herbert J. Rushton was "to be shoved out of the picture" of grand jury affairs. He said the new special prosecutor,k whom he has not yet identified,1 would be appointed within "a few days" and would have equal ranking{ with Rushton in the grand jury room.I 1141e ds PTro -4)1pose Lower' Drft Stanidards O'f;icia1kS Suggest 'hat TEakin More 4-Fs Would Defer Fathers WASHINGTON. Dec. 11.- (/P)- , Selective Service will explore the idea of lower physical standards in order to take some 4-Fs and thus possibly defer the induction of a number of 1-A fathers, Chairman XMay (Dem., Ky.) of the House Mil- itary, Committee said today. Officials have said only a change in the Army's physical tests could materially reduce the rate of induc- tion of fathers. However, such stan- dards are set by the Army, not Selec- tive Service, and whether they will be changed remains highly proble- matical. The newly signed draft law, which seeks to delay drafting of fathers if possible, sets up a commission of five doctors to re-examine physical stan- dards to see if they can be lowered. May held a conference today with Major-General Lewis B. Hershey, Se- i c Live Service director, and an- nounced afterward that Hershey had telegraphed draft boards to defer fathers as long as it was possible to get their quotas otherwise. The new draft act places pre-Pearl Harbor fathers, so far as possible, at the bottom of the draft list, on a nationwide basis, and gives Hershey dircet responsibility for its adminis- tratin. CampusUnites In Paer Drive Second Ukrainian Army contiames Offensive In Dnieper Bend, Ta=king 123More rowns By J:1;IS r. LONG associated iDress correspondent LONDON, Dec. 12.-Russian defenders, successfully absorbing the power of massed German armor attacking west of Kiev in one of the great- est battles of the war. hurled back the Germans from momentary gains, wrecked 103 of their tanks and killed 1.500 of their men. Moscow announced at midnight. At the same time the Russian Second Ukrainian Army in the south continued its offensive in the Dnieper bend, capturing 12 more towns. Berlin itself announced earlier that in the Dnieper bend German troops had evacuated the town of Chigrin. midway between Cherkasy and Kre- menchug_ and that street fighting _ -_.. (o-ops, lFC, Join Salvage Congress Campaign The waste paper drive became all- campus yesterday as the cooperatives, IFC and Congress joined with Assem- bly and Pen-Hellenic to help paper the paper-hanger against the wall with a flood of vitally needed old newspapers, magazines, cardo ard an d waste paper. /tdge dfll Lasting until Friday, the campaign Juage Appoints will seek to help provide the nation's paper mills with the raw material Rapp to Post they need to keep making containers, corrugated paper boxes and protec- Albert J, Rapp, former Washtenaw tive wrappers for shipping war ma- county prosecuting attorney, has been teriel to our armed forces overseas. appointed special prosecutor for the Called one of the most important retrial of William H. Padgett, who drives of this war, the current cam- has spent seven years in prison after paign will last until Friday when rep- conviction on the charge of murder of resentatives of the Washtenaw Coun- an Ann Arbor policeman. ty Salvage Committee will pick up Granted by the state supreme student collections at dorms, co-ops, court, the new trial has been set for sororities, league houses and frater- Jan. 4 before Judge Guy A. Miller of nities. the Wayne County Circuit Court. Mr. George H. Gabler, chairman of I Fulton Lewis To Talk Wednesday The old and the new Russia will be depicted by Burton Holmes in a lecture on "Our Russian Allies" with motion pictures to be given at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Holmes, who will be introduced by Prof. Everett S. Brown of the Political Science Department, is the second speaker in the series spon- sored by the Oratorical Association. Often called "The dean of the travelogue speakers," Mr. Holmes is celebrating his golden anniversary 1901, and then will continue with films he took during his Russian trip in 1934. Individual tickets for this lecture and for Fulton Lewis, Jr., who will speak Wednesday, can be secured from 10 a.m. to 1p.m., 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., and 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. to- morrow at the box office in Hill Auditorium. Capitol Hill Affairs cuss the question, "What's Happening in Washington?" Starting out as a cub reporter on, the "Washington Herald" within three years Lewis rose to the position of city editor. From 1928 to 1937 he headed the Washington Bureau of Universal News Service and covered every type of news beat in the capital. Highlight of his career was his "scoop" on the Farnsworth Case. In the summer of 1936, Lewis discovered the operations of Lt. Commander the county committee, suggests tying old newspapers in bundles 12 inches high -and magazines in stacks 18 inches high. Cardboard boxes should be flattened and piled in 12-inch stacks while waste paper should be packed into boxes or bags so that it will be easier to carry. Profs To Go on Air Today Over WJR The development of post-war em- ployment will be the subject of the round table discussion radio pro- gram. "In Our Opinion," to be broad- cast from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m., today over station WJR. The broadcast, originating in Mor- ris Hall, is a regular feature of WJR on the second Sunday of each month.