lk n , - i A x x, M ^ lam. I IlL LVIIcIii~-Aki 1) A~. IL i Fifty-.ourth Year I'd Rthr Be Right By SAM UEL GRAFTON J1__________________________________________ ( ld1xS GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lch ty -- -- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Contro of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the ,egular University wear, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.50, by mail $525. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Editorial Staff Maroii Ford . . Managing Editor Jane Farrant . . 7ditorial Director Claire Sherman . . . . . City Editor Marjorie Borradalle . . . . Associate Editor Eric Zalenski . . . . . . Sports Editor Bud LoW . . . . " Associate Sports Editor HSrvey Frank . . . Associate Sports Editor Mary, Anne Olson . . . . Women's Editor Marjorie Rosmarin . . . . Ass't Women's Editor Hilda Slautterback . . . . . Columnist Doris Kuentz . . . . . . . Columnist Business Staff Molly Ann 7inokur . . . Business Manager Elizabeth Carpenter . . Ass't Bus. Manager Martha Opsion . . Ass't Bus. Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: VIRGINIA ROCK Edztorals published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. FARM BLOC-:. Trusters larme Labor For Threat of Inflation FOOD-TRUSTERS have been trying to shift all blame on labor by attacking the in- creased wages of industrial workers as the chief threat of inflation and thus covering up their own campaign to knock out subsidies and destroy price control. Walter P. Reuther, international vice-preident of the UAW-CIO, has charged before the Senate Banking and Currency Committee that large food mhanufacturers and processors have teamed up with the farm bloc to kill hold-the-line subsidies sb jhe prices of foods .they sell will go up. The Senate Thursday overwhelmingly ap- proved a proposed eight-cent-an-hour wage ' increase for nonoperating railroad workers despite protests from the Administration's top hold-the-line officials that it would be a wedge for inflation. FARM BLOC SPOKESMEN at the Senate Banking Committee's hearing on the Admin- istration's food-subsidy program moved to force a Senate ballot on the bill before the Christmas holidays. Their drive for speedy action came after an Administration group renewed efforts to delay a vote on the House-approved subsidy repealer until after the holiday recess with the hope that a visit home would convince wavering Senators that there is a dominant popular sentiment in favor of subsidies to hold the line on food prices. In other words they are willing to lift the lid on food subsidies even if the people of the nation do not approve, in order to settle the demands of the big food manufacturers of America and certain other groups. Even the food-trusters recognize the infla- tionary threat which would come if food sub- sidies were abolished, so they are attempting to place the entire blame on labor. If the price of food were not allowed to rise, the wages of labor- ers would not have to go up. From this it can easily be seen that this anti-subsidy group is throwing a monkey-wrench into price-control machinery but are unwilling to take the blame for the consequences, so they're trying to make labor look responsible. -Doris Peterson NO MENACE: Nazi Submarines Are Fighting Losing Yattle THE U-BOAT, the weapon which Hitler, as the Kaiser before. him, counted upon to cut the far strung Allied supply lines, is now, as in 1918, fighting a, losing battle. Figures which were released in London Thursday revealed that 150 Nazi submarines have been sunk in the six month period from May to November. A special announcement from Prime Minister Churchill anti President Roosevelt emphasized the iact that once again A1 . 1 +" t o Nmher the nnmher of NEW YORK, Dec. 11.-Mr. Raymond Clapper confesses to a feeling of worry as he looks upon the successive meetings at Cairo and Teheran. "There is something just a bit disquieting in the atmosphere of Oriental vanity and arrogance that seems to hang over these meetings," he says, "in the martial way in which these meetings are carried off, with barbed-wire barricades and bay- onets against the press, and with some of civilian political heads of states wearing military uni- forms." Mr. Clapper says he doesn't want to labor the point, and he agrees the conferences are needed, but he says he has "a strange, in- explicable feeling of disquiet." ONE MUST APPLAUD Mr. Clapper's words come from the bottom of his heart, and Mr. Clapper's heart is a first-rate specimen, sensitive to facts and moral ideas, and allergic to prejudice. And I know, of course, what Mr. Clapper mans. There has been a. kind of political breath- lessnes about us since the first Moscow Dec- larations; the future is being poured on us, as if out oft a bucket. Also, I imagine, many Americans must feel as if they have become something like political OUR ACADEMIC counselor told us when we came here that "there are many new ad- justments to be made while attending the Uni- versity." We agree, and we have tried to make them. But one "adjustment" we can't seem to work" out. And as we've looked around, few of our friends have good formulas either. That is the delicate question of how much time to spend in learning and how much time to spend in acting. We can'tact without knowing, and knowledge that's put to no use isn't worth the money we spend on tuition. Putting it more bluntly: should we go out for The Daily or get all A's? (assuming that such a choice is pos- sible.) When we've got a bluebook on Monday, can we excuse ourselves from selling war bonds and rolling bandages? Our professors have never helped clear up the matter for us, probably because few of them have solved the question for themselves. We know, of course, that we must study to stay in school, and that we must do things, or stagnate. But that doesn't settle the ques- tion. We recently learned, however, that there are schools where thought and action are combined. They are new adult education centers-the kind Dr. Ruthven saw in England, but found wanting here. , Who enrolls? Workingmen and women, Army wives whose husbands are away, non- college youth who are curious about the world and its people. They don't have to have 120 hours to graduate, with so many courses in Groups Q, X and W. Nor do they have to pass bluebooks and get "good grades." They don't go to school for the "college life," or the diploma, or the social prestige involved. They go for a simpler reason. . . because they want to know WHY. In New York they go to the School for Democ- racy, the New School for Social Research, work- ers' schools. In Chicago they go tb the Abraham Lincoln School. In Detroit, 'Frisco, Boston, New Orleans they stay home-but next month or next year they'll start schools there too. WHAT SUBJECTS are offered? The science of Society, Dramatics, Economic Analysis, Parliamentary Procedure, How to Build Your Union, Philosophy, Bricklaying, Spanish, Women in the War, History of the American Negro Peo- ple, Mathematics, Labor and the WLB, English for the Foreign Born. "You mean to say a workerplunks down five or six dollars to hear lectures on Greek philosophy once a week for so many weeks? -Yes, that's what we're saying. "Do many of them come?"-Well, quite a few. Up to a thousand or so a quarter. "A guy who's work- ed ten or twelve hours comes downtown at night to get educated?"-Not necessarily. Ex- tension classes are held at homes, in churches, union halls, community centers. What we started to say was that in schools like these, scholars are men who teach AND act, who teach others theory and practice. You can't take a single course in schools like these without seeing the relation between the past and the present. Between principles and facts. You can't be a good student withbut first learn- ing, and then putting that knowledge to work. If you "can't see the connection somehow" between a course in economic analysis and circulating petitions in favor of subsidies .. . you've been in Ann Arbor long enough. Go on, shoo-and don't come back till you've dis- covered that "dumb factory workers" and "ig- norant immigrants" are going to school this year. Perhaps the real job of the universities in building the post-war world is to realize that this is the Century of the Common Man, who wants to know so that he can act. autonatons; they Ili, eo (ii00.( ba to suppe these ne'i ings. O'. oh ir pas hardly Ina ters in tl.S( pirim-es WIhe u- 51 : a million do:lr: aid a -)t for the a Nations, or wih 1 jA iged dime ami a: hatred raoe 1rf.ejutdice, one mu>i aip,, atId. Comes th MOsCOw conference, and you ha to love Secretary hull, even if you don't.. THREE MEN IN A ROOM But is it really true that we have placed o damp little paws in the hands of four men a told them to take us wherever they please? The conferences look tha.t way; the arne guards look that way; this seemingy submis sive world, forever waiting to be handed an other communique. looks that w ay. Rut ho did we get to this peint 11mw did we ncime t Teheran? If you think of it, cold, it does seem weir three men( in this case sitting in, some s' of palace in Persia, making history as fast they can talk, while bayonets keep out the wo whose future is being invented inside. Howc all that happen? Bia. the story doesn't start. Teheran. We didn't get to Teheran in 10 mi utes, nor by following a straight line, either. has been a long trip, with stopovers at incuri places, such as Geneva and Munich. WE TRIED THE OTHER DOORS We have tried every other door, in other wor and this is the only one that opens; that is w we have found ourselves at Teheran. We w! to Teheran only after first going everywhl else, trying everyhn eL Telran is le e point of an exeruciactin I ; e eci-c dured by the whole world for a. Ii hole generati We got to Teheran by a process of eliminati: we tried every other possiblity first. Looked in that way, the meeting at Teheran is not odd, nor the power of the three men (or fo so great; these men are at the last stop o strange march; they have only the power to co plete an experiment, by tryin the things failed to dO before, And the very existence of our cur iously u versal applause is the final answer to Mr. Cl. per's doubt. The'applause can mean only t the four men are working in a climate of e sent. These men are not free to do as they plea They are free only to do the one thing that left. And the world knows there is onlyt thing left. (Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate) DREW PEARSON'S MERRY-GO-ROUND - Letters 10 4n Ia~ I .dn ,,w 1W Iye ve L .I-TOSE tEADEiRS nd( edtOr- ialists of The Diy'. who believe nd that subsidies ar the Panacea for all of our ecnoic ills, I'd like to point out a few fo ti and incidents which should lea o a re-t uation of - their stan(. -on w i Rhe i i? t has ben ;img on over tO a ., ear. -'he vote agsnst subsidies did t iueek a as itba tii1 as flilit- a vote against the 'mneaus" used by d suh asdtnimifistrl as it was rt against the esired 'eiids." 'on- as, gress was up in arms, and perhaps rid rimetrly so. e leed to know Wil, i a before t pass on t merits ol the at bsdbll in- August 1942, saw the beginning of R the fighh. At that time thirty Newv )us Deal newspapers. IDrewx Pearson, and Time Magazime, carried editorials and articles agamust lxwo of the lead- inig fam nreleresen tat ives in the country. namely,. Ear] C. Smith, Pres- ds, ident o C te I inois Arieultural As- hySHOcat ion, and~ "'Cott on' Ed O'Neii, n. Piesident 1 ite Am1erican Farm Bu- ere 1111, 1edtioi. ith and O'Neilt 'd 1dl Opposed t' Frnm hecuiy Ad- en mmnistra i . Thie editirias were all alike and inalude: n man y fallacies. For exampi, Jke County Illinois is on, not "ric," no: is Earl C. Smith out !at for l tical gain,. He lias refused so the post 01 Secretary of Agriculture ur) three tiles. once under the Hoover f a Administration, and twice under the m.. New Deal st-i-). Thie reasons for we oPPOsinJ t- USA were clear cut. The 1FSA Adin>Isttom' in my home had been told to s-gendm solfm' $'2,00( of ESA ui- funds in One i ek The week, was ap- that before a congressional appro- hat priation was due and FSA knew they on- couldn't get nnds with money in ase. their coffees.i t is T THE PRESENT TIME, pay- one ments for food from the laborer's pocket is the lowest in history com- pared wit, oe abilitfy 01 the non- aricultt ar gu o pay. Labor- ers are pying- 21 cts on the dollar --- hit - i "You poor dear, we're practically finished now-I'll just take your wallet and you can go right home!" compared with 37 cents during the last war. The administration is pay- ing 30 cents per cwt. in milk checks every day in AAA offices over the country. Milk is $2.95 cwt. and dairymen are also receiving two dol- lars for every dollar of grain fed. Dairy farmers are delighted with their income from milk without an addi- tional subsidy. It would be extra for the farmers and in itself is infla- tionary in character. A great many farmers have even refused the checks and believe that the subsidies are a means of keeping the pay-rollers busy in the AAA offices. It was great for the farmer to receive a 45-cent subsidy when corn was 10 cents a bushel, but with present prices it seems foolish. % Several weeks ago, a group com- posed of men from the FSA, the Farmers Union, and John L. Lewis' United Mine Workers started an in- junction against the State of Illinois concerning the legality of the 1917 bill which supplies federal funds for the salaries of County Agents. The County Agents are the back-bone of the IAA and the AFBF. The reason for the FSA men to be in on the in- junction is apparent from what has already been said. John L. Lewis took a licking from the Farm Bureau when he attempted to organize dairy farmers into the UMW last year, and the Farmers Union is the perennial foe of the Farm Bureau anyway. The group furnishing the money is Local No. 50 of the UMW in Springfield, Illinois. According to economics, subsidies are an admission of the failure to "hold the line" and to make the price control system work. In view of these things, the state- ment on The Daily editorial page, "Food subsidies are the only way out," seems somewhat hasty. I per- sonally don't know the answer. I do know that Congress is fed-up with the methods used by certain groups in the Department of Agriculture. The overwhelming vote against sub- sidies was probably more of an indi- cation of this than as a feeling against subsidies themselves. -R. L \, o :y ,-W. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. -- When popular, hard-working Ed Stettinius came in as Under- Secretary of State, it was expected that he would soon work miracles of efficiency. Ed had been trained in big business from the ground up. His father was with J. P. Morgan. He himself went into the U.S. Steel Corpora- tion, quickly became its head. Previously, he had been an executive of General Motors, also a director of North American Aviation, Gen- eral Aviation, TWA, and Western Air Express. So it was expected that Ed would oil up the creaking old machinery of diplomacy and make it prance down Pennsylvania. Avenue. Ed has now labored mightily and brought forth his first great revolution. Frankly, it is a mouse. One of the things for which the State Depart- ment has long been famous is its array of Negro messengers sitting in the corridors outside the executive offices. These gentlemen are among the elite of Washington's colored community. One was once Teddy Roosevelt's coachman. An- other fought with Cordell Hull in the Spanish- American War. Many are lawyers and have prob- ably sneaked in a little reading of the law while not ushering ambassadors in to see the Secretary of State or distributing coded messages from Cairo and Teheran. A messenger sat at a table just outside the door of the Secretary of State, the Under-Secre- tary, and each Assistant Secretary. But now Ed Stettininus, as his first great move to streamline the State Department, has taken these tables out of State Department corridors. Instead of sitting just outsid the door of each executive in order to open the door for distinguished visitors, the messengers now sit in what was once the men's lavatory. The room has been revamped, but even so, there is great indignation among the colored messen- gers. From their privileged status as escorts to ambassadors and Cabinet members, they are relegated to relative oblivion. As far as efficiency goes, it doesn't matter much one way or the other-though it does look prettier. State Department officials are now won- dering what the next great move of "Stream- lined" Stettinius will be. (copyright. 1943, Un-ied Ieatumes Syndicate) SATURDAY, DEC. 11, 1943 VOL. LIV No. 34 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are I he sent to the Office of the Preidet i tyewrtenform by 3:30 im. o ime ,dr1 precedlingits publica- tion,eept on aturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.n. Frcshimen in the College aof Litera- ture, Science, aniid the Arts may ob- tain their five -week progress -reports in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall. according to the fol- lowing schedule: Surnames begin- ning T through Z, Saturday fore- noon, Dec. 11. Arthur Van Duren, Chairman, Academic Counselors Pre-Forestry and Forestry Stu- dents: Announcement is made of the annual essay contest for the Charles Lathrop Pack Foundt ion Prize in Forestry. The prize is $30, and the contest is open to all forestry and pre-forestry students. Contestants may consult, if they wish, with mem- bers of the faculty of the School of Forestry and Conservation as to suit- ability of opics. Essay titles should be filed not later than Jan. 10 with the Recorde, from whom further de- tails may be obtained. Dormitory Directors, Sorority C laperons, and League House Heads: Women's residences will close on Tuesday, Dec. 28, at 10:30 p.m. but, if necessary, special arrange- ments may be made with house heads to arrive on later trains. Alice C. Lloy]d, )ean of Women The niversity Bureau of Appoint- ments has receied notice of the fol- lowing Civil Service Examinations: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania- Secretary - s enograpler, $1,176- $3.456; Typist, :.176-$1,584; Super- visor, $2.136-$4.200: Visitor, $1,584- $2,136: Accoumtant, $l1860-$3,456. Closing date tor applications is Dec. 15. 1943. BY CoketJohnson The Bureau has also received no- tice of Work-study fellowships to the New York School of Social Work for 1944-45. Applicants must qualify as regular graduate students eligible for a master's degree. Competition is open to college seniors, only if they have previously had some substantial work experience. Closing date for applications is Feb. 15, 1944. Further information may be had from the notices which are on file in the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Academic Notices Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Except under extraordinary circumstances, courses dropped by upperclassmen after to- day will be recorded with a grade of E. E. A. Walter School of Education Students, oth- er than freshmen: Courses dropped after today will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordin- ary circumstances. No course is con- sidered officially dropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, University Hall. School of Music Freshmen may secure five-week grades by calling at ' the office of the. School of Music. Concerts Choral Union Concert: The Uni- versity Musical Society announces that the Don Cossack Russian Chor- us, Serge Jaroff, Conductor, will give the seventh program in the Sixty- fifth Annual Choral Union Series, Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. The program will con- sist of religious numbers, folk songs and soldier songs. Charles A. Sink, President Carillon Recital: Christmas carols and classical music associated with Christmastime will be played by Per- cival Price, University Carillonneur, at 3:15 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 12, when he will present another recital on the Baird Carillon in Burton Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: An exhibition of paint- ings by Eugene Dana, and color prints by Louis Schanker, is presented by the College of Architecture and De- sign in the ground floor corridor of the Architectural Building through Dec. 28. Open daily, except Sunday, 8:00 to 5:00. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Romance Languages Journal Club: will meet today at 4 o'clock in the East Conference Room of the Rack- ham Building. All staff members are cordially invited to be present. Professor Charles P. Wagner will speak on Mexico. Professor Erme- lindo A. Mercado will talk on condi- tions in Puerto Rico. Wesley Foundation: Open House and party for all students and ser- vicemen tonight, 8:30-11:30. The Westminster Student Guild is planning a hayride for this evening. They will meet at the church at 7:15 pzn., returning at 9:00 for games and dancing. Please phone your res- ervation to the office, 2-4466 today. Coming Events Graduate Outing Club will meet Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the club quarters in the Rackham Building (entrance Huron St., west corner) for a hike, or indoor games in case of unfavorable weather. All graduate or professional students and alumni are cordially invited. International Center: Professor Philip Sullivan, formerly of St. John's University, Shanghai, just returned to Ann -Arbor after almost two years as a prisoner of the Japa- nese and a trip home on the Grips- holm, will speak at the International Center on Sunday at 7:30 p.m. All foreign students and interested Americans are invited. Refreshments. The Lutheran Student Association will meet at 5:30 Sunday afternoon, Dec. 12, in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Sister Margaret Fry, deacon- ess in the Willow Run Area. will BARNABY Gosh, Mr. O'Malley. I don't Look, m'boy!... This grasping institution " know where Mom and Jane even does a business in Lost Children! ... -_ ._t ._.#^ ,, , . ... ,.1 .1-. . 1 Il ( F~/\ ~ Lost Children Put a small deposit on her, Bornczby, and wait here for ,I ,i---- - i ,..._ .e a -