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December 10, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-10

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FRIDAY, DEE. :It.:1041

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Fifty-Fourth Year

Ni e r w s
Edited and maraged by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
egular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
ror republication of. all news dispatches credited to it or'
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
n Ucation of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, !a
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.50, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff

Marion Ford
Jane Farrant .
Claire Sherman
Marjorie Borradalle
Eric Zalenski
Bud Low . .
Harvey Frank
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin .
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz .

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
Women's Editor
. Ass't Women's Editor
. . . . . Columnist
. . . . . Columnist

Business Stafff

AM' ir.AnnV'iokur.
P liabeth carpenter.
Martha Opsion

Business Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager
Asst Bus. Manager
to 23.24-4

WE'RE READY TO ADMIT now that what
they've been telling us about liberalism is
Probably true-it's not one of the things that
grow up with you. A year ago we would have
made a sworn enemy of anyone who dared even
to suggest that our own rather hotheaded ideas
were going to change. But already we're be-
ginning to see the other side and that, as every-
one knows, is fatal.
With it all we've developed a kindly, almost
tolerant attitude toward the students who stand
up and preach communism in English exposi-
tion classes and who set out as freshmen to or-
ganize the local dry-cleaning establishments. We
think they're going, to change too.
it's just possible, we keep telling ourselves,
thatthe co-op gang will be voting straight Re-
publican in '58.
The thing of the matter is, of course, that
you begin to see finally that nothing is ever
really new, that you probably never in your life
have one new idea. Everything you uphold nowv
has been tried before.
Communism? We had the Brooks farm in
America before Russia became a European
power. And the English Christian Socialist
League had Socialist ideals a lot straighter
twenty-five years ago than Hitler's got them
People keep telling us, that there wouldn't be
any sort of progress in the world if there weren't
young radicals in it. This, to our mind, is the
most ridiculous argument of all.
Young radicals never start what they preach.
They just see a movement coming and they try
to speed it up. The big trouble with them, of
course, is that- they're way ahead of their
time, they're too far sighted for their own
It's becoming our conviction that anything
that has to be fought for is not ready to come,
and once achieved is not going to last very long
or really help solve the big problem.
AS LONG AS THE DAILY has been talking
about the position of women on campus why
not take as an example the women who organ-
ized starvation campaigns from one end of the
country to the other in order to get the vote. As
a matter of fact, they were pretty good radicals.
None of their ideas were new but they had them
pretty straight. But the fact that we are fight-
ing in An Arbor today, conditions that are a
lot like those that their apparently effective cam-
paign supposedly eradicated, is adeluate proof
that they came too soon. They tried to get rec-
ognition for women before either the women or
the country were ready for it and all they suc-
ceeded in getting were the extremely hollow
letters of the law.
For that matter, you could look at the Civil
War or whatever small partof it had anything
to do with freeing the slaves and you could
look at the South now and be quite justified
in observing that they were not ready for
Lincoln's proclamation, that-the freeing of the
slaves didn't solve the real problem.
There are millions of other examples and there
are probably a lot for the other side of the
argument. We're not sure of all this, we're not
old enough ourselves to be properly conservative.
It has already, however, begun to upset us-that
there are college students who can make them-
selves miserable because communism is slow
in coming and we've seen enough pretty liberal
young Dailyites leave Ann Arbor and come back
conservative business men not to doubt that age
has a lot to do with the way you think.
Maybe it's just that people get tired when
they're older; it's probably just as simple as

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Coeds Need Direction
In War Activities
A LOT OF DUST has been stirred up in the
past week by the discussions over the part
University coeds are taking, or failing to take,
in the war effoit. But so far no apparent im-
provements have taken place.
Despite possible variations in estimates of
just how many women are doing their part,
the fact remains that a substantial proportion
is still too lazy, too apathetic, or too uni-
formed to stir from their do-nothing routine.
To 'give these girls the benefit of the doubt,
let's say that they are inactive because they
fail to realize how badly they ar needed.
If this is true, it is imperative that a Univer-
sity organization be set up which will reach
the women who are doing nothing in addition
to their school work.
There is no time for bickering over unimport-
ant details of this problem. We must all work
together to see to it that the hospital, the laun-
dry, the blood bank, the surgical dressing unit,
and all the other projects get the help they so
desperately need.
AT THE BEGINNING of the fall term last year,
the same problem existed. It was faced
squarely by campus leaders and it was solved.
On Oct. 7, 1942, The Daily printed a front page
editorial addressed to the students, saying .
"our deep-down willingness really to kick-in and
help has barely been touched."
In a meeting at the Union on Oct. 11, the
top officers of almost every major men's or-
ganization on campus made plans for the
formation of a new body to supervise and
coordinate the war-time activities of the men
and to direct them to urgent jobs.
The creation of the Manpower Mobilization
a Corps was officially announced two days later.
Men were registered and work began.
Those men worked on short-handed farms,
saving several valuable crops, they collected
metal for the scrap drive, they took jobs in
local restaurants, and they filled numerous
other positions.
The Manpower Corps was a success because
it was efficiently organized, it had the coopera-
ion of the students, and it tackled the task at
Most of those men are now in the Armed
Forces. It is up to the girls to take their place.
s there any reason why they don't respond to
the fullest extent?
IN THE CASE of the coeds, there is no need
to set up an entirely new organization to cope
with the problem. The framework for leader-
ship already exists in the form of the Women's
War Council.
Representing all coeds as it does, the Council
could be to the women what that Manpower
Corps was to the men. It could be the focal
point of war-time activities for girls.
Right now there are quite a few women on
;ampus who are unaware of the junction of the
Council. If it is to furnish the direction for the
PnwAq-riu ing-thi emrgenc. it must adot a

WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.-Two-fisted Senator
Vandenberg of Michigan. no friend of the Roose-
velt Administration, summed up the soldier-vote
bill situation when he said that the Eastland
substitute would "make it practically impossible
for absentee Michigan servicemen to vote,"
"A man is entitled to vote as well as tofight,"
concluded Vandenberg.
One thing he had in mind is the fact that
most State legislatures are not scheduled to
meet next year, and a number will not meet
until after elections. Therefore, it is a safe
bet that few legislatures would act on the
,recommendation of the Eastland Bill to pass
absentee soldiers' vote legislation.
Vandenberg's statement, together with the
fight waged- by Senator Scott Lucas of Illinois,
co-author of the original soldier-vote bill, were
among the few high points of statesmanship in
one of the worst debacles of democracy so far
seen among the so-called statesmen of the U.S.
In contrast, there were many low points,
one of them stirred up by white-thatched Sen-
ator Jaimes M. Tunnell of Deleware, who de-
clared of the Eastland substitute: "If the Sen-
ate does not want the boys to vote, let it say
so' fearlessly. Let us not use a subterfuge and
pretend we are giving them something when
we are not.",
To this, Senator "Cotton Ed" Smith of South
Cairoliria replied:
"Doesn't the Senator believe his State is patri-
otic enough-as are other States-to call a spe-
cial session of the legislature to provide an op-
portunity for the precious boys to vote?"
aging with fury, Tunnell shot back: "Why
does the Senator speak so sarcastically by saying
'the precious boys?' "
Smith sputtered in confusion, did not answer
the question. Finally regaining his composure
after the emotional slip-up, the South Carolin-
ian, asked Tunnell if it would be "impossible"
to call special sessions of State legislatures.
Tunnell replied that it would be "impossible
td get the soldiersto vote in accordance with
the proposed substitute and no one knows it
any better than the Senator from South Caro-
"I do not know any such thing," replied Smith
"Then the Senator doesn't know as much
as he should know," countered Tunnell amid
laughter from the galleries,
Note:"Only Northern Democrats who voted
against a clean-cut voting system for soldigr were
Walsh of Massachusetts, Walsh of N .Jersey
(Gov. Edison's new appointee from his own Edi-
son Company), and Rhode Island's Peter Gerry,
millionaire descendant of the Gerry who signed
the Declaration of Independence.
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Syndicate)
Findings of Committee
refute Butler Charges
THE RECENT REPORT from the Congression-
dl committee sent to South America on an
nspection tour should prove interesting, if only
as acontrast to the startling charges made by
Senator Butler a few weeks ago.
Whereas Senator Butler firmly declared that
'Good Neighbor spending by the United States is
a wild extravagance," the House committee,
headed by Representative Matthew Merritt, rec-
ommended that steps be taken for the immediate
planning of post-war commercial relationships.
While Senator Butler charged that the whole
policy ofaiding Latin American countries was
"naively conceived and- badly coordinated

boondoggling," the investigating ' committee
hmaintained tlat the "Good Neighbor" policy
had produced mutual benefits throughout the
Western Hemisphere.
It is entirely possible that the warning issued
by the committee was directed at one Senator
Butler. "Bungling tactics by amateur good-will
3missaries has in some instances injured Ameri-
-an standing," the Congressmen stated.
good sense, but wise diplomacy in apologizing
to Latin America, for the Senator's "bungling
It has been exceedingly difficult to bring
about any kind of good- will between the Am-
ericas. The memories of exploitation and fin-
ancial control; of dollar diplomacy during the
twenties have been too vivid in the minds of
the Latin Americans. With ten years of
hard, painstaking work on the "Good Neigh-
bor" policy, gvernment officials would be most
unwise to allow any individual to pull out the
foundations upon which that friendship was
The Congressional committee, and not Senator
Butler. has the right answer for solving the
problems of Latin American relationships. "Boon-
ioggling" and charges of graft have no place
in the picture of good heighborliness.
-Virginia Rock




By Lichty

t .f

FRIDAY, DEC. 10, 1943
VOL. LIV No. 33
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday When the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Civil Service Examinations:
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania-
Secretary - stenographer, $1,176-
$3,456; Typist, $1176-$1,584; Super-
visor, $2,136-$4,200; Visitor, $1,584-
$2,136; Accountant, $1,860-$3,456.
Closing date for applications is Dec.
15, 1943. ,
The Bureau has also received no-
tice of Work-study fellowships to the
New York School of Social Work for
1944-45. Applicants must qualify as
regular graduate students eligible for
a master's degree. Competition is
open to college seniors, only if they
have previously had some substantial
work experience. Closing date for
applications is Feb. 15, 1944.'
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file in
the office of the Bureau- of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason- Hall, office hours
9-12 and.2-4:
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Interviewing for orientation advis-
ors and for the centrol committee of
the '47 Corps will continue every
afternoon through-Wednesday, Dec.
15. Interviews will be held from 3 to
5 every afternoon and from 9 to 12
Saturday, Dec. 11 in the Undergrad-
uate Office at the League.
Women's Judiciary Committee
The Teachers Insurance and An-
nuity Association calls. attention to
the following provisions for holders
of retirement annuity contracts, and
concerning insurance contracts ap-
plied for after Dec. 9, 1941:
1. When the holder of a premium-
paying retirement annuity contract
enters a military, naval, or air force
of the United aStates, Canada, or
Newfoundland, he may cease prem-
ium payments on the contract with
the assurance thathhemayarestore
the contract by simply resuming
payments - (without - payment of the
"omitted" premiums) if he does so
at the close of such service or within
six months thereafter. At that time
he will be expected to sign an appro-
priate agreement as to reduction of
the contractual benefits correspond-
ing to the omitted premiums, and the
premium resumed will be on the
same actuarial basis as it would have
been- if premiums had been paid con-
2. All new life insurance policies
applied for after Dec. 9, 1941, will
contain a provision excluding the
risk of death resulting either (a)
from service outside the continental
limits of the United States, Canada,
and Newfoundland in a military,
naval, or air force of a country at
war, or (b) from operating or riding
in any kind of aircraft, except as a

fare-paying passenger on scheduled
airline flights. In event of death
under such excluded circumstances,
the reserve under the policy, less any
indebtedness, will be payable to the
beneficiary. This procedure applies
to all kinds of newly-written life in-
surance policies, including collective
insurance, but of course not to life
insurance policies previously written
without any such clause or to any
annuity contract. Among some
groups of applicants particularly
likely to enter the forces, the total
amount of insurance the Association
will write on an individual is re-
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Academic Notices
Students, Fall Term, College of Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts:
Courses dropped after Saturday, Dec.
11, by students other than freshmen
will be recorded with the grade of E.
Freshmen (students with less than
24 hours of credit) may drop courses
without penalty through the eighth
week. Exceptions to these regula-
tions may be made only because of
extraordinary circumstances, such as
serious illness.
-E. A. Walter
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts may ob-
tain their five-week progress reports
in the Academic Counselors' Office,
108 Mason Hall, according to the fol-
lowing schedule: Surnames begin-
ning F through L, Thursday, Dec. 9;
Surnames beginning M through S,
Friday, Dec. 10; Surnames beginning
T through Z, Saturday forenoon,
Dec. 11.
Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman, Academic Counselors
School of Education Students, oth-
er than freshmen: Courses dropped
after Saturday, Dec. 11, will be re-
corded with the grade of E except
under extraordinary circumstances.
No course is considered officially
dropped unless it has been reported
in the office of the Registrar, Roorm
4, University Hall.
School of Music Freshmen may
secure five-week grades by calling at
the office of the School of Music.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: An exhibition of paint-
ings by Eugene Dana, and color prints
by Louis Schanker, is presented by
the College of Architecturesand De-
sign in the ground floor corridor of
the Architectural Building thr'ough
Dec. 28. Open daily, except Sunday,
8:00 to 5:00. The public is cordially
Events Today
Ann Arbor Library Club will meet
on Friday, Dec. 10, at 7:45 p.m. in
Room 110, University Library. Mr.
James K. Boyland of the Library of
Congress will speak on "Unfamiliar
Aspects of Irish Life and Culture."
There will also be a business meeting
with election of officers for the year.
Wesley Foundation: Bible Class at
7:30 p.m.

"I like t6' play hard to get-Kissing them is apt to make
them-think it's pbssible to spend an evening at home, without
-even going to the movies."

Sainuel Grafton's
d Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, Dec. 10.-Senator
Reynolds of North Carolint now
mentions the Atlantic Chatte even
more frequently than des'Drothy
He worries about the Atlante
Charter night and day. It is his
darling, his precious,' his dear.
This isolationist Sriator is beside
himself with fear lest Messrs.
Roosevelt and Chiurchill shil fall
to respect the Atlanti 'harter,
when they come to such natters
as defining the border of Poland,
Why shouldn't those two' men
respect the'Atlantic Charter? Hell,
they wrote it. In fact, when they
wrote it, Senator Reynolds didn't
care much for it. Now he loves it
more than any declaration- these
two men have made sihce. So far
as Roosevelt and Chrchill ar con-
cerned, he heard themn the first
A Sudden Hurrah for Hong Xong
American isolation is, of dourse,
trying to figure out some h'eans of
fighting the Declarations o Mos-
cow, Cairo and Teheran, and the
states' rights, or Atlantic Charter,
doodle is the best it has fbtind so
But one of the New York Daily
News's writers is working a kind
of variation of the same game.
Mr. John O'Donnell has sudden-
ly set up in businiss as a de-
fender of the- Four Freedoms,
especially of one of- them, free-
dom of speech. Mr. O'Donnell
declares that this freedom was
violated at- Cairo, where press
correspondents - were riot permit-
ted to talk to the heads of states.
He hints darkly that England is
trying to avoid returning' Hong
Kong to China, and that- Ohiang
Kai-shek was kept from tiuiking
to the correspondents because he
might have said sonething about
Hong Kong, thereby apoiling
Winston Churchll's afternoon.
We have here another strange
new political love affair, for Mr.
O'Donnell has long distinguished
himself, or at least marled him-
self, by his savage attacs on the
concept of the .FourpFreeos, as
formulated by Mr. Rosevel*. Furth-
ermore, Mr. O'Donnell's interest ii
the future of Hong Kong h -;hIth-
erto been extremely mild, to say
the least.
And a- Bunch of Flower's
So now we hav&: Sefltdtr Rey-
nolds passionately upholng the
Atlantic Charter, and John&"<'Di-
nell strenuously botlered-Abotit the
Four Freedoms and' the rrtoria1
integrity of China. Te pr'ila-
tionists have tuned t ia
ism in a big way. But-'it shotild be
noted that- they are -using mora
idealism, not to proniote iiterna-
tional action, but to block it.
These men have foqght inter-
national co-operation for years.
They did so, at first, in the guise
of "practical' characters, tough
babies, hats on the backs of their
heads, so to speak, cigas jutting
out, chins rough, no lobaoney
and no nonsense. Tht having
failed, they are now, in effect,
donning starched pinafdres, hold-
ing bunches of flowes' in thelir
hands, and piping of the rights
of men in an unpracticed Idealist

It is another exercise in the dark
science of obscuranhtism, that which
holds the use of almost any argu-
mentative bait justified, so long as
it leads to victim to the appointed
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Saturday, Dec. 11, at 4 o'clock in the
East Conferences Room of the Rack-
ham Building. All staff members are
cordially invited to be present.
Professor Charles P. Wagner will
speak on Mexico, in the light of his
recent trip to that country. Profes-
sor Ermelindo A. Mercado will- pre-
sent some first-hand observations on
conditions in Puerto Rico. -
Mathematics Club will meet -Mon-
day evening, Dec. 13, at 8 o'clock, in
the West Conference Room, Rack-
ham Building. Professor Ambrose
will speak on "Ergodic Theory."
Bacteriology Seminar, Saturday,
Dec. 11, 8:30 a.m., in Rm. 1564-East
Medical Building. Topic Virus Di-
seases of Plants. All interested are
All University Women: Contrary
to previous announcement, Junior
Girls' Project will sell 1war bonds
between 4 And 5 p.m. on Tuesday
and Thursday only in the League


- -

Americans Must Act on
Pro blems of Inuflation
Byrnes just about hit the point in his radio
speech this week when he struck at "even the
the American people" for their failure to comple-:
bend the seriousness of weakening;the ariti-in-
flation program.
The pressure groups are nothing more than
Americans banded together who are putting
some selfish goal before their duty to their
country. And as for the Congressmen, their
actions can be blamed upon their constituents
also, for enough pressure. exerted upon. any
Congressman will usually result in action which
will be in line with the thoughts of his backers.
The Congressmen and the pr'essure groups are
merely reflecting the attitude of the American
people as a whole, their indifference and selfish-
ness and blindness to the needs of their country.
The people don't seem to realize that if inflation
is allowed to really hit this country it is they
themselves who would suffer the consequences
f higher prices, acute shortages, and Jhe drop
in value of their war wages. And it will be the
Americans themselves who either sign the death
xarrant of the anti-inflationary program or who
see that inflation is stopped and stopped fast.
The responsibility rests sduarely on the shoulders
Df the American people. -Evelyn Phillips

There's a play pen for Lost ts I

By Crockett Johnson

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He's not here. I wonder if-while I


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Lost Chi cdren

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