1, 1942 ........ __a. ._ ...u . ~WA IW Al, 1i12U L WELCOME EXTENDED: To Women Who Return to 'U' Prepared To Take on Responsibility IT IS MY pleasure to welcome to the University the new women who are here for the first time and to say to those who are returning to us that it is good to see their familiar faces and to greet them again. The Univer- sity is starting a year which is going to be interesting and exciting and un- like any other year we have ever had here. There are going to be incon- veniences and problems, and we will have to ask your help in keeping things going and call upon your good will and good nature to take things in the best possible spirit. America- is now engaged in a titanic struggle to defend the way of life in which we believe against the forces which would enslave us. All of you who are here this fall have decided for many and varied reasons to continue your education in spite of the demand for you in the armed services, in nursing, in government service, in University work, and in industry and business. Some of you are seeking the preparation to make you effective in these services. But the very fact that you are not yet entering active war service puts upon you a tremendous obligation to make your college experience a vital and, important one, to do your work seriously .an with purpose, and to fit yourself to be a good American in war or peace. THE American women who are now in colege have a great stake in the. outcome of this war. I want to believe that Michigan women understand this and have only one purpose in being here-to prepare themselves to take this full responsibility in the life of their generation. You, women of Michigan, must use your university, experience to pre- pare yourselves to do your share in making the nation strong in its war ef- fort and ready for the peace which will come. To those of you who come with this high purpose, the University offers a very warm welcome. Alice C. Lloyd Dean of Women MONNA HEA TH-: President of Women's War Council Welcomes New Students to Michigan To the Women Entering the University: We hope that by now, those of you who are seeing the wonders of Ann Arbor for the first time are nearly settled and literally raring to go. We all at one time or another have felt the overwhelming sensation of being a little frog in a very big pond, but you'll soon realize that the so-called "pond" isn't really that big after all. This year more than ever before Michigan women have a challenge ,to meet, and it is the duty of every one of us to contribute our time and energy in accomplishing this purpose. Therefore, we all have a full but truly wonderful year ahead of us. There will be work to' do, yes, but the satisfaction you will receive from it, the fun you will have, and the people you will meet and come to know as friends, will more than make you willing and proud to do your share. MONNA HEATH, President of Women's War Council Coeds Must Take KP Duty With Grin On War-Tuned College Campus HEY SAY "an army travels on its stomach," and that goes for any kind of an army, college students included. Don't be a grumbler if you're assigned to K.. duty in your particular dorm, sorority or league house. We're all a part of the co-op system these days-co-operation to relieve others for war service, while we are in col- lege preparing ourselves for the same. You're KP duty may include helping to prepare meals, serving them, or washing and wiping the dishes, but whatever it is, do it with a smile not a grimace! gYou can be a great aid to those of the KP army and to the country at large right at your dinner-table. Don't let your eyes deceive your stomach. Take only the food that you are sure you will eat on your plate. Then go back for seconds, if you still feel there's room-for more. Remember we're been warned that meats may run low again this winter, that dairy products are scarce. Learn to eat new vegetables that you've passed up for years. It's no different than the time you learned to eat those luscious black-olives. Keep a balanced diet, and don't be a finicky sissie afraid of a little fish or green vegetables. Many children of all Europe and Asia have no recollection of what the words milk or steak mean. _. . '47 COEDS: Needn't Feel Cheaited That T hey Start College Life During War WE WOULDN'T BLAME YOU if you felt cheated ... we wouldn't blame you a bit.. Yes, college is quite different now than ever before. Gone are the fra- ternity house dances, the abundance of men in class. To war have -gone innume'rable traditions, elaboate proms, easy living. You've had a tough time getting a room. You've been herded about for a week; and you may not have the compensations that heretofore have accompanied these "har- rowing experiences." Men Are Hard To Meet... Men are hard to meet. The soldiers, sailors and marines have little time for social activity. And you wonder, "where is the glamour? Where are all the things we expected from a coed university?" You are war babies. But your three or four years here may see a change-over from war to peace. Your chances are reasonably good for a "college as usual" year or two. That's all very well, you may say, but what about now?. What about this year and possibly next year? Why do we have to be cheated of traditional college living and all the fun that goes.with it? The answer is that perhaps you aren't missing so much if you miss the traditional college life. College is more exciting now if you stop to think about it. Extra-curricular activities are actually all war jobs which have an im- portant and vital purpose. Can Serve in Post-War... The courses which you elect will prepare you to do specialized work and in this way you are directly serving 'in the post-war effort, for it is upon these specialized talents of yours that the country is .depending. Social life is far from being out for the duration, contrary to rumor. There are thousands of service men to be entertained and consequently thousands of dates to be had. There will be University dances, open houses, parties-all in good time. Hold up a picture of college life "before and after." Examine its colors, its shades of meaning. Notice that the wishy-washy, purposeless brush strokes have been mostly eliminated. Today, the picture is much more clear-cut, the colors are brilliant. We are learning brand new traditions to live up to. . . traditions of working as hard as possible to be a real and valu- able addition to society; traditions of doing worthwhile things in our spare time. And we say to you, who are entering upon college life for the first time, carry on these new.traditions-and forget about the old ones. They were pretty darned worthless, when you come to think of it. Betty Harvey-Daily Women's Editor fl4 Sweet 0/161etCeera :. t''%:'::t.j .;Fn.Y :c.".+ ,..>fA : : ,... . f f~ .....w.v'. ,n u .. ..... nl ................ . ....f..' .1./.:T.). ...f.:::..::.. : .' .....;........ 'i.... ..'..1p :Y".....x. :. By NANCY GROBERG Back again, with a guilty conscience because of what we've left behind -and Ann Arbor pricks up its ears to catch the talk of the home-comers. So this is what we've been waiting for, is it? Well, hi, chum-it's nice to be here. A hasty jump into .the blue jeans which have been molding in our trunk,.a mad dash for an adviser's office, a plunge into the.registration line, a swift but impressive handout in a local book store-and the school year has begun again. And we're really not sure how we feel about it. We closed our eyes tightly as the train rounded the last bend, lest we see an ivory tower looming in the distance-but it's no good-we know all too well that in one sense at least we're "getting away from it all." Granted That.: Now, that admirable cliche requires consideration, for overworked or not, in the case of the Michigan coed, it still applies. Granted that we shall throw ourselves into war work with a fervor hitherto unequalled in the annals of Ann Arbor. Granted that the newspapers are still sold on the stands. Granted that there is a radio in every dorm. But granted, too, that bonds are still being sold, that there aren't enough skilled workers ,to go round, that the Red Cross can't wait for the semester to begin to send out surgical dressings. And granted that the soldiers are leaving the country every day. Thus the everlasting question again presents itself-Is this a case of education versus patriotism, of escapism versus realism? Or Is it, perhaps, the easy way which, after all, turns out to be the right way? We do not pro- pose to answer this question, but we guess that the fact that we're here, writing this, is an answer in itself. We didn't even buy a round trip ticket. Needn't Be Ivory Tower Of this at least we are sure-Michigan need be neither an ivory tower nor a hiding place for guilty consciences. For those who enter now for the first time, there is a new life ahead, but it need not be a life which leaves behind all semblance of reality. For those who return after a summer of waiting, it is a true homecoming-but a homecoming to an Ann Arbor which has changed even in these few months. It is a return to a city filled with members of the armed services-arfny and navy men In even greater numbers than those we, saw last year. It is a return to a college education seasoned even more highly with the sharper spices-the activi- ties of a university woman in a world at war. And to those who come back for the last time it is the first strong taste of the heavier waters which flow just outside the door. Then welcome.back, ye coeds-to Michigan and Ann Arbor life. And let this be your answer to the ones who whisper in the cities--your best efforts for the best cause. For as you walk the paths of the diagonal and haunt professors' offices with yourfeeble complaints, there shall be, behind that seeming complacency, a greater drive which is your own answer to your conscience. Femmes Find Factory Fine WAR MACHINE-Dorothy Ellis, worker in an Australian ordnance factory in Victoria, does a man's work operating this giant machine-a shell tager igress, 7"eddrng s ~and- e. ngagements The engagement of Arlene Lange to Corp. Robert J. Saxton, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Saxton of Ann Arbor was announced recently by, Miss Lange's father, A. C. Lange of Saline. No date has been set for the wed- ding. Corp. Saxton is in the United States Army Glider FieldArtillery Battalion and is stationed at Camp Mackall, North Carolina. He was a student in the University College of Engineering in the class of '45. He is also a member of Beta Theta Pi. * * * The engagement of Janet Hum- mon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hummon of Prattville, to Corp. K5en- neth Rankin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rankin of Salisbury, Md. was recently announced. Miss Hummon attended the. Uni- versity and is a member of. Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Corp. Ran- kin is now stationed at Camp Bel- voir, Va. The marriage of Martha, Helen Wheeler to Dr. James T. Wilson of New York City was recently an- nounced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wheeler of Ann Arbor. Dr. Wilson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Wilson of Strathmore, Calif. Miss Wilson is a graduate of the University and a member of ; Colle- giate Sorosis. Dr. Wilson graduated from the University of California and held an instructorship in the Department of Geology here. * * * The engagement of Jean Shafer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley I. Shafer of Melrose, Mass., to Pfc A. John Garlinghouse, son of Dr. and Mrs..A. J. Garlinghouse of Charlotte, Michigan was recently announced. Miss Shafer will receive her B.S. degree from the University this sum- mpr. Pfc. Garlinghouse is a graduate of Albion and a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon and Phi Chi fraterni- ties. * *- The marriage of Lois Rujen Wang, daughter of Mrs. C. C. Wang of Washington D.C. and Mr. Wang of London, England, to Tse Guno, 'son of Mrs. C. L. Guo of China and the late Mr. Guo, recently took place at the home of Prof. and Mrs. Arthur B. Moehlman. Mrs. Guo received her bachelor of science degree from the University of London, England and her mas- ter's from the University of Michi- gan. She is now working on her doc- tors. She is a member of Pi Lambda Theta and Phi Kappa Phi honor so- cieties. I * * * * * 'CHUTES IN LOCKER-Seaman Mardell Feiser of South Bend, Ind., checks parachutes in the "dry locker" at the parachute materiel school, U.S. Naval Air Station, Lakehurst, N.J. She'll rate as a ydra-. chute rigger upon graduation. A~ WOMEN'S STAFF BETTY HARVEY, Women's Editor NIGHT EDITORS: / Marjory Rosnarin 1 ( Mary Ann Olson Charlotte Haas. Carol Cothran Marge Hall / Suggestions To Relieve Housing Shortage Qiven SOME impractical suggestions as to how to relieve the existing hous- ing shortage have recently been pre- sented. The more startling proposal brought forth has been to set up a camping ground on the Mall, with a series of pup-tents pitched around the fountain to accommodate home- less freshmen women. This way, they would be right in the center of activi- ties, and would quickly get to know the ways of the campus. Another idea has been to look into the question of pre-fabricated houses to be requisitioned for the use of the students. These being bigger, a small colony would have to be started in some unused corner of the campus. This arrangement would be more conventional and also, less feasible. But the best way to solve the I whole situation of the homeless still seems to be to count the num- ber of rooms and then count the number of students-and then act accordingly. NeedsYou! PRACTICAL EXP I E N C E TH E KEYNOTE Layout and Design Editorial Writing Salesmanship Reporting Business Management Sports Writing Office Work Feature Writing Formerly University Music House 508 E. 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