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Managing Editor Jane Farrant . . . . Editorial Director Claire Sherman . . . . . City Editor Majorie Borradalle . . . Associate Editor Eric Zalenski . . . . Sports Editor Bud Low . . . . Associate Sports Editor Harvey Frank . . . Associate Sports Editor Mary Anne Olson . . . . Women's Editor Marjorie Rosmarin . . . Ass't Women's Editor Hilda Slautterback . . Columnist Doris Kuentz . . . . . Columnist Business Staff Molly Ann Ninokur . . . Business Manager Elizabeth Carpenter . . . Ass't Bus. Manager Martha Opsion . . Ass't Bus. Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: BARBARA HERRINTON Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views .of the writers only. SCAPEGOATS Senate Reives Issue Of Pearl Harbor Guilt FOR A WHILE IT LOOKED as though we were going to forget the unfortunate issue of Rear Admiral Husband E. Kimmel and Major General Walter C. Short. But no, several Congressmen have.revived the charge of "dereliction of duty." One of the psychological effects of wartime frayed nerves and ragged tempers is the tend- ency to single out "scapegoats" on which to lay the blame. This phenomenon has never been, better illustrated than it was Tuesday by Senator Clark. The legislator from Missouri actually went to the ridiculous extreme of urg- ing the impeachment of Secretary of War Stimson and Navy Secretary Knox unless they immediately court martialed Kimmel and Short. It is-or should be-a pretty generally known fact by now that Kimmel and Short were not to blame for the Pearl Harbor defeat. Rather it was caused by the negligence of the whole mili- tary and naval setup in the area. No two of- ficers-and no two dozen-caiz be blamed for the disaster. It is unnecessary and uncalled for to make an issue again of the courts martial of Kimmel and Short. The damage is done, and further discussion is futile. Let Senator Clark, and all other legislative dunderheads, turn their attention to the positive work of winning the war rather than .to hysteri- cal accusations and demands for "punishment." -Jennie Fitch GRAND JURY: Political BiaS Shown in Linsey 's Appointment THE APPOINTMENT of Jay W. Linsey as spe- cial prosecutor in Judge Leland W. Carr's one-man grand jury investigation of graft in the State Legislature is not an optimistic sign for theunbiased conduct of the investigation. In 1941 he represented Fred C. Ehrmann in the graft trial of Frank D. McKay, Republican National Committeeman and leader of the state Republican machine. Ehrmann has been closely allied with McKay and was a key figure in the 1941 trial. Tuesday, when the appointment was made Gov. Kelly was in Grand Rapids. Linsey's law firm is in Grand Rapids. McKay's home is in Grand Rapids. Francis P. Slattery, who has been indicted on a charge of offering a bribe to Rep. George N. liggins, Republican state legislator from Ferndale, is vice-president of the Michigan National Bank of Grand Rapids. State At- torney General Herbert J. Rushton, who made the appointment, claimed that he had con- suited with Gov. Kelly, on the matter. How- ever, Gov. Kelly, when he was questioned, said "I did not know about it. I've never heard Linsey's name before." Rushton then changed his position, said he notified the Governor after the appointment was made. It appears that someone spoke out of turn. Judge Carr, who is conducting the investiga- Hrir, Vniiin nnhnp o'f th, a r,ni ntmnt n A STRANGE INSTITUTION, sorority rushing a process of selection in which all but a few are out of the running before the actual mine begins. There's no monkey business about, it, or sentimental liberalism. Race, religion, economic position and social standing are absolute demarcation lines be- tween those with "the proper qualification" and those without. Yes, a strange institution . . . in that those who are rushed certainly don't like it. Both groups, sorority sisters and freshmen wearing false faces, feel that rushing lives up to its name too closely. That meeting a girl over a tea cup- and talking to her for five minutes, later having her in for cokes and cookies, is scarcely time to decide whether to ask her to pledge. And how can a girl impress the house she wants to get into (if asked), when she traipses from one to another, spending twenty minutes in each? The best she can do is dress as much as possible like the sorority girl she has seen, from hair style and pancake make-up inward to the' cliches on her tongue. Sorority hashes settle the question. There the recommendations from alumnae are gone over, and the background, physiognomy, per- sonality, "interests" of the rushees. Decisions are made only on outward appearances, and. the best that can be done is . . . "She seems like our type . . is she an activities girl?. . . oh, her father's Somebody back homef -. - We HAVE to take her, she's a legaey," (for the uninitiated, a legacy is one whose close rela- tive is an alumna of the sorority). Now, we agree that it's more pleasant to live in a house you feel is your own, and that living with the same group of girls for four years gives you a chance to sing later "where fond friend- ships first began." BUT, AFTER ALL, we are living afnong books, museums, research projects. We go to classes every day which try to make us think, to under- stand people. It's more than a line to say that "going to college broadens one" . . . it should be a fact. Particularly on the Michigan cainpus. where people from all parts of America and the world are gathered, working in every imaginable field of knowledge. And then for us to use standards based on every other quality but individuality and in- telligence . . . for us to use the criteria of the world in choosing housenates"... .is to defeat, in daily living, the principles of education. Who cares that Kathie Hepburn Wears slacks and no lipstick when she feels like it? That Pearl Buck doesn't come from the middle class. That Ludmilla Pavichenko fights for commun- ism? That Marian Anderson's skin pigmenta- tion is not like yours?dThat Lillian Hellman be- lieves in a Jewish god? These are the- people who are doing things, building the world we live in. They are valuable people, worth knowing, learning from, living with. We keep them out of sororities because they "aren't the kind of girl who rushes," or be- MUSIC APPEARING WITHOUT its renowned cgnduc- tor, the Boston Symphony carried on last night and gave a fine performance proving that it is still one of the leading orchestras in the world today. Dr. Koussevitsky's place was filled by the con- certmaster and associate conductor of the or- chestra, Richard Burgin; and this substitution was accopmpanied by a program change. Every- one warmed up on the Classical Symphony by Prokofieff, which took the place of William Schuman's Symphony for Strings, originally planned. ' It must be admitted that there were misgivings as to just how the evening would turn out, for this number seemed to resemble a contest between string sections with Mr. Burgin on the sidelines. Nor did these misgivings dis- appear until the Shostakovitch was well under way, and from then on the evening was a success. HE ENTIRE AUDIENCE was disappointed. that Koussevitsky could not appear, and this was a handicap for the orchestra, as the natural reaction of many people was to settle down dis- contentedly and prepare to listen to an inferior performance. This of course was not the case; it would be illogical if such a fine group of mu- sicians could not appear without its leader. Na- turally the performance lacked a certain touch that only a master can give it, making the dif- ference between a good performance and an ex- cellent one; but in all fairness to Mr. Burgin, who did such a fine job, it must be remembered that he was handicapped by the necessity of watching a score. The dramatic First Symphony of Shostak- oviteh was the highlight of the program. Writ- ten by the composer at the age of twenty, it is a brilliant work full of color, life and com- pelling rhythms. After overcoming their first timidity, Mr. Burgin and the orchestra car- ried the work through to a great climax in the last movement, which was the best of the four. After intermission came three works, which might have been done blindfolded. Debussy's Two Nocturnes was the first of these, followed by Moussorgsky's Prelude to "Khovanstchina." The last number, Rimsky-Korsakov's Spanish Caprice, was popular as always and proved to be a proper ending to a very enjoyable performance. It left the audience standing in the aisles, ap- plauding enthusiastically for an encore that was not granted. -Jean Athay cause, as rushees, we see that "they aren't our type." Why miust'there be a type at all? Does *jur man want to marry you specifically, or the Greek alphabet generally? Standards are made and revised as the world changes. Young people are supposed to live and learn. So we needn't have even one more rushing like the present one . . . Now, don't get excited. It's not revolution we're proposing ... remember, Oberlin, the first college in Am- erica to admit women, has no sororities, and seems to be doing nicely. WERRY-GOt ROUND B y D RE W PEARSON' WASHINGTON. Dec. 9---Secietary of the Navy Knox heard some b*st - ering comments on the Navy's hand- ling of war news at a closed-door pow-wow with the House Appropri- ations Committee recently. Plain- talking Representative Harry Shep- pard of California, who presided at the meeting, raised Cain about the suppression of legitimate war stories as well as unwarranted delays in the clearance of news releases. Sheppard asserted that the best way to make sure the public did not believe the lies of Axis propa- gandists was for the government to give them more facts about com- bat developments. The American public can take it. Sheppard said- the bad news with the good. He also sharply criticized the with- holding of stories from the battle fronts for long periods before their release is officially approved by Navy censors. It was brought out that some news dispatches had been held up for six months and more before being released. "The public is entitled to know what's going on, both on the battle and the production front," said Shep- pard. "For that matter, the Navy itself stands to benefit by a more liberal and intelligent, public-rela- tions policy. I have no doubt that many stories have been censored which would reflect great credit on the splendid job the Navy is doing in this war." Navy Censorship . Knox didn't attempt to defend Navy censorship. He readily admitt- ed that there was "plenty of room for' improvement," but said he had argued with Navy brass hats until he was lue in the face about the sup- pression of war news, with little suc- cess. I'm a newspaper man," he said, "and therefor am a firm believer in giving the public the facts." He also agreed that the Navy would profit by a more above-board news policy, citing as an example the in- signficant notices the Navy had re- ceived in reports of the fighting on New Guinea. Admiral Halsey had shone brilliantly in these operations, Knox declared, but was barely men- tiojed in Army dispatches from Gen- eral Douglas MacArthur's headquar- ters. The Navy Secretary didn't dir- eetly charge that MacArthur was trying to hog the credit for victor- ies in the South Pacific, but he left a'- ~ GRIN AND BEAR IT I Q 943, Chicago Times, Inc~ - - f{ "-A new bill increasing the postal rate will not only mean additional revenue, Senator, but should also diseourage con- stituents who write us nasty letters!" little doubt in the minds of the com- mittee that this was what he meant. His branch of the service was per- haps "too modest," Knox remarked. He promised the committee that he would make a personal investigation to determine what reforms could be made to improve the Navy's press- relations set-up. McArthur and Lodge . . The drive for MacArthur for Presi- dent and Senator Cabot Lodge for Vice-President has brought some in- teresting reactions, according to L. W. McCormick, its first public spon- sor. McCormick sent out 5,000 letters to Republican chairmen and local lead- ers all over the country. About 500 replies have now been received, all of them favorable regarding Mac- Arthur, but not all so strong for Lodge. A good many referred to the young Senator's famous grandfath- er, Henry Cabot Lodge, Sr., who up- set Wilson's peace plans. They com- mented that young Lodge was too much like his grandfather. McCormick is waiting for more re- plies and also telling those who write him to get busy and organize Mac- Arthur clubs. Rather Be RGigAhtT By. SAMUEL GRAFTON DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN NEW YORK, Dec. 9.-The plain meaning of the Teheran Declaration is that the conferees gave agreed on military operations but have laid political questions over to a later date. That is what the Declaration says. I do not see that it is necessary to go into it with a divining rod' and a dentist's burr to probe for deeper mean- ings. The Teheran statement ends the second front debate. The quarrel over the second front has been going on for two years. It is over now, done with, finished. "Complete agreement" has been reached on military operations. These agree- ments apply to both "scope" and "timing." That is far different from the American declarations of summer before last, in which we agreed on the "urgency" of a second front; then stopped dead. We then felt, in short, that while it. was admittedly urgent to make a second front, it was somehow even more urgent not to make one. We have now, at Teheran, set a size on our coming operation, and put a date to it. HOIW TO TAKE ONE'S MEASURE That is enough to make the Teheran state- ment historic. The observer will feel disappoint- ment in the Teheran statement, in precise pro- portion to his previous lack of interest in the second front. To those who regarded the con- dition-of-Bulgaria question as more important than the opening of a second front, the Teheran Declaration will be a bitter let-down. To those who have looked upon the second front as the key issue of the war, the Teheran statement is such as to rouse vast and almost intolerable ex- citement. THE BIGGEST ISSUE OF THEM ALL The three conferees at Teheran appreciated (as the American and British public have never properly appreciated) the importance of the second front issue, as the chief block between the west and Russia. The Russians have even' made a special, separate issue of the slogan: "Shorten the war! ", a cry which has not been raised in America or Britain. The Russians have stood not only for victory, they have stood for a definite sort of victory, for a quick victory, to be obtained by joint, massive east-and-west op- erations. The three conferees, having reached agreement on this basic question, will, I think, be genuinely startled to find themselves accused of having disappointed the public. The Teheran statement speaks of military de- cisions in the past tense, and of political de- cisions in the future tense. It is from this cir- cumstance that I draw the not very difficult deduction that the former have been made, while the latter are left to be made. Also, the Moscow Declarations,, of only a few weeks ago, stated, with considerable candor, that a number of ques- tions had been left unsolved, and held over for the future: the Teheran statement does not pre- tend that they have all ieen solved now. THE PRESIDENT DOESN'T MIND I venture the guess that the same unhappy fringe of comment which has been attacking the three conferees for daring to presume to settle the political future of the world "by power politics," will now also attack them for having left it unsettled. When they get it, they con- sider it much too much; when they do not get it, they ask for more. I know the Roosevelt method sufficiently well to suggest that he will wait until there is suf- ficient public clarity, and heat, and pressure, on behalf of, say, a sensible Polish-Russian border settlement, before he subscribes to one. He is not a Wilson, selling an idea to his coun- try; he prefers to let his country be the Wilson, and to let it sell him the idea. He does not see why he should worry alone; he lets us all have a share of it. But he has not let this uncertainty hold back the conduct of military operations. (Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate) THURSDAY, DEC. 9, 1943 VOL. LIV No. 32 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices To the Members of the University Council: The December meeting of the University Council has been can- celled. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary To Members of the Faculty, Staff and Student Body: Attention of everyone is called to the Lost and Found Department of the Business Office, Rm. 1, University Hall. In- quiry concerning lost articles should be made promptly at the above men- tioned office. Articles found on the campus and in University buildings should be turned over immediately. Those articles not called for within 60 days will be surrendered to the finder. Shirley W. Smith Pre-Forestry and Forestry Stu- dents: Announcement is made of the annual essay contest for the Charles Lathrop Pack Foundation Prize in Forestry. The prize is $30, and the contest is open to all forestry and pre-forestry students. Contestants may consult, if they wish, with mem- bers of the faculty of the School of Forestry and Conservation as to suit- ability of topics. Essay titles should be filed not later than Jan. 10 with the Recorder, from whom further de- tails may be obtained. Lectures French Lecture: Professor Arthur L. Dunham, of the Department of History, will open the series of French lectures for 1943-1944 spon- sored by the Cercle Francais tonight at 8:00 in the Assembly Room of the Rackham Building.' The title of his lecture is: "Quelques problemes eco- nomiques de la France de demain." Tickets for these lectures may be procured from the Secretary of the Department of Romance Languages (Rm. 112, Romance Language Build- ing) or at the door at the time of the lectures for a small sum. Holders of these tickets are entitled to admis- sion to all lectures. All servicemen are admitted free of charge to all lectures. Academic Notices Freshmen in the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts may ob- tain their five-week progress reports in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall, according to the fol- lowing schedule: Surnames begin- ning F through L, Thursday, Dec. 9; Surnames beginning M through S, Friday, Dec. 10; Surnames beginning T through Z, Saturday forenoon, Dec. 11. Arthur Van Duren, Chairman, Academic Counselors Students, Fall Term, College of Lit- erature, Science, and the Arts: Courses dropped after Saturday, Dec. 11, by students other than freshmen will be recorded with the grade of E. Freshmen (students with less than 24 hours of credit) may drop courses without penalty through the eighth week. Exceptions to these regula- tions may be made only because of extraordinary circumstances, such as serious illness. -E. A. Walter School of Education Students, oth- er 'than freshmen: Courses dropped after Saturday, Dec. 11, will be re- corded with the grade of E except unr e xtraordinary circumstances. BARNABY Now keep very close together- Jane! Where did Barnaby go? CI's impossible! Finding Barnaby n this crowd! Anyone HIS size- By Crockett Johnson CROCKETT Look, Setta. A midget... Dressed He's supposed to be a JOHNSC up funny. From the toy section- gnome or something. l !