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December 08, 1943 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-08

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Wyvern Taps
Women Active
In 'VAffairs
Excellent Scholarship
Records Are Required
Of New Members
Swinging down the paths of vari-
ous sorority houses, league houses,
and dormitories, Wyvern, junior wo-
men's honorary society, went on a
tapping spree yesterday and came up
with seven winners - all women
prominent in University activities
who have maintained a high degree
of scholarship.
Tapped for Wyvern was Dorothy
Pugsley of Alpha Chi Omega-new
junior member of Judiciary Council,
member of the central committee for
surgical dressings and a singer with
the Women's Glee Club, Miss Pugs-
ley has also worked on several of the
class projects.
Mary Ann Jones, Kappa Alpha
Theta, has been an orientation ad-
viser, has done publicity for numer-
ous dances, projects, and the like, in
addition to working on class projects.
Betty Willemin of Ann Arbor is a
member of the central committee for
Junior Project, is an orientation ad-
viser, and is a director of Freshman
Project. I
Bette Carpenter, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, is associate business man-
ager of The Daily and a central com-
mittee member of surgical dressings.
Harriet Fishel of Chi Omega has
worked on class projects, surgical
dressings, is an orientation adviser,
and has held other positions of im-
portance on campus.
Mary Lee Mason, Alpha Phi, is as-
sistant general chairman of Junior
Project, is on the central committee
for the orientation program, and has
worked on numerous class projects.
Peggy Morgan of Delta Delta Delta
has also worked on class projects
and is at present on the central com-
mittee for Junior Project.
Engineering Award
To Ie Presented
Dr. George G. Brown, of the chem-
ical and metallurgical engineering
department, will participate in the
ceremony of presentation of the sixth
award for chemical engineering
achievement tonight in New York.
Professor Emeritus A. H. White
will make the presentation, which is
to go to the American Synthetic
Rubber Industry. Dr. Brown is a
member of the Committee of Award.
While in New York Dr. Brown will
also address the fourth biennial ban-
quet of the Junior Chemical Engi-
neering Society of New York as in-
coming president of the American In-
stitute of, Chenical Engineers.

Eisenhower Receives


of Merit

Hard-Working A-12 Trainees
Are Under Strict Discipline

President Roosevelt presents Gen. Eisenhower with the Legion of
Merit medal for his recent military services. The presentation was
made during President Roosevelt's trip to Cairo and Teheran, but
the scene of the ceremony was not disclosed by the Army.
Can didate Guild Remembers
fife in Brazil, British Guiana

Cand. William L. Guild of the 3rd
OC, Judge Advocate General School,
could probably give some good ad-
vice on ways to beat the rising cost
of living, since he has been sta-
tioned in Brazil and British Guiana
where prices are almost unbelievably
Native cooks are employed for
$2.50 per month; a street car ride
costs a cent and one-half; a cup of
coffee one penny; eggs 11 cents a
dozen and oranges six cents a dozen.
Speaking of his year's service in
the tropics, Cand. Guild said, "The
movie version of sunkissed sands,
Hedy Lamar beneath a palm tree and
a moon are a bit exaggerated. The
bugs, the disease and the heat are
a different story." He said that aft-
er the first six weeks "you get home-
sick and stay that way for about a
year and then you just don't give a
Laundry is done by the native wo-
men who "take your GI khaki down
to a nearby stream, pound the stuff-

OLD SOU'T Romance Box:
Whimsical bridal scene on the
cover. Old - fashioned marriage
certificate inside cover. Filled
S -Y - - with large decanter jug of
cologne, sugar shaker talc,
sachet, guest soap and bouquet.
GIFT BOXES with the wherewithal to complement her
loveliness. Filled with toiletries inspired by the delicate,
evanescent bloom of Old South's fabulous "King Cot-
ton" . . equal parts pure sunshine and enchanted
N 5
SUN DIAL GIFT BOX: old-lash-
ioned sun dial on the cover. "Timely"
mottoes wreathing the side of the
box. Inside, a big box of dusting pow-
der, cologne and sachet.

ing out of 'em and bring them all
back, clean and starched-including
your underwear."
Cand. Guild said that Christmas
packages were received the middle
of April. He will never forget the
fruit cake which was baked in Octo-
ber and opened in April.
He advises soldiers overseas to
write to everyone they know as soon
as they arrive because mail is all im-
portant and to subscribe to their
hometown newspapers.
Cand. Guild also advises soldiers
going overseas to start learning the
language as soon as they get there
because "it not only helps when you
go shopping, but it is a great asset
insofar as the women of the country
are concerned."
(Continued from Page 2)
Dec. 28. Open daily, except Sunday,
8:00 to 5:00. The public is cordially
Events Today
interviewing for orientation advis-
ers and for the central committee of
the '47 Corps will start this afternoon
and will continue through Wednes-
day, Dec. 15, every afternoon from
3 to 5 in the Undergraduate Office
at the League. Sign up for time of
The Association Music hour will
not meet today.
Coming Events
Ann Arbor Library Club will meet
on Friday, Dec. 10, at 7:45 p.m. in
Room 110, University Library. Mr.
James K. Boyland of the Library of
Congress will speak on "Unfamiliar
Aspects of Irish Life and Culture."
There will also be a business meeting
with election of officers for the year.
The University of Michigan Sec-
tion of the American Chemical So-
ciety will meet on Monday, Dec. 13,
at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry
Building. Dr. G. G. Brown will speak
on "Properties of Light Paraffin
Hydrocarbons." The annual business
meeting will be held after the talk.
Alpha Lambda Delta members:
There will be a meeting at 5:00 p.m.
in the League Thursday.
r {-F
1 -
The "Squander Bug" turns
pale when be hears the word

Th ASTPR unit, composed of 17
and 18 year old A-12 trainees prob-
ably has the highest esprit de corps
of any Army unit on campus, accord-
ing to Cadet Lt. James McKeown,
executive officer of Company B-4.
"The fellows work for one another.
They enjoy doing things together,"
Cadet Lt. McKeown said. He charac-
Capt. Campbell
Has Had Varied
Military Career
Capt. Richard S. Campbell, Com-
mander of Company C, has literally
seen the country since his induction
into the Army June 5, 1941, as he
has been stationed at eight different
His experience includes an assign-
ment to the coastal artillery barrage
balloon battalion, work in the coastal
artillery and several months as as-
sistant adjutant at company head-
quarters. Capt. Campbell was as-
signed first to Ft. Monroe, Va., and
then to Camp Hulen, Tex. He next
went to Camp Wallace, Tex., Camp
Tyson, Tenn., Santa Monica, Calif.,
and Ft. Custer, Mich. He came here
from Ft. Sheridan, Ill.
Has Science Degree
Capt. Campbell took his degree in
science at Texas A&M College where
he was enrolled in a five year petro-
leum and mechanical engineering
program. This program required,
that he take 45 hours in his last
year. Although he was inducted be-
fore completion of the full five years
of the program, Capt. Campbell hopes
that he may be able to finish it after
the war.
Because of his four years of ROTC
training in college, Capt. Campbell
received his captaincy about seven
months after he entered the Army.
Member of ASME
During college he belonged to the
American Society of Mechanical En-
gineers, the American Iinstitute of
Metallurgical Engineering and the re-
serve officers' organization. Capt.
Campbell's interests cover a wide
variety of activities including auto-
mobile and boat racing and building
motors. While stationed in Tennes-
see he was joint owner of a plane, a
Piper Cub, but had to sell it when
he.was transferred to California be-
cause flying on the coast is prohib-
ited to everyone but air corps per-
sonnel. Capt. Campbell is also in-
terested in photography.
Capt. Campbell's two brothers are
in the Navy. Mrs. Campbell, a native
of California, is now living in Ann
Hellwarth Will
Lecture Here
Mr. A. R. Hellwarth, electric sys-
tem engineer of the Detroit Edison
Company, will speak to the student
members of the American Institute
of Electrical Engineers Thursday,
Dec. 16, on "Communication Sys-
tems Employed by the Detroit Edison
The meeting is of particular inter-
est since Mr. Hellwarth graduated
as an electrical engineer from the
University of Michigan.
Triangles Initiates
Six New Members
Triangles, junior honor society for
engineers, recently initiated six new
members in a ceremony at the Union,
followed by a special dinner.

Those initiated were William Auch,
Richard Barnard, Clement Bauman,
Ted Greer, John Jans and William

terized them as "all around" in re-
spect to interests and activities and
added that there is quite a bit of
individual talent within the group.
The cadets are unique among the
units here since they are one of the
hardest working group, but receive
no pay. Although none of the A-12's
have had any college work before,
they are now taking the equivalent
of 23 hours semester work including
physics, mathematics, chemistry,
English, geography and history in
addition to military science, a physi-
cal education program and drill.
Classes, taught by University in-
structors, are linited to 26 members.
Discipline is strict, and the train-
ees have only Saturday nights off.
Cadets Wear Seal
Cadet Lt. McKeown pointed out
that the cadets may be regarded as
in part taking the place of the regu-
lar University freshman class of
boys. It is for this reason thatsthey
have been authorized by the com-
mandant, Col. Frederick Rogers, to
wear the University seal as a shoul-
der patch. They are the only unit on
campus which wears the University
The cadets are kept very busy, but
it is not entirely all work and no
play. Social eventsnhave included an
open house for Ann Arbor residents,'
faculty members and commanding
officers, a dance at the barracks with
an orchestra from the Barton Hills
Country Club and an informal
Thanksgiving buffet supper at the
barracks. The cadets' Christmas va-
cation will extend only from Christ-
mas Eve to the next mealtime after
Christmas Day.
Trainees Receive Invitations
As a result of the open house about
half of the cadets received invita-
tions from Ann Arbor residents for
week-end parties and dinners.
Cadet Lt. McKeown explained that
the purpose of the ASTPR program
is to train potential officer material.
If the war continues long enough,
the nation will have exhausted most
of its educated men and will have
to draw on the men now being
trained for officers.
Selected by. special boards, the
trainees were chosen on the bases of
scholarship, personality and poten-
tial officer material. All enlisted in
the program since they had the op-
tion of taking it or not.
Navy To Hear
Capt. Simmers
Capt. C. M. Simmers, who is sta-
tioned in Washington, D.C., with the
shore establishment division of the
Navy Department, will speak to the
Reserve Officers Naval Architect
Group at 11 a.m. Monday in the
Architecture Building.
Capt. Simmers has been connected
with the Navy ship building program
both in the last war and in the pres-
ent one. A graduate of Annapolis in
1902, he has be6n a Naval constructor
and manager of the Boston Navy
Capt. Simmers is the third speaker
to address the Naval Architects this
year. The lecture is closed to the
Skating, Badminton
Programs Planned
The Figure Skating Club will meet
at 3:30 p.m. every Monday and
Thursday, contrary to previous an-
nouncements. Now open to men stu-
dents, club members receive indi-
vidual and group instruction in fig-
ure skating techniques.
Meeting at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Barbour Gym, Badminton Club
members may also invite men guests
to play, Madeline Vibbert, '44, club

manager, has announced. This policy
went into effect last week. After
Christmas a ladder tournament will
be held.

USO Hostesses
Must Attend
First Meeting
All women interested in being USO
hostesses must attend the orientation
meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday in the Rackham amphi-
While only those coeds who have.
received postcards notifying them
of the meeting will be asked to come
to the formal dance on Saturday,
Dec. 11, this meeting may be attend-
ed by any woman who signed up
No coed will be allowed to hostess
at the new USO headquarters, Harris
Hall, unless she has gone to an orien-
tation meeting, and this will be the
only one given this semester.
Mrs. Burton, director of the USO,
asks the women who have received
postcards to bring them to the meet-
ing. All women who would like to
help in designing and making posters
for the USO by joining the Poster
Committee should see Mrs. Burton
in Harris Hall as soon as possible.
Women coming to the orientation
meeting are asked to bring as many
wire or wood coat hangers as they
can. A box will be placed in the
lobby to receive them. Other persons
wishing to donate hangers may take
their donations directly to Harris
Cobb Is Recovering
NEW YORK, Dec. 7.-(P)-Irvin
S. Cobb, 67, prominent author, who
was reported "quite sick" today atl
his Hotel Sheraton apartment, was'
"getting along very well" tonight, his
wife said. Cobb recently underwent
a hospital check-up.

YotP CheikeIe1

Pastel Jersey


100% Wool

Buttons down
The Back
Kick Pleat
Pink Cloud,
Aqua, Honey Dew
and Lime

First Ruthven
Tea Is Today
Women May Still Sign
For Social Committee
Providing an opportunity for stu-
dents to meet President and Mrs.
Ruthven, the first Ruthven tea will
be given from 4 to 6 p.m. today at the
president's home.
Houses especially invited are Helen
Newberry, Betsy Barbour, Alpha
Delta Pi and Zeta Tau Alpha. Pour-
ing at the tea this week will be Mrs.
Newell of Helen Newberry, Mrs.
Overton of Betsy Barbour, Mrs.
Scheunemann of Alpha Delta Pi, and
Mrs. Coulter of Zeta Tau Alpha.
Although these houses are specially
invited, all students, servicemen and
members of the faculty are also in-
vited to attend.
Any woman who wishes to serve
on the social committee and who was
unable to attend the mass meeting
may sign up at this tea with the sec-
retary of the social committee.
Morrow Weber, '44, chairman of
the social committee, asks that all
group members come at 3:45 p.m. in
order to acquaint themselves with the
JGP To Meet Friday
JGP Publicity Committee will meet
at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the League to
make final plans for the hockey
match on Saturday night. All mem-
bers of the committee and anyone
interested in participating in the
game must be present, Peg Weiss,
chairman, announced.


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6"' ChriJ ttna4
A Pretty Blouse



Nothing will please




.; ?,
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Here's STRIPPER, the
gayest idea yet in pretty
lounge slippers! Red or
royal blue rayon faille ...
so cute you can wear them
as, evening slippers too.


more than to find a lovely
blouse among her gifts on
Christmas day . . . and

® vnn can find inst the right

_ .

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