_ TUESDAY,-NO-V. 2, 1943 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . - PAGE THREE TUESDAY, NOV. 2, 1943 PAGE THREE: 4. Panhellenic Directs Sororit ictivities Mary June Hastreiter Is President of Women's Greek Letter Societies Dressings Unit in Full Swing Army Training Women at 'U' For War Roles Engine School Invaded by Fair Sex for First Time in History As Women Become Inspectors League Is Center for 'U' Women's War Work, Recreational Activities * V (Continued from Page 1) from 2:30 to 7:30 p.m. a wnich tea1 or punch may be served. For the net four week-ends, excluding the week-ends of Dec. 25 and Jan. 1,1 two parties may be given every week- Send. Jan. 8 will be the last week- end of these parties at which no re- f eshments are to be served. Dessert and coffee only may be srved at the final desserts to be given on Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 12 and 13, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. There shall be absolutely no com- ,iunication with any rushee from 9:15 p.m. Jan. 13 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 15. Silence period between sor- orities and those who have received bis shall end at 9 p.m. Jan. 15. silence period for those who have not received bids will end at 9 a.m. Monday, Jan. 17. Pledge day for upperclassmen shall be Sunday, Jan. 16, and pledging will start at 3 p.m. Pledge day for freshmen shall be Sunday, Mar. 12. Freshmen who have received bids from sororities may have coke dates with members of any sorority. Fresh- m'en may visit the house to 'which they have been bid, once a week. Any alditional visits may be made with the permission of the Panhel- lenic president or rushing secretary. Informal Rushing Informal rushing may not begin until the Monday after freshman pledging. All transfers or upperclass- men in good standing with at least 15 hours of advanced credit may be rushed and initiated during their first semester of residence. If a girl is not initiated during her first sem- ester, .eligibility for initiation must he determined by her first semester's recgrd. Only freshmen with a "C" average or better are eligible to be 'pledged.. "Noainvitations to the initial Open Houses are to be sent. All rushees may -go- to every house. Rushees znay stay no longer than 20 minutes at each Open House and must go to all of' the initial Open Houses of their own denomination. They may o only on the day for which they invited. soi'ority may not have more than five dates with one rushee in- cluding the Open House and a final 'd0iiner., No rushee may be asked bk at any time, until the Tuesday morning after the week-end paxties. This includes the Open Houses, but not the .final parties. A rushee may not be asked "to a final dinner until she attends a sec- ond date after the Open House, ex- cept in the case of a sorority which is' unable to make an engagement with the rushee until late in the rushing season or in the case of a rushee entering school late. * No rushee may break a final party date, later than noon of the Tuesday before the final desserts. All rushees must attend the parties they have accepted, and may not break a date later than Thursday night, before the 'week-end parties. A rushee may attend only one final dinner by each sorority. No sorority may ask more than twice the number of girls they can invite to membership to the final parties. Each sorority shall turn in every Monday morning between 8 and 10 a.m. a list of the girls that it has dropped at its week-end parties, be- ginning the mornings after the last Open House through the Monday af- - ter the last week-end party. With the final drop list, each sor- ority shall bring a list of the girls who will be attending its final din- ners. These must be in by Tuesday at 5 p.m. No rushees may attend more than two parties a week-end. No sorority women except mothers and sisters who are not active may be in the dormitories of independent women. They may not communi- cate with other girls with the inten- tion of rushing. No alumnae may communicate with a rushee during the intensive season. only four calls may be made upon a rushee by each sorority. A call shall consist of a telephone message. There shall be no calling in person on any rushee. No rushee is to be called for or taken home by the sorority or anyone connected with the sorority. No rushing is allowed outside the house premises. There shall be no informal bidding. No sorority may spend any money on flowers, decora- tions, candy, or paid musicians dur- ing rushing. No favors whatsoever may be given. Preference Slips Rushees are told clearly that an invitation to a final dinner does not necessarily mean a bid. Each rushee shall receive a preference slip the day she signs up for rushing. She should fill it out and return it to the Office of the Dean of Women hefnr' 12:15 n m on the Friday fol- The Panhellenic Association-of the University of Michigan, more often called "Panhell," under the leader- ship of Mary June Hastreiter, '44, is the central organization of the 19 women's Greek letter societies on campus. Every pledge upon initiation into her sorority automatically becomes a member of Panhellenic, an organi- zation containing about 1,140 mem- bers. The Panhell council is the guiding body which sets the rushing and quota rules for member houses. The promotion of cooperation among sorority groups and the uni- fication of the interests of sorority and non-sorority women are 'the pri- mary purposes of the organization. In fulfilling this spirit of coopera- tion, Panhellenic lends its support to various campus drives, such as the Bomber Scholarship Fund and Blood Bank, and urges its members to par- ticipate in all campus projects. Last year Panhell contributed the entire profit from its annual Ball, a total of about $700 to the' Bomber Scholarship Fund. The profits from the sale of tickets to "Victory Vani- ties," an- all-campus variety show given in cooperation with the Inter- fraternity Council were also donated to the Fund. The organization also managed the Blood Bank for a month and conducted a war bond and stamp drive on football homecoming week- end. In addition it furnished a day room at Camp Custer. During Orientation week, the Pan- hellenic association will sponsor an information booth in the League. Prospective rushees' questions will be answered by members of the or- ganiation or alumni sponsors. breaking a pledge before another in- vitation for pledging shall be ex- tended. - No woman who has taken less than 11 hours is eligible for initia- tion. A woman who has taken less than 15 hours by the advice of Health Service or the Administra- tive Office but who has earned not less than 26 honor points may be initiated. Any girl who lacks no more than three honor points of the amount re- quired to lift her probation and who has better than a "C" average in her work for the preceding semester may be considered by the Executive Board for initiation into a sorority. There shall be no rushing with men, nor shall any sorority member attempt to influence any rushee through men. No rushee may have a man call for her at a sorority. During informal rushing sororities may have one function a week, last- ing not more than three hours. Din- ners must terminate at 8 p.m. Rush- ees are informed in their booklets that they must be out of the house at 8 p.m. Fancy That" SPRINGFIELD, Mass.-(P)-A ty- pographical error today gave young women in this area a somewhat dif- ferent reason for joining the WAC. Secretary to Acting Mayor J. Albin Anderson, jr., typed 'out a proclama- tion calling for observation of "WAC day." The proclamation asked women to enlist in order that they might "re- lieve many able bodied young soldiers for more active cuties." Coeds Needed Now To Make Surgical Dressings for Army The pressing need for women to t release men for combat duty and to m replace other men in almost every field has led the University to divert r much of its energy to this purpose. s For the first time in the history of n the engineering college, those hal-- : lowed halls have been invaded, and b brightened to a noticeable extent, bya members of the fairer sex. The Army.a is training about 150 women for war production inspection.- Other women are training as En-u gineering Aides in photogrammetry,j surveying and topographical. map- 1 ping, and under a Specialized Warn Training Program, ten weeks coursesb have been given in Army Aircraft Inspection and Ordnance Material Inspection. Upon completion of thef courses, trainees will be sent to fac-v tories in 17 states to take over jobst requiring special training. War Related WorkI In the literary college there aret also courses in war related work. The Army, Navy and other agencies have demanded women who can read, speak and translate modern lang-. uages. Courses in Japanese, Chinese,j Russian, French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese are being offered on campus to train students to meet the need. Journalism and newspaper work will provide some of the necessary training for students who aspire to be government informational spe- cialists. Clinical psychologists and personnel workers are scarce. Train- ing in tests and measurements, which is offered in the Department of Psychology, is recommended for these positions. 'There are now many openings for women in the physical sciences. Wo- men, trained in astronomy are need- ed to make computations, to care for instruments, and to prepare ma- aerial "for publication. All branches of chemistry' are being opened to l women. There are other openings fqr: mineral technologists. * l$ith Is Prerequisite t Mathematics, as a prerequisite to ,chemistry, physics, engineering, as- tronomy, advanced statistics and specialized government training pro- L grams, can prove most beneficial. ' The women have already invaded the field of geology. Those who have t studied deposit and ground water, mapping and economic geology are in line for civil service positions. This t summer a group of women from the 1 University were at Camp Davis, "With the desperate shortage of surgical dressings for the, armed ser- vices, we will have to put out twice as many this year as last," ,Jean Whittemore, '44, head of the Surgi- cal Dressing Unit said yesterday. "It certainly seems that every single coed can afford to give two hours a week at least to making these dressings," Miss Whittemore continued. The unit is open from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. every Wednesday and Thursday in the game room of the League and members of all classes, including freshmen, are welcome to partici- pate. Instructors will be on hand to teach beginners and workers who can pass the Red Cross requirements may become instructors. Miss Whittemore pointed out that with the invasion of Europe, the cas- ualties are mounting rapidly. As a result, the need for surgical dress- ings has increased tremendously. Government requests call for "lit- erally millions of dressings," Miss Whittemore declared, and as manu- facturers are able to produce only about 10 percent of the supply need- ed, a heavy load is placed on the Red Cross units. Making surgical dressings requires absolute accuracy. No one sees the finished products from the time they leave the workroom, where they are inspected and shipped, until they are sterilized by the doctor at the base hospital just prior to their use, she added. "At the front, the doctors and nur- ses will be too busy to inspect the dressings before using them," so care must be taken at the unit to see that no small threads, hairs or lint which WAIPAHU, Hawaii-(iP)-A game of checkers ended with plastic sur- gery for Pedro P. Castillo and a $25 fine for Marcello Lagrimos. In circuit court, Lagrimos, charged with assault and battery, said .his pal became angry after losing five games. So, in self defense, he said, he bit off the tip of Castillo's nose, might cause irritation or infection are present.% "There may be one doctor working franctically against time at the base hospital, or it may be the last dress- ing before the new shipment arrives. Introductions A la Polst Gone- With theWar By LOIS LEIDERMAN. The time - honored conventional method of introductions between co- eds and men seems dissolving into a murky past. "How do, you ever get dates," queries every plaid skirted beribboned freshman and 'unat- tached upperclasswoman. There are men but they 'do no' wear the familiar slacks and archaic saddles. There isn't one helpful sug gestion to be offered on how to get dates. However, Michigan (if the situa tion becomes too desperate) might adopt an unauthorized, unofficia system observed in use on another Big Ten campus. Illinois has a huge Illini building opento both men and women. Servicemen, odd fellow stu dents, and girls, congregate in th pine lounge which has been senti mentally dubbed, "wolf lounge. Floppy banged misses sit on one sid and men on the other. Beforea short interim passes couples soon be gin to stroll out, and they can b found later playing ping pong an checkers. So-middle-aged adolescent girls- you can press out the wrinkles in that smooth black outfit you newly purchased at the shop back hom labeled, "Exactly what the wel dressed campus queen wears." Ther might be dates. If not, remember some girl's house might give a tea and just think what a nice appear ance you will present. Nucleus of women's war activities t with facilities for recreation and en- ertainment'for all women enrolled in d he University, the two-million-dol- $ ar Michigan Leagule is also the head- s quarters of the comtnittees governing he women studeits and of Michi-L gan women's adurin e' associations s hroughout the cointry. Membership Is Automnaic f Membership in .the Leaiue is auto-i matic on enrollnient itfthe Tniver-c sity, and upon, graduatiOn ,each wo-s man becomes a ife member of theN organization. During her sojourn at Michigan the Lea4ueaffqrds a pleas- ant atmosphere for the coed to workc and play. :, , Created and +jeserved by many classes of gradute s and undergrad-1 uates, for 'the participation and en-j joyment of the cainpus, the chapel, ballroom, lounges,' theatre, accom- modations 'and ' '=*Isine have become integral pai'ts of 'Rthe establishment.1 Activities Cefltet' The undergraduate offices on the first floor are the center, of all the women's activities. Located here are the office of the social director, Miss Ethel McCormick, -a4d a council room in which the various League committees hold meetiigs 'and keep their files. Next door is the office of the Uni- versity War B ird which counsels students plAnning to enter into serv- ice, clarifying-the ien's draft status, and informing the womien. of oppor- tunities in. the armed services, nurses corps, and industries. Acros the hall is located the -Acquaintance 'Bureau and the WAG. recruiting office. The Alumnae Association which has its headquarters in the League, main- tains connections' with more than 22,000 women graduates throughout the nation. It also keeps records on the women entering the 'armed serv- ices. It is responsible ;for the' costruc- tion of the:,Leagug:Wlilh is now 'free of debt;: for, t zesmi1-Coopriv dormitory, Alumnae hoUe; for dona- Jackson Hole, ; Wyoaming, to study petroleum ,.at the geblQgy field sta- tion. . :: .. The Federal, government urgently. needs per ofiel t inn:in ma imak- ing and pose'iig a: kiowledge of foreign -lands,;pollti ns-which could easily be filled.by.women. The geog- raphy deartme t. fers excellent opportunittesalonigthes# lines.Ecoi- omists to work:,on cozi iddities and to do accoi~itii g are needed. Social workers are .ieeded in the fields of 'fa'mily'welfare, child wel- fare, .medical :social wOrk groip work and p'YelCIt'ic 'work.' There: is also a 'e4 a,,dfor_ teaclhers, espe- cially in :elementary schools and the sciences. ions for the proposed women's swim-" ming pool and another cooperative dormitory; and for the donation of $22,000 in scholarships and fellow- ships. Meals are served in the spacious League cafeteria, which contains ' soda bar and is open to the public and the Russian Tea Room on the first floor, and in the large dining room and private rooms on the sec- and and third floots. The beauty shop on the first floor is open to All women. Scene of Weddings The League chapel is the scene of many weddings of students and alumnae, and the initiation cere- monies of many honor societies are held there. It is dedicated to the memory of Charlotte Blagden, who died in 1925 during her term ,as president of the League. One of the main attractions of the building is the informal garden open to men only when accompanied by a League member. Surrounded by a high stone wall, this spot, with ids trim shrubbery, flowers, and shade trees, provides a cool meeting place for the women and their friends. A- favorite place for garden weddings, the garden is also the scene of many teas and receptions. The scene of' many social events during the year is the ballroom l- cated at one end of the second floor, Afternoon tea dances, special school dancessuch as theydentists' Odofito Ball and the lawyers' Crease, Bali; Assembly and Panhellenic Balls,aad class project mass meetings are al hield in the ballroom, as well as t~e [eague dancing classes. At the opposite end of the h11 is the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre; which seats 700. It is the scene, of the plays produced by the Michigh Repertory Players apd Play ProdM- tion. Movies, speakers, and class pid- grams are often held there also. Spacious ,Xounge. Besides the theatre, there are found on the second floor the comfortabN and spacious wood-panelled Grani .Rapids and Ethel Fountain Hussey Rooms' which- contain pianos, easy chairs -and sofas. A- game. room equi ' ped for ping pong.and the Kalama do Room are both located on the se6fd' floor. In these rooms and in the Mfary 'B. 'Henderson Room on the thiild floor are held Panhellenic and I sembly' interviews, large lunchels and dinners, and bridge tournamerits. every Friday and Saturday night 'the 7-11 Club is held in the Kalama!Ko Room and now supplements the Udii- versity USO, dances. To the musi of a nickelodeon the students nasy dance, play.bridge, checkers or bingo. On the third floor, the library tfr women contains 2,400 books and the latest magazines. r e d e i- " e a y e l e r, a ,+,1 -" Co nsider YourWardrobe's Life]Line Todia _._...:, , Leading straight from your closet into every hour'f.every day.' You're bringing your wardrobe down to fundamentals. Selecting it with :a eener sense of values. 0g Gaarine!I THE LOVE OF EVERY GIRL! Can be worn to casses or social dates .,. I 'I CLASS fashions that at are rational r' DATE Colors: RED, COCOA, POWDER BLtUE, 4> rI) PINK, MAIZE, AQUA, GImEN $14.951- $6.95 COLLINS senses this, your realistic philosophy of buying and dressing. Always alert to your needs and loves, Collins gives you make sense . . that serve you well . . . the t ii a'nd hecoinn, efficient and fun. y