_______~ ~ ii~ii~A......iY._______ wo Years of War 'i higan Takes Lead MI Prezning Servicemen g Are Reflected in University Changes What the State of Michigan Is Doing at War By STAN WALLACE < In a year wrought with drastic hanges in living the country over, a y~ar which saw the tide of battle turn in favor of the Allies on every front, the University of Michigan fowund its definite place in the sch.me of war and every student and faaulty member bent his every effort to the task at hand. thange, inevitable, but never- ss important, has been the teyn_, o; University life since .. teful day, .two years ago to ' whe n the United States took p acee wth thbe free nations of K eworld battling for that free- The initial anxiety of mobilizing tfniversity facilities for war had passed by Pearl Harbor day 1942, but the University didn't actually get tooth and nail in the war effort until the first of this year. Theme Is Total War The pattern of University life had been ,set the day after Pearl Harbor by Presideit Alexander G. Ruthven when he mobilized Michigan for "to- tWl war. The Uiniversity of Michigan takes her battle station as she has in every war." rlgn took her battle station adsin an atmosphere filled with de fgencies of war, a new cam- pus i e was born. For the first time in the 106 year )istory of the University, Michigan : ,,with their coed companions greeted the new year in Ann Arbor. New Years in Ann Arbor .he first Michigan New Year's 'e party--'42 Finale-was held in th e I-M 3uilding and the students pang in 1943 to the tunes of Bill qa'er's music. he ballroom was packed, for swas. the Qnly campus social rvet of the evening, and most of e gatly .spilled over into classes he nxt Gy. It was officially announced that ere would bed classes New Year's Da and some students didattend. hne professor reported that it dis- acted hi to teach students garbed iWi ful formal dress, and everyone fe- the war spirit of the occasion. Students Aid Labor Crises The Student Manpower Commis- sion organized in 1942 to mobilize University men to relieve an acute labor shortage in restaurants and on nearby farms was called upon to discharge one of its biggest tasks in December. A call from the Navy depart- ment asked that the University dismantle two 80 ton steam boilers in the powerhouse and ready them for shipment to an east coast Navy arsenal. The University Buildings and Grounds Department didn't have the manpower to complete the task and the Manpower Corps, headed by Marvin Borman of Indianapolis, stepped into the breech to get the job done. Students were not yet without their apathy for war work. A vigor- ous campaign in The Daily brought the necessary response and the boil- ers were dismantled and shipped to the Navy on time. Future in School Worried U' Men Even after a year of active par- ticipation in the war, male students were very much concerned about their future in school. On the anniversary of Pearl Harbor in 1942, the arihed services closed all enlistments and campus men were in ga fog until on Dec. 16 the Army issued their plans for the disposition of the Enlisted Reserve Corps (ERC). It was announced on that date that all college men in the ERC would be called soon after the first of the year and this was the first step in a long line of orders and counter orders from a service corn- mands and Washington that led many men to throw up their hands in despair. Many Students Left Expecting to leave school in early January, many students packed up and went home. The momentary call didn't come as expected and the men were finally pulled out of school in different groups beginning in March and continuing through May. Attempts were made to get a clear order from the War Depart- ment and by early March, a state of calm had again taken hold. Af ter it was first indicated in the summer of 1942 that both the Army and the Navy were interested in using existent college facilities for specialized training programs, the University kept in constant touch with Washington officials. War Brings New Agency On Dec. 18, 1942 a new administra- tive agency was set up born of the exigencies of war. It was called the Division for Emergency Training and sition as one of the leading col- leges in the country. The first contract program for Michigan was announced on Dec. 9, 1942. This was a program in basic meteorology connected with the Army Air Forces and was scheduled to begin here March 1. Many Changes Followed This instituted the first wholesale change of campus life that would be the forerunner of many more. The East Quadrangle of Resi- dence Halls was put at the dispo- sal of the Army to house this first contingent of service trainees. Rooms Filled to Capacity Single rooms were converted into threesomes while double rooms were made to hold five men. Double decker beds were installed and the only resemblance of a peacetime dorm was the physical building it- self. The first group of meteorolo- gists moved into it on March 15 and classes began the same day. A second class was begun in May. Officially the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) began here March 1 with a group, of basic engineers. From this point on a gen- eral recounting of the University's major function in the war effort is a history of successive ASTP units and Navy trainees. All Departments T rain Servicemen Almost overnight but not without many long hours of tedious planning by all departments of the University, every function, classroom, and fac- ulty man was involved in training servicemen for specific war and post- war ,jobs. Where once a man in khaki or blue was a novelty in Ann Arbor, they now became commonplace. Of the Army's program of 16 different courses to produce tech- nicaly .trained men for every branch of service, 15 have been in progress here in the past year. The course of events showed that Michigan was not going to confine itself to only training Army men. Navy Uses University The Navy Department in Wash- ington announced at the first of the year that it, too, would enlist the services of the nation's universities for specialized training. Men of Michigan hurried to get their papers approved to enlist in the Navy Reserve programs-V-1, V-5 and V-7, before they closed in December. A Daily extra onDec. 17 carried the complete details of both the Army and Navy programs which would bein full swing by the end of the spring semester. This statement officially ended the indecision of campus men as to what to do about their role in the war effort, but events to come spelled contrary circumstances. 'Stick to Studies' Urged In a statement issued Dec. 17, President Ruthven urged all men to stick with their studies until they are definitely told by the Army or Navy their exact disposition. The holocaust that raced through each boy's mind was loosed by the campus ROTC unit on their commanding officer Col- onel William A. Ganoe. He had no definite news to give them but assured them of their place in the Army scheme and aided in quieting the confusion. The second major University dor- mitory was taken over by the Navy on July 1 to house 1,500 Navy V-12 trainees. The Navy 'program permits men to pursue their own course of study, for their regulations provide that all officers must be college gradu- ates. Civilians Not Forgotten In the midst of all this conversion to war training for servicemen, the civilian students, whose number was steadily decreasing, were not shoved aside. Regular courses were main- tained and integrated with the service programs. A somewhat normal course of campus activities was continued with necessary wartime limitations. Changes Severely Felt in Social Life In the social vein these limitations were definitely apparent. The annual tradition of J-Hop was combined with Senior Ball in one big dance held in the I-M Building between the fall and spring semes- ters, The usual hilarity of J-Hop plus the last fling attitude of Senior Ball were combined into one big evening which carved its indelible and baseball coach, Both are in the Navy. In the scientific field, nUniversifty research facilities have been ac- tive. A program in radar research has been in progress here for two years and increased in tempo dur- in-the last 12 months; the Uni- v'4ty Hospital is conducting ex- periments in an attempt to develop a more adequate diet for tropical areas; and the Navy Tank in the engineering school has been test- ing model boats for the Navy. Perhaps the major event involving the administration of the University was President Ruthven's trp to Eng- land in November. He journeyed there at the invita- tion of the British Ministry of Infor - mation and the British Embassy here to study and discuss, problems of education in the post-war era. lie came back to campus in early December and ol'ered sone pointed observations of the roe of English educational institutions *now planning for future education and emphasized the "leading role Universities must play the world over in training leaders for the post-war world." "Michigan is expected to be ini the vanguard of universities with an in- ternational outlook," he stated and added, "we must prepare 'now for the role of the future." PEM Improves Men PEM continued as a re ular fea- ture of every man's prgra and comparative figures from the PhysI- cal Education office indicate a marked improvement in the men. In line with the accelerated pro- gram announced by the Regenta in 1942, the third semester bean June 7 with an enrollment approx- imating 4,000 students. Classes for the fall semester 1943- 44 began one month later than usual to coincide with the new Navy sem- ester which started Nov. 1. This necessitated, a change in the year's calendar and puts the end of the spring semester well into June, 1944. Six Days for Christmas At the moment students are wad- ing through midsemester exaina.- tions with the prospect of the war curtailed six day Christmas vacation looming in the foreground. The Union has temporarily tak- en over most campus social events and is now planning "The Final Spree of '431-Mlchigan's second New Year's Eve party to be held at Waterman Gym. With an eye to the future the Bomber Scholarship committee has continued its program to raise funds to be used for scholarships for returning students after the war. To date the fund has raised approximately $25,000, one quar- ter of its $100,000 goal. This is the University of Michigan at war. Every fibre of its organiza- tion, every member of its faculty, and every student on the campus have dedicated themselves to the one purpose of doing the most good for the nation at war in the shortest possible time. the war has changed the pattern of campus life and this second anni- versary of Pearl Harbor finds the University doing its part to cement the unity of America. Michigan's contribution to World War H is being measured today- war plants and shipyards; guns, torpedoes, bombs, fighting planes and the second anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor-by victories on fighting ships flowing from production lines, while in Navy schools battle fronts thousands of miles away. These Photographs show a throughout the state thousands of men are receiving intensive training cross-section of the state's war activity-men and women toiling in for duty with the fleet as WAVES take over shore billets. versity activity has been the role of the Michigan coed in war work. The Women's War Council was organized early in 1942 to coordi- nate the work of women in war work. Early in January, a three day conference delineating the role of women in the war effort was held at tl4 Rackham Building. Experts from all fields indicated to the women what place they must fill in the scheme of a national war effort both on the campus and after they leave school. The JGP organized a bond and stamp selling drive, the League spon- sored Red Cross bandage work, soph- omore women worked out entertain- ment schemes for campus service- men, and in general, most campus women found their role in some sort of war activity. For some reason which has re- mained unfathomed, this enthusiasm waned through the summer semester and has fallen to a new low ebb this fall. Agitation is increasing to inter- est women vitally in war work. Cam- pus women hold the key to the prob- lem. All Schools Changed Every faculty, school, and college in the University has made the chan- ges necessitated by increasing war demands. A definite shortage of clerical workers, typists, business machine operators, and stenographers prompted the Division for Emer- gency Training (DET) with the School of Business Administration and the Literary College to begin a training program ,for such work- ers in June for the first time in University history. For the first time in its history, the business school has discontinued its program of MBA degrees-1) for the lack of an adequate staff, and what is more important-2) there is a definite place for students so trained in industry rather than in school. Chronicle of 'Firsts' The current history of the Univer- sity under the strain of war activity is a chronicle of 'firsts'-activities, programs and innovations are. being instituted which most educators never dreamed of before. One of the most important val- ues that most observers find in the new scheme of tradition breaking acts is the fact that the value of these programs in wartime will be doubled when peace is attained. However critical the rooming situ- ation was last year after a year of war worker inroads on student rooms, this past year has seen the situation go from bad to worse. Housing Problem Grew The DET had the difficult problem of finding adequate housing facilities for all Army men before they came to campus. The two main University dormi- tories were snapped up immedi- ately and the only other logical places for housing were the cam- Working out a plan with DET, eight< fraternity houses were leased by the University for freshman students (there are still a few left), six forc University women, and 14 for the use of the Army. A glance at. the comparative fig- ures of rooming houses available now with pre-war, pre-Willow Runt days, presents a graphic picture of the problem. 1939-800 rooming houses; 1943 -285 rooming houses. It was no wonder that some coeds were forced to sleep in the League, Barbour Gym and the WAB at the beginning of the semester. Disgruntled though they were, these women stuck until the problem was ironed out. * * Enrollment Figures Show Great Change Perhaps the single group of facts; that best tells the story of Michi- gan's place in the war effort is the7 comparison of enrollment figures for the past two years. In the fall term 1942 6,098 civilian men registered for classes while 3,42' women were on hand when academic work began. For the present spring term 1,964 civilian men registered for classes and 3,779 coeds enrolled. The drop in civilian men enroll- ment figures is not so surprising considering all factors. The tempo of our war effort has increased and those men who were not in essential training, have gone into military service. And too, many men anxious to get vitally into the war have taken positions in industry. All of which doesn't change the heartfelt woes of the average coed who finds herself definitely in the majority of the campus population. 4,000 Servicemen Things have not been so one-sided as this analysis might indicate, for the contract trainees on campus now number close to 4,000, including both Army and Navy men. This figure plus the variety of spe- cialized training courses that the University is conducting for service- men has placed Michigan in the fore of universities and colleges training men for war. 'U' War Board Established The test aided many students in deciding what field to enter and what work they could best do to fit into the war picture. The University War Board was established soon after Pearl Harbor to coordinate all efforts to put the University on a war schedule. An Information Service was es- tablished to act as the liaison agent between the services and the students. Professor Burton D. Thuma, chairman of the psychol- ogy department, was made Armed Services Representative and to- gether with Gerry Poor conducted more than 30,000 interviews with students and aided them in their decisions about the services. commission in the Navy in April and carried on the job till midsummer when the need for such a service disappeared and it was abandoned. Three Semester Year Started Out of the War Board with the sanction of the Board of Regents the University was put on a three semes- ter year academic program in April, 1942. The new program meant that a student could attend school for 48 weeks out of the year and cut off a year and a half calendar time from a degree program. The first mid-year graduate exer- cises in the history of the University were held at the end of the fall tern in February. In the field of sports, war condi- tions created both good and bad circumstances. Servicemen Aid Sports What would have been a rather mediocre Michigan teamn was bol- stered by many Marine and Navy trainees sent here in the V-12 con- tingent. Bill Daley, smashing fullback from Minnesota, the man Who helped bring the Little Brown Jug back to Michigan after ten years absence; Flroy "crazy e1gs" Hirsch, Fred Negus and Jack Wink from Wisconsin arey a few oef the out- stand ing names that paced this year's edition of the Wolverine gridders to the number two spot among the nation's football ma- chines. On the cinder its. Michiga copped both the inddor and outdoor Conference meets paced by Captain Dave Mathews. Regarding other [ichigan sport teams, nothing outst:dig ca be noted except the methudical plug- ging and hard work by all the men for alma mater. Faculty Members Leave for Services The past year has seen more than 100 faculty people leave the campus for war service in whose ranks num- ber Cliff Keen, wrestling coach, and Ernie McCoy, freshman basketball OUR " l1ffl CHRISTMR'4.S GIFT' A A T