PAGE FTGT 'ETH MICIGAN DAIl_ Army Hoop Teams To Play Semi-Finals Reserves Defeated By F-; C-, C-2, E-, D-1 Win Week's Games The Company C-1 team will play Company E-1 and the Company C-2 team will play Company D-1 in the semi-final round of the Army Intra- mural Basketball program next Fri- day evening. Immediately after these two games are completed ,the winning teams in the semi-final round will play to de- termine the championship team. In Friday's round of play the Re- serve's team lost to the Company F-1 team, 46 to 17. Company C-2 de- feated Company E-2, 22 to 20. The Company C-i team defeated Com- pany D-1, 38 to 7. Co. E Wins The Company E-1 team defeated Company A-1, 36 to 12. Company C-1 won over Company C-2, 33 to 13. Company D-1 defeated Company E-2, 46 to 32, and Company E-1 defeated Company F-1, 26 to 16. The basketball program is part of a general Army competitive athletic program. Tournaments are being conducted in track, bowling and oth- er sports in which the soldiers sta- tioned here show an interest. Sports are being organized on both a team and individual basis and any soldier interested in a bowling league, track competitions or in any other team or individual sport is asked to sign up at the Intramural Building, which is open daily. Now that the football season is over the intramural building will be open all Saturday afternoon and can be used by military personnel. - -- Be A Goodfellow --- Plans for Co. E Stag Completed The plans for a Company E party have been completed, Captain Will- iam Bridges, Company commander, announced last Saturday. The party will be held Friday, De- cember 17,, at Schawben Hall, with all members of Co. E invited. Begin- ning at 6 p.m., the party will last un- til 10:30. When the issue of whether the par- ty would be a stag or date affair was presented to the company for vote two weeks ago, it was decided unani- mously that all girls would be exclud- ed. Further plans for the evening are being formulated. Entertainment is being solicited by Sgt. Earl Engle' from among the company's own members. Any member of Co. E who has talent or aptitude is invited to the Co. E orderly room for interview by the sergeant. One hundred percent of the com- pany is expected to be in attendance. - Be A Goodfellow - Barracks 'Very Fine' The regular Saturday morning in- spection was very successful yester- day, and Maj. Edward F. Gallagher commented that the barracks looked "very fine" and were "spotlessly clean." Maj. Gallagher, who is post adju- tant, inspected the barracks and quarters of Companies A, B, D, and E. Co. A Schedules ~Formia1 DInner Planning Committee Selects Dec. 17 Date Plans were completed by Co. A yes- terday for a formal dinner at the Al- lenel Hotel Friday evening, December 17, Corporal Ralph A. Anderson, chairman of the arrangements com- mittee, announced. The dinner will be followed by a formal dance in the Grand Ballroom of the Michigan League. Bill Sawyer's band will play for the dance. The dinner and dance have been planned in honor of those members of Company A who are finishing their studies in Ann Arbor and who will leave soon for officer training, Cap- tain George G. Spence, commanding officer of Company A, explained yes- terday. The officers and men of Company A and their guests, members of the faculty, Col. and Mrs. Rogers and other officers from the University and from other posts in various sections of the country will attend. Special late permission has been obtained from University authorities for coed students who are guests at the affair. Corporal Albert V. Acerno, co- author of and a leading actor in "Nips in the Bud," Company A's mu- sical comedy, which played to a $550,- 000 bond audience in the Michigan Theater this summer, and Corporal Otto Graf, former member of the University faculty, are co-chairmen of the entertainment committee for the dinner. ---Be A Goodfellow - Co. E Establishes Exchange library Members of Co. E were invited this week to patronize an exchange library erected in the Company or- derly room to furnish a medium for the exchange of reading material. Consisting of five enameled shelves in a new book case, the library pre- sents the men with the opportunity of trading old magazines and books for new literature. The one outstanding benefit ex- tended by the exchange is the fact thateach individual will not have to purchase, with his own money, every piece of literature he desires to read. Under this new co-operative plan, the individual cost to. the reader in the company will be decreased. -- Be A Goodfellow - Soldiers Receive 'N11'Band Awards The annual Michigan Band Smok- er was held Friday evening in Morris Hall. A large percentage of those present were members of the Army and Navy units stationed on campus. During the smoker, awards were made to those band members who had contributed most to the organi- zation during the past season. The Drum Major, Lynn Steadman of the* Naval Reserve, was presented with a Michiganeblanket in recognition of his services. George Robert of the Naval Re- serves was voted the most outstand- ing member of the band this year. Sharing honors for the Army units were Pfc. Robert Commanday of Company D, Pvt. John Shier of Com- pany F, and Pfc. Paul Liddicoat of Company B. Professor William Revelli, band conductor, presided over the smoker and made the awards to the men se- lected as the outstanding members. ( 1 oys 17 s1 Ii ( I ry Corp~oral Dunn1- To IleoverIitIu Iat Soldier's Life Saved By Penicillin Drug Army doctors say that barring un-f foreseen complications, Cpl. RichardI T. Dunn. 18-year-old soldier whot suffered from a near fatal woundr which he received on Nov. 10, will[ fully recover. Cpl. Dunn is now recuperating in Percy Jones Hospital in Battle Creek., to which he was transferred1 Wednesday. Army doctors say that if Penicillin a new drug, had not been used, Cpl. Dunn would not have lived. Penicil- lin has already proved better than any of the sulfa drugs. Since the Navy here happened to have some Penicillin on hand, the doctors were able to borrow it and use it during the week following the almost fatal accident. Further sup- plies of the drug were procured from1 the Percy Jones Hospital. Cpl. Dunn received his wound when a .22 calibre rifle discharged as le was holding it between his knees. The bullet entered his abdomen, traveled through both walls of his stomach and pierced nerves near his spine. The bullet was removed three hours after the accident and the doc- }ors in St. Joseph's Hospital, where he had been taken, gave him a 50-50 chance to live. - Be A Goodfellow - Co. G To Take Internships In Eastern U.S. The eastern half of the United States will be dotted next year with members of Co. G who will be taking civilian interneships in medicine. Seniors at Victor Vaughan House due to graduate next summer will be allowed a nine-months interne- ship, during which time they will be out of uniform and in the reserve. In addition, according to present infor- mation, those interning in Michigan hospitals will be allowed an extra three months interneship in an army hospital. This is because Michigan will not license a doctor until he has finished 12 months as an interne. Pfc. Charles Congdon has already been appointed to Bellevue Hospital, New York, and Pfc. Bob Krieger is going to St. Luke's, Chicago. Takiig care of nothing but sick kiddies at Lakeview Hospital, Cleveland, is in store for Pfc. Jack Holzapfel. Other Appointments Other appointments already ac- cepted are Pfc..Marty Martinus and Pfc. Jim Riekse to Butterworth Hos- pital, Grand Rapids; Pfc. Sid Lytle and Pfc. Jim Dehlin, Hurley Hos- pital, Flint; Pfc. Jim Nunn and Pfc. Gerry Barone, Highland Park Gen- eral Hospital, Highland Pirk; Pfc. Frank Barrett, Providence Hospital. Washington, D.C.; Pfc. Jack Ross, Millard Fillmore Hospital, Buffalo; Pfc. Bill Harrelson, St. Joseph's Hos- pital, Ann Arbor. Pfc. Leonard Petitti, Woman's Hos- pital, Detroit; Pfc. Willard Parker, Providence Hospital, Detroit; Pfc. Warren Sheldon, Receiving Hospital, Detroit; Pfc. Joe Fink, St. Vincent's Hospital, Toledo; Pfc. Paul van Port- fliet, Swedish Hospital, Minneapolis. Shepherding the sick children at University Hospital, Ann Arbor, will be Pfc. Ray Chamberlain, who will interne in pediatrics. - Be A Goodfellow - Col. Rogers Addresses Officers at Party A party for the officers of the 8651st SU station complement was held Thursday evening in the dining room of the Allenel Hotel. Major Lawrence P. Warner, Post Executive Officer, introduced Lt. Katherine B. James, Assistant Ad- jutant, who served as master of cere- Daily Photo by Cpl. R. L. Lewin, 3651st SU, Co. A A fire drill preatce ai'scd all the confusion a ,the B-4 pIarters when the photographer snapped. this shot. A r salet Robert1 Pon. Str-gig into his overcoat is Cadet Carleton Musson.- Behind him is Ca i Paul otser, and at th z ilgA is Cadet 1st Sgt. Thomas Janusz. Sunday Military Page The Sunday Army page is written by and for the enlisted Army personnel stationed on the University of Michigan campus. All opinions expressed on this page are those of the individual contributors and ;hould not be construed as representing the policy or opinions of either the war Department or the commandants of the Army units located here. STAFF Editor-in-Chief: Pfc. Lazar Emanuel Manag. Editor: Pfc. Stanley Krenitz Company Representatives Co. A ....T-5 Raymond Gage, T-5 Jason Horne Co. B ..................Pvt. Richard W olf A STPR .....,..........william Matthews Co. C ....Pfc. David Lindsey, Pfc. Thonas Pattison ,o. D............Pf c. Barney Schwartz Co. E ..Pvt. Delore Williams, Pvt. Joseph O'Connor Co. F ..Pvt. Melvin J. Berman, Pvt Rob- ert J. Holmes Co. G ..Pfc. Culver Jones, Pfc. Max Raabe Headquarters ......Cpl. William T. Scott Photographer.........Cpl. Robert Lewin Thanks... Our masthead says that the Sun- day Military Page is published by and for the enlisted men of the companies stationed on the can- pus. That's nt the whole truth, and our purpose here is to thank two people, neither enlisted nor men, whose efforts have proven in- valuable during our four weeks of publication. First; Lt. Katherine B. James. Nearly all the soldiers here know or at least know of Lt. James. She's the cheerful WAC officer whose energy seems inexhaustible, who does all our "arranging for" and "talking to." Every project under- taken by the soldiers here, this page, for example, or the various company shows, always immediate- ly wins the support of Lt. James and her sympathy is something to have because it's enthusiastic and it's expressed by actions and re- sults. We think Lt. James does a wonderful job, and as far as this page is concerned, an indispensable one. That brings us to Doris Peterson, Readers of The Daily are familiar with her work, because she's a reg- ular editorial writer and she turns out features and news stories, too. Now Doris deserves to have her Saturday afternoons free, but in- stead she has lent us her talents every week. Doris writes copy, re- types garbled stories, writes head- lines, advises us on Daily style, con- tacts people to check details, criti- cizes, praises, suggests, and at the end of every weary Saturday swears she's helped us for the last time. And then comes back next Satur- day - Be A Goodfellow -- Engineers Visit Plant Inspect New Wells Of Ypsi Water Plant The Term Seveners of Company B-1 visited the Ypsilanti Water Puri- fication Plant Friday in connection with their course in water treatment. The sanitary engineers were guided on their tour by Mr. McNamee, who has supervised all their visits to lo- cal water plants. Ypsilanti's plant was considered by the inspecting engineers as a model of space utilization and efficiency of design. of all the modern equipment in the plant, the army men found a little tinkling bell improvised by the operator on one of the chemical feed devices the most interesting. Three new wells are being dug at the Plantnand pump houses are being constructed to insure this important defense area of a. steady and ade- quate water supply. At present, sev- enteen wells supply the Ypsilanti area with its water needs, but these will be put out of operation by the new wells, which are considerably larger and deeper and will eventually drain the water out of the old wells. Visit Sewage Plant The engineers visited the sewage plant of the town also, to inspect the primary settling tank. This tank was the first one of its type to be put into operation anywhere in the country. The construction company which un- dertook the project had its engineers study the problem of the construe~- tion of the tank for eight months be- fore any work was actually begun. The entire plant is heated by the sewage gas produced by the digestion of the sewage. Excess gas is burnt in a torch which has at times risen as high as fifteen feet. The sludge digestion tanks are also heated by sewage gas. -- Be A Goodfellow Lt.-Col. LaCrow Joins (editor's note-The . folowPgitei were submitted by the reporters of 'three of the companies on the ca.- pus. In the weeks to com . e will publish items from the other compan- ies. Any contributions to hs co nwin will be welcomed, and whould e lmft I with Lt. Katharine B. Jare or hed- quarters.) Company G Co, G will claim eight ofth nine, new members of Alpha OmeC a Al- pha, though they haven't yet been notified of their election. A.(.A. isf the national honorary edlicai soci- ety, and the honor gop to me top 12( Vaughan's newest bug suffers fronm dry lips,, ive mnutes each m moist before he toots vwhen the C.Q. wakes h wants the bugle in a h can't toot. He played his high school band, a bugle until last mont Pfe. Joe Elliot, Pic. and Pic. Henry Kowe h om a weer in Bostc ok interne exans at courtry's oldest and sn er. Stan really with Heer Goering for five minutes and he spends . . . no holds barred . . . Cpl. Bert- orning getting ram Busch has gained a reputation his horn. And among his friends for being just im up late and about the most level-headed soldier urry, Stan just in the company . . . did you ever try the cornet in to get that boy excited? . . . T/5 never touched Walsh should be furnishing the men th. with cigars . . . he just became a Ronny Bishop, father, after many weeks of "any alski are back day now" . . . Did you know that n, where they Cpl. Milton Burton was a former All- t. three of the State Basketball star, and, later, ootiest hospit- coach in the fair state of New Hamp- Znc nnC~rnh s iret' THE MICHIGAN DAILY SERVIC ANN ARBOR, MICH. men in the senior class. Of the res- J Toe visited the Bostonb ymph- . eni the membr ss. tof ae fromes-.. contrary to popular medi- Comipany F ent three members,Gtwo.from.'cal belief, he reports, not all Boston I've got a gal . . . in Kalamazoo, Those sour bugle notG. are to egils have large feet. there was a pretty school teacher -blamed on Pfc. Stanru near Victor C named Esther who is now a pretty ,company Chousewife, for she and Sergeant Miles The basketball team, which prom- Kent were married Thanksgiving Day E E DI T 10N ises a good show in the tournament, . . . It's interesting to note that is wondering where "Black Jack" the couple met through a date bu- DEC. 5, 1943 Ernie Mahr gets all his fighting spir- reau started for the 3rd Platoon by it . . . Pfc. Lester Beberfall had a Sergeant M. "Cupid" Rainish. Mrs. dream the other night, which we'd Kent was attending summer school fened list of forwards, all like to have shared in . . . he had at the University at the time of John Jenswold. Bob Roosi- the enviable chance of being alone their meeting. r er and Russ Waistrom ap- ---- - ------- - --------- attacked. Harmon's plane caught fire; he bailed out and was rescued by a band of Chinese guerrillas. He remained under their pro- tection for ten days until he was able to make his way back to an advanced American base. * A MISSIONARY, Rev. Stanton La u tens c hl a g er, was at the University last week. In several speeches he talked of this guerrilla warfare the Chinese are conducting. Because of it, he said, the Japanese will never conquer China. But, he added, they cannot be driven out without our help. He also predicted that there will be no civil war in China as long as Presi- dent Chiang Kai-Shek is in power. THREE DRIVES on campus have asked for stu- dent cooperation. The re- sults of the first week of the clothing drive were judged "extremely satisfac- tory" by the chairman ... Friday the Galens Tag Day drive began. They aim to collect $2,500 to give chil- dren confined in University Reward peared for practice last week. ' hey may facilitatek the job of picking a de- fense line. KEN DO-ERTY, track! coach, got a unique idea.' In an intramural contest to be held Dee. 18 the team! will be diviced into two groups consisting of Navy and civilian p ersonnel. Veterans who will see ac- tion for the first time this year will be "Bullet" Bob Ufer, Capt. Bob Hume., Ross Hume, John Roxbor- ough II, Elmer Swanson,' Jack Martin, Bob Segula, Bob Gardner and Bill Dale. LANGUAG C BS hit a high in attendance. At the Sociedad Hispanica there were about 75 pres- ent; at the Cecle d Franas about 80. It wd that perhaps hl fec group we CITY DRw F were requested to bemoe are- ful near marcin; Army contingents. Tne recuest F A, CH ESTER TO ANN ARBOR: English Medical Student Here ne -il,- red by 'SDeed-I Privates Barbara Ward (left) of Brooklyn and Julia Stoy of Clifton, N.J., enjoy bathing in the lake at Spring Mill State Park, Ind., as a reward for ex- cellence in training in the Marine Corps' Women's Reserve. vvxmonies. Col. F. C. Rogers, Commandant, By CULVER JONES one of 25 English medical students addressed the group of thirty-two- A 22-year-old English lad is slight- sent to the United States this year consisting of the officers and their ly bewildered by the army's race for by the Rockefeller Foundation. guests-who were present. knowledge on campus. ----_ George Carr, newly arrived from Manchester. England, will finish his !e .A ra V sisC ms medical work in Ann Arbor. So far the speed-up program has left hin a :." bit breathless. Eack home, he says, studying medicine is a more leisurely business., George trvelled across the Atlan- - tic last mont h in a 35-year-old ; IN freighter which managed to survive both te weather and the subs. Ger-. man submarines appeared alnost in ui -ocea t and trailed his conv-oy fort to days. One ship w as torpedoed k and only badc wether saved the rest,' . n o e o h s a sh he .liev:. n one of these days he c1fo d,-k and watcled a fatall tuelU t ena U-boat surfaced aryicd;aland-based bomber fly- _~ over the convoy; the fight ended J ,n a lucy shot from the sub sent ~ n o or ,-)- itn f a nean F a .. trip to England to the fac- ulties of the University Thursday. "The British," he said, "are far ahead of us in preparing now for postwar educational needs. In England now the work- ers and fighters are getting as an "important tool in securing the peace" and emphasized the important role universities will play in moulding leaders for the post-war world. TWO HOCKEY forwards