i W MICHIGAN AIIl SUNDAY, DEC. 5, 1943 Nursing... (Continued from Page 1) taining information about the United States Nurse Corps. There will be also an informal ga- thering after dinner Monday in Stockwell Hall and a meeting at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday in the Henderson room of the League. Miss Rusby's visit is part of a na- tion-wide endeavor sponsored by Dr. Thomas Parran, Surgeon-General of the United States, to recruit 65,000 student nurses this year for wartime replacements caused by the acute needs of the Army, Navy and civilian health agencies, and to interest col- lege women in preparation for post- war careers. Nursing, Miss Rusby believes, is war work with a future. Even before graduation, the student nurse is rec- ognized as being in a service as es- sential as that undertaken by the WACs, the WAVEs, the SPARS and women in the Marines. Student nurs- es release graduate nurses for ser- vice overseas, or in military or naval hospitals at home. She is a member of Chi Delta Ome- ga sorority, St. Luke's Alumnae As- sociation, the American Nurses' As- sociation, the American Public Health Association, and the Nation- al Organization of Public Health Nursing. --- Be A Goodfellow - Russia 0.* (Continued from Page 1) at least one battalion fleeing in dis- order, abandoning two artillery bat- teries. Miserable weather was hampering both of these White Russian drives. Zhlobin itself is on the Leningrad- Odessa north-south railway and the Minsk-Gomel east-west line. Its loss will not be fatal to the Germans since they still have junctions available to the north or south, but its capture will aid in the cleanup of Germans still on the east bank of the Upper Dneiper and render useless to the Germans still another portion of the railroad from Zhlobin south to Ber- dichev. This latter railway was virtually useless to the Germans only a few weeks ago, but their counterattack in the Kiev bulge won back Zhitomir and Korosten, leaving the Russians in control of a section between Zhi- tomir and Korosten and a section at Ovruch. Modern Santa Clauses Without a Sleigh Italy.. ( Continued from Page 1) market town of Lanciano, situated on a 900-foot ridge where the Nazis re- sisted bitterly. General Montgomery's troops also captured the town of Tregliosthree miles south of San Vito and four miles inland, and successfully beat off a Nazi counterattack there. The most impressive Eighth Army gain came 12 miles inland, where the Bri- tish stabbed forward six miles to seize Orsogna. nine miles northwest of the Sangro River. The thrust through Orsogna drove a deep wedge into secondary defenses the Nazis had established on the Eighth Army front and severed road and rail lines without which the ene- my could not hope to make another stand anywhere near the Sangro. - Be A Goodfellow - Army Vote.. V --N- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) Cl ausson. and will be open to the public without charge. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: An exhibition of paint-° ings by Eugene Dana, and color prints by Louis Schanker, is presented by the College of Architecture and De- sign in the ground floor corridor of the Architectural Building through Dec. 28. Open daily, except Sunday, 8:00 to 5:00. The public is cordially invited. Events Today hers bring any guests who may be in the Undergraduate Office at the interested in theu topic of the evening League: sign up for time of interview or in the activities of the Society. when you bring your petitions in. - Postions are general chairman and The University of Michigan See- 13 captains. Interviewing will be held t"ion of t e ' "rica '"emical So- from Wednesday, Dec. 8, through ciety will meet en Monday, Dec. 13, Wednesday, Dec. 15. at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry Building. Dr. G. G. Brown will speak Petitioning for orientation advisors on "Properis of Light Paraffin for February, July and October will ydrocaibons. " eannual business be held through Tuesday. Dec. 7. Pe- meeting wil be held after the talk. titions may be picked up in the x The Womens i-,earch Club will meet Monday, Dec. 6. in the West Lecture Room, Rackham I-lding, at 7:30 p.m. Miss Mary '. Wharton will discuss "Floristie Studie: in the Black Shale Region of Kentucky," and Dr. Bes;e :anouse will speak on "Some 'a xonomic Problems Con- cerning Nortlh American Cup-fungi." Both talks will be illustrated. Former members of the organization now on campus are invited. Undergraduate Office at the League and must be returned by 5 o'clock on Tuesday. Dec. 7. Sign up for time of interview when you turn in your petition. Interviewing will be held from Wednesday. Dec. 8, through Wednesday, Dec. 15. Girls who were advisers this fall need not re-petition but must return the postcards that are being sent out. Women Students: It has been necessary to change the date and place of the first meeting of the USO No beards, no red and white costumes; a jeep instead of a sleigh; these modern Santa Clauses, Pfc. Henry Horah (left), Sinking Springs, Olka., and Pfc. Howell W. Irelan (right), Los Angeles, still have the same intent and sentiment delivering Christmas narcels to men on the Italian Front. Both have received Silver Stars for Bravery. in the Good fellow Driver's Seat INSTRUCTIONS TO GOODFELLOW SALESMEN 1. The salesmen scheduled to sell at 8 a.m. are to report to The Daily office at 7:45 a.m. Monday for buckets, papers and instructions. 2. Any questions or difficulties should be reported immediately to the Goodfellow chairman, 2-32-41. 3. Posts may not be left until a successor appears. Materials are to be turned over to him. The last salesman leaving the posts at 5 psm. should bring his remaining papers and receipts to The Daily office. 4. Periodic collections of receipts will be made by the Goodfellow Committee. Paper stocks will also be replenished at that time. (Continued from Page 1) International Center: Miss Ismet1 Sanli, from Turkey, who is on a lec- Senatorial Campaign Committee in ture tour of the United States, will be protest, Guffey asserted that the co- the special guest at the International alition which junked the Administra- Center's Sunday Program tonight at tion's service men's vote measure in 7:30. The Snack Hour will be held' the Senate yesterday and substituted at 9:00 p.m. a "state's rights" proposal also was out to kill the Anti-Poll Tax Bill. Red Cross annual meeting will be Guffey declared that the substitute held today at 4:00 p.m. in Rackham proposal offered by Senators McKel- Amphitheater. Mr. Albert Evans will lar (Dem-Tenn),. McClellan (~Dem- be the speaker. Ark) and Eastland (Dem-Miss), call- ing on the states to enact legislation The Stevens Cooperative House, under which men and women in the 816 Forest Ave., will have an open armed forces could 'cast ballots in the house today, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Every- 1944 presidential election, would "de- one interested in cooperatives is in- prive" uniformed personnel of the vited. vote. - Be A Goodfellow - Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student M essiah To Be Club. will have its regular supper meeting today at the Lutheran Stu- i Freshmen, attention: Petitioning Junior Hostess Training period. The for the central committee of the '47 meeting will be held Thursday, Dec. Corps will be held through Tuesday. 9, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Lec- Dec. 7. Petitions may be picked up ture Hall. 5 S(() I 1 I;...,. (I i ,3 3 _{ To an evening G-7iven Dec,,19 dent, centier, i1511vvasiitaw, begin- ning at 5:30 p.m. The Rev. A. Pfoten- hauer, pastor of the Willow Run Lutheran Church, will be the speaker. of fun is a Theology Seminar To Be Held Tuesday A consideration of the background of recent theological developments and an analysis of the works of Nie- buhr, Barth, Tillich and others will be included in the Modern Theology Seminar to be held at 7:30 p.m. Tues- day in Lane Hall. "Modern developments in theologi- cal thought reflect more completely than any other field the weak spots in our current democratic ideology," E. William Muehl, acting director of the SRA, said in commenting on the seminar. Behind Main Library: Alpha Delta Pi In Fron Delta Center North Alpha Ep Corner Alpha Ph AngellI NorthI Alpha Om Corner pus corne Center. Enginee Corner (Kresgec Union Alumni Delta Main a for you, for her Fner): i Front Maia LOVELY LUNCHEON SETS Maner) Lane H An IDEAL GIFT for Christmas Main a ner): Ka Hospita Brighten up her table for Christmas, for all the year through! . Main a Choose tasteful cotton and printed luncheon sets-also luscious iner): Sto Main cork place mats. Smart and thrifty gifts! corner):< Always Reasonably Priced Main.G ner}): Gec Main a GAGE LINEN SHOP Se sa State a 10 NICKELS ARCADE Mayna House 1/ MS Debonair, lucious, PAJAMAS she will never / want to limit to her own boudoir. Snugly warm >f ~or sleekly smart-they're designed for utter' lattery. Truly Magazine Cover outfits done in stripes and prints as delicate and alluring as the hues of an artist's palette. A gift. she will be proud to wear-a gift you'll be proud to give her. Here and waiting for a thoughtfu minded Santa. RAYONf Slk or Satin . . $5.95t COTTON ...$3.50 ,'YFLANNEL . . $2.95 Lt of Arcade: Alpha Gamma of Diagonal: Daily 'U' Entrance of League: silon Phi North 'U' and East 'U': i Hall Steps: Alpha Xi Delta Entrance to Angell Hall: micron Pi North 'U' and State (Cam- er) : Alpha Chi Omega .of Law Quad: Chi Omega ering Arch: Tri Delta North 'U' and State corner): Daily Steps: Sigma Delta Memorial Hall: Kappa nd Liberty (Northwest cor- Phi of WAB: Helen Newberry and Liberty (Southeast cor- eta [all: Icheldinger House nd William (Northwest cor- ppa Kappa Gamma al: Couzens Hall nd William (Northwest cor- Dckwell Hall and Williams (Southwest Jordan Hall and Huron (Southeast cor- ddes House nd Ain: Mosher Hall !ad: Martha Cook quad: Delta Gamma and Liberty: Sorosis rd and Liberty: Zimmerman The annual performance of Han- _ del's "Messiah" will be given by the Lutheran Student Association will University Musical Society at 3 p.m. meet in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at Sunday, Dec. 19, in Hill Auditorium. 5:'30 this afternoon. Supper will be Agnes Davis, soprano; Lillian ,served at 6:00 p.m. and the program Knowles, contralto; Wellington Eze- will follow. Rev. Henry Yoder will kiel, bass, distinguished New York talk on "When Is Your Faith Chris- singers, will be supported by the 310 tian?" Choral Union members under the direction of Hardin Van Deursen, a special "Messiah" orchestra, and Comining Events Palmer Christian, organist. Ten new member have recently Junior Research Club will meet at joined the Choral Union, bringing its 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 7, in the total membership to 57 first so- Rackham Amphitheatre. The pro- pranos, 51 second sopranos, 51 first gram will be given by F. E. Shide- altos, 46 second altos, 14 first tenors, man, of the Department of Pharma- 25 second tenors, 36 first basses, and cology, and H. J. Gomberg, of the 28 second basses. Department of Electrical Engineer- _ i," meal in the ng s of the Allenel Hotel. For a good dinrner there is no et ier dining room than ours. quiet surround- I ing A" y1 7 8 t z5{t .t 10 1 r' x S l 1 t.~ ~7 t - Softer anud . suerer "o o"r casual dress. Whether yon chooseF ours in wool or rayon vou['I like the feminine touch- es that make this type of dress even more wearable than eter before. 95 fo p. r\ - .rl 7 1 //J' j Sigma Xi will meet on Monday, Dec. 6, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Professor Kenneth K. Landes, chairman of the Geology Department, will speak on "Strategic Minerals." It is suggested that mem- I ______________ I_ 1 Make ita BC~i I AFMIP TMAS { SO LITTLE TIME-John Marquant....... . . A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN-Betty Smith.. THE APOSTLE-Sholem Asch ... . .......... . VALLEY OF DECISION-Marcia Davenport ... IN BED WE CRY-Ilka Chose.............. JOURNEY IN THE DARK-Martin Flavin .... PEN HALLOW-Georgette Heyer ........... LONG, LONG AGO-Alex Woolcott .. . ....... HERE IS YOUR WAR-Ernie Pyle.......... . BETRAYAL IN THE EAST-Alan Hynd ....... BURMA SURGEON-Gordon Seagrave ........ UNDER COVER-John Carlson............ GOD IS MY CO-PILOT-Robert Scott ........ 2.75 2.75 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.50 2.50 '"7 * /7 '/7 7/7 / / a> YANKEE LAWYER-Ephraim Tutt . - I _ f 3.00 % I I