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November 02, 1943 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-02

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Honor Societies Offer incentive
To Conscientious New Students

Casuals Keynote to Campus Fashion Simplicity Is

Start out on the right foot, you
who are tagged freshmen, for the
honor societies of the Univesity of
Michigan will be watching you.
There are some 100 odd societies
and extra-curricular activities on the
campus in which students may par-
ticipate. Although many of them
are not open to first semester fresh-
men, they cover a wide field of inter-
ests, and offer an incentive both to
scholastic achievement and extra-
curricular participation.
For freshman women attaining a
3.47 average their first semerter or
averaging that for their first year
is Alpha Lambda Delta. Those who
are elected to the organization wear
the small gold pin with rubies and
pearls in the shape of a candle which
is the symbol of the organization.
Phi Eta Sigma, for freshmen men,
was founded for the purpose of giv-
ing recognition to the work of out-
standing students, and giving en-
couragement for future achievement.
Membership is based on scholar-
ship. Any male student with an av-
erage equal to half A and half B his
first semester or his first year may
become a nember.
Organized at William and Mary
College on Dec. 6, 1776, Phi Beta
Kappa is the oldest of all Greek let-
ter secret societies. The belief of
the founders that a knowledge of the
basic laws which govern the universe
is necessary to good living was re-
flected in both their motto and the
character of their meetings. The
Michigan chapter was founded in
The purpose of the society is to
recognize and encourage scholarship
and cultural interests. Taking this
into consideration, the Student Elec-
tions committee makes a careful
study of the entire University record
of all the candidates to determine
his standing both scholastically and
as a citizen. The standards are set
high and the relatively few elected
each year bear silent testimony to
the care with which they are chosen.
"The Love of Learning Rules the
World" is the motto of Phi Kappa
Phi, national honors society. An
honor society dedicated to the unity
of democracy of education and open
to honor students in all departments
of American universities and col-
leges, its prime objective is to em-
phasize scholarship and character in
the thought of college students and
to stimulate mental achievement by
the prize of membership.
Members are chosen during their
senior year and outstanding faculty
men are invited to membership. The
members are chosen by a faculty
committee for scholarship, contribu-
tions to the University and activities.
The Society issues its own journal,
holds two banquets annually and
provides several scholarships.
Literary College
Phi Lambda Upsilon is a national
honorary chemical fraternity. Mem-
bership, based on high scholarship,
consists of senior and graduate
chemists and chemical engineers.
The society sponsors a reward each
year to the high ranking junior
chemist and chemical engineer.
For students interested in partici-
pating in the study of the classics,
the honorary Latin and Greek soci-
ety, Phi Tau Alpha, meets every two
weeks. The society provides a means
of closer contact between the stu-
dent, his classmates, and the pro-
The national honorary profession-
al journalistic fraternity for women,
Theta Sigma Phi, is open to juniors
and seniors in the Department of
Journalism with a high scholastic
average who have been recommend-
ed by some professor in that depart-
ment. The purpose of the organiza-
tion is to further the work of women
in the newspaper and other fields
of writing.
Alpha Kappa Delta is an hororary
sociology society with chapters in

the University and in the University
of Southern California. Open to sec-
ond-semester juniors, seniors and
graduate students with five hours of
sociology and a high B average in all
academic work, the organization was
founded to promote interest in social
research and social work.
Sigma Xi is a national honorary
scientific fraternity with over 100,
chapters and clubs at various uni-
Xi chapter of Pi Laimbda Theta,
national honorary ed icational soci-
ety, meets dnce a month and chooses
its members from the upper fourth
of the class, averaging a B plus rat-
ing. Candidates must also be recom-
mended by the faculty of the School
of Education.
Phi Epsilon Kappa is .the only na-
tional physical education fraternity
in the United States. Its purpose is
to inculcate the principles of peace,
friendship, and brotherly love; to
promote and enhance the happiness
of its members; and to elevate the
standard, ideals and ethics for pro-
fessionals engaged in teaching physi-
cal education.
Membership is open to students of
health and physical education above

weeks.' Students, from the upper
third of their class scholastically,
who are in the School of Architec-
ture and Design are eligible to mem-
Tau Sigma Delta is an interna-
tional honoroary fraternity in archi-
tecture and the allied arts. Its aim
is to produce men fit for the pro-
fession with a concept of duty to-
ward society.
Tau Beta Pi is the national senior
engineering honor society similar to
Phi Beta Kappa in the Literary Col-
lege. It represents the highest honor
that can be accorded to an engineer.
To stamp approval on meritorious
work of engineering students and to
stimulate and encourage young al-
umni is the -aim of Iota Alpha. The
organization was founded in 1919 at
New York University and the local
chapter, the second of the national
organization, was founded in 1925.
Eta Kappa Nu, national electrical
engineering fraternity, was founded
for the purpose of promoting closer
cooperation among, and mutual ben-
efit to, students and others in the
profession. It admits to membership
those who by their attainments in
college or in practice manifest ex-
ceptional interest and market ability
in electrical engineering.
Quarterdeck Society is an honor-
ary invitational society of the De-
partment of Naval Architecture and
Marine Engineering, College of En-
gineering. One of the oldest .engi-
neering societies on campus, it was
formed in 1909.
Under the guidance of the society
is the University Sailing Club whose
membership is open to all men and
women who are or want to become
acquainted with the ways of the
wind and water.
The only national music honor
society for women on campus is Nu
Phi Epsilon. QualificatioAs for elec-
tion are a scholarship rating in the
upper quarter of the junior class in
the School of Music, a minimum re-
quirement of two years of theory and
one year of history of music, and the
recommendation of the faculty in
the student's major subject. Trans-
fer students are not eligible until
they have completed at least one
semester in residence.
Nu Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi,
national honorary band fraternity,
chooses its members on the basis of
scholarship, leadership and musical
Stating as its purpose the "social
and professional advancement of its
members and the law school," the
Barristers, honorary law society, was
formed at the University in 1904.
Man Butters Bread
In Women's League
A strange man was seen eating
butter with his bread the other day
at the League, but no immediate ac-
tion was taken. Lookers-on report
that he was carefully searched for
traces of nylons, meat, etc., and his
meal ticket was recalled.
However, local authorities say that
this case is probably an exception,
since no butter has been seen in these
parts for the last three months, and,
they assure, the public, there is no
cause for al arm. The Committee
For Butter Conservation, which re-
cently adopted the slogan, "If It's
Butter We'd Better Spot It," has
promised the public a thorough in-
vestigation and immediate results
are expected.

Prime Essential
In. Coed's Wear
Hats Worn by Campus Women
Only for Church, Tea Affairs;
Lugging Umbrella No Disgrace
What to wear on campus, has long
been the problem of the newly ar-
rived coed, and this year is no excep-
tion although the rules are few and
No costume, no matter how striking
it may be, is complete without per-
fect grooming, that detail being the
primary rule in the path to social
success. Neatness at every corner is
an absolute necessity, and the observ-
ance of it makes or breaks every
For classroom wear sweaters" and
skirts take precedence over every
other costume. Heels and fancy
dresses- are out in this department
although perfectly appropriate for
teas, dates, rushing, and similar func-
Blouses, not too dressy, jerkins, and
suits about complete the roster of
styles for classroom wear, and date
dresses come into their own for most
types of social function.




Y "y

Fashions Contradict Authorities,
Flatly Refuse To Remain Spinach
by Nancy Groberg when the sweet young coed expresses
Contrary to the claims of promi- the desire to roll her blue jeans upj

nent fashion authorities-iLe. that fa-
shion is spinach-common observa-
tion tells'us that there is a little more
to it than that. Indeed, if fashion is
spinach, then the Michigan coed is a
victory garden and Ann Arbor is a
veritable hotbed of vitamins. No, fa-
shion won't be spinach until things
get a lot worse than they are now-
and when that day comes the chances
are that we'll all be wearing slacks all
over the place.
Well, if it isn't spinach what is it?
It's a little hard to tell yet, but it
shouldn't be hard to find out.
Fashion Is Hash
Some prominent coeds maintaint
that fashion is hash-and they can
prove it. The Michigan coed, they
point out, divides her time between
trying to look like a man and trying
to look like a woman. Thus, in her
more masculine moments she slouch-
es around town, moccasins beating a
delightful tatoo on the pavement,
coat flung open to the October breeze,
(system flung open to pneumonia),
trouser pleat in her skirt, c'est la
guerre, but c'est also the Michigan
woman's idea of what a well-dressed
skirt will wear), and something ter-
ribly tailored in the way of a blouse
hanging out of something terribly
tailored in the way of a blazer.
Now this state of affairs is not to
be condemned-for with women do-
ing everything from factory work to
truck-driving their whims must not
only. be tolerated, when it comes to
clothes, but they must be catered
to in no uncertain terms. Similarly.

is M .: :.

above her knees, any effort to inhibit
such action might not only be proven
unfair but absolutely disastrous. The
sweet young coed, you will remember,
is fast turning into a hardened raker-
Woman Is Woman
As for the other side of the picture,
a woman is still a woman and there
are moments in her life-even now-
when she wants to look like one. Thus
we have the velveteen dress, the
black number that knocks them over
at first sight, the high heel, the
"she's engaged-she's-lovely-she-uses-
soap" look, and the long, bloody fin-
gernails which threaten the life of
many a well-meaning but lonely sol-
dier. Here, of course, she reverts to
type-forgets the be-smart-in-a-man
tailored-jacket mood she was in the
day before yesterday, and recovers
the girlish laughter she is supposed
to have lost somewhere back in '39.
Well, say the advocates of the fa-
shion-is-hash theory, there's your
proof. With a mixture like that what
else could fashion be? And who
knows-What else could it be? Fa-
shion is funny that way, though-
and there's no telling what it will be
by next year at this time. You never
know what it's going to next. But it's
certainly going to do something.
Maybe in about six months or so it
will be chow mein. No one seems to
care, thcugh. It's much too early to
start worrying.

Engine School Offers
Map Making Course
To Senior Women
Senior women wishing to qualify
upon graduation for positions with
the army paying $1800 per year plus
overtime are being offered a course in
military map making to fit them for
these jobs, Prof. R. L. Morrison of
the engineering school said yesterday.
At the War Department in Washing-
ton and other army centers these wo-
men will be making bombing maps
for use in subsequent raids.
The university does not offer cre-
dit for the course which will be
taught in the engineering school and
will require four hours a week for a
term of fifteen weeks. Prof. Morrison
suggested that geography, geology,
surveying, and mathematics be taken
to supplement the course, but made it
clear that they were not required

Coeds have an alarming aversion
to hats, and they are few and far
between. Church and teas provide
the only places where hats are musts,
and that custom is a blessing to the
average coed who wouldn't be caught
dead in a hat unless there was no
other way out.
Umbrella No Disgrace
Contrary to expectation, it is not.
a disgrace to be found lugging an
umbrella on rainy days, and boots
(if anyone can find them) come in
handy when Jupiter Fluvius opens
up-and he does quite often in Ann
Freshman women carry purses the
first week of school, and then some-
how they seem to disappear as ;the
coeds discover that carrying purses
to classes went out with high school.
5illfolds are definitely what the well
dressed coed is never found without,
and purses collect dust on top shelves
of closets to be dug out and dusted
off gnly when hats come out of their
Simplicity and informality, are the
key notes to good styling. Frills are
out for the duration. And costumes
of increasing number these days are
of the nurse's aide and the surgical
dressings worker. To wear such cos-
fumes is an honor bestowed upon
many conscientious students.
Trunks and trunks full of clothes
don't mean a thing these days when
housing (and closet space) is limited,
but coeds should be certain that
whatever they dlo wear is neatly
pressed, that skirts hang straight,
and that accessories are appropriate
both to the costume and the times.

'Outnumber Us,
We'll Love It!
Exclaims Coed
Daily Sports Writer
"Where are the men? It's all right
to outnumber the enemy when you're
fighting a war, but right now we
would rather have the army, put-
number us," said Sue Genthe, '4 of
Wyandatte, wlen interviewed during
her first days here orientatio ,week,
and this simple statement seem.ed to
express the setiments of all 'he-ther
frosh coeds queried.:.
"We had one dinner where we
played host to some soldiers, buit
there. were only 50 of them to 259 of
us," she wailed. "'Taint fair A ,nd
she was only one of the many inter-
viewed who had never met one ,of the
soldiers or sailors on campus on a
single or double date.
But all of thfose wquestionet' Were
very satisfied with their r'obms.
part are placed in the dorms; Stock-
well, Jordan, Betsy Barbour.) Frieda
(Freshmen women, for the most
Lasser, '47, of Detroit ooasted, "I've
got a single all to myself here in
Stockwell. I guess I'm lucky, but
it's swell." And Lois Cothran, '47, al-
so of Detroit, felt the same way about
her single room on the same floor.
"But," Lois said somewhat sym-
pathetically, "there are some girls
on the floor below us who have dou-
ble rooms made over from single ones,
and they hav'e an awfully crowded
time. They have double decker beds,
only one desk, and-oh, gee."
Over in Mosher, however, Barbara
Griffith, '47, of Wyandotte, who
rooms with Miss Genthe, Jeannie
Brooks, '47 of Wallingford, Connecti-
cut, Ruth Burns, '47 of Lincoln Park,
an Ruthie McGurrgan, '47 of Alex-
anria, Va., all1 had do nle rponms'
that were originally singles and
seemed very happy about it. "Gee,
they are swell," exclaimed Miss Mc-
Gurggan (a 5'2" brunet who .likes
civilian men too, and thinks the
freshmen men she had coke dates
with are swell), "and the dooms
aren't a bit crowded."
The feeling that the campus was
drenched with friendliness was also
unanimous. Miss Brooks, coming
halfway across the country to Michi-
gan, said sort of timidly, "theother
students all say 'hi' to you .an4treat
you nicely; the campus is pretty too,
but gosh it's so big, spread out all
Near the end of our interview we
talked to a new freshman coed who
had had a date with a serviceman
and we were ready to exploit this un-
usual incident, but it turned outthat
she had gone out on -the date before
she arrived on campus, so it wpruled
lillegal and forgotten.








Team a sweater and skirt and you'll have
the fundamentals of your campus wardrobe.
Our selection of sweaters and skirts has been
supplemented by recent shipments. Take
your pick of English Tally-Ho Knubby
Knits, Shetlands, Indian Cashmeres and
other sweaters - and of pastels, plaid wools,
gabardines and flannels in skirts.
SWEATERS .....$3.95 up
SKIRTS .... . ...$5.95 up
BLOUSES and JACKETS will add spice to
your skirts . .. and we have a special de-
partment devoted to accessories. Come in





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