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December 05, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-05

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Zhlo bin, Advance




Nazi Line in
Italy Breaks
Under Attack
Fifth Army Drives
On to Rome Behind
Heavy Bombardment
Associated Press Correspondent
GIERS, Dec. 4.-Smashing forward
behind an air and artillery bombard-
ment so titanic that some German
troops were driven insane, Lt. Gen.
Mark W. Clark's American and Bri-
tish Fifth Army has broken into the
heart of the enemy's winter line to a
depth of two miles and is driving
toward Rome "according to plan,"
the Allies announced today.
The thunderous bombardment
which laid down a curtain of fire in
front of Clark's charging troops was
described as one of the greatest in
the histo'ry of warfare-perhaps even
greater than that which broke the
German line at El Alamein in Egypt,
because it was concentrated in a
smaller area.
Extremely bitter fighting continued
today as the Fifth Army smashed in-
to the maze of fortifications on- and
around 2,800-foot Monte Camino,
four miles southwest of Mignano. The
assault, aimed in the direction of the
vital highway center of Cassino, al-
ready had driven the Nazis -from the
important Camino and Maggiore
heights west of Mignano.
The British Eighth Army, knifing
ahead on the Adriatic flank, reached
the outskirts of San Vito, 16 miles
below the port of Pescara, and in
fierce fighting captured the import-
ant highway and railway center and
See ITALY, p. 6
Be A Goodfellow -
Represen .tative
Of Nurse Corps
To0'Speak Here
Miss Rusby To Hold
Discussions in League
Tomorrow, Tuesday
Miss Dorothy Rusby, representative
of the National Nursing Council for
War Service and the United States
Cadet Nurse Corps, will hold informal
discussions tomorrow and Tuesday in
the League and in the dormitories on

This Is What They Are Doing for Us

Big Three Delay Official Drive from
. . Gomel Perils

rr vN i>uV K l / LI IAl ~ b/t

This is all that remained of a Japanese position on the East beach of Tarawa Islatid in the Gil-
berts of the South Pacific after U. S. Marines stormed the Japanese on the atoll.. Marine casualties
were the highest in the history of the corps in this victory. In the 72-hour battle, 1,026 men died and
2,557 were wounded. War casualties in all theatres to date are 28,573 killed, 41,110 wounded, 33,416
missing and 27,642 prisoners of war. This totals 130,741 casualties for United States servicemen.

W E h

* *


This Is What We Can Do for Them

Here are some jobs that University women
can do:
trays, water, assist nurses in routine care of the
patients and other odd jobs. 1:30 to 5:30 p.m.
and 7 to 9 p.m. week :days; 9 a.m. to noon, 1:30
to 5:30 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday; 2 to 5
p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday.
CHILD CARE: Direct children in playground
activities at different schools from 1 to 3 p.m.
week days; direct Girl Scout and Girl Reserve
Troops; take care of children any time someone
is needed. The last is a paying position.
JUNIOR GIRLS' PROJECT: Sell war stamps and
bonds in campus booths from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
week days and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays.
All women, not only juniors, may participate
in this project.
The procedure for the above jobs is to fill
out information blanks in the League Under-
graduate Office, specifying the hours it is most
convenient for you to work. Turn in the blanks
at the office, and the heads of each project will
compare your hours with the time help is most
needed. She will then notify you when you are
to work.
Women need not sign up at the League for the
following jobs since any number of girls may work
at any time:
'47 CORPS: Cleaning up the campus. 8 a.m. to
12 noon, and 1 to 5 p.m. week days and Satur-
days. Go directly to the University substation

behind Barbour gymnasium to get directions
and materials.
SURGICAL DRESSINGS: Making bandages for
the Red Cross. 1 to 5 p.m. in the League Wed-
nesdays through Fridays.
The following jobs are paid work. Hours are
arranged to fit in with your class schedule:
UNIVERSITY LAUNDRY: Noon to 5:30 p.m. week
days and 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays. This work
is also done through filling out forms in the
League office.
directly to the hospital and inquire at the in-
formation desk.
LIBRARY WORK: General work. Apply to Miss
Predrika Gillette, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. and 3
to 5 p.m. week days on the second floor of the
main library. Girls are placed from here in all
University study halls.
HEALTH SERVICE: Experienced help needed in
infirmary as general assistants to nurses. See
Miss Faith Angell in Health Service.
This does not by any means exhaust the list
of jobs that need to be done. Defense factories
in town need women who can work four hours a
day or more. Every drug store and restaurant
needs waitresses. Department stores need clerks.
Our suggestion is that corridors in the dormi-
tories, cooperatives, league houses and sororities
organize under their presidents so that each
girl has a specific job to do. It is doing the
work regularly that makes it worth while.

Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Dec. 4.-Under a coun-
ter-fire of German propaganda, Pres-
ident Roosevelt, Prime Minister
Churchill and Premier Stalin tonight
withheld official word on the out-
come of their momentous Persian
conference to hasten Germany's de-
feat and shrivel her military might
for the future safety of Europe.
Presumably, the official statement
of their accomplishments was being
delayed while Roosevelt and Chur-
chill travelled home from Teheran,
capital of Iran, where the Moscow
radio announced officially that the
conference had been held.
Reuters Reports:
A Reuters report from Istanbul
said "It is believed that the Teheran
conference lasted four days, ending
Sunday newspapers in London re-
ported Stalin had returned to Mos-
Typical of exultant headlines was
the pictorial's "It's All Fixed," over a
story predicting that the agreements,
when disclosed, would reveal unani-
mity on plans for death blows.
In Washington, White House Sec-
retary Stephen T. Early said he did
not expect any announcement on the
conference to be made soon.
The German radio declared that
President Ismet Inonu of Turkey had
left to meet Roosevelt and Churchill,
perhaps at Cairo.
Stalin apparently was already back
in Russia, after the first conference
of the "Big Three.'
Plans for Invasion
Axis and neutral reports indicated
Stalin had approved plans for a great
invasion of Europe to shorten the war
against Germany, and to press the
assault on Japan planned a few days
Will Be Sold
To morrow
Bringing to a climax the week-long
Goodfellow Drive, more than 300 stu-
dent salesmen will take to campus
and city corners tomorrow to sell this
year's Goodfellow Edition of The
Sorority, dormitory, and publica-
tions representatives will open twen-
ty-seven sales posts at 8 a.m. for a
nine hour sale of papers to meet the
$2,000 goal.
Even before these Goodfellows take
to the streets, many pledges will have
been received by the Goodfellow Fund
in pre-campaign solicitation. Con-
tributions have been received from
Delta Gamma and Alpha Gamma
Delta, the committee indicated.
Many organizations have not yet
sent their Goodfellow pledges to The
Daily. The deadline for such contri-
butions is set for 5 p.m. tomorrow
when the drive ends.
See instructions for Goodfellow
salesmen on Page 6.1
"Under the sales program this year1
sororities, dormitories, and publica-I
tions have been asked to man spe-
cific Goodfellow posts for the day,"
a committee member said. Each
house will be responsible for getting<
their buckets and papers at the Stu-
dent Publications Building on May-
nard Street at 7:45 a.m., for keepingc
one or two salesmen on the post
throughout the day, and for return-
ing materials and proceeds to the1
See GOODFELLOW, p. 3 1

earlier with Generalissimo Chiang
Kai-Shek in North Africa.
Those who beam Allied propagan-
da from London to Europe were in-
clined to consider their efforts dulled
by the delay in making the results of
the conference public, since wide-
spread leaks and speculation took
away the element of surprise.
While this formal announcement
still was awaited, speculating was rife
on what the decisions might be. These
guesses covered the probability that
the Big Three had agreed upon a
master plan for a great invasion of
Europe and an Allied military leader
to command it, a concerted program
in the Balkans, and such political
problems as measures to deprive Ger-
many of the power of aggression af-
ter the war ends.
Censorship of
Allied Press
To Be Tightened
LONDON, Dec. 4.-(IP)-Drastic re-
vision of Allied press policy and a
tightening of liaison between the Bri-
tish and American censorships is ex-
pected in London as a result of the
fumble that gave Nazi Propaganda
Minister Goebbels 15 days in which
to talk down the Big-Four confer-
ences without any official Allied pro-
British Minister of Information
Brendan Bracken, who told the House
of Commons Thursday that "Some-
thing must be done," has been con-
ferring with British and American of-
ficials, examining leaks through
which the story of the conferences
began to pour out a week before they
began,_ and two weeks before they
U. S. Ambassador John G. Winant
is receiving a full report of these ne-
The- first measure to coordinate
British-American censorships more
closely probably will be appointment
by Bracken .of a "censorship ambas-
sador" to Washington-a liaison of-
ficer to work directly with the U. S.
Office of Censorship. The appoint-
ment was proposed to Byron Price,
Director of U. S. Censorship, as a re-
sult of a conference between Bracken
and John S. Knight, Price's chief
liaison officer in London.
Liaison now is maintained through
the British Embassy in Washington
instead of directly through Bracken's
own appointee.
-- Be A Goodfellow -
Simons To Give
Talk Tomorrow
Dr. Hans Simons, dean of the
school for social research in New
York City, will present a lecture on
"The Problem of German Recon-
struction" at 7:30 p.m., tomorrow in
the Rackham lecture hal.
The lecture will be under the aus-
pices of the political science depart-
ment, with Prof. James K. Pollock in-
troducing the speaker.
Considered an expert in the fields
of international relations and public
administration, Dr. Simons was on
the staff of the German delegation to
Versailles in 1919 and was executive
director of the League of Nations As-
sociation from 1919-22.
He has lectured since 1936 in the
United States, Canada, England,
France and Switzerland.

- Rail Center
Germans Fall Back
In Thrust to Mogilev,
Abandoning Materiel
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Sunday, Dec. 5.-Rus
sian forces swept to within eigb
miles of Zhlobin, big trunk railw:
crossing, in their pursuit of the Ger
mans retreating from Gomel Satur
day, and in the Ukraine pounded ou
new gains in a drive to link the ikn
portant Kremenchug and Cherkat
bridgeheads, Moscow announced ta
Several hundred thousand Ger
mans, who have now fallen back 4
miles in 10 days since Gomel was cal
tured, were streaming through t
bottleneck town of Zhlobin as th
Russians battered into the railwas
station of Khalch, said the Mosco
midnight communique, "recorded ,{
the Soviet Monitor. This town 1
eight miles from Zhlobin on the ra
line from Gomel, and its fall marke
a four-mile frontal advance on le
junction from Soltanovka, takenFi
German rearguards tried to make
stand at the approaches and latuiil
ed several counterattacks, but SoW61
infantry, supported by massed artil.
lery splintered the German defe i°
and broke through into the stati
After a fierce battle the GermaW
were routed, leaving great quantif
of booty behind.
Another Russian push in W14i
Russia\threaded through wooded
marshy ground northwest of '
poisk-north of the Zhlobin ar
Here the forces of Gen. Markaan M
Popov were thrusting a spearhead t7
the upper Dnieper near Mogilev, cap
turing 11 towns and a heavily for'o1
fied height. Over 300 Germans werO
killed in this area as they retreated1
See RUSSIA, p. 6
- He A Goodfellow -
'Berry Anal yzes
Delinquency at
Local Meeting
Detroit Youth Officer
Suggests Recreation
As Solution to Problem
"Battered and broken homes in-
tensified by the war is the functional
cause of juvenile delinquency," de-
clared Walter Berry, secretary of
Governor Kelly's Youth Committe.
before the fourth annual community
conference yesterday at the League.
The conference brought together
more than 200 adult and youth lead-
ers from more than 25 Michigan co-
munities to exch pnge ideas on what
each community is doing to fight the
problems of delinquency.
Berry keynoted the conference at
the morning session drawing his re-
marks from the Governor's report on
delinquency which he helped to pre-
"There can be nothing but delin-
quency in homes where family super
vision has been exchanged for war
jobs by many mothers," he said.
The report pointed out that the
metropolitan area of Detroit face
the most serious conditions of delin-.
quency in the state.
"The seriousness of delinquency is
proportional to the concentration of
population. Detroit has felt the lack
of family supervision more because of
the demands of war work," he stated.
He advanced an expanded progrwu
of comprehensive recreation as t,
most important solution to the pro-

"Only through recreation can we
take up the. slack of leisure time,
-- Be A Goodfellow -
Changteh Fighting
Is Reported Heavy
CHUNGKING, Dec. 4.-(P)--Heavy
fighting inside Changteh and outside
of the walled city was reported today
by a Chinese communique which said
the ancient city had been "mostly de-
stroyed" during the last ten days by

Allies Blast Center of Leipzig,
Bombard New Britain Base

the opportunities for college women
in the United States Nurse Corps.
Morning conferences will be held
from 10 a.m. to noon, tomorrow and
Tuesday in the Grand Rapids room
in the League. Afternoon conferenc-
es will be from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., to-
morrow, and from 2:30 to 4 p.m.,
Tuesday, for all girls interested in ob-
See NURSING, p. 6
-Be A Goodfellow -
Partisans Set Up
Provisional Regime
LONDON, Dec.4.-(P)-The strong-
ly pro-Russian Yugoslav partisan
movement announced over the free
Yugoslav radio today it had set up
a provisional regime in opposition to
the existing exiled government now
sitting in Cairo and recognized by
the Allies-including Russia.
Tvrr'1. a l ,-1nnmvv . . *.tnmf f -nandhI.

LONDON, Dec. 4.-(P)-A massive<
fleet of RAF heavy bombers flew
within a few miles of bomb-shattered
Berlin early today in a colossal bluff
that left Nazi fighters over the capi-
tal while the bombers turned sharply
for a devastating 1,500-ton bomb at-
tack on Leipzig, catching the Reich's
third industrial city flat-footed.
Then, when literally within sight
of the capital, only mosquito bomb-
ers went in to hit selected targets
while the heavy force veered away to
blast Leipzig.
Group To Meet
A new anti-fascist group, called the
"Student Victory Committee" will
hold its first organizational meeting
at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Methodist
Agenda for the meeting includes a
short survey of the role which the
Committee hopes to play on campus
and of the American Youth for Dem-
)cracy, national group with which

HEADQUARTERS, Sunday, Dec. 5.-
(/P)-Stepping up an aerial offensive
against the western sector of New
Britain Island, Liberators, Mitchells
and Marauders have dropped 179 tons
of explosives on the Japanese air base
at Cape Gloucester, headquarters an-
nounced today.
Cape Gloucester is on the western
tip of New Britain, the island to
which Japan has hinged all other
Southwestern Pacific positions, and
is in an area vulnerable to invasion
from ground forces of Gen. Douglas
MacArthur on nearby New Guinea.
In the same sector, on New Bri-
tain's south central coast, aerial bom-
bardments of the Gasmata airdrome
have been augmented by the first
naval shelling ever directed at the
pivotal island.
In northeastern New Guinea,
Thunderbolts waged an air battle
with 24 enemy fighter planes over
Wewak, downing four without loss.
- Be A Goodfellow -
Ickes Announces Plan j
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.-('}-In-

Democrats Split
Over Army Vote
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5. -(P)-A
smoldering controversy between Sen-
ate Democrats broke into the open
today with a charge by Senator Guf-
fey (Dem-Pa) that southern members
of his party had joined in an "unholy
alliances" with Republicans to "de-
prive the armed forces of America of
the right to vote."
Threatening to resign his chair-
manship of the Senate Democratic
See ARMY VOTE, p. 6


University officials said yesterday
that the elimination of fire hazards
would be the first step in the post-
war building program approved by
the State Planning Commission this
The Commission's report indicated
an expenditure of $8,460,800 for a
building expansion program on cam-
When approved by the State Leg-
islature, the building program will
extend over a six year period and
calls for expansion and moderniza-

fire hazards as University Hall, con-
structed in 1871 and condemned in
1923, and East Hall, abandoned by
the Ann Arbor school system as be-
ing unsafe.
The first period of expansion will
see $185,000 spent on elimination of
fire traps, and $100,000 for making
surveys and plans.
Next year, 1944-45, $175,000 would
be alloted for rehabilitating buildings
that can safely be renovated and
$3,000,000 for actual construction.
In 1945-46 two millions will be al-

duction from the 26 millions asked1
for in the Building report issued two
weeks ago.}
The University now is preparing an
adjusted building program under the
new figure which will give in detail
which construction projects will be
attempted first.
On the basis of the revised report,j
the Planning Commission will make t
its recommendations directly to the1
Legislature, which it is believed, will
appropriate the money for specific


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