.rr^ - T f!E CuA? F if Get started, Shoppers! Today! another You simply can't wait minute this year. Saint Nick and Uncle Sammy are going to be mighty busy-not to mention your.local merchants. Don't get caught in the last-minute battle this Chrism as.-You'll be sorry if you are. '' rvS. if vY".,':. ::ff f r - / bf ~ i I Ill M - t1 COSTUME JEWELRY Many kinds-and prices-for your choice ... Earrings . . bracelets . . . necklaces . pins / from 69c to $25 THE KAY JAY SHOP For a Warm Welcome Give a Warm Gift Interwoven Socks and other wintertime Ill III I N ECKT I ES by Beau Brummel for the men on your list-we also feature pure wool suits from $35 to $45. Overcoats from $27.50 to $45. clothing at Stodel & Walker CHRISTMAS ACCESSORIES M KUOH N'S MEN'S WEAR I .111 Il W4'eiftep4 NORWEGIANS CARDIGANS CASHMERES SLIPOVERS at Maynard Street FOR A WFLL-DRESSED HOLIDAY SEASON HATS HANDBAGS HOSIERY SCARFS JEWELRY Robert's Hat Shop Servicemen, servicemen, what can a serviceman use for Christmas? This question is heard too often-and the an- swer is that the man in uni- form still -likes many of the things he liked while still in mufti. A new pipe will still thrill many a serviceman - at least after fit's broken in. Get his brand of tobacco to go with it. In case the mailman is bring- ing too few letters from that Certain Person, how about giv- ing that C.P. a good fountain pen-and some stationery? For the women, all sorts of personalized pins, pendants and bracelets are available at local jewelry shops ready to have a name engraved on them. Serv- icemen can find various pins in the shape of their service em- blem for the women on the home front. More dainty gifts for women include perfume, becoming scarce. Warm scarves, woolen socks will keep her warm while you're away. Skirts and ever- popular sweaters, girls, make swell -surprises for your room- mates. Cosmetics are scarcer than in pre-war days, and rate high in her "Dear Santa" letter. And her Christmas willbe complete if her stocking is- good rayon- or nylon, if you know a black marketeer! And if you should be so for- tunate as to still have a man in civvies on the top of your list, he'll appreciate much of the equipment still available in men's stores. Warm . socks, good-looking ties are still wel- comed. Music lovers will always ap- preciate a newi record album. Available now are several sets to be played especially during the Christmas season. And to complete the Christ- mas, give a book-to be read AR IDEAL GIFT WAHR'S For Ann Arbor Weather Gay mittens and fascinators -the perfect gift for your room mate Jh e Elizabeth DllnShop r a HI w.-il 604 East Liberty State St. Main St. 'round the corner on State M 111 ut HIIII iii ____________________________________________________________il i v For Idle Hours . The latest and best BOOKS SLATER'S Book Store Only 7 More Days HEADQUARTERS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS COSMETICS SHAVING NEEDS STATIONERY FOUNTAIN PENS PIPES-TOBACCO CIGARETTES Calkins-Fletcher 324 S. State 818 S. State For Your Favorite Michigan Grad We suggest a subscription to The Daily. A Christmas, gift that will be appreciated. H EADQARTER THE RADIO & RECORD SHOP MUSIC FOR CHRISTM$S Christmas Carols by Ronald Colman Twas the Night Before Christmas by Fred Waring III III jm EQUIPMENT FOR THE PIPE SMOKER A VARIETY OF PIPES TO SUIT ANY SMOKER, WITH HIS FAVORITE BRAND OF TOBACCO. i - 4 ror Mailing Christmas Packages We gift wrap and pack for mailing. Largest Selection of Be Well-Dressed with SMART ACCESSORIES for your Christmas outfit MILLINERY HANDBAGS. SC A VS 0 SWIFT'S Drug Store ANNOUNCING 'Il III