PAGE ZTWO TIl E MIC-I1GAN DAILY FAW 3;1943 I I ______________________ &11 1Iirvijgan Btty Fifty-Fourth Year I'd Rather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON ~i-;->- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the ragular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use ror republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub. ilcation of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Micbigon, so second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by cr- tier $4.50, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942.43 Editorial Staff Marloiit Ford . . Jane Farrant . ClaiXc Sherman Marjorie Borradaile Eric Zalenski Bud Low jMary Anne Olson .. Marjorie Rosmaxin . Hilda Slautterback Doiw Kuentz. . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor . . .Associate Editor Sports Editor . . Associate Sports Editor Women's Editor . . . Ass't Women's Editor C. . . olum nist * . . Coluninst Business Staff Molly Ann Ninokur , . Business Manage)r Elizabeth Carpenter . . Ass't Bus. Mang Martha Opsion . . . Ass't Bus. Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MARJ BORRADAIL Editorials published in The Michigan Diy are written by members of The Daily sta and represent the views of the writers on4y. WAR TIME PROBLEM: Groat Increase in Child Labor Shown by Report rPIE NATIONAL LABOR COMMITTEE has cited the fact, in a recent report, that there has been a 500 to 700 percent increase of child laborers. The group includes youths of fourteen and under. These youngsters are not only receiving adult wages, but they are working a maximum num- ber of hours. It cannot be denied that child workers are relieving a serious manpower short- age. However, some planning should be made in order to guard against the crippling of the nation, as a whole, socially, economically, and insofar as literacy is concerned. Over half of the states now have had a huge enrollment drop in their public schools. A weekly pay check provides inducement enough for a child to step out of school doors with alacrity. Also, youngsters equipped with only a bare knowl- edge of the basic essentials of reading and writ- ing will make very poor citizens handling this nation's future. Mereover, industries should be prohibited from accepting workers without their parents' consent and without a thorough investigation of each case. States should take measures compelling every child to attend school up until a reasonable age. Illinois, for example, and New York have set seventeen as the minimum age when a child may completely discontinue his education. THIS YOUTH LABOR PROBLEM has an- other important aspect. These "babes" of workers will be reluctant to release their positions after the war, and thus a conflict between pre- matured adolescents and returning servicemen and women will result. Appropriate legislation can remedy the sit- uation, which if curbed will also tend to re- lieve ,juvenile delinquency. There is too much freedom and financial support now standing begging a thirteen year old "to go wild." Laws should be passed which will require a minimum working age, salary and number of hours of employment. Furthermore, youths should be urged to continue their education above everything in either an academic or commercial sense. -Lois Leiderman WORTHY AUSE: Galens To Use Funds For Hospital Workshop 1IODAY YOU WILL BE ASKED by a Galens member to contribute to their fund for en- tertaining and training children confined in the University Hospital. This is probably one of the worthiest of all tag-day sales held on campus. Money collected (the goal is $2,500 this year) is used to finance the Gaens workshop on the hospital's ninth floor where bed-ridden and crippled children may spend many happy hours that otherwise would be passed worrying about their condition and pitying themselves. NEW YORK, Dec. 3.-It is customary for men in jobs like mine to cuss the public out every now and then for its inertia. It makes an easy piece to write. You haul off and denounce the public as a great big oaf, sitting there in its chair, yawning its. fool head off, while the world is going to hell in a wheelbarrow, as every decent man knows. But maybe inertia is not so bad a quality at that. Like the other day, for instance, when Senastor Butler of Nebraska let out a holler to the effect that our government was wasting $6,000,000,000 on Latin America, in loans, lend- lease, frivolous expenditures, etc. THAT'S A LOT OF MONEY Six billion dollars is not hay, and if the public were more excitable it might have gone storming don Pennsyvania Avenue, brandishing torches, and singing horrid songs. I don't know whether Stor Butler was trying to light a fire, but he was certain playing with matches. He had the lQok of a tan who was starting something. But theb ulic kept right on feeding its baby, or listening to Dinah Shore, and within a day it turned onut that $,000,0%0,Q00 was a more correct figure for our war-tne spending in Latin Am- erica tVan $6,W.000,00,.4 it also tunedi out that Senator Butler's at- t4c4 ha i eei planned as a kind of combined ati:, so to seak, because the minute he ope V* "t e December issue of Reader's Di- t rd with an article signed by him, tel4.g te whole story over again. Now, the ftena tas ben back from his Latin-Ameri- can tu wfor several months. Hie had appar- a ly keA -Woet sbout his preeious six-billion- ~lar sv~ual to give the Digest time to print the mory. But if six iillioris of dollars were really being wasted, that dreadful waste should have been 4topped at once. The loss of interest alone on that hue nvu nt iof principal would have come to i'# a or $,0Q0,00 during the several nthtts the senator kept it quiet, or even a bit ;4orv thmn the Digest pays for an article. WE T HEY OW $TORMY I d't know where the Senator gets off, wast- im; forty or fifty millions of dollars that way. What does he think we are, made of money? The blessed colleotve coolness of the Amer- can pubic l this time of war is actually a somewt better testimnial to democracy than the excitement of some of its leaders. Good, GREAT CHALLENG: Teachers Faced with Democracy's Education TEACHERS OF TODAY and tomorrow are faced with society's greatest challenge to the future of America and the world. They must now realize that democracy and the American econ- omy can only succeed if citizens are educated to think realistically, to make valid decisions, and to act with assurance and confidence. Our present phaos is proof enough that the present genertion has made a mess of their opportulties to construct a, world free from poverty and disruption. The same errors will be made again if students are just presented with the mistakes that their elders have made, and are not given an opportunity to form opinions on how these errors can be avoided. They cannot profit by these facts if the teacher does not tell them what he himself thinks. by exchanging ideas with students, the teacher can meet the needs of society in edufation. This cannot be achieved as long as teachers continue merely to present the facts and leave the student to draw his own conclusions to his own interests. O MANY TEACH1R$ on this campus are interested in presenting facts and 'leaving them there: "Here are the facts, do what you wish with them." Material presented in this manner is remembered only until the semester is over and then forgotten. There are very few lectures and recitation groups in this University where students have been able to present their own opinions, and learn the opinions of the lecturers. Students look forward to attending these elasses, but they do not always remember the minute facts. What they do remember, how- ever, are the opinions they formed or heard oth- ers present, and profit more from these memories than fromn the details that are tossed at them. Most teachers underestimate the student's understanding and competency. A student is incompetent when he is not learning, and youth must be encouraged to learn. Facts and opinioos are needed before the student can think intelligently. Teachers in this University and in other schools must realize that only by making their subjects applicable, and vital can they develop students toward thinking and acting in a progressive and intelligent fashion. The impetus toward edu- cating students in the functions of democracy, so that they can avoid the errors of the last gen- erations, comes from the classroom. This is the teacher's challenge. Can they meet it? - -Agatha Miller solid country, ours. Both feet on the ground. It keeps its balance, even when public figures get into that special angry mood which I have heard described in several Chicago bars as "stormy," a good word. Like for instance, there's Mr. Dewey, he's the Governor of New York. He suddenly begins to holler at Mr. Roosevelt for not turning over to him a certain gangster named Lepke. The Fed- erals have Lepke for 14 years on a narcotic con- viction, while the State of New York has him under death sentence, and Mr. Dewey wants the Feds to turn Lepke over for an executive hearing on clemency on the murder conviction. The Feds object to doing this, and Mr. Dewey begins to try the case in press conferences, suggesting it is strange the President won't drop everything (and I mean everything) in order to give him Lepe. IT SITS ON ITS HANDS The Chicago Tribune takes it up right away. saying (which Mr. Dewey didn't) that all this tends to substantiate rumors that Lepke is beig spared by the federal government, because he knows too much about important figures in the federal government, and might talk if not treated nicely. The Tribune says this has undernined New York's confidence in the integrity of the federal government. So what happens? The U. S. Attorney Qeu- eral declares that he will turn Lepke over t New York, but only to be executed, and not efor a mere clemency hearing. See! If the New York public were like the publisher of the Uh-i cago Tribune, here it would be moping arowu , its confidence in government all underml4ne . Good old public. Inertia, my eye. The public knows it is in for a bad year, and I don't blame it for practicing sitting on its hands. Funny thing, that the people should be the center of sobriety and coolness, in an age which has shown such fear, in so many devious ways, of the people. (Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate) SAWDUST AND OYSTER SHELLS WE HAD A RARE opportunity this week. We interviewed a "Professional Home-maker." That is, she 'walked into our room and sat down. We had to interview her in self defense. Being a Professional Home-maker in this woman's language means writing one of those .pages in big and little newspapers that Ore headed "Foods and Fashions," or "Haels Helpful Hints," or "Mother's Manual." Two fifths of the page is invariably devoted to close-out sales and super-market ads, an- other fifth to the day's cross-word puzzle and the answer to yesterday's, still another to AP bits from across the country-A Cyclop was re- ported born in Dallas, Texas, and stuff like that -and the remainder is filled up by the Profes- sial Home-maker. This particular Dolly happens also to be the author of a seven page "Helpful Home Hints" pamphlet that is being featured by the depart- ment of agriculture this year for Newlyweds. She was staying with the girl across the hall and when the girl went away she cane in to us. We were typing at the time and we didn't hear her come in. She sat down and pretty soon she asked us if we liked to type. We said, "No." She dsked'us why we were typing and we said we didnt know. She said that was too bad; she said she felt very sorry for us. BEING A MEEK SOUL, we couldn't ask her to leave, so she began on our room. She used shoe polish to cover the scars on our radio and she painted the nicks in our shoes with Iodine. She pasted the patches in our soxs with nail polish and she washed the ink spots out of our clothes with milk. She made our bed up so tightly that we haven't been able to get into it since, and she made hat box reflectors for our lamps. At the risk of seeming slow Yiitted and 4- progressive, we admit that all of this bothereqi us more than a little. We can't tell any more whether we're putting on a dress or a ean of Pet Milk and we're looking around for a reli- able bootblack to shine up our radio now and then. Trying to divert her attention, we asked her if she didn't ever run out of things to say to desperate housewives. She assured us immediately that there were always things to write about. For instance, she said that one housewife had writte to ask how one went about cooking a cow's udder. She cited another example. Recently, she said; she had written a whole article on "purple." "Purple," she said. "is like a rippling brooklet." "The color?" we asked stupidly. She nodded; she looked far away from us out of the window. "It's dirty," she said in soft voice, and then "I recommend kerosene." We noted it down on our memo pad. And our thesis for those who demand them of us. Resolve: a home for every home maker. S ERRY-GOa PEARSON WASHINGTON. Nov. 3.-Don t be too surprised if you find President Roosevelt stepping out of the White House a few months or weeks before his term is up, to help establish and perhaps become president of the first world organization for peace. There is nothing definite about this. and it all depends on the war. But you can write two things down as certain: 1. The President under no cir- stances will run again if the war is over next year. 2. The President's greatest am- bition, now that he sees the war in fairly good shape, is to help create machinery which will start the world en the way to permanent peace. Furthermore, and despite some of the men around the White House who want the President to run again re- gardless, the real fact is that he won't consider running if the war is over. He has now achieved all there is to aehieve in being President. He has broken precedent of 150 years by remaining in the White House three terms. He is sure to go down in history as one of our great Presi- dents. Those who have watched the Presi- dent close-up in the last two years have seen how his interest in domes- tic matters is flagging, while all his attention is focused on the war and foreign relations. No Willkie Deal . . . Equally important with winning the war, the President wants to win per- manent peace after the war. Wheth- GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty er he would be president of a new league of United Nations, or merely American representative on it, is a matter of detail. The main thing is that he wants to be in there pitching for permanent peace. Furthermore, the President has not worked out any plans or thought too much about jumping from the White House to a world peace or- ganization. He is leaving that until he sees how the war goes. And under no circumstances will he show his hand to the Republicans before their June convention. The President has always believed in playing his political cards close to his chest, and this time he is play- ing them closer than ever. He isn't going to let anyone see what trump cards he has until he is ready to play them. (Copyright, 1943. United Features Synd.) - _ f nyS,, her 'When Mom quits working in the plane factory and Pop stong'putting in so much overtime at the shipyards, maybe welil figure in some of their post-war planning" r DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN * FRIDAY, DEC. 3, 1943 VOL. LIV No. 27 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Schools--Associate Professor H. M. Dorr. 3. Oral Reports. a. Some Problems of the General Library-Director W. G. Rice. b. Centennial Celebra- tion Volume-Professor W. R, Hum- phreys. 4. Special Order. Report on Budget Principles and Procedures. 5. New Business. 6. Announcements. Edward H. Kraus the p.m. cert Rackham Auditorium at 7:15 It will be over before the con- starts. l 1 Apparatus Exchange: The Regents authorize the sale of scientific appar- Faculty of the College of Literature, atus by one department to another, .Science, and the Arts: The five-week the proceeds of the sale to be credited freshman progress reports will be due to the budget account of the depart- Saturday, Dec. 4, in the Academict ment from which the apparatus is Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall. transferred, under following condi- tions. - Choral Union Members will please call for their courtesy pass tickets to Departments having apparatushe Clauo Arrau concert today which is not in active use are advised ibetween the hours of 10 and 12 in the to send description thereof to the; me rnng, oand f10and 12 he ate mornng, nd and4 intheafter- University Chemistry Store, of which noon,adthe andi4sinfthe Uniers Profsso R. . Crneyis irecor.noon, at the offices of the University Professor R. J. Carney is director. Musical Society in Burton Memorial. The Chemistry Store headquarters Tower. After 4 o'clock no tickets will are in Room 223 Chemistry Building. An. effort will be made to sell theb apparatus to o t h e r departments Charles A. Sink, President which are likely to be able to use it. In some instances the apparatus may Michigan Dailies wanted for ser- be sent to the University Chemistry vicemen: Mrs. Ruth Bacon Buchan- Store on consignment and if it is not an, University Museums, who has for sold within a reasonable time. it will some time been sending'Michigan be returned to the department fromsoetm ben edigMcga which it was received. The object of Dailies to University men in the this arrangement is to promote econ- armed services, asks that all who are omy by reducing the amount of un- able to do so send her theirused but used apparatus. It is hoped that de- unclipped Dailies for this purpose. paremtns having such apparatus will _ realize the advantage to themselves and to the University in availing! Graduating Seniors in Arnui themselve Ufithisityportunity. cal, Civil, and Mechanical Engineer- hShirley W. Smith ing: Mr. Wesley J. Hennessy, Direc- ___ rey .m tor of Engineering Training of the To the Members of the University Grumman Aircraft Engineering Cor- Senate: The first regular meeting of poration, Bethpage, L.I., N.Y., will be the University Senate will be held inin Ann Arbor all day Monday, Dec. 6, the Rackham Amphitheatre on Mon- at interviearly art of 19will grad- day, Dec. 20, at 4:15 p.m. views will be held in Room 3205 East Secretary, Univesity Se Engineering Building. Interested sen- io'seUnversity will please sign the Interview Tle Schedule sheet posted on the Bulle- tin Board near Room B-47 East En- erature, Science, and the Arts will gineering Building. Application meet in Room 1025. Angell Hall, on blanks which are to be filled out in Monday: Dec.b6 at 4:10 p.m. advance of the interview, may be AsoendIa: -d--aii n -. h-"'A ,-n -1--a A D Thj.-1 Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet today at 4:00 p.m. in Room 319 West Medical Building. "The Sul- fur-Containing Amino Acids" will be discussed. All interested are in- vited. Bacteriology Seminar on Saturday. Dec. 4, at 8:30 a.m. in Room 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: "Use of Nutritive Requirements of Micro- organisms as a Basis for Biological Assay Methods." Doctoral Examination for Elmer Carlson, Jr., Chemistry; thesis: "The Rate of Dissociation of Pentaaryle- thanes," today, 309 Chemistry, at 2:0,0 p.m. Chairman, W. E. Bach- mann. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this exam- ination, and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Co~cer s Ch oral.Union Concert: Claudio A'- rau, distinguished Chilean pianist, will give the fourth program in the Sixty-fifth Choral Union Concert Series tonight at 8:30 in Hill Audi- torium. His program will consist of numbers by Mozart, Beethoven, Cho- pin, Liszt, Debussy, Alzeniz and Gra- nados. Ch4res A. Sink, President Faculty Recital: The final prograwu in the current series of School of Music Faculty Recitals will be pre- sented at 4:15 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 5, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater by Arthur Hackett, tenor, and Joseph Brinkman, pianist. The public is cordially invited. t15VILUA, ~o talnean uie ern~im lmliu 1. Consideration of the minutes of mUent Office. the meeting of Nov. 1, 1943. 2. Consideration of the reports sub- mitted with the call to this meeting. Officers of the following organiza- a. Executive Committee-Professor tions, please call the Michiganensiana J. E. Dunlap. b. Executive Boardsof editorial office this afternoon: Taui tle Graduate School-Professor G.R. Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Eta Sig- LaRue. c. University Council-Pro- ma. Alpha Lambda Delta, Michi-t fessor J. L. Brumm. d. Senate Ad- gamua, Druids, Sphinx. Vulcans, Tri-, visory Committee on University Af- angles. Alpha Phi Omega, Theta Sig-t fairs-Professor 0. S. Duffendack. ma Phi, Alpha Nu, Athena, Inter-' e. Deans' Conference-Dean E. H. Fraternity Council, Men's Congress,E Kraus. f. Relations with Secondary Sigma Alpha Iota. Men's Glee Club, - yMu Phi Epsilon. Bureau of Appoint- ments, Union Student Organization, nFv Crgwr itt ITb1n sE f Men's Judiciary. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Armhiteeture and Design: An exhibition of paint- ings Jby IEugene Dana, and color prints by Louis Schanker, is presented by the College of Architecture and De- sign in the ground floor corridor of the Architectural Building through Dec. 28. Open daily, except Sunday, 8:00 to 5:00. The public is cordially invited. BARNABY Evet s asody ..Y qL-41 V L/VLiR/U ty %- NsWvuav Now this committee hearing is making progress! Santa Claus You mean he makes a HABIT of going about in a red suit with A mythical upstart!flaunting his acceptance into our culture! Rif ipso r....,+,.j.., -sur....e itu Sure, Mr. O'Malley. The Lectures Servicemen are cordially invited to the drama, "It's Up to You," by Arthur Arent, which is being staged by Plau Producptin o f the Denar't- University Lecture: Dr. Hans Si- I