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December 01, 1943 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-01

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w.MFAmif1&DEC, 1,4i


Report RevIls
Poor Attendance
At Surgical Unit
Heavy Quotas Must P~e Filled
in Spite of Holidays, Rushing,
Jean Whittemore Announc
Reporting the number of hours
contributed so far this semester at
the Surgical Dressing fit, ean
WVi ttemore, 44, chairman "of the
unit, announced that the atteniance
was very poor last week.
Miss Whttemre "u'ged all of the
women on cantpu to itit in extra
hours this week whe the unit wt,
be open from Ipin," to p6: . today,
tonorrow a he ricay in the game
roo of the League.
Quota 1 ust Be ClJeL
"We must remember that the
heavy quota must be' met regardless
of holiaays or rushing," she staed.
"the boys over-seas have dn tinie off
for holidays. They must keep Ight-
in., and in the process many of them
are wounded. It is our iob jto make
dressings so that more othem may
come home to enjoyfuture holi a,,
For coeds who find it incnvp ent
to wear blouses or cotton dresses, ar-
rangements have been made or them
to leave blouses or smocks at the unit
where they will be readya a ma
ment's notice. This wilA enable coeds
toeome tip for just a fe i'i dales'iY
they haven't got time to spend the
Credit at the League will be given.
to any coed working at the Rackham
unit from ' p.m. to'9 p.m. today and
tomorrow. I -Rackham unit is
working on an emergency quota of
cotton pads.
Tri Delta Leads
Delta Delta Delta sorority leads all
of the houses on campus for tl1t6t°
number of hours contributed so far,
with a total of 70 hours. Alpha Chi
Omega took second place with 59
hours and Stockwell with 58 hours
followed "a close third.
Of the other houses on campus,
Chi Omega contributed 50 hours,
Betsy Barbour gave 49 hours akdti
Cook dormitory gave 26 hou':
Among the league houses, League
House took first with 11 hours, Star-
ring House came second with 7 hours,
and Hutchings House placed th rd
with 6 hours.
-- Be A Qoodfdlilow-
Women May
Register Today
To Give Bood
Registration for donating blood
from Dec. 16 and 17 Ii begin at
1 p.'m. todtay aid last ifktil bec. 10
at the Legue._
Josephine itzpatrick, '44, general
chairman of'athe Wt" lood
Bank, announiced la i *'" that tat
least 200 women are ieed d~to donate
blood this iiilffth.
Girls under 1 inus$ present written
permission from iator guardian
at the time f reg4ton. This is
a Red Cross requireiiieht. Women
must weigh at em IOpounds,
Donation Not iU-n9 ,. '
It is agreed bis $hat the ef-
fect of bld dna xti in reasonable
quantities y a nor , u aelthy wo-
man is no hah'ar ltne normal
individ'ualthe 6is mde irapidly.
Aslnge pnt o$ ama may
be enough fso saw a ama ad-
nistred at e ghtxng2 front may
enA' a ian to leIit enough to
be .transp rtd to a es "hospital

where he will receive tlie advantages
offered by equipment.
Mobile Unit Caies supplies .
'Ne Mobile UnrIt'of the' Red Cross
comes to Ann Arbor froni Detroit.
It is a truck wiicf' carries all the
necessary equipment such as cots,
tables, and medical supplies. It is
manned by doctors and'nurses, skilled
in this type of work. This traveling
Blood Bank enables the service to
visit many more places than would
be possible otherwise.
After the blood is obtained from
the donors, it is colected in a vacuum;

Italian King Abdicates to Nurses


Arry 'nurses, Lt. Maryellen McCtcheon (lef't) and Lt. Wilnia
Ward ,both of Birmingham, Mich., sit together on the royal throne in
one of the King's palaces near Naples, Italy. The palace, which is a
few miles out of hNaples at Caserta. ,is named the Royal Palace of Caserta
and is said to be one of the largest in the' world. It was built in the latter
part of the 18th century. Part of it is being used by the British-
American Fifth Army for office space.

Union Councl
Explains Dance
Ticket Sales
Committee Did Not Foresee
Sellout as Few Servicemen,
Civilians Are Union Members
Because of the wave of consterna-
tion that has swept the student body
concerning- the sale of tickets to the
Union Formal, the' Executive Com-
mittee felt. that the students should
be confronted with, the facts. as they
were presented to the Executive
Council. .
First, the Union Formal is spon-
sored by the Executive Couqeil in
much the same way that Slide Rule
Ball is sponsored by the Engineering
Council and Intrafraternity Ball is
sponsored by Interfraternity Council.
Thus, though it is a Union Dai6, it
is also an Executive Council dance,
and it was handled.as such.
Never Before Sold Out
In past years,- according to The
Council, it has been the experience of
the Union Committees that the
tickets to' the Urio Formal were
never sold out, even one lhinute be-
fore the dance. The procedure al-
ways has been to have 'the members
of the Executive Council try 16t sell-
as many tickets as they could in
order to foster interest- in the dance:
Acting on this, each member of the
Council received 25 tickets for' sale,
leaving 100 tickets to be put oh sale
at the desk. The Committee did not
foresee a sellout as was the case.
In evidenice of this, the Comnittee
presented the following fact: of
2,700 Army men only 47 were signed
up as Union "M mbers; of 1,400 N~vy
men only 400 were signed up as'Union
Members; there are very few civilians
on campus.
Statistics show that there are only
one third as many Union Menbe's
as there have been in past years.
"Would you expect the Union Mem-
bers on campus to buy more tickets
than three times as many members
did in past years?"Rupert Straub,
ticket chairman, asked.
Tickets for Members Only
It was intended that no one but
Union Members would be allowed to
buy tickets and this policy has been
adhered to as strictly as possible.
Not one ticket was sold at the desk
without the presentation of a Union
Membership card. And as far as
scalping goes, not one of the Council
members has indulged or knows of
anyone who has indulged in . tlfis
The situation being what it is,
the committee r egrets that it could
not foresee just what was going" to
happen. The distribution of ;tickets
mny not seem fair, but there is every
indication that all of the men at the
Formal will be Union Members.

m~ Seet ld t Cetera
Once upon a time, we believed that college was a place in wh'ich every-
one knew everyone else--especially professors-and the faculty devoted its
collective life to discovering and solving, wherever possible, the problems
which entered and upset the young but eager mind.
.'Now' we know that we were naive. The average professor is much too
busy for any extra-curricular activities, and the average student too filled
ith awe and vonder to break through the barriers which separate him
ffom the charmed inner circle. Thus the problem remains-the imhpersonal
element; inevitable in an institution of this size, prospers-and the student
who would carry a problem to a professor, does, for the most part, fight a
hard and losing battle.
We-do niot wish to generalize--for we realize that even in a university
bordeting 'so closely upon the factory system, there are men whose genuine:
interest in students as people have opened their offices and their minds to
the problems of the confused collegians. But these men are comparatively
few and far between.
Faculty Dinner Days
In the good old faculty dinner days, the "good-square-meal-and-let's-
have-a-chat-in-the-living-room" method was employed quite frequently,
but even this method did little to relieve the situation. If the young host was
not scared into silence by unuttered accusations of apple-polishing on the
part of his fellow students, he talked-elevated by the irregularity of the
occasion-in terms just nebulous enough to convince the professorial guest
that such affairs were a complete waste of time.
In class the next day, the student, sobered by a good, night's sleep,
dar.ed not look the professor in the eye, and conditions were worse that
they had ever been before the fatal meal. Thus, the faculty dinner became
nothing more than a strange routine-a weird dream in academic 'life during
which the cigarette fiend could, at last, smoke at the table.
But now the faculty dinner is a thing of the past and we have left only
the office. Ah yes, the office! Smoke from the professorial pipe curls out into
the hall-and a little card on the door indicates that at.a certain hour the
inner sanctum will be opened and the trembling student ushered in. Of
what avail, this formal interview?
What to Say?
Having taken the long trek upstairs and put in his bid for a few min-
utes of precious time, can even the most well-rehearsed problem-poser say
what he means to say? His questions must be brief and to the point, lest
he hear the allotted minutes ticking away, unused. "Why did I -come-why
did I come-why"did I come?" And if ever he was sure of the answer, it
has now escaped him. The urgency of the moment overcomes him and he is
convinced at last that he should never have come at all.
But he is wrong. We are all of us wrong. For so long as-we refuse to
break down the barrier, it will stand, and the professor, no matter what his
attitude, will be able to do nothing about it. Perhaps some day we shall all
get together on this. Perhaps, the awe will be resolved into something more
down-to-earth, and the office left open all day long. When thisi has hap-
pened-when the student can approach the professor in the knowledge that
he is, in the last analysis, another 'human being-when the professor can
put forth an honest effort to understand his students-then the change will
be complete. And who knows-perhaps we shall even arrive at the place
where we can say, without any qualms, "I just came in to talk."

Meeting Will Offer Opportunity
For Real Student Self-Government
THE HOUSE PRESIDENTS' MEETING, to be held in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre today, is potentially the best opportunity for true student
self-government open to the women on this campus.
"IDEAS AND PROBLEMS under discussion by the students in their (the
presidents') respective houses can be' aired and decision reached," stated
Ann MacMillan, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, in announcing the
THE PLAN OF HAVING student opinion represented by such a group
as their elected house presidents is excellent though the details by which
a decision can be passed upon by the body are still hazy. The house
presidents should vote on problems according to the wishes of their houses
by a proportional method so that decisions will represent the majority
opinion of the women students.
E VERY HOUSE PRESIDENT should attend this meeting. The individual{
students should encourage their presidents to express real opinions
on questions which affect the entire campus and to organize for voting on
any prospective regulations and policies which come into the province of
student government.
BY THE INTELLIGENT interest and enthusiasm which the house presi-
dents and the women they represent show at the Wednesday meeting
and those to follow, can be measured the interest in democratic methods,

and the worthiness for responsibility
Heads To Hold
Meeting Today
Presidents of all women's resi-
dences will meet at 5 p.m. today in
the Rackham Amphitheater, Ann
MacMillp, '44, chairman of Judi-
ciary Committee, announced yester-
These meetings are to be held each
month, Miss MacMillan said. "We
want them to be open forums where
student problems can be discussed
and decisions can be reached."
After the house presidents have
voted on armeasure, their decision
will be carried out by the Women's
War Council. In this way the plans
made will be in accordance with stu-
dent opinion as revealed in the meet-
All house presidents are urgently
requested to attend the meetings.
"Only in this way can the body re-
gain its status as an influential or-
ganization. If the full cooperation of
the! housepresidents isreceived,
meetings will be held more often than
once a month in order that current
problems may be met at soon as they
arise," Miss MacMillan added.
-Be A Goodfellow -
Collecting Yarns Is
New League Project
Collecting leftover yarns and wools
is the purpose of the Hospital Re-
habilitation Program which is being
sponsored by the Women's War
Council, the yarns collected' to be giv-
en to, the hospitals for use in Occu-
pational Therapy classes.
Monna Heath, '44, president of the
Council, said that a box had been
set up in the Undergraduate Office
of the League to receive the yarns
given by the dormitories, league and
sorority houses on the campus.
Any weight or color :s usable, and
either wool or rayon mixtures can be
used. All yarn contributed must be
roIled up into balls before placing
it in the box.


in self-government of Michigan stu-
-Joan List

22 Women
Will Be Needed
For Lacrosse
"In order to play a real game of la
crosse today, 22 women must turn out
because it takes 11 women to make a
team," Pat Daniels, '45, manager of
the La Crosse Club, which meets at
4:30 p.m. today at Palmer Field, an-
nounced yesterday.
La Crosse is a fast, active game and
can be played in any kind of weather,
It is particularly suitable now that
the weather is brisk and sharp. Tc
play couifrotably, one should dress
warmly, wearing blue jeans, woolei
shirts, warm jackets and kerchiefs if
Free Equipment Provided
Free equipment is provided by the
University and may be had at the
WAB. The game, which is very simi-
lar to hockey, is played with a stick
called a cross. The cross is shapec
like a "Y" and has,.rawhide lacing or
the top o fit. The player must learn
to cradle the ball in this basket-like
When the club meets today, the
first half hour will be spent in learn-
ing how to cradle the ball and in
practicing how to throw it back and
Not Dangerous Game
"SQ many women tell me that they
haven't come out for this sport be-
cause they had heard that the game
was very dangerous. That's not true
at all. The game is dangerous the
way men play it;.but not the way wi
do. It's just loads of fun and no onE
can know what she's missing unti
she's come out and tried it," Mis:
Daniels continued.
The game is played on a hockey
field, but there are no boundaries. Li
Crosse is a new sport on this campus
having been organized into a clut
just last year.
pertinent 'for the following week
The bulletin includes activities fron
one Monday through 'the following
Monday. Each bulletin will be clippec
and labeled with the name of the

Assembly Bulletins
May Be Picked Up
Monday at League
All League House War Activities'
Chairmen and .Zone Chairmen have
been requested to pick up the As-
sembly bulletins by 5 p. m. each Mon-
day to be kept on a large board in
Miss McCormick's office in the
League, according to Doris Barr, '44,
president of Assembly.
This year, Assembly Board is put-
ting out a bulletin of League activities
and other announcements of general
importance and interest to the wo-
men students to be distributed in
each dormitory and league house. The
bulletins are compiled and mimeo-
graphed to include any event which
may take place in order to keep the
coeds better informed on campus
Notices may be placed in Miss
Barr's box in the Undergraduate Of-
fice in the League. 5:30 p. m. Thurs-
day is the deadline for any notices


{ 3r 49

container. The liquid portion, of
plasma is then separated from thej
red cells by a machine. When the1
plasma has been refrigerated and
dried, it occupies a very small amount
of space and can easily be preserved,
transported, kept sterile, and prepar-
ed for administration.

Mardi Gras Queen

EAST LANSING, Mich.-(P)-Jane
Malicki, of Detroit, a sophomore at
Michigan State College, was named
Queen of the MSC Mardi Gras and
received the crown from Secretary of
State Herman N. Dignan at the third
annual, Mardi Gras Ball Saturday.



1 _.


You'l Lov e These Fleece Lined House Slippers

Assembly Board To
Meet at League Today
There will be an important ifieeting
fAssembly Board at 4:30 p. in.today
the League Council room, Doris
arr, '44, president, announced yes-
All members of the executive coun-
.1 and league house zone chairmen
e requested to be present. w

A ;. _
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m (J -


Cowboy Check
Thrilling new version of the
shirtwaist dress from this
famous tailor's new "West-
ern Serial". Neat fly-front,
long sleeves, a huge patch
pocket on one hip. The
breezy comboy checks in
chartreuse and black, aqua
and 'wine or blue and brown
rayon crepe. Misses' sizes.

le ,


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tZ'n t get an uhd
Fireside hours are doubly precious now. They're the
"pause that refreshes" after a busy day. Our collection
of housecoats is keyed to the loveliness and intimacy
of those hours. Styles to make you look dramatic as a
flame . . . feel comfy as a kitten
Model above is of rayon flannel at 10.95
Others of corduroy quilted satins and jerseys to 19.95



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