ig 4Iit(t 4aiiM 0: VOL. LIV No. 24 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOV. 30, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Tom Harmon Is Reported Safe in Eighth Army Slashes Main Sangro River De enses' Allied Advance Perils Adriatic Winter Lin' Nazi Counterattacks Fail To Stem Drive; Progress Is 'Good' By NOLAND NORGAARD Associated Press Correspondent ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, AL- GIERS, Nov. 29.-Striking with the same type of fierce night attack that instilled dread into the hearts of the Nazis in the African desert, the vet- eran British Eighth Army has slam- med into the enemy's main defenses at two points across the Sangro Ri- ver, gaining vantage points from which . additional advances could make the entire Adriatic end of the German "winter line" untenable. Fully aware of their peril, the Ger- mans fought tenaciously to hold heights commanding the enlarged Al- lied bridgehead near the mouth of the Sangro, and gust as .bitterly to hold rising ground across the river from the village of Archi, 13 miles in- land. "Good Progress" The coibined weight of massed Eighth army artillery, the daylong bombings of their positions by Allied planes and the driving onslaught of troops under. Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery were too much for the Nazis, however, and official reports said the attack near the coast made "good progress." In the second bridgehead opposite Archi a day of heavy see-saw fighting ended with Montgomery's warriors holding valued high ground on the northwest side of the river. It was disclosed that this second crossing of the flooded Sangro was first achieved four days ago by the famous 78th British division, veterans of "long Stop Hill" in Tunisia. Heavy Fighting Continues Repeated German counterattacks, with flame-throwing tanks in the van, failed to halt the offensive, but extremely heavy fighting continued. The second thrust across the San- gro at Archi appeared to put the Eighth Army astride a lateral road which has been used by the Nazis to supply their elaborate defensive posi- tions behind the River. This strate- gic highway is several miles back from the Sangroelsewhere, but oppo- site Archi it swings down into the river valley only a mile from the banks of the stream.. German anxiety over the situation was reflected in the weight of the enemy's many counterattacks as well as in his continued heavy artillery fire against American positions on the Fifth Army front. "It's up to You' To Make Debut Play Production Will Give Musical Drama Sponsored by the University of Michigan and the Wastenaw County Food Merchants, Play Production of the speech department will present "It's Up to You," by Arthur Arent, for the first time at 8:30 p. m. to-. morrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. "It's Up to You" is a living news- paper drama in five scenes and entre acts. The play will feature a movie, a loudspeaker, singers and dancers, and special scenes from a bus, butch- er shop and on Guadalcanal. Prof. Windt Directs Prof. Valentine Windt and Herber Philippi are directing the drama with Blanche Holpar in charge of the dance chereography. Included in the cast are Barbara White, Patricia Meikle, May Chosed, John Hathaway, Thelma Davis, James Norris, Miriam Ruge, Mar- jorie Leete, Blanche Holpar, Barbara Hulbert, Donald Trow, Charles Ben- jamin, Maida Steinberg, Lucille Ge- nuit, Marcia Nelson, Paul Davidson, Ralph Davis, Lillian Moeller, Jean Westerman, Russell LaDue, Barbara Greenberg, Eunice Woldhausen, Vir- ginia Rock and Richard Pease. Song and Dance Song and dance routines which will be featured in the production are "It's Up to You," "Get the Point, IA,-- _ . 1!f 4T' 14,r ntra cale 1 "_ Jap Building Wrecked on Tarawa Rumors Foresee Demands For Surrender of Germany Declaration of Peace Terms for Nazis Is Expected from First Meeting of "Big Three" By RICHARD G. MASSOCK 0slovak government-in-exile was at- Associated Press Correspondent tending this conference. LONDON, Nov. 29.-A declaration German propagandists anticipated of epochal importance involving a an announcement of such a confer- possible demand for Germany's sur- ence wi an effort to minimize its render and signed by President importance. Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill DNB Forecasts Conference and Prenfier Stalin in the first met American Marines look over the remains of a Jap building blasted to pieces when Tarawa, Jap stronghold in the Gilberts, was stormed and captured. RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE: Soviets Spear Within 12 Miles Of Zhlobin; Seize 40 Towns By The Associated Press LONDON, Nov. 30, Tuesday-Rus-, sian troops lunging in a pincers upon Zhlobin-rail hub and fortress guard- ing the Nazis' Gomel escape gap- speared to within 12 miles of the city from the south Monday, and seized 40 villages in a battering offensive. from the west, the Soviets announced early today. One spearhead of Gen. Constantine Rokossovsky's formations plunged within 25 miles of Bobruisk, north- west of Zhlobin and on the same Go- mel-Minsk railroad, Moscow declared. The Soviet smashes thus stabbed closer to the supply system of the whole southern White Russia line, pushing the retreating Germans nearer to the old Polish frontier and new disaster. Exploding a renewed charge into the Dneiper Bend, some 220 miles to the south, other Red armies wiped out 1,500 Germans and plunged eight miles west of Cherkasy, on the west bank of the Dneiper between Kiev and Kremenchug, the war bulletin declared. In the Kiev salient, 900 Germans were reported killed and 56 tanks; wrecked as Soviet forces threw back heavy new Nazi assaults north and; east of Zhitomir in the Chernyakhov Goodfellow Drive To Take Place Monday The annual Goodfellow Drive will take place on Monday when members of sororities, fraternities and other organized groups will man sales posts on campus and throughout the town and sell Goodfellow Dailies to pro- vide funds for the city's charity or- ganizations. The drive was launched for the first time in 1935 when campus lead- ers determined to begin an all-cam- pus charity campaign to aid needy Ann Arbor families and University students. '.t has been the single char- ity drive in which all campus organi- zations have participated. Last year one third of the goal was reached by contributions and pledges from sorority, fraternity and other campus houses before the day that papers went on sale. All contribu- tions should be made out to The Michigan Daily and sent to the Stu- dent Publications Building before Monday. Persons interested in selling the Goodfellow Edition should come to The Daily between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Wednesday. Merchants to Back Bond, Stamp Drive and Brusilov areas, and Red Army planes struck heavily at German ar- mored concentrations. ' Gen. Rokossovsky hit a new blow from the south seeking to topple Zhlobin, seizing Stryeshin only 12 miles below Zhlobin, and taking seven other villages between the Berezina and Dneiper rivers. U.S. Planes Pound Bremen In Aerial Attack LONDON, Nov. 29.-(P)-Streaking through 65-below-zero weather, U.S., Flying Fortresses with powerful, fighter escort continued the mighty new aerial offensive against Hitler's Europe today by heaping more de- struction on the German port of Bre- men in the second such daylight as- sault in four days. In the attack on Bremen, which suffered a terrific pounding Friday by a record number of U.S. big planes, and other European targets during the day, 13 American heavy bombers and 18 fighter planes-16 of the lat- ter American-were reported missing, while 35 Nazi aircraft were shot down. An indication that the RAF was permitting no slack in the new aerial drive came tonight when the Nazi- dominated radio stations at Bremen, Friesland, Hilversum, Calais and Luxembourg faded from the air. Germans Announce Capture of Thera LONDON, Nov. 29.-(/P)-The Ger- mans, continuing their efforts to im- press Turkey with their strength in the Aegean, announced today the capture of Thera (Santorin) Island north of Crete, while on the other side of the Balkan Peninsula Yugo- slav Partisans announced new blows against Nazi forces trying to hold down the lid on their rebellious land. The German radio said Thera sur- rendered to German naval forces Saturday night "with all its batteries and other defense installations." Since no British troops ever were an- nounced as landing there, it was as- sumed that the surrendered garrison must have been Italian. Hoffman Accuses OPA Of Denying Preacher Gas WASHINGTON, Nov. 29. - () - The 'Office of Price Administration was accused today of denying a preacher sufficient gasoline to per- form his duties while some labor union organizers were allowed all +I .A Revives Drive For New Taxes WASHINGTON, Nov. 29--AP)-The' Administration renewed its almostI hopeless campaign for $10,500,000,0001 in new taxes today, but fought offl suggestions of a federal sales tax. Secretary Morgenthau told the Se-1 nate Finance Committee the nation's skyrocketed war income could well bear that amount of additional taxes -an argument rejected by the House when it voted a tax bill cut to $2,140,- 000,000. Morgenthau and his aides spurned argumrnents that less government spending would lighten the tax need and said a sales tax would be entirely unfair to low-income families, and would be more trouble than it is worth. The Administration officials open- ed their renewed plea for heavier tax- es, knowing that the odds were heavi- ly against their getting $10,500,000,-1 00 from this Congress., An essential part of fighting a war is paying for it in the right way at the right time," Morgenthau declar- ed. "It is a great fallacy to supposeI that we can fight history's greatest See TAXES, 'page 4 College Groups To Meet Here Committees To Discuss Problems of Student How Michigan colleges and univer-I sities can best meet the needs of stu- dents currently and after the war will be discussed here Friday by two com- mittees of the Michigan College Asso- ciation in the Rackham Building. One committee will concern itself with the questions arising directly out of the war; the granting of credits to members of the armed forces for work done in special programs and the waiving of the senior residence rule. Members of this group will include Fr. F. J. Quinn, University of Detroit; Frank G. Copley, Michigan; Dean Lloyd C. Emmons, Michigan State College; President John L. Seaton, Albion; Leslie L. Hanawalt, Wayne University; David M. Trout, Central Michigan College of Education; Pres- ident Arthur Andrews, Grand Rap- ids Junior College; Earl E. Mosier, State Department of Public Instruc- tion, and Robert L. Williams, presi- dent of the Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars. The executive committee of the association will meet in concurrently discussing possible post-war adjust- ments in curricula. Drivers Asked to Steer Clear of Army Ann Arbor residents are requested ta mnr rnr fi+lin +Ch.ir drinr ing of the "big three" is expected-, on the basis of foreign reports-to be announced perhaps within a few days. It is speculated from reports froml abroad that such a document, in terms more precise than the Atlantic Charter, certainly would state the peace principles for application to Germany and her satellites. Allied officials maintained silence as to the dates and site of the con- ference. Axis and neutral comment, often conflicting, persisted. Vichy Suggests Place, Time The Nazi-controlled Vichy radio said tonight "according to neutral reports reaching Vichy, Roosevelt and Churchill have arrived in Cairo and Stalin, on his way to Egypt, has reached Teheran. The meeting of the three statesmen will take place in the next few days, either in Cairo or Al- exandria." Although there is no confirmation, reports from abroad have persisted that Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shekj has joined in the greatest conference yet on the war and peace strategy of the United Nations.- There were reports, too, that Presi- dent Eduard Benes of the Czecho- Allies ApproachI Tb* * * "Since efforts to bring about this conference have been made for the last two years, it would not be sur- prising if a conference should at last take place," said DNB in a Berlin_ broadcast. It is taken for granted in London that they would join in reaffirming ;he unconditional surrender policyf and elaborate it with a statement to the German people of the treatment they might expect if they aid in shortening the war by throwing out the Nazis. E-- Impair Wear{ Says Axis Propaganda Is Aimed at Building Allied Overconfidence WASHINGTON, Nov. 29.- UP)- Secretary of State Hull took some of the wind out of the latest bunch of ballooning peace rumors today with a sharp warning that "most of the time" such reports are put out to impair Allied prosecution of the war. China Grid Star Lost for 29 Days Letter from Bunkmate Gives 'First Spark of Hope' to Flier's Parents Word reached Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Harmon of 2200 Vinewood last night that their son, Lt. Thomas Harmon, former Michigan All-Am- erican, has been found safe just twenty-nine days after being report- ed missing in action over China. Harmon, one of the four Lightning pilots lost on a dive-bombing attack on Kiukiang, a Yangtze river port, Oct. 30, had been reported missing in French Guinea in April of this year in a native settlement after slashing through the jungle for five days. Second Seige Longer "It's been a longer seige this time, but he came through again," said Mrs. Rose Harmon, Tom's 65-year- old mother on hearing the news. Mrs. Harmon and her daughter had gone into Ypsilanti last night to see the parents of a boy who was Ton's bunkmate in China. A letter from him, dated Nov. 6, said that at least one of the four men lost on the Oct. 30 mission and perhaps two more were rumored to be walking back. One of the men, he thought, was Harmon. "Thatboy sure was hard luck," he said, "It's the second time for him." His letter reached the Harnons on their return from Gary, Ind., last night aftera week's visit at the homne of their daughter, Mrs. Sally Jensen, "If anybody's walking back, j know it's Tom," said Tom's sister, terming the letter was the "first real spark of hope we've had so far." "Always Turns Up" Coach Fritz Crisler, under' whom Harmon twice earned All-American football honors, said, "Tom's the kind of a fellow who always turns UP. Just give him a fighting chance and he'll come through any time." Since Tom's second disappearance letters have been pouring in from all over the country, Mrs. Harmon said. One youthful admirer had written "If the Japs got Tom, they'll find out they ran up against what I call an All-American boy." Culbertson To, Lecture Friday Author of 'Total Peace' To Open Conference opening the annual Post-War Council conference Ely Culbertson, author of the newly published book, "Total1Peace," will lecture on "Plan for World Settlement" at 7:15 p.m. Friday in the Rackham Auditorium. The conference will continue with student-faculty parleys to be held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in the Union. "The Place of Education and Propa- ganda toward World Organization" and "Types of World Organization" are the topics of the afternoon meet- ings. Tentative list of faculty men for the parleys includes Prof. H. T. Price of the English department, Prof. Claude Eggertson of the School of Education, Dr. Norman R. F. Maler of the Psychology department and Max Dresden of the physics depart- ment for the first panel. Prof. Pres- ton Slosson of the history department and Dr. Jan Hostie, lecturer for the University War Training Program, will lead discussion at the second par- ley. Ruth Daniels, '44, Chairman of the Post-War Council, emphasized that Culbertson's lecture has been sched- uled early so that those who wish to attend the Choral Union Concert will have time to hear the lecture first. Tickets for the speech will be on sale from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow through Friday in the League and Union, on the Diagonal and in the Engine Arch. In West Quad tickets will be sold during mess line-up this week. Lewis Lecture Now Set for Dec. 15 News commentator Fulton Lewis, roonga in orive Hull did not say specifically what sources spread the peace talk, but it On Iew Guineal seemed clear that he had Nazi propa- gandists in mind. The intention, he told his press conference, is to build SOUTHWEST PACIFIC ALLIED up overconfidence among the Allies HEADQUARTERS, Nov. 30, Tues- in the hope that their vigorous at- day -(P) -Supported by waves of tacks on Germany will be relaxed. B25's and their own tanks, Austra- A short time before he spoke a lian infantrymen are closing in on news dispatch from Stockholm quoted the Bonga, a stubbornly-defended a Svenska Dagbladet account of a Japanese jungle position northeast story in the Swiss newspaper La of Sattleberg, New Guinea. Suisse to the effect that Germany Sattleberg, five miles northwest of had made a new peace proposal for Finschhafen airfield, was captured submission to Prime Minister Chur- by the Allies Nov. 26. chill, President Roosevelt and Prem- A spokesman for General Douglas ier Stalin. MacArthur, explaining the strategic -- - value of Bonga, said that although ! i e Pino Hill has been taken a bulge IC i ese D rive still remained in allied lines along the coastal trail. The assault -on n Bonga is intended to take out this bulge. The attack on Bonga was launched CHUNGKING, Nov. 30, Tuesday. last Saturday. -()-The Chinese High Command Billy Mitchell medium bombers, announced today that two Japanese flying at tree-top level, roared ahead divisions, roughly 30,000 men, have of the Australians, strafing enemy been routed southwest and northwest lines as the attack began. The next of strategic Changteh in a bitter, day they blasted the Japanese again' three-day battle and are in full re- and by Sunday afternoon the Aus- sies had advanced to within two miles of Bonga. Meanwhile, Mosigetta, Marawaka, and Mutipina airdromes, all on the southeast coast of Empress Augusta Bay on Bougainville Island, were at- tacked heavily by Dauntless and Av- enger bombers escorted by P-39 fighters.E treat.i Easing another threat to the trans- port center from which drives might be launched either against Changsha or Chungking itself, Chinese forces southeast of Changteh blunted the thrust of another Japanese column and turned it back to the north bank of the Yoan River, the announce- ment continued. GRAND JURY TRIAL: .Former oU' Reoent Resents Seizure of Confide tal Files LANSING, Nov. 29.-(-Counsel for Major Charles F. Hemans, former regent of the University of Michigan, disclosed today that files of Hemans' confidential papers had been seized by Circuit Judge Leland W. Carr's one-man grand jury investigating the legislature. Hemans, taking note of official rev- elation by the grand jury that his name had entered into its investiga- tion, released through Seymour H.1 Person, his lawyer, a statement de- claring, "I am guilty of no wrong" and that any suggestion to the con- trary would be "preposterous." +T,. Fn mcs- rrn- t - -. is ttan r4~ State Rep. William C. Stenson, Greenland Republican, had made a secret trip to Washington and there identified Hemans as the man to whom the legislator had said he gave $1,000 which a briber had placed in Stenson's overcoat pocket. Person said he has prepared a peti- tion which he will file with Judge Carr demanding that all papers and documents removed from Hemans' residence be returned. He said he would confer in Washington with Hemans before deciding whether to remand. also that .ll mention of the I