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November 28, 1943 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-28

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SUNDAY, NOV. 28, 1943

__ ._


Navy Promotes
Larry Hughes,
Joseph Loftin
New Lieutenant aild
Ensign Will Transfer
T9 Princeton Soon
On authority from the Bureau of
Naval Personnel Chief Petty Officers,
karry Q. Hughes and Joseph E. Lof-
tin were appointed lieutenant (j.g.)
and ensign respectively in the USNR
on Thursday.
These men were sworn in and com-
missions delivered by Capt. R. E.
Cassidy, Commanding Officer, USN.
Lt. Hughes and Ensign Loftin re-
ceived orders to report to Princeton,
N.J., in the near future.
Here Since July
Lt. Hughes, who was a physical
instructor with the Navy V-12 unit,
has been stationed here since July 1.
A graduate of Alabama University,
he entered the Navy in April 1942
and was stationed at Great Lakes
prior to coming here.
Eisign Loftin, also a physical in-
structor, has been in service since
November 1942, coming here on July
1 from Jacksonville, Fla. He attended
Tulane University, where he was cap-
tain of the football team.
"'omes from Washington
Lt. (j.g.) E. S. Meany Jr. reported
here Thursday as a relief for Lt.
Bostwick. Lt. Meany comes from
Chief Petty Officers William Livol-
si, 'John McCauley and Abe Hatter,
who will be physical instructors for
the V-12 unit here, arrived Thursday.
Chief Livolsi comes from Bain-
bridge, Md., Chief McCauley fromi
New London, Conn., and Chief Hatter
from Norfolk, Va.
MacArthur Boom On
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27-()-Let-
ters circulating here among Republi-
can members of Congress and other
officials announce the formation of
a committee to boom General Douglas
MacArthur and Senator Henry Cabot
Lodge of Massachusetts for the par-
ty's presidential and vice-presidential

Collection of English Proverbs
Compiled by Professor Tilley,

Prof. Morris P. Tilley, of the En-
glish department, has been compil-
ing, for the past twenty-five years,
the most complete and scholarly pro-
verb collection on record.
Thirteen and a half thousand max-
ims and sayings from English litera-
ture will be contained in his "A Dic-
tionary of Proverbs in England (1530
-1700)." This number includes all
the proverbs Shakespeare uses, many
sayings from Milton, and some from
all the great Elizabethan works. Il-
lustrative examples of each proverb
will be cited.
Check and Double-Check
The phase of work now going on is
the careful checking and rechecking
of proverbs. Prof. Tilley and his
helpers have been making rigorous
searches through various first edi-
tions which he' has sent out for and
in the rare book room at the library.
Other proverb collections and works
of literature have been used, but in
almost every instance Prof. Tilley has
had to see the original source before
accepting the word of other books.
Professors To
Attend Meeting
Members of Engine
Faculty To Give Talks
Two papers written by members of
the faculty of the University's engi-
neering college will be read at the
annual meeting of the American, So-
ciety of Mechanical Engineers which
will be held Monday through Friday
in New York City.
Prof. O. W. Boston will present his
paper on Metal-Cutting Nomograph
for Cutting Steel with Single-Point
Tools. Prof. William Gilbert ad
William C. Truckenmiller will give a
paper on Practical Cutting-Fluid
Recommendations for High-Speed

The result of his work will be the first1
complete and minutely exact search
into the sources of proverbs.
Anglicized :Proverbs
"The purpose of the book, of
course, is the fuller understanding of
the literature of England's greatest
creative period," Prof. Tilley explain-
ed. During this golden age the pro-
verbs of many nations, including La-
tin and Greek proverbs, were wovenI
into English literature by the great
geniuses of that era. These writers
anglicized and added to foreign pro-

U' Graduate Is
Chief Engineer
In Plane Plant
Mrs. Sonlsby Named
One of Canada's Ten
Outstanding Women
An incentive to University women
in the School of Engineering is Mrs.
E. J. Soulsby (Elizabeth M. MacGill),
'29, recently named as one of Cana-
da's ten outstanding women and chief
aeronautical engineer in the Canadi-
an Car & Foundry company, Fort
William, Ontario

verbs to bring about their furthe' Mrs. Soulsby is listed in the new
development. Shakespeare's genius file on Michigan women who are now
was not the originality of his plots, serving in vital war-time positions.
but the ingenious touch with which While the file does include numerous
he perfected old stories and proverbs, women in the WAVES, WAC and
Prof. Tilley, who has been teaching other branches of service, equal men-
here for the past 35 years, is a grad- tion is made of those who are serving
uate of Norfolk Academy, Virginia, in phases of newspaper work, office
He received his AB, MA, and Ph.D de- work and various industries that have
grees at the University of Virginia, a direct bearing on the war.
and attended the University of Leip- Designs Planes
_____Germany,__in_1902._ Proving that women can'hold down
man-sized positions, Mrs. Soulsby's
job includes the designing of military
DAILY OFFICIAL planes. One of her first assignments
as chief aeronautical engineer was
BULLETIN the production of a trainer plane for
the Mexican Air Force. The plane,
known as the MacGill or Maple Leaf
(Continued from Page 4) trainer, was the first to be designed
and built by a woman in over 30
preparation for serenades and Don f years of aviation history. Her plant
Cossack reception. is now devoted almost entirely to the

Try-outs for new members. All
on campus invited.


- ,,


Graduate Outing Club will meet
tcda at 2:30 p.m. at the club quar-
ters in the Rackham Building (en-
trance Huron St., west corner) for a
hike, or indoor games in case of un-
favorable" weather.
All graduate and professional stu-
dents and alumni are cordially in-
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Clul;, will have its regular Sunday
supper meeting today at 5:30 p.m. at
the Lutheran Student Center, 1511
Coming Events
Woodwind Rehearsal: All wood-
winds of the University Concert Band
will rehearse at 4:30 p.m. on Monday,
Nov. 29, at Morris Hall.
II Circolo Italiano will meet on
Wednesday, Dec. 1, at 8:00 p.m. in
the Michigan League. All interested
in Italian are cordially invited.
Senior Society will not meet Mon-
day, Nov. 29. Next meeting on Mon-
day, Dec. 6, at 7:00 p.m.
House Presidents of all women's
dormitories, sororities and League
houses will meet on Wednesday, Dec.
1, at 5:00 p.m. in the Rackham Am-
The Bibliophile Section of the Fac-
ulty Women's Club will meet Tues-
day, Nov. 30, at 2:30 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. Frank Jobes, 1315
Packard St.

manufacture of the famed Hurricane
Fighter planes for the RAF.
Electrical Engineer
Mrs. Soulsby, began engineering at
the University of Toronto. Upop
graduation she was given a job as an
electrical engineer at Pontiac, Michi-
gan. It was then she decided to at-
tend the University of Michigan. De-
spite an attack of illness, similar to
the dreaded infantile paralysis, which
kept her in a wheel chair for three
years, Mrs. Soulsby completed her
work in 1929.
Airplane Designer
Her first job after graduating from
Michigan was with the Fairchild
company at Montreal as an airplane
designer, leaving that firm to take up
her present position in 1933. She was
the first woman to be named chief
engineer of a major aircraft com-
pany in Canada, perhaps the world.
Capably holding down that respon-
sible work, Mrs. Soulsby has found
time to contini..e with her college stu-
dies. She has completed two years of
post-graduate work toward a doctor's
degree at the Massachusetts Insti-
tute of Technology.
Several 'Firsts'
Mrs. Soulsby has had several 'firsts'
among her accomplishments. She
was the first woman ever to read a
paper before the Canadian Engineer-
ing Institute of which she is now a
member. She also was the first wo-
man to receive the engineering degree
from the University of Toronto.
While other women preceeded her in
engineering work at Michigan, Mrs.
Soulsby was still considered one of
those rare individuals. Today it is
another matter, thanks to Mrs. Soul-
sby and others like her.

Black Ablaze
for special evenings
for rushing
When you want to look your
bcst - Next to your face, a
fabulous sequin flower. Below
your chin, a wickedly low cut
neckline. Around your waist, a
flip little belt. Exclamation
point slim in black rayon crepe.
This and dozens of other smart
dresses in black and colors .
from $16.95.
Budget Dresses from $8.95
keyed to
costume colors.
i~e 6/z a t iIl2)ioSh
'round the corner on State
Christmas packages have arrived
wrapped in her favorite beauty fragrance
But they don't hast long!
Come in and
kJ Hd t visit with
} Hudnut

worldly perfume withte naughty name
stepper-upper of masculine heart beats.
F faerges somewhat scandalous and a ron
definitely provocative perfumeC
APHRODISiA PERFUME, 6.50 and 12.00'
oursOsi: .39*
AU DE COLOGNE, 1.75 to 10 .0Ta
SACHET, 1.75*Lanvin
"Moment Supreme"

Daytime Dresses
Smart Wool Dresses
Wool Suit Dresses

Short Dinner Dresses

Reduced for
This Clearance . . .. .
Size 9-17 and 10-44 .


Former Valmes $16.95 to $29.95
A Few of the Highlights
Smart Round-the-Clock Wool Dresses . A Good Selec-
tion of Lovely Suit Dresses . . . Stunning Afternoon Dresses
of Rayon Crepe . . . Very Smart Street-Length Dinner
Dresses . . . All the Newest Colors and Black Aplenty . .
Classic Two-Piece Suit Dresses . . . And Many Others ir
This Clearance

Fine Suits of Imported
That Were $29.95

1 00%( Wools
to $65.00

*r~h1JLF1TLFUU7flU1J1rR flfh1-1UUU1FL-r
for afternoon chic
Pure, unrelieved
black, handled in the soft manner in these
smart Naturalizers. They fit beautifully with, "to
slip -no gap -no pinch."
j"lienne -High-heeled
pumpwth rounded,
boxy toe, and simple
Luh/-The high-knotted bow
Of coal-black faille softens and
deepens the richness of the
black suede.
Liaa-Oflthedioot rolled bow
of faille and suede gives the
- . very--lort look. V-throat makes

All Are from Our Own Higher Priced Stocks!
at $19.95, $39.95, $49.95
An excellent opportunity to own a very fine suit at an excep-
tional saving. Handsomely tailored and styled to perfecion
of fine imported 100% all-wool worsted fabrics. Blacl ,
colors, pin stripes, tweeds. Sizes 9-17, 10-40.
Clearance of COATS
One Group of Beautiful Tweeds oat $3.00
One Group of Closeout Coats
Special at $19.95
Sizes 10-40
Also 2 Groups of DRESSES



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