AUHEUGWAi bAiLY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.; Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the uSe ror republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.50, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Editorial Staff Marion Ford . . . Managing Editor Jane Farrant . . . . . Editorial Director Claire Sherman . . . . , . City Editor Marjorie Borradaile . . . . Associate Editor Eric Zalenski . . . . . Sports Editor Bud Low . . . . Associate Sports Editor Mary Anne Olson . . . Women's Editor Marjorie Rosmarin . . . Ass't Women's Editor Hilda Sautterback Columnist Dlors' Kuent Columnist Business Staff Molly Ann Winokur . . . Business Manager Elizabeth Carpenter . . . Ass't Bus. Manager Martha Opsion . . . Ass't Bus. Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: RAY DIXON Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. SELFISHNESS: Repeal of Subsidies Will Not Benefit Farmers THE BATTLE CRY of the anti-subsidy groups, according to Time magazine, is: "Get your cut now, boys." The get - your - cut - now boys, composed mainly of farmers and dairymen, certainly de- serve to be called selfish and greedy. But they deserve equally to be called shortsighted and blind to their own interests. Although there may be a temporary gain for these groups from the rise in food prices, they stand to lose in the long run. Apparently the opponents of the subsidy plan fail to realize that when food prices go up, wages must also go up. The price of manufactured products must go up. The whole economic structure will collapse with the failure of price controls and the World War I situation will be repeated with all its disastrous aftermath. Agriculture, which has never fully recovered from the crash of the thirties, will again be the loser. Food subsidies are not dangerous or radical. They are a necessary wartime aid to the proper functioning of a fr' economy. Presrre groups may become drunk in infla- tion now, but the post-war hangover will be inevitable. Food subsidies are the only way out. -Jennie Fitch SMUDGE ERASED: Congressional Repeal of *Exclusion Act Is Hopeful FAITH in Congress should be restored to some extent now that the Senate has finally sent the repeal for 61-year-old Chinese Exclusion Act to the White House for signature. Called "an historic mistake" by the Presi- dent, the act will probably be repealed in spite of Senator Reynolds' emphatic "No!" voice vote. All it needs now is President Roosevelt's signature. While the bill allows only 105 Chinese to enter yearly, under the quota system, it is indicative of the fact that the American people do believe in the ideals for which they are fighting. Now our Chinese allies can look us in the eye without thinking, "They talk big, but they don't mean it." Now they can believe that there is an equality of opportunity in the United States. Maybe we can begin to believe that the color of one's skin makes no difference. Congress deserves a big bouquet for erasing a smudge on the pages of American history. -Virginia Rock UNCONFIRMED: Rumor of Allied Meeting Is Encouraging Indication PASSED by the cable censors during the last week are two unconfirmed reports which pre- dict an eminent meeting between the four great Allied leaders, Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin and Chiang Kai-Shek. Churchill and Stalin are said to be conferring already. Although the probability of such a confer- ence is still in the rumor stage, its necessity is growing with the passing of every day. If we Doifien Says JACQUES MARITAIN insists upon an education oriented toward a goal which the imagination alone can reach. He objects to an education based on experiments or oriented toward the realistic facts of man's long development and divorced from the Deity concept. To learn about the nerve system of animals, including man, to exhaust the laws of biology, physiology and psy- chology in an effort to discover how a human infant is most apt to act in a given situation, is germane. But this only brings us to the portals of our problem. All learning is negative if it stops there. Education must go on to ask, "How discipline the infant so that he will perform at his best? How make certain he will continuously exercise that freedom of expression, of associa- tion, of choice and of creativeness which will spell the highest good for himself and the great- est number?" It is in the reach of this adven- ture that man becomes himself in the family of God. Were the chances of error less, responsibil- ity absent or eternity shortened to time, life itself would be flat, for much of the pleasure of becoming independent would be denied. Carl Jung in his Psychology and Religion, remarks that "The true history of the mind is not preserved in learned volumes, but in the living mental organisms of everyone." (p. 41). At this point, one has to admit that religion, unlike art, literature, philosophy and science, the reservation, forsakes the concept mind, and appeals to spirit. Is this done in the hope of more complete mastery of issues, or is that a means of circumventing the problem? Very generally those who are reli- gious in the traditional sense, will even main- tain that mind confuses spirit, that revelation moves by a medium beyond mind and that grace is the course by which God imparts to man His ability to grasp truth and to respond adequately. LIBERALS in religion shift the emphasis and maintain that spirit is nothing other than mind, but is mind functioning to choose worth or mind under the aspect of value. In that re- gard, value is a good desired. The drive of the organism is in it. It is interesting, therefore, to have this leading Catholic scholar, Jacques Maritain, put forth a series of brilliant lectures on "Education at the Crossroad" in which he projects not only problems of religion, but those of science and creative will. In the last analysis, all who are in education are bound in that sub- lime trek so well described by David Allan Robinson: "Where is one that born of woman altogether can escape From the lower world within him, moods of tiger and of ape? Man as yet is being made, and ere the crowding age in ages Shall not aeon after aeon pass and touch him into shape? All about him shadow still, but-while races flower and fade, Prophet eyes may catch a glory slowly gain- ing on the shade, Till the peoples all are one, and all their voices blend the choir, Hallalujah to the Maker. It is finished. Man is made." Also, if we are to escape the pitfalls of pro- fessional dogma, we will have to remind our- selves that it is in the very nature of life itself and the basic characteristics of mind that reli- gion is at its best. It not only provides man with a sense of salvation, but gives that perspective from which arises a never-ending number of fresh hypotheses. Research is of faith. Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education NO KID GLOVES: Yugoslav Maintains Allies Need Firm Nazi Policy THE EMPHATIC statement this week by the Yugoslav foreign minister before the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administra- tion that "Germany should be accorded the treatment she deserves" comes as no surprise. He related the brutal manner in which Ger- man occupation troops murdered and raped his countrymen. His story is no new one, but should shock some complacent Americans to the realization that the United Nations can't handle a defeated Germany with "kid gloves." A weak school marm attitude will never solve the German problem. Our policy must be firm, our convictions resolute when the time comes for the settlement of grievances. This statement is indicative of the feelings of all conquered and occupied countries. Those I'd Rather Be Right_ By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, Nov. 28.-Only one newspaper is published in Naples. It is called "Risorgimento." and operates under Allied control. For a time it was a Badoglio sheet, but recently. (according to press dispatches) it has been broadened. Now in one and the same issue there can be found articles supporting Badoglio, the monarchist, but also articles attacking King Victor Emmanuel, and even essays supporting Hum- berto, that princeling who took up fascism in the jaunty mood of a new college graduate taking a flier in the b6nd business. All this in one newspaper. To be sure, it has been necessary to enlarge the sheet from two pages to four pages, to make room for the various points of view. That is not quite as good, of course, as it would be to enlarge the Italian gov- ernment so that it, too, might include more than one point of view. PASSION ON ICE But "Risorgimento" fascinates me, for it re- veals, once more, our passion for order. Great forces are loose in Italy (as elsewhere) and we are forever combing the hair of great forces, and teaching them to mind their manners, and otherwise making them presentable. We like our great forces to behave themselves. If they are good, they may have two columns on page three. We do this in the name of unity, but I won- der if what we really get isn't a kind of help- less frozen disunity. The passion of the Ital- ians for a democratic government is real. But this popular passion is still not being given ex- pression in the Italian government; it is being kept on ice; it is being aged; it is becoming older and more tired without ever being put to use.z The explanation is that we had to give Badoglio the first franchise on power in order to win Italy quickly. One might say that he has had his chance and that we do not seem to be winning Italy quickly. Maybe it is time now to give the people of Italy their heads and see what happens. In a way, this prim business of combining pro and con in one Italian newspaper reminds me of Secretary Hull's suggestion that both major American political parties should adopt identical planks on foreign policy next year. That, too, is a proposal framed in the spirit of exquisite orderliness. WRAPPED UP AND FROZEN Like the plans for "Risorgimento," it is a pro- posal which tends to deny, and degrade real dif- ferences. What if the two parties do adopt iden- tical foreign policy planks, and then one runs a Colonel McCormick kind of candidate, while the other leans more to "the Roosevelt or )AiillIle type? Under Mr. Hull's pla, the question of for- eign policy would be frozen, like the price of underwear. The issue would be wrapped up and stored away for the duration. It would be wrapped up in a pair of identical resolutions. But those reso- lutions can be written on a low level, or on a middling level, or on a high level. The plan to end competition between the two parties on questions of foreign policy makes it almost cer- tain that the resolutions would be written on a low level. THE TOO-ORDERLY UNIVERSE Why bother to think too hard, when you can knock the whole issue. out, and even convince the public that there is no issue? The result, as in other forms of restraint of trade, would be mediocrity and stagnation. For an example, look at Italy. Twin resolutions here, and one newspaper for both sides in Italy. Aren't we being a bit tooformal, too prissy, and too orderly? Why are we so afraid of dispute? Three years of ferocious debate on foreign policy in America have led to what dire result? Why, to the almost unanimous passage of the Connally resolution. Is that bad? Perhaps if we stopped adjusting Italy's neck- tie, and gave its popular forces the. right of way, we might get something almost as good over there. (Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate) who have been trampled under the heel of German ruthlessness will not easily forget. These people who have felt the brunt of Axis hate will raise an indignant voice. Their cries cannot be ignored. The free world is now thinking of the future. Our thinking now will guide our actions. We must be strong. -Stan Wallace i4ERRY-SE0 ROUND 4. I By DREW PEARSON f GRIN-AND BEAR IT WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. - Most k people think Standard Oil of Cali- fornia was stopped six months ago from pumping the Navy's Elk Hills reserve. Fact is, however, that Standard, with the consent of the Navy, is still pumping oil. It was back in June that Sec- retary Knox admitted he had "muffed it" and announced that Navy and Standard were rescind- ing the agreement. What actually happened is that the two parties turned up with a new operating agreement, and while Congress and the Justice Department scru- tinize the new deal, Standard con- tinues to operate Elk Hills. However, those who have attended the closed hearings of the House Naval Affairs Committee realize that Standard is about to be booted out of Elk Hills by condemnation proceed- ings. Thus the government will buy the property which Standard thus far has declined to sell. Actually, the property was the government's in the first, place, be- fore it was granted free to Southern Pacific Railroad, which sold it to Standard of California. What most people don't know is that the President himself recom- mended condemnation to the Navyr more than one year ago. But the Navy, for reasons best known to itself, worked out a deal with Standard which brought severe criticism as another Teapot Dome scandal - minus the little black satchel. Because of this, Naval Affairs Committee Chairman Vinson gave a tongue-lashing to Rear Admiral H. A. Stuart, the Navy's petroleum ex- pert, in a closed session of the Com- mittee. Stuart had been defending the deal with Standard as "a good agreement," but. Congressman Vin- son had dug up a six-year-old state- ment of Stuart's which told a differ- ent story. In 1937, Stuart had told a Sen- ate committee that it "wouldn't be a very good policy" to lease the lands to Standard Oil, because "they might get the most out of their wells and not operate our wells efficiently." Vinson read the Admiral's words to him, then closed with this punch, quoting again from Stuart's own testimony - "We would be open to criticism." While all the talk goes on, Stand- ard is producing oil from Elk Hills for government use. The question is, why should not the government pro- cure its owni oil from its own prop- erties? Poles Worry Hul .* FOR o - ... T "Oh, dear--I forgot myself-after fifteen years of married life, it isn't easy to take orders from a man!" By Lichty DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETI N If diplomatic procedure permitted, Cordell Hull would like to sit on the Polish Ambassador to keep him from hurting the Moscow agreements. While the echoes of applause were still sounding in his ears, the Secretary of State found that the Polish Embassy in Washington was not quite' as willing as he to accept the Russian view of the Polish boundary. So a statement was released to the press "from Polish sources," declar- ing that the Russian Army must enter Poland as an ally, not as a conqueror, or face desperate resist- ance by the Poles. This statement was cleared in ad- vance by the Polish Government in London, but was not referred to the State Department in Washington. In fact, when the Department heard about it, they hit' the roof. What Hul is earnestly trying to do is to keep the Poles and Rus- sians from saying nasty things about each other, so that diplo- matic relations may be restored between them. Relations were broken early this year when the Polish Government put out a state- ment indicating they thought the Russians, rather than the Ger- mans, had killed thes10,000 Polish officers near Smolensk. Hull was trying to use his influ- ence to get Russia to restore recogni- tion of the Polish Government, but this latest blast by the Poles may have upset the apple cart. (Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.) SUNDAY, NOV. 28, 1943 VOL. LIV No. 23 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices School of Education Faculty will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 30, in the Uni- versity Elementary School Library. The meeting will convene at 4:15 p.m. Eligibility Rules for Fall Term: Because of changed conditions on the campus the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs has :decided to modify the rules of 'eligibility for public activities for -the current Fall Term. The continuance of the plan will depend upon the success with which it is managed by the individual stu- dent during the coming months. Students will not be required to se- cure certificates of eligibility, but will be personally responsible for checking their own eligibility. First term freshmen will be al- lowed to participate but will have their grades checked by their aca- demic counsellors or'mentors at the end of the five-week period and at mid-semester. Continued participa- tion after these checks will depend upon permission of the academic counsellors or mentors. All other students who are not on Probation or the Warned List are eligible. Any- one on Probation or the Warned List is definitely ineligible to take part in any public activity and a student who participates under these cir- cumstances will be subject to disci- pline by the authorities of the school or college in which he or she is en- rolled. Participation in a public activity is defined as service of any kind on a committee or a publication, in a public performance or a rehearsal, holding office or being a candidate for office in a class or other student organization, or any similar func- tion. In order to keep the Personnel Records up to date in the Office of the Dean of Students, the president or chairman of any club or 'activity should submit a list of those partici- pating each term on forms obtain- able in Room 2, University Hall. These records are referred to con- stantly by University authorities, governmental agencies and indus- trial concerns throughout the coun- try and the more complete they are, the more valuable they become to the University and the student. Approved Organizations: The fol- lowing is a list of organizations which have received official recognition for the school year 1943-44. Since these groups are the only ones which have submitted officers to the Dean of Students, all 'others are considered inactive. Alpha Kappa Delta# Alpha Lambda Delta Am. Inst,,,of' Clem. Eng. Am. Soc. of Mech. Eng. Athena' Barristers Chinese Students' Club Christian Science Organization Congregational Student Fellowship Congress Delta Epsilon Pi Engineering Council Forestry Club Gamma Delta Michigan Cooperative Hous Mortarboard Phi Eta Sigma Philippine-Michigan Club., Post-War Council Quarterdeck Society Sailing Club Scalp & Blade Senior Society Sigma Xi Society of Women Engineers Student Religious Association Student's Speakers Bureau Triangles Turkish Society Women's Riding Club Wyvern Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The five-week freshman progress reports will be due Saturday, Dec. 4, in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall. Civilian students who purchased student tickets for the Michigan- Minnesota football game and' have not yet presented their Deposit Re- ceipts for refund are asked to do so immediately.' .Refunds will be made at the Ticket Office in the Adminis- tration Building on Ferry Field from 8:30 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. daily: until Dec. 1. -All deposit receipts become void after that date and no further refunds will be made. H. O. Crisler, Director Sign-Out Sheets must be tu ied in by all women's residence halls, league houses and sororities EVERY WEEK by MONDAY at 5:00 p.m. Lectures University Lecture: The Rev. Stan- ton Lautenschlager, M.A., of Cheng- tu, China, will lecture on the subject, "The Students in Free China," under the auspices of the Department of History and the International Cen- ter, on Thursday, Dec. 2, at 8:15 p.m. in the Kellogg Auditorium. The pub- lic is invited. AcademiVc Notices Chem. and Met, Eng. 2: The blue- book scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 30, will be postponed until Thursday, Dec. 2. Psychology 31 Make-up examina- tion will be held Tuesday, Nov. 30, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., in Room 1121 N.S. This is positively the last examina- tion to be given. To those students who have al- ready signed for the Speeded Reading Course: The class will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5 to 6 o'clock, 4009 University High School. First meeting, Tuesday, Nov. 30. Those not finding the hours con- venient are advised to join the second section which will organize at the conclusion of the present course. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: An 'exhibition of paint- ings by Eugene Dana, and color prints by Louis Schanker, is presented by the College of Architecture and De- sign in the ground floor corridor of the Architectural Building through Dec. 28. Open daily, except Sunday, 8:00 to 5:00. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Itefrnational CenterPV wil have t BARNABY 'MorningMom... 'Morning Gandma 'Morning Pop. Mr. O'Malley DID By inmy room last night. I found hisdgar ashes! By Crockett Johnson He's my fairy Godfather.He Sew i, my window and talked to me and he - flew out into the flower bed... Nobody believes in pixies any more, son. Because, except in our imagination, -- there are no little men with wings like this Mr. O'Malley of yours'... WE know that, don't we, Barnaby?. 7-1 1 Something DID get into the flower bed-last night ... Probably a dog. '-S Don't we ... Barnaby! t suppose Mr. OMalley runs' into this attitude all the time. I wish he was here! I'S .ROCKE JOHNSON' Mr. OMaly! J. .andyou realizthatyu were dreaming about that FaiyGodfather. You don't believehe'srea do you? . r -