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November 25, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-25

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TII RtSAY, NOV. 25, 1943



Fift -Fourh Year

"A4*A'ita: rhon4euvside the
castle window and the Prince's
Fairy Godmother appeared..."
Fairy Godmt her, eh?

By Crockett Johnson


"Sl--e waved herinagic wand and
said,'Your wish is granted.'"
Very neat!... I don't
suppose I've gjot a
fairy Godmother? 1
By any chance?
. j

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan Under the authority of the Board i Contro
Of 5tudent Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
reikular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
:or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.50, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff
;4Alon. Ford' , . Managing Editor
Jne Farrant . . Editorial Director
Ciaire Sherman . . . . . City Editor
l&arjorie Borradaile . . . . Associate Editor
Eric Zalenski . . . . . Sports Editor
Bud Low . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Mary Anne Olson . . . . Women's Editor
Marjorie Rosmarin . . . . Ass't Women's Editor
illildA Slautterback . . . . . Columnist
Doris Kuentz . - . . . Columnist
Business Staff-
lIlly Ann Winokur . . . Business Manager
hflibeth Carpenter . . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Mtrtha 'psi, m . . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
House Votes Against
Vital Economic Plan
DESPITE the threat of inflation if the 'govern-
ment does not grant subsidies, the House
Tuesday passed the bill which banned subsidies
and provided for the continuation of the life of
the Commodity Credit Corporation.
The real issue was submerged by a coalition
of Demdteratic lawmakers from the farm states
-; and the Republican party.
These Democratic representatives from farm
states voted as the farmer would see the subsidy
issue. The farmer opposes subsidies mainly be-'
cause he thinks that in the long run he will get
higher prices for his goods if there are no price
limitations, thereby allowing prices to rise indis-
Under the plan, subsidies are not to be paid
directly to the farmer, but to the middleman.
This enables the middleman to pay higher prices
to the farmer for his goods without causing a
proportionate rise in prices of consumer goods.
Pride 6eilings keep the middleman from selling
farm goods on the market at a; higher price and
enables him to maintain his price margin.
The wages of factory workers and all laborers
,f a wage pay system rise proportionately with
ireased prices. It is the salaried worker who
V s hurt when prices are allowed to rise unchecked.
It is obvious that if prices rise unchecked, in-
fiation must follow. Laborers will then demand
liiher wages to meet increased cost of living.
Under the subsidy plan no one will lose. The
f rmer will receive higher prices. The fabri-
ar w ill be able to maintain his price margin.
Consumer goods will be within the reach of
wage earners and salaried workers alike.
Most important of all, the cost of living will be
kept within the reach of all purses.
As a result of Tuesday's voting, 278 Repre-
sentatives, in making the 'so-called "New Deal
social measure" a partisan and pressure group
issue, completely failed the constituents back
home. They failed because they erased the
assurance of economic security from the minds
of all Americans. - Doris Peterson

British Reconstruction
Ministry Sets Example
HE RECENT creation in Britain' of a new.
Ministry of Reconstruction exhibits the ease
with which the British form of government can
'andle. new problems 'and also raises a moot
question concerning the facility with which our
system of government can deal with such' a
The PTresident has, on numerous occasions,
brought before the public proposals for readjust-
ing our millions of soldiers to a, productive civil-
ian life, and, for returning American life to an
active role in an international world; but not

"A brligistar shone autsde the
{castle window and the Peince's
Fairy Godmother appeared...'
f aokobeautful
airy Godmotherl

'" L[ t
i +I !ly , h yi,
c ,'
. " .

No, !'m sure there aren't
any Fairy Godparents
taking care of you,
Barnaby ... Sometimes
Cushlamochree!Broke my magic
wand! You wished for a Godpareht
who could grant wishes?
C r


Lucky boyl Yotr wjsh is grantdl
I'm your Fairy Godfather,
C r; '

What this house toeds
is a couple of good
Fairy Godmothers..



I'd Rather Be Right

NEW YORK, Nov. 25-The news came out of
France last Week that Marshal Petain had gone
democratic. But we were given no details as to
when this miracle had taken place.
Had the Marshal gone democratic while
shaving himself one morning? Did he go
democratic while seated in his bathtub? Or
perhaps while buttering a slice of toast?
We were not told. Last week, the British
Broadcasting Company had announced officially
to its listeners on the Continent that there were
about forty military objectives in France, mostly
factories, which were soon to be bombed. It may
have been that Marshal Petain went democratic
while listening to that announcement.
But we have no exact knowledge of when the
happy event took place, or even of whether it
did actually take place. It may never have hap-
pened. ,Marshal Petain may be ill at this mo-
ment, or a prisoner of the Germans. The most
persistent story out of France is that Marshal
Petain did try to write a new constitution, with
a somewhat more democratic aroma to it than
adheres to the present Vichy structure of gov-
ernment by decree. Petain's purpose is de-
scribed as a desire to avert a civil war in France
between the de Gaullists and the Vichyites. This
story may not be true, but there is a certain
ring of authenticity to it.
A Petain who went Fascist in order to end
a war with Fascists is quite as likely to give
democracy a great big kiss in order to avert a
war with democrats. His purpose, in both
cases, would be the same, to keep the hard
core of reactionary France alive, the France
of the right-wing military leaders and the
hooded men.
This section of France was quite willing to
give up-democracy to stay alive when Hitler
came, and it will be quite willing to give Hitler
up to stay alive when democracy comes.
I believe that Petain's France is sincere in
both cases; that is, it is sincerely devoted to
itself. French reaction is in favor of whatever
system will permit it to be the boss, in pursuit
of which endeavor it has, for several years, dis-
played all the moral grandeur and spiritual ele-
vation of the hookworm.
Whether Petain has acted or not, we do
know that the word has spread through
France -that he has made some sort of pro-
demorati attempt. This rumor, of course,
tends to confuse the French people, to make
them think that perhaps Petain is a pro-
democrat. This confusion is created in France
at just the moment when the real democrats
are preparing to come home.
What we see here is the use of a new tactic in
the old war against the de Gaullists. Until
now Vichy has tried to keep the de Gaullists
down by hitting them on the head. Now it tries
to keep the de Gaullists down by pretending to
go democratic. When one is about to lose a
civil war, the only remaining way to win it is
not to fight it, to call it' off, to announce that
it' has been postponed because of wet grounds,
or a sudden cloudburst of democracy over Vichy,
or something similar.
A strange and complex struggle is going on.
It does not clarify it to assume that Petain is
merely Hitler's puppet. He is not Hitler's fascist;
he is his own fascist, following aims of his own,
for. his own small group. Sometimes Petain's
aims coincide with the aims of the Hitler; some-
times they do not. When they do not, it does
experience, are afraid of government and try
to check 'it at every turn.
There can be no doubt that his analysis is
correct as witnessed by continual outbursts of
Congiessmen against government bureaus. On-
ly Monday, Rep. flondero of Michigan let loose
a verbal blast against the OPA and govern-
ment bureaus in general declaring, "that they
have gone about far enough in regulating the

not follow that they have thereby become the
aims of the French people,
It will come with especially bad grace if those
Americans who have never been able to agree
that de Gaulle is a democrat, for "lack of evi-
dence," should suddenly decide that Petain has
been a secret democrat all along, perhaps be-
tween the hours of five and seven each morning.
Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
NOW THAT they have gotten so respectable,
written ip in this week's Saturday Evening
Post and such, we think it proper to talk about
The factual, dollar-and-sense side of the
co-ops has been quite thoroughly expounded
in the magazine article, but some of the spirit
was missed. House meetings were mentioned,
and all-night -bull-sessions, but not the sub-
jects constantly under discussion. For in-
stance, there have always been arguments
about what to do when people don't do their
share of the work. Should they be fined, as
they would be in the A'my or in any organiza-
tion where discipline comes from above, and
not from within? Or should they become vic-
tims of "social pressure," (which 'may sound
like a nebulous concept, but which actually
means that no one gives a hang what becomes
of you for the next little while)? Should of-
fenders be merely "understood" and tolerated,
or should they also be shown how to get over
their mistakes?
Then there's the perpetual question of who
should live in a co-op: should the membership
be only the elite who are ready for co-operative
living, or should people be accepted who are
beginning to learn what it means to live and
work and play together, and to fight for a com-
mon aim? Always, on campus and in co-ops
elsewhere, the principle of open membership has
prevailed: there is no discrimination as to the
race, religious creed, or political beliefs of appli-
cants. And, on this campus, co-ops have added,
"Let people come into our houses who are at
first interested only in the financial advantages
of living there." "They'll come around soon
enough on other points," members say ., . . and
they are usually correct.
THIS "coming around" means undergoing an
education in democracy, an anti-fascist up-
bringing for college students which they don't
get elsewhere on this campus. Although mem-
bers are at first passively conscious of racial dis-
criminations, for instance, an active interest is
soon aroused . ., not by what other co-opers do
or say, but what non-co-op students put into
their eyes as they see Negro and white girls
walking toward campus together, or a Jewish
boy teaching a Gentile girl how they dance in
the Bronx. The same is true of political dis-
cussions, for historically co-ops are conscious of
social problems and by their nature attract peo-
ple interested in "changing the world."
Co-op history is the story of utopian dreams,
organizations of intellectuals or workingmen,
fabian socialists and communists agreeing on
the one point: that co-operation is a good way
of living. Co-op people, now conscious of
realities, are beginning to see the advantages
of political action added to economic prin-
ciples, as in the Canadian co-operatives and
their affiliation with a labor union party
One other reality of co-operative organization
is that there is no solution in them to the funda-
mental contradiction between the interests of
labor and the interests of management. Co-op
workers, in grocery stores, oil wells, canning
factories, need unions to protect them, just as
other workers do. And management has the
same problem of making ends meet and keeping
both members (stockholders) and workers sat-

THURSDAY, NOV. 25, 1943
VOL. LIV No. 21
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to beset to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Library Hours, Thanksgiving Day:
The Main Reading Room and the Pe-
riodical Rm. of the Gen. Library will
be open from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. today.
The departmental and collegiate li-
braries and study halls will be closed,
with the' exception of the study hall
on the first floor of the General Li-
brary, which will be open from 8:00
A.M. until noon for the use of men
in the armed forces.
W. G. Rice, Director
Civilian students who purchased
student tickets for the Michigan-
Minnesota football game and have
not yet presented their Deposit Re-
ceipts for refund are asked to do. so
immediately. Refunds will be made
at the Ticket Office in the Adminis-
tration Building on Ferry Field from
8:30 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. daily until
Dec. 1. All deposit receipts become
void after that date and no' further
refunds will be made. H. O. Crisler,
Job Registration: Students who
took registration blanks from the
University Bureau of Appointments
last week are reminded that all
blanks are due a week from the day
they were taken out. After that peri-
od a late registration fee of $1.00
must be charged. This means that
the last of the blanks must be back
by Friday. Due to the Thanksgiving
holiday, blanks taken out last Thurs-
day may be returned Friday.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
University Lecture: Dr. Albert H.
Burrows, Professor of Economics and
Sociology at Northern Michigan Col-
lege of Education, will lecture on the
subject, "Social Problems of the Nor-
thern Peninsula" under the auspices
of the Department of Sociology on
Friday, Nov. 26, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The public
is invited.
University Lecture: The Rev..Stan-
ton Lautenschlager, M.A., of Cheng-
tu, China, will lecture on the subject,
"The Students in Free China," under
the auspices of the Department of
History and the International Cen-
ter, on Thursday, Dec. 2, at 7:30 p.m.
in the Kellogg Auditorium. The pub-
lic is invited. j
Lecture: Mrs. Mark Clark will lec-
ture on the subject "When the Boys
Come Home and. Off the Record
Stories of the Fifth Army" (illustrat-
ed), under the auspices of the U. of
M. Alumnae Club of Ann Arbor, on
Saturday, Nov. 27, at 8:00 p.m. in
Hill Auditorium.
Academic Notices
All Students are invited to audition
for membership in the University of
Michigan Concert Band. Auditions
will be held at Morris Hall as per the
following schedule: Trombones -

Friday, Nov. 26, 4:30to6 p.m.; Tuba
-Friday, Nov. 26, 5:15 to 6 p.m.;
String Bass--Saturday, Nov. 27. 10:30

WASHINGTON, Nov. 25.-Thanks-
giving for the President this year
might be compared to the Thanks-
giving George Washington celebrated
with General Lafayette in 1777. They
were at Valley Forge together and it
was not a happf occasion. Similarly,
the President's family this year is
spread out all over the far-Rlung war
fronts, and he himself is reported to
be conferring far from the United
States with Churchill and Stalin.
Usually the Roosevelts have gone
in for a real family Thanksgiving
-turkey, church, a big reunion of
all the children and grandchildren.
But not this year.
Moreover, the merchants of Wash-
ington this year will celebrate
Thanksgiving very much as they did
in the early days. Thanksgiving was
a purely New England holiday during
the early days ,of the Republic and
when George Washington asked Con-
gress in 1789 to set aside a holiday to
be observed by the entire country,
there was vigorous objection.
The objection came chiefly from
the Democrats, who accused Wash-
ington (as Roosevelt is accused to-
day) of exercising undue Federal
power and trampling on States'
rights. So, thanks to Democratic
opposition, Thanksgiving did not
become a national holiday until
three-quarters of a century later.
Then it was the merchants along
the sleepy Potomac who really saw
the advantage of Thanksgiving.
It was in 1845 that the Washington
grocers and wine merchants woke up
to the possibilities of a national holi-
day and began to advertise "Sixty
barrels of white wine, forty barrels of
champagne, and New York cider all
by recent packet from New York via
No Place To Go . . .
The German government, with
characteristic thoroughness, prepared
for the Allied blitz by assigning to
each which might be bombed another
city to which its population would be
removed in case bombing made evac-
uation necessary. For example, the
people of Hamburg were assigned to
go to Bavaria; and' citizens of Ruhr
cities were assigned to Silesia.
But the plan now breaks down in
terrible confusion, because the areasJ
of protection have themselves become
vulnerable. Bavaria at one time was

safety. But now Allied bombers are
striking from Italy, and have at-
tacked Vienna, so that Bavarians
themselves are looking for a place to
In fact, there is no place which
either has not been bombed or which
is not threatened. There's no hiding
place over there.
Past Thanksgivings ...,,
Just as this Thanksgiving is a day
of work for President Roosevelt, so
most Thanksgivings in the past have
been days of arduous labor in the
White House. This was largely be-
cause of the lame-duck session of
Congress which met shortly after the
holiday. In fact, future Presidents
can give silent thanks to Senator
George Norris of Nebraska for having
abolished the lame-duck session.
The history of previous Thanks-
givings in the White House as far
as they are recorded in the news-
papers of other days, reads some-
what like this:
President Monroe, 1823, spent the
day writing message to Congress.
Unable to attend church ... Presi-
dent Buchanan, 1857, long conference
with Governor Walker of 'Kansas over
influx of slave-traders as a result of
Kansas-Nebraska Act. . . Pr'esident
Grant, 1876, unable to receive visi-
tors; spent day writing message to
Congress . . . President McKinley,
1900, spent day working on. message
to Congress and considering whether
to recommend pensions for ex-slaves.
The next day, Mrs. McKinley, bored,
left for a shopping expedition in New
President Harding, 1921, signed
bills at the Capitol all morning,
dined at noon with the family and
informally away from the White
Houseat night... President Coo-
lidge, 1927, rose at his usual, hour,
took setting-up exercises, shaved
himself, breakfasted with Mrs. Coo-
lidge, then retired to his study to
work on his message to Congress.
... President Hoover, 1930, rose at
6 a.m., played handball, break-
fasted at eight, attended 'Friends'
meeting, spent remainder of day
writing his annual message.
So, until the Norris lame-duck
amendment, Thanksgiving Day for
the President of the United States
was nothing to be thankful-for.
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Syrid.)

B Lichty
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"Gee whiz! This sure is swell! Here's a ration labeled 'Thanksgiving
Dinner'-dehydrated turkey, cranberry sauce, gravy, dressing, dried
potatoes and pumpkin pie-it says just add water!"
in Room 319 West Medical Building. section which will organize at the
"Methylation as a Biological Reac- conclusion of the present course.
tion-in N-Methyl Compounds" will
be discussed. All interested are in- Evt
vitedT da

Chemistry Colloquium on Friday,a
Nov. 26, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303
Chemistry Building. Dr. Albert L.I
Henne will discuss "Some Observa-
tions on the Chemical Effect of Poly-
fluorinated Groups."
Bacteriology Seminar on Saturday
morning, Nov. 27, at 8:30 in Room
1564 East Medical Building. Topic:
"Treatment with Penicillin of Osteo-
myelitis. in Rats." All interested are

Wesley Foundation: Open House
today in the Wesley Lounge for all
Methodist students and their friends,
4:00-7:00 p.m.
Coming Events
International Center will have a
social get-together on Sunday, Nov.
28, at 7:30 p.m. This will include
community singing and recorded mu-
sic. Snack hour at 9:00 p.m.

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