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November 23, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-23

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Students Urged
To Give-Blood
To Plasma Bank
Donors Should Sign
By Tomorrow; Station
Open Friday at WAB


Army Choir, Women's Glee Club
Will Give Christmas Concert



Lt. Tom Harmon, '41, recently
missing in action for the second
time, put this in a letter back to the
States after his own battle experi-
ences, in which he was shot down
over New Guinea:
"After being in battle zones on two
of three fronts, there is no question
in My mind that this Wonderful blood{
bank system has saved more lives of
American boys in combat than any
other medical article. I donated to
the blood bank twice when I was a
civilian and wascertainly proud to
do it . . . It is a tremendous thing
and any person who is able should
give till it hurts."
This quotation came in a letter
from Harmon to Mr. Joseph Wolf,
father of one of his fellow crewmen
who was killed when their plane
crashed in New Guinea, and empha-
sizes just how important fighting
men feel this service is. It is a most
vital civilian contribution.
In the present drive to fill the
Blood Bank, Roy Boucher, '45, co-
chairman of the War Activities Com-
mittee and head of the drive, called
attention to the fact that many more
students were needed to make the
campaign as successful as those held
earlier this year. All were urged to
sign up by tomorrow for the Blood
Bank which. will be held from 12:30
to 4:15 p.m. Friday at WAB, under
the auspices of the Union inucon-
junction with the American Red
Inorder to register for the Blood
Bank, call 2-5546, the number of the
local chapter of the Red Cross, and
make an appointment for some time
during the hours when the Bank will
be held on Friday.
Shirley Smith
Is Re-elected
Shirley W. Smith, vice-president of
the University and financial secre-
tary, was re-elected to a new four-
year term as trustee of the Teachers
Insurance and Annuity Association
last week in New York.
The association which celebrated
its. 25th anniversary at the recent
convention, serves colleges and uni-
versities all over the country.
Men Go to Flint
Prof. James K. Pollock of the polit-
ical science department and T. Haw-
ley Tapping, Secretary of the Uni-
versity Alumbi Association, will at-
tend tonight a meeting of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Club of Flint.
Prof. Pollock will address the meet-

Co. A's farewell entertainment api-
pearance of the year in the form of
The Soldier Choir's concert to bie
presented Dec. 12 in Hill Auditoriurr
in conjunction with theUniversity
Women's Glee Club. will be a fittinig
tribute to the work of the unit's
"musical attache," Bill Sawyer.
Sawyer, well-known to Ann Arbor-
ites for many years by such apt and
adjectival titles as "Popular, Young
Campus Maestro" and the like, has
been helping Co. A with little per-
sonal fanfare for the better part of,
the past year.
"Nips in the Bud"
It was Sawyer who first saw the
possibilities for his particular charge,
The Soldier Choir. He trained them
to do the show numbers for the Com-
pany's musical, "Nips in the Bud,"
last spring. Then when the show was
a success and the Choir no small con-
tributor to same, Sawyer arranged
to have them go on the air for five
weeks over WJR, during which time
they built up a small but interested
Saturday morning fan following.
The broadcasts led to the Choir's
first concert in Hill Auditorium this
summer, at which 4,000 people ap-
plauded the results of Sawyer's pa-
tient training. The Choir made its
last public appearance in the fall
edition of "Nips in the Bud," includ-
ing the $600,000 Bond performance
at the Michigan Theatre.
Weekly Rehearsals
All these airings required practical-
ly continuous practice since last
March. The strict tenor of the Unit's
military and scholastic program plus
Sawyer's own busy schedule which
includes, besides orchestra work,
composing and teaching in the Music
school, made for many rehearsal dif-
ficulties. But Sawyer saw to it that
the Choir got its three hours of re-
hearsal a week faithfully at the time
the Army decided.
The result has been a G.I. chorus
with probably one of the most varied
repertoires of any service unit of
its kind, as well as a polished set of
voices with tonal qualities that have
amazed experts when they consider
Architect Trainees
To Have Day Off
The Reserve Officers Naval Archi-
tect Training Group stationed here
will not have classes on Thanksgiving
Men in this group who have not
had 15 days' leave since July 1 can
get off from Dec. 21 to 28. Naval
Architects who stay in town over the
holidays can get shore leave from
Dec. 24 till 8 a.m., Dec. 27.
As all the Naval Architects sta-
tioned here are officers they are al-
lowed a total of 15 days' leave a
year, just as all Navy officers are.

the limited time the boys have to
This final performance of the year
contrasts greatly with the last con-
cert, with the presence of the accom-
panying.65 members of the Women's
Glee Club. Sawyer has been again
working diligently, this time with
both groups and with a program em-
bodying the holiday spirit in mind.
The complete program :
Miserere mei Deus (Allegri).....
.................... Soldier Choir
Glory to God in the Highest (Per-
golasi) . . . .Soldier Choir, Women's
Glee Club and Organ.
Qui Tollis (from M minor Mass)..
(Bach)..........combined choirs
That Sheep May Safely Graze (Bach)
.... Soloist, Barbara Jean Peterson
Adoramus Te (Mozart).........
................ . combined choirs
Alleluia (Mozart) ...............
...............Soloist, Jackie Bear
Christmas Fantasy (Sawyer)......
..................combined choirs
Dona Nobis Pacem (Williams) ....
..................combined choirs
Cpl. Arthur Flynn, Soloist; Solo
sopranos: Midge Gould, Jackie
Bear and Charlotte McMullen.
Clothes Wanted
In .Relief Drive
Collections Made at
County Public Schools
The Washtenaw County Salvage
Committee has made further ar-
rangements concerning the handling
of the large quantities of discarded
clothing and rags which it expects to
have turned in by the citizens of Ann
Arbor during the drive which started
yesterday and continues through
Dec. 4.
The present plan is that all cloth-
ing and rags be properly tied up in
bundles and left at one of the public
schools between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30
p.m. during the two weeks of the
The goal is to have every family in
Ann Arbor which can possibly do so
donate enough clothing to outfit a
needy family. The campaign pur-
pose applies to American families as
well as to those in war-stricken areas.
George H. Gabler, chairman of the
committee, urges that the clothing
and rags be brought to the schools
as early in the campaign as possible
so that the local cleaners will not
have to take on extra help to care
for a last-minute rush.
Laundry Takes Holiday
Because of the Thanksgiving holi-
day, the University laundry will not
be open Thursday, Gerry Stadelman
personnel administrator, announced
yesterday. All coeds who were to
work at that time are excused.


Youth Group
Meets M Detroit
Organization Forms
Plans for Combating
Juvenile Delinquency
Michigan students, returning to the
campus from the State convention of
American Youth for Democracy in
Detroit Sunday, reported that the
new anti-fascist youth organization
is planning to combat growing juven-
ile delinquency by forming recrea-
tional, cultural and education groups
in all communities where they are
Represented at the AYD meeting
were delegates from local labor
unions, church groups, Negro organ-
izations, the Jewish Youth Forum,
the YWCA, and various victory clubs
throughout Michigan.
AYD activities have already started
in Detroit and vicinity. Various clubs
have sprung up for bowling and other
recreational activities. An all-Detroit
cultural festival to last one week is
being planned in the near future us-
ing the talent of members and out-
side artists.
Political action is another phase of
AYD work. The group hopes to pre-
sent to the nation's leaders a united
youth front dedicated to winning the
war against fascism. Specific issues
which the AYD will promote are the
18-year-old vote in Michigan and
the abolition of Jim Crow in the
armed forces. At present the AYD is
distributing copies of a pledge against
racial and religious discrimination
which was first published in PM.
The AYD is planning to publicize
its activities in its national magazine,
"Spotlite," and by giving regular ra-
dio programs in the Michigan area.
New Food Play
To Be Offered
Play Production Holds
Fall Semester Debut
In conjunction with the United
States Department of Agriculture
and the Washtenaw County Food
Merchants, the University Depart-
ment of Speech will present Play
Production in "It's Up to You," by
Arthur Arent, Wednesday throug
Saturday, Dec. 1-5, in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
"It's Up to You" is in reality a
newspaper featuring amusing play-
lets, movies and slides. The six scene
of the feature which will be pre-
sented by Play Production will be
tied together with entre act number
of dance and song.
The play is of an educational na.
ture, designed primarily to inforn
the public on food situations at th
time and the wartime problem
which this field faces.
No admission will be charged an
the tickets are being given out thi
week in shops of local food mer-
chants. These tickets are to be ex
changed for reserved seats at the
Lydia Mendelssohn box office. Th
box office will be open Nov. 2
through Dec. 1; hours will be 10 a.m
to 1 p.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. daily.
Color Guard
Honors Marine
A 12-man honor guard, a three.
man color guard, a flag bearer and a
bugler from the Marine Corps bat
tallion stationed here went .to North
ville, yesterday to be an honor escor

for the funeral of Tech. Sgt. Harry I.
Rattenbury, U.S.M.C.
Sgt. Rattenbury, son of Mr. anc
Mrs. Carl Rattenbury of Northville:
was killed in a plane crash at Cherry
Point, North Carolina, where he wa.
stationed. His body was escorted
from Cherry Point to Northville by
Staff Sgt. H. T. Hutt, U.S.M.C.
Sgt. Rattenbury enlisted in the
Marine Corps at Detroit on May 18
Rifle Club Meets
The Rifle Club will hold its fir
instruction meeting at 5 p.m. toda
at the WAB. Anyone intending t
join the club must be present at thi

Unless better health conditions,
more education and some semblance
of democracy are brought to such
places as Nigeria, "the whole African
problem is going to burst out one of
these days," Okechukwu Ikejiani told
a gathering at the International
Center Sunday.
Ikejiani, who is a native of Nigeria,
studied at Cambridge, England, the
University of New Brunswick, Cana-
da, and at the University of Chicago
before coming here this semester. He
is the first Nigerian student to enroll
in the University. Here he is working
toward his Ph.D. and his M.D. After
the war he expects to return to Ni-
geria to work on tropical diseases
there, some of which are completely
foreign to medical science, he said.
Family Life Important
In discussing culture in Nigeria he
stated, "Everything is built on family
life. Divorce is almost unknown. The
religion is under British domination."
Ikejiani then explained some of the
problems of Nigeria and his inter-
pretation of them. "We need first of
all a perfect health program. There
are few doctors and not over 20 hos-
pitals in the whole of Nigeria. We


Stresses Need for Health, Education

need boys to go ahead and study
medicine and return and work in the
interior, because that is the only way
to help the people."
"Education," he said, "is very poor
in Nigeria. There are not enough
high schools. And how can people
understand democracy if they are not
educated? I believe democracy begins
with education. And Nigeria is a
country of 33 million people yearning
for education."
Imperialistic Rule
He described Nigeria as a "people
suffering under the grip of imperial-
ism - under the velvet gloves of
domination." He said the whole con-.
trol, political and economic, is under
Britain; yet, "I am not a subject of
Britain at all. Nigeria can negotiate
no foreign treaties or trade except
through Britain. Miners are paid one
shilling, or about 35 cents, a day for
working from 4 a.m. to 6 p.m. Britain
sets the prices on our exports. We
are paid $5 for a ton of cocoa and
Britain then sells it to America for
about 2000 per cent profit. The judges

OCS Here Gets
Three .Alumni
JAG Class Installed
Over Past Week-encl.
Three members of the 3rd Officer
Candidate Class of the Judge Advo-
cate General's School, which was in-
stalled over the weekend, are gradu-
ates of the University law school.
These men are Robert E. Finch,
Owosso, William C. Stephens, Cen-
tralia, Ill., and Theodore T. Wood,
Angola, Ind.
Finch was a municipal court judge
in Owosso before his induction. At
Camp Phillips, Kan., he rose from
private to warrant officer junior
grade. Wood was district attorney
for the 35th judicial circuit in Indi-
ana for four years.
All told, the class membership in-
cludes three state court judges, four
county attorneys, four city attorneys,
three federal bureau attorneys, three
state bureau attorneys, one district
attorney, two state legislators, two
city judges, two attorneys with the
Department of Justice, two city coun-
cilmen and one state assistant attor-
ney general.
Six members of the class were var-
sity athletes in college. Their activi-
ties include football, tennis, track,
soccer, baseball and boxing.
.Race .Riots Will
Be Topic of
Panel Discussion
A round-table discussion of the De-
troit race riots will be one of the
features of the annual meeting of
the Michigan Sociological Society
which will be held in the Rackham
Building on Friday.
Another highlight of the confer-
ence, which is under the sponsorship
of the sociology department, will be
a talk on "Social Problems of the
Upper Peninsula" by Albert H. Bur-
rows, a professor of sociology at the
Northern Michigan College of Edu-
cation at Marquette.
Bernon Fox, psychologist for Jack-
son prison, and Dr. Garet Hayne, di-
rector of the Michigan State Depart-
ment of Correction are also sched-
uled to speak.
Pan-Hellenic To Meet

Delegates to
Cainpus Co-op
Meeting Return
The Michigan delegation to the
Midwest Federation of Campus Co-
operatives Convention held last
week-end at the University of Chi-
cago returned to campus yesterday.
The MFCC is a co-op educational
organization for the mid-west area,
and delegates from most of the Big
Ten colleges attended the confer-
The theme of the convention was
the position of cooperatives, and
especially campus cooperatives, in
the post-war world. Speakers from,
Central States Cooperative and the
University of Chicago discussed with
the delegates the problems which
cooperatives must face. The oppor-
tunities for permanent employment
in the cooperative movement for col
lege graduates were also mentioned.
Betty Zunk of Alice Palmer House
was delegated by the convention to
edit the MFCC newspaper.
Council Announces
Registration Dates
The second period of registration
for rushing will continue from 3 to 5
p.m. through Friday of this week in
the Interfraternity Council office,
Room 306 in the Union, Henry
Schmidt, Jr., '44, President of the
IFC, announced yesterday.
Because of a recent ruling by Col.
Rogers, Army personnel stationed on
campus are eligible to be rushed this
semester. However, Schmidt empha-
sized that this registration period is
open to all eligible men on campus,
whether or not in the service. Any
freshman, or any student who has
not yet registered may register for
rushing during this week.

Lre pro-British. And those who ex
>ress anti-British feelings are jailed."
"I realize the necessity that Britain
ave colonies," Ikejiani continued.
'But, like Willkie said, you can't keep
hese people down. And after the war
m sure that at least in Nigeria there
vvill be a great outbreaking which
America will hear of. We need our
mwn government that is democratic.
the foreign office says we are being
,rained to rule ourselves. But we
lave been working for that for a
.ong time; why not set a time? And
f these problems are not solved, there
will be war again in 25 or 30 years.
There will be no world peace at all."
When questioned about the Atlant-
cs Charter, he said he didn't think it
applied to Nigeria. "Besides," he
added, "freedom is one entity; it can-
iot be sliced into four pieces. And
anyone who would believe that Eng-
[and will give up her empire is dream-
ing. You get freedom only by fight.
ing for freedom."
No Foreign Duty
Jobs Assigned
All JAG Graduates
Given Posts in U.S.
An unusual feature of assignments
of the 94 members of the 2nd OC and
12th Officers Class of JAG School
who graduated Saturday was the
omission of foreign duty.
The usual custom in the JAG
School is to assign as much as 20
per cent of a class to secret work im-
plying foreign duty. However, it is
expected that some of the graduates
will depart for foreign shores after a
few weeks in the JAG Office 'In
Washington. Ten men from each.of
the two companies were assigned to
the JAGO.
Of the 2nd OC 20 were assigned to
service commands, five more to air
service commands, two to the Office
of the Surgeon General, -two to the
staff and faculty of other service
schools and six to a new contract
procurement office in Chicago.. Oth-
ers. went to infantry divisions, air
transport command, and corps head-
Studets Wilt
Get No Turke
Civilian students who stay in Ann
Arbor Thursday will, almost without
exception, eat roast chicken; the
Army and Navy will have the tradi-
tional turkey.
The Army and Navy had first call
on Thanksgiving turkeys. Others
could have the remaining birds. But
there were few left over to be had.
This, say the experts, is because of
the increased demand, not a dniin-
ished supply.
Though students will note eat tur-
key the good things that go with it
will be present, cranberry sauce,
dressing and pumpkin pie.


s "


GAMES for his spare moments made up in
durable cases. Checkers, backgammon,
chess and gin rummy.'
- _A full line of smoking supplies including
tobacco, pipes, pouches and stands. ---
First Aid, Shoe-Shine and Toilet articles including
Sewing kits fully equipped shaving articles, after-
with the necessary sup- shave lotion and talc.


' _ *




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$ 100. Minimum cost 40¢ for $10 to $50. For sale at banks and Railway
Express Offices.

There will be a meeting of
Hellenic at 4 p.m. today in
League. Rushing registration
been extended until November


Have a "Coke"= Good' winds have blown you here



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