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November 21, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-21

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g I h :nA".:NOVW. 2'2Th l

i *tF$iurt ear
Fifty-Forth Year

s . -.
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Contro)
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
,or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.50, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff .
Marion Ford . . . . . Managing Editor
Jane Farrant . . . . . Editorial Director
Claire Sherman . . . . . City Editor
Marjorie Borradaile . . . . Associate Editor
Eric Zalenski . . Sports Editor
Bud Low . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Mary Anne Olson . . . . Women's Editor
Marjorie Rosmarin . . . Ass't Women's Editor
Hilda Slautterback . . Columnist
Doris Kuentz Columnist
Business Sta ff

Molly Ann Winokur
Elizabeth Carpenter
Martha Opsion

. . Business Manager
. . Ass't Bus. Manager
. . Ass't Bus. Manager
e 23-24-1


Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
House Anti-Subsidy Bill
Must Be Stopped Now
TOMORROW the House of Representatives
will vote on extending the life of the Com--
modity Credit Corporation and the extension of
subsidies which that agency finances. By to-
morrow evening the public should know whether
the battle against inflation will be successful or
This battle is probably as crucial as any
that has been fought on any fighting front
and yet the American people have been pecul-
iarly apathetic about the outcome. On one
side there is the Congressional farm bloc,
farm lobbies and trade interests such as can-
ners and meat packers; on the other side the
President, practically all the government econ-
omists, and consumer groups throughout the
nation who support subsidies.
To the well-informed, unprejudiced observer
it seems inconceivable that anyone would actu-
ally want inflation and yet it seems almost cer-
tain that the House is going to knock the props
out from under the only means that has been
proposed so far for curbing it.
THE ANTI-SUBSIDY group's argument is that
the continuance and development 'of the sub-
sidy program eventually would mean regimen-
tation of all classes and destruction of the Am-
erican economic system.
This argument does not stand up very well
when countered with actual figures compiled
by government economists. These men say
that, although it will cost $800,000,000 to fin-
ance the subsidy prograni, if we throw sub-
sidization out the window, living costs will go
up at least ten percent and the nation will be
in the hole $15,000,000,000. $15,000,000,000
against $800,000,000 and still subsidization op-
ponents scream that the subsidization pro-
gram will cost the people money.
In addition the President's hold-the-line ord-
er will be completely by-passed and the OPA's
struggle to roll back prices will be practically
hopeless. Defeat of subsidies will bring a de-
mand from labor for higher wages that cannot
be resisted. Higher wages will bring a demand
from manufacturers for higher prices. Higher
prices will bite into the farmer's budget again,
they will raise their prices and the whole spiral
will be started anew
AND SO AFTER inflation has had a chance
to get going there will be almost no way of
stopping it. Economists say that by December,
1944, milk will very likely be up to 30 cents a
quart, butter to $1.04 a pound, hamburger to
94 cents a pound and the price of bread will be
raised to 18 cents a loaf.
However, members of the House do not seem
worried. Republicans and Southern Demo-
crats seem impervious to all arguments. They
seem to be on a kind of a devil-may-care emo-
tional spree that resists all sensible sugges-
tions. Whether these men that are supposed
to serve their constituents and represent their
opinions do not understand the issue, wheth-
er they do not care or whether they feel that
the pressure groups represent the true feelings
of the people is a question. It is certain that
there has been almost no attempt to propose

I'd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, Nov. 21-It is sweet of so many
persons to say they are going to judge de Gaulle
by the way he handles the situation in Lebanon.
Let's have a judgment day, by all means. But
will the same persons also judge the British by
the way they handle the situation in India, and
ourselves by the way we handle the situation in
Or is this to be a tiny little judgment day,
reserved for de Gaulle alone? Lebanon, under
French mandate, wants its independence. And
de Gaulle must settle it, and we shall lean back
and watch him, and see what he does.
But India wants its independence, too, and the
British "solution" in India is exactly the same
as the "solution" which the inept French admin-
istrator, Helleu, contrived for Lebanon: Those
who moved for instant independence have been
fired upon and placed in jail. Ah, but India is
split, between Mohammedans and Hindus. I
know, and Lebanon is almost half-Christian,
My advice to the more heated participants in
this debate is not to call for judgment days, lest
they be judged.
What do the Lebanese want? Freedom. Who
can give them freedom? Only a French gov-
ernment, because Lebanon is under a French
mandate. Where is the French government?
There is none, because we have not recognized
the French National Comniittee as even a
temporary governing body. So, even if de
Gaulle, with the best will in the world, had
wanted to free Lebanon, he would not have
been allowed to do so, because he has been
denied the legal power to make such decisions.
By whom? By us.
At this point it becomes a little less than sport-
ing to ask de Gaulle to solve the Lebanese prob-
lem. De Gaulle refuses to give full, instant recog-
nition to a Lebanese independence movement.
But we refuse to give full, instant recognition to
the French independence movement. The big
problem sits on the shoulders of the little prob-
lem. And the big problem involves us.
So, in some respects, there is a conversation
going on between pots and kettles.
None of the great powers is too clear on how
to handle national independence movements, for
all the muttering that some of their officials
engage in concerning de Gaulle's methods.
If de Gaulle has aggravated the Lebanese, it
might also be said that we have aggravated the
de Gaullists; and if Lebanon displays hostility
toward the French, it is also true that we have
brought the French to the point of displaying
some hostility toward us.. If one is bad, the
other is not good.
The nearest we have come to a firm method for
handling national independence movements lies
in that part of the Moscow Declarations which
concerns Italy. One clause declares "it is essen-
tial that the Italian government should be made
more democratic by the inclusion of representa-
tives of those sections of the Italian people who
have always opposed fascism." But Sforza and
Croce are still not in the Italian government; the
Italian government is Badoglio's new "cabinet
of undersecretaries," his government of sticks.
So we still seem to be flubbing it somehow in
Italy, while denouncing de Gaulle vigorously for
flubbing it in Lebanon. And de Gaulle did, at
least, institute popular elections in that country,
during war, which nobody else has as yet done
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
University Merits Credit
For Post-War Planning

THE PROPOSED PLAN of University expan-
sion and modernization with an estimated
cost of more than $26,000,000 for an .expected
enrollment of 18,000 students is now following
the general business trend of drafting post-war
projects. Practically every corporation, large or
small, and every community, from London to
Center City, is looking with a new eye to present
defects in their set-up. With no possibility of
remedying them in war time, future activities
look bright and promising.
The Building Committee deserves much
credit for publishing in concrete form the de-
tailed study of the University's needs, recom-
mendations for buildings and equipment, and
proposed sites. There is a strong necessity for
every one of the projects, and one wonders
only why there has been a delay in construc-
East Hall was given up by the city Board of
Education many years ago as being unsatisfac-
tory and inefficient for a grammar school. This
site is finally to be used for the addition to the
West Engineering building. Certainly the admin-
istrative duties call for a place devoted entirely
to that purpose instead of the University Hall
with its hodge-podge of offices, bureaus, Jap-
anese, English and math classes. The site of a
general service building at the Jefferson and S.
State corner will complete the University's ex-
pansion on almost every side of the campus.
WITH SO MUCH EMPHASIS on modern lan-
guages of the world, a new unit for classes
and offices might well be suggested. Other out-
standing improvements listed were a new school
of music building to complete the group by Hill
Auditorium, an Armory for campus military

Lights Out .. .
THE POINT IN QUESTION, regardless of
when lights should be turned out, is whether
the students' representative government can
commit them to any policy without first con-
sulting them. I don't believe it can. How does
the ASTP Cpl. know what he may be missing
after his bedtime?
-('pl. R. H. Weinstein
American-Soviet Relations . . .
IT IS TRUE that American-Soviet friendship
should be welcomed and fostered. Americans
are all for it. It is true that the United States
should follow a policy of internationalism in-
stead of her former policy of isolation.
In Doris Peterson's editorial of Nov.. 18, I
am accused of being an anti-Russian isola-
tionist. This accusation is unjust, for I am
neither anti-Russian nor isolationist. Furth-
ermore I am maligned as mistrusting Russia.
This is also unjust.
We can trust Russia just as much as we can
trust England, France, Sweden or any other
nation. But while we are trusting the Russians,
it might be well for us to remember that it
is the same Russia which just a few short years
ago carried on a war against tiny Finland; it
is the same Russia which stabbed Poland in the
back when the Poles were being crushed by ov-
erwhelming German forces; and it is still the
same Russia which made a pact with Hitler.
Has Russia changed so much since then?
MISS PETERSON would have us believe that it
has. She says that the Russian. government
has abolished the Comintern and has given up
aspirations of world wide Communist revolu-
tion. This could have been done to persuade us
to send more aid to Russia.
Rep. Dondero reported to Congress that pro-
paganda was being brought into this country
from Russia in returning lend-lease ships. In
the "Daily" of Nov. 14, Miss Peterson said that
Rep. Dondero should have refrained from re-
porting on so vital a subject because it might of-
fend Russia and interfere with American-Soviet
Does friendship with the U.SS.R. require
that we become communists, or even that we
accept communistic propaganda? Perhaps
Miss Peterson has communistic sympathies,
but I, for one, am satisfied with our American
In The Daily of Nov. 18 Miss Peterson said
that it would be a wise idea for him (Rep. Don-
dero) to find out the facts about the thing
(propaganda, ref. editorial of Nov. 14) against
which he is protesting. "Why not just accuse
the man of perjury?"
TPON WHAT INFORMATION does the editor-
ialist base the assertion that Rep. Dondero
does not know the facts?
Congressman Dondero's pre-war isolationism
was mentioned. Of course that couldn't be an
attempt to discredit him in the public eye?
If we are going to play an active part in
international politics, we have to go into it
with our eyes wide open. It's nice to have
trust in nations-we're all for it-bt the
safety of the United States is too preciousF
to risk. Rep. Dondero cannot be chastised for
being cautious.
International politics is a game where the
rules are "play for keeps, everything's fair and
every man for himself. We cannot afford to be
on the losing side.-Lee Williams
litne Says
SECURITY has become the most binding con-
cept of our generation. In the ancient world,
justice was the key to emotion and will. Liberty
then became the magnetic word and held its
central place for half a century. Today, security
has supplanted both of them.

The word has many meanings. At the bank,
security means tangible assets to guarantee
your promise. In statecraft, security is collec-
tive and infers a world order backed by ade-
quate police. In the.councils of labor, secur-
ity means insurance against accident, unem-
ployment and old age. If you ask a sociologist
about security, he will refer to balance or to
the adjustment of an organism to the social
situation. With the minister, in line with the
view of prophets, security is a negative term
meaning complacency or absence of zeal. It
is associated with indifference to the dynamic
and creative reaches of the self. In religion,
therefore, the secure person is one who is fall-
ing below the level of which he should be cap-
able. Yet out of this wilderness of meanings
has emerged the current concept of security.
When the inspired collaborators, Churchill
and Roosevelt, slowly crowded into the abyss of
war, sought to catch the imagination of pros-
trate peoples, they promised, in human terms,
half what Christianity had held out in Divine
terms and enumerated freedom from want, free-
dom from fear, freedom of worship, freedom of
speech, and called them the Four Freedoms. No
one, short of the Angels, immediately saw what
a completely new psychology Was to be brought
about by that great document. Here, in this
mundane concept of security, born out of the
grief of depression, plus the pain of war, set
opposite the productive abundance of modern
industry, man has caught a glimpse of the King-
dom of Heaven on earth. Scarcity, that Babel
of ancient economic voices, tumbled to the
ground like a house of cards. To the side of

SUNDAY, NOV. 21, 1943
VOL. LIV No. 18
All, notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be senteto the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Eligibility Rules for Fall Term:
Because of changed conditions on
the campus the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs has decided to modify
the rules of eligibility for public
activities for the current Fall Term.
The continuance of the plan will
depend upon the success with which
it is managed by the individual stu-
dent during the coming months.
Students will not be required to se-
cure certificates of eligibility, but
will be personally responsible for
checking their own eligibility.
First term freshmen will be al-
lowed to participate but will have
their grades checked by their aca-
demic counsellors or mentors at the
end of the five-week period and at
mid-semester. Continued participa-
tion after these checks will depend
upon permission of the academic
counsellors or mentors. All other
students who are not on Probation
or the Warned List are eligible. Any-
one on Probation or the Warned List
is definitely ineligible to take part in
any public activity and a student
who participates under these cir-
cumstances will be subject to disci-
pline by the authorities of the school
or college in which he or she is en-
Participation in a public activity
is defined as service of any kind on
a committee or a publication, in a
public performance or a rehearsal,
holding office or being a candidate
for office in a class or other student
organization, or any similar func-
In order to keep the Personnel
Records up to date in the Office of
the Dean of Students, the president
or chairman of any club or activity
should submit a list of those partici-
pating each term on forms obtain-
able in Room 2, University Hall.
These records are referred to con-
stantly by University authorities,
governmental agencies and indus-
trial concerns throuighout the coun-
try and the more complete they are,
the more valuable they become to
the University and the student.
Civilian students who purchased
student tickets for the Michigan-
Minnesota football game and have
not yet presented their Deposit Re-
ceipts for refund are asked to do so
immediately. Refunds will be made
at the Ticket Office in the Adminis-
tration Building on Ferry Field from
8:30 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. daily until1
Dec. 1. All deposit receipts become
void after that date and no further
refudns will be made. H. O. Crisler,
Choral Union Members: Members
of the chorus whose records of atten-
dance are clear will please call for
their courtesy pass ticketsforvthe
Menuhin concert, on Tuesday, Nov.
23, between the hours of 10 and 12,
and 1 and 4. After 4 o'clock no tick-
ets will be issued.
Charles A. Sink, President
Sigma Xi: Members who have
transferred from other chapters and
who are not yet affiliated with the
Mihignn Chanter are cordially in-

tion, Burbank, Calif., will interview
Seniors on Monday, Nov. 22, in Room
214 West Engineering Building.
Interview schedule is posted on the
Bulletin Board atRoom 221 West En-
gineering Bldg. Blanks are available
in Room 221.
Seniors in Aeronautical and Me-
chanical Engineering: Dr. Levin of
the Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft Cor-
poration, San Diego, Calif., will inter-
view graduating seniors on Monday
morning, Nov. 22, in Room B-47 East
Engineering Building. Interested men
will please sign the interview schedule
posted on the Aeronautical Engineer-
ing Bulletin Board, near Room B-47
East Engineering Building. Applica-
tion blanks are to be filled out in ad-
vance of the interview and may be
obtained in the Aeronautical Depart-
ment Office.
University Lecture: Dr. Albert H.
Burrows, Professor of Economics and
Sociology at Northern Michigan Col-
lege of Education, will lecture on the
subject, "Social Problems of the Nor-
thern Peninsula" under the auspice
of the Department of Sociology on
Friday, Nov. 26, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The public
is invited.
Academic Notices
All Students are invited to audition
for membership in the University of
Michigan Concert Band. Auditions
will be held at Morris Hall as per the
following schedule: Flutes, Oboes,
English Horns, Bassoons-Monday,
Nov. 22, 4:30 to 6 p.m.; E flat Clari-
nets, B flat Clarinets, Alto Clarinets.
Bass Clarinets-Monday, Nov. 22,
4:30 to 6 p.m.; Saxophones-Tuesday.
Nov. 23, 4:30 to 5:15 p.m.; French
Horns-Tuesday, Nov. 23, 4:30 to 6
p.m.; Cornets, Trumpets-Wednes-
day, Nov. 24, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.; Bari-
tones, Euphoniums - Wednesday,
Nov. 24, 4:30 to 6 p.m.; Trombones-
Friday, Nov. 26, 4:30 to 6 p.m.; Tuba
-Friday, Nov. 26. 5:15 to 6 p.m.;
string Bass-Saturday, Nov. 27, 10:30
to 11 a.m.; Percussion-Saturday,
Nov. 27, 11 a.m.
Students unable to audition at
hours indicated will be given other
audition periods by calling at Morris
Hall any afternoon from 1:00 to 4:30
Rehearsal schedule will be deter-
mined after the membership has been
selected and the available time deter-
mined. Concerts and radio broad-
casts will be presented at appropriate
periods. W. D. Revelli, Conductor
The special short course in speeded
reading will be given for students who
wish to improve their reading ability.
Those interested will meet Tuesday,
Nov. 23, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 4009,
University High School. Building,
School of Education. At that time
the course will be explained and time
of meeting set. If you are interested
and cannot attend the organization
meeting, call Mr. Morse, Ext. 682, for
further information. There is no
charge for this non-credit course.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music, and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by Dec. 1. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in

"Can't get any more replacement parts for the milking machine,
Maw! You remember how to milk a cow?"


By Lichty

WASHINGTON. Nov. 21-A pro-
posal has been made backstage in
the State Department which prob-
ably would bring revolution to Ar-
gentina and force that country ,to
break with the Axis. However, ap-
peasers inside the State Department
are opposed.
The proposal is to stop all pur-
chases of meat from Argentina for
at least a month-longer if nec-
essary. Most people in this coun-
try don't know it, but Argentina,
while cooperating with the. AXis,
also is waxing fat and prosperous
from U. S.-British purchases of
her meat. At present, the Allies
are buying almost every ounce of
meat she can produce. The frozen
and chilled meat is shipped to the
British, the canned meat to U. S.
troops. We even supply the tin for
the Argentina's canned meat.
Meat is the biggest business of the
Argentine. If the market were cut
off, the country would suffer econ-
omiC paralysis, and there would be
terrific resentment against Argen-
tina's rulers.
However, some State Department
advisers oppose the plan because the
Argentine people would stiffer most.
Furthermore, the American public
would also suffer, since much' larger
quantities of U. S. beef would go
;o England and to U. S. troops. More
militant State Department advisers
argue that the American people can
take it if they have to, and that, if
the Argentine people suffer enough,
they will throw off the military fas-
cists who now rule them.
Russian Labor Vs. U.S. . .
When Donald Ne son was in Rus-
sia, he was shown how the incentive
system works to increase production.
It was explained that workers who
produce the greatest amount of goods
are given special rewards, the top
prize-winners being allowed to visit
the front to report to the soldiers
regarding the work of factory broth-
ers in arms.
Then Nelson was asked what sort
of incentive system there was in
the United States. He was obliged
to explain that American labor
unions are opposed to theincentive
The Russians were perplexed. "But
aren't they brothers of the soldiers?"
they asked. "Don't they want to win
the war?"
Wilkie in Wisconsin....
Willkie advisers -didn't go arqund
advertising it, but privately they
were a bit worriedtbeforhand a ut
his proposed trip to Wis6onsi . '~ey
thought his ardent anti-isolatioism
wouldn't go down well in a state pup-
porting isolationist Senator Bob La-
After the Wisconsin visit, haw-
ever, they were immensely pleased.
A lot of LaFollette progressive
leaders came around to tell Will-
kie that they were strong for his
stand on international affairs.
Also significant was a strong ed-
itorial supporting him in the Madi-
son Capital Times, long the mouth-
piece of the LaFollettes. Quite aside
from Willike, this anti-isolationist
sentiment in Wisconsin is considered
highly significant in Washington,
where a peace treaty sooner or later
will have to be written.
Broken Whiskey Bottles

Believe it or not, the Treasury,
despite the shortage of manpower
and materials, still requires all liquor
bottles to be broken up after they
are used. Brand new bottles must
be supplied for each new bottle
of whiskey. As a result, from a bil-
lion and a half to two billion bottles
are broken every year.
The Treasury explains that this is
to protect the consumer and pre-
vent whiskey bottles from being
used over again by bootleggers. How-
ever, the distillers claim that part of
the liquor shortage is due to the
scarcity of bottles. There is plenty
of liquor in barrels, they say, but
not sufficient bottles to retail it.
The Treasury replies that the bottle
shortage is partly the result of beer
conversion from tin cans to bottles.
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.)
of Music faculty, will present a pro-
gram of Brahms' sonatas for piano
and violin at 4:15 this afternoon in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Open
to the public without charge.
Choral Union. Concert: Yehudi
Menuhin,, violinist, and Adolph Bal-
ler, accompanist, will be heard in the
third concert in the Choral Union
Series, Tuesday evening, Nov. 23, at
8:30, in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Menu-
hin will present a program of violin
music by Beethoven, Bach, Bartok,
Debussy, Villa Lobos, Guarnieri, and

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