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November 02, 1943 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-02

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P :ct rOUt


-ItUt ,3Vcit- NOVI

_. _ ,

Daily Offers Students Opportumity for uick Advan


Best College
54th Year.
Four Staffs Publish
Campus Newspaper
In Modern Building.
The Michigan Daily, nine-time
winner of the prized Pacemaker
Award and receiver of three first-.
place honors by Sigma Delta Chi, ,
national journalistic fraternity, en-
ters publication this fall with the,
:rating of the nation's leading uni-
versity newspaper.
Nearing its fifty-fourth year of
publication, the paper originated as'
a four-page sheet in 1890, started by,
a few students in a local print shop.
Now The Daily has expanded to
include four staffs, to carry Asso-
ciated Press wire news and publishes
as a community service in a complete
modern plant with up-to-date equip-
ment all built from Daily proceeds.
As an extra-curricular activity to
the men and women students who
serve it, The Daily offers invaluable
experience in editorial writing, head-
line writing, shop techniques, sports
cverage, and society in addition to
the work of the business staff.
"Edit" staff workers start as try-,
outs, covering beats, writing editor-
ials, and assisting the night eidtor
with headlines and proofreading. At
the end of the sophomore year of
the former tryouts, 12 are selected
as junior night editors. Night edit-
ing, one of the most responsible jobs
open to University students, requires'
news judgment, knowledge of make-
u technique, and ability to handle
unforeseen situations which arise.
'Sports men and women cover: all
University, Arny, and Navy athletic
events. One member is assigned to
accompai}y varsity teams on out of
town trips. A Daily representatiye
can be found at any event, whether
Big Ten or intramural.
Under the women's editor, the
League and sorority activities as well
as dances and other social events are
thoroughly covered.'
:The Daily, however, is more than
An extra-curricular activity to the
men and women who serve it.' ts
high standing in the Associate Col-
legiate Press and Sigma Delta Chi
and its thoroughness of coverae
have given it a nation-wide reputa-
t tion. Daily alumni are chosen for
editing and writing positions on
newspapers throughout the country.
The rosters of the three main press
services and the foreign corresponai-
'ets corps as well as hundreds of
newspapers, small and large, are
marked by University men and
women who received their initial
start under The Daily masthead.
Since the war has taken its share
of University male students, fresh.
men women have a great opportunity
to attain junior and senior positions
on the staff. The summer "Dailj was
predominately female. The top posi-
-bons on the fall business, women's,
and editorial staff are completely fe-
male. The sports staff, too, has its
share of women writers.

. . *

* #*

'& * *



ctudent Public tions Building, Home of Daily and 'Ensia

Campus Humor Magazine
Dies; Lectures Will Profit

Chant the funeral dirge. Hang out
the black crepe. The Gargoyle, long
may it live, is dead.
No longer will its subtle quips and
not-so-Subtle quips liven the dead-
ened atmosphere of that oh-so-bor-
ing lecture. No longer will the glam-
our gals see themselves as others see
their in the Garg.Album of Beauty.
lo longer will gravel-voiced high-
p1essure salesmen sing the praises
of that famous humor magazine, ex-
changing campus cut-up numbers
for a paltry sum of silver.
there have been many war cas-
alties around campus. There is
less coffee, less sugar, less tea, less
hbt-fudge sundaes, less room, and
in fact, less everything is the order
e4 the day. But before we could
alwaye laugh, sometimes sneering-
ly, for it must be admitted that at
times The Gargoyle hit alnew high
in caihpus scorn. And now, we
don't even have The Gargoyle to
alrive uis to. fits of mad laughter.'
Themember the deluge of modern
short' stories with which we whiled
away the time in the library. There
was the heartbreaker entitled "IRam-
sey's Regression," whose passionate
wflfish heart was laid bare by the
lucid pen of Orson Patterson.
And, darling, do you remember
those laughable, lovable sketches

by the same name, "Darling, Do
You Remember?" Ana Wormsley,
the candid critic of music matter,
who gave us "As You Like It," and
we read it whether we liked it or
not, has gone into hiding until the
war is over and he can once more
trot out his precious music master-
And the pictures!!! My dear, do
you remember how The Garg
traipsed right along to the upper
regions with Mary Borman's boys
and gave us front line pictures of
dapper Michigan men (with one
hand not in right pocket and one
pipe not between upper and lower
plate) slaving like true sons of the
soil to save the beet crop. And no
college humor magazine could com-
pare with The Gargoyle when it
came to acquiring those 12:30 a.m.
The Gargoyle, typical represen-
tation of Michigan humor or un-
reasonable facsimile thereof (with
3 box tops and 20 cents) has died,
but its spirit lives on. Just listen
to any senior's joke, any profes-
sor's ha-ha line and you may knowi
t.at The Gargoyle has not lived
in vain. And when thie time comes
that wartime pressure and incon-
veniences are removed, let it be
known that: a most substantial
ghost of The Gargoyle will once
again 'return to haunt the Uni-
versity campus.

Daily Offers
Business Staff
Offering excellent extra-curricular
business opportunities for students is
one of the biggest businesses in Ann
Arbor, The Michigan Daily.
Operating a quarter million dollar
institution, the business staff of The
Daily annually handles more than
fifty thousand dollars in advertising
and circulation sales during ngrmal
times. Its affairs, under complete
student management .and control,
offer sound business training and
practical advertising experience for
Business staff divisions, provide in-
valuable experience in .local adver-
tising, service and publication, na-
tional advertising, circulation, classi-
fied advertising, and accounts fields.
In the line of woinen's advertising,
servicing and fashion wdrk is avail-
able for the interested student.
Practical experience gained in
wrting copy, designing, and laying
out ads and in contacting advertisers
has reaped rich rewards for many
alumni Business Staff members. In
important posts in many national ad-
vertising, agencies can be found both
men and women who received their
initial experienc~e on The Daily. ,
All stdents who have reached the
second semester freshmen level, in-
cluding transfers, may try out for
the business staff.

Home of The Michigan Daily, te Mieiganensi'an and formerly of The Gargoyle, humor magazine
which died an untimely ,e44h due to fartime'pressure, the Student Publications Building on Maynard
Street is one again.hunnng ivth busy typewriters.. .'
r The Michigan'Dily, one bf, the country's leading college newspapers, makes its morning appear-
ance from this building sir 'days a week. 'The Michiganensian, University annual, planned and ekecuted
to the finish by' 'students, also. maels, its home here.

Khaki Kampus
To Be Featuret
In '44 'Ensian
Catching- the military atmosphere'
of the campus, this year's " 'Ensian'
will devote an entire section to action
photos ,and candid shots of the cam-
pus seryicemen.,
"Individual portraits.'of .February,'
June, and October graduates; frater-,
nities and sororities, candid shots oat
students, in 4i ai¢ns, trad tiona.P
bails, cariivals, iand canpuf rgati:-
nations 'will place, this iva"r-tme 'D
sian, in ,an,"equal slot,,with forminr
'Nnsians,". June 'ustafson, buslneps
manager of -the. pfficial caiEiptst
yearbook,'; said reeently.. , r
In spite of liit'tions of material,:
the new Mlichiganensian will not be
smaller. tian thoge.of preyious"years,"
Miss Gustatson indicated. "We' feel:
that the- '44 graduating class.'shoul.
have as good a yearbook. as, grad-
uates of the 'past,'" she said.,,
To sports fais, the book Will offer
pages crammed,. with action photos.
of football, track; tennis, siviinhning,
wrestling, golf, basketball, baseball,
and intramural sports.
New to .'Ensians- of all 'times will
be pictures 6f fiaval. bhidakets, ,c,-.
cets, inidhipihetr, a dd fics, since
this year saw the firt arrival of
naval unit on campus. .-i
n Students will be stationed on cam-
pus during the opening weeks of thej
fall term to' sell subscriptins. All"
students .above the' first semester
freshman level may tryout for'En-
Sian woik, Sue Sirms, '44, editor of
th& yearbook said yesterday. -

New Directory
Tells Where
To Reach Her
Annually rescuing the' campus
from 'a chaos of wrong-number, no1
response, and "isn't here"' telephone
calls appears to be .the initial value
of 'the Student Directory.' '
'he "handbook of the ,campus,"
.aicordirg. to the amount of use, is
published' each year by the Mich-
iginensian staff to provide the name,
class, home ;address, Ann Arbor ad-
d esP, and most important of al, the
,tel 'phone address, of every student
on campus.'
' I'n 'addition to :this invaluable
"date-dat,. ,.this .-little: .book, more
popular than the date book; and the
only apswer to the Chiistmas' card
'ist proyides. 'for the newcomer and
the retring. student alike , infor-
ngtion cpncerning campus activities,
tieir personnel, dormitory, sorority,
gid fraternity members, names, ad-
tres es, 'depairtinents, office numbers,
nid home numbers of faculty mem-
bers, city information (where to get
a fire'- truck or a policeman), the
tniversity calendar, campus map,
and a list of University buildings.
The Ifrectory is a complete sell
oit, beeause of its impoitant infor-
tration.= Siie fatecdmers ate often
left, without a' coty, fall editors Urge
that all interested persons buy. the
ditectry as soon' ss it is on sale
before'the lilnited supply is ;exhaust-
ed. . ,
* The Directory will be on sale at the
bookstores, Union, League, and the
'Ensian office in the Student Publi-
cations .guilding.. The official campus
h4ndbook, -bedecked in a new '43-'44
color, should .be available within the
coming .month, Business Manager
June Gustafson, "44 indicated ye-
t -iday.: '

Solomton Is Ref uteda
"Ydu' ""n't have' totarce a d l!"ur-"
day clatss, freshnmen!"
'Thus -The Michigan Daily advised
the class. of '46: Bewildered' freshmen
wanted to know "How?"
This .year, The Daily has omitted
the advice column.


1 . ... .. .... .:.. ,.. ..

f~ y
2/I/hen /a, C ui~ i E B E '
As a student, it helps a great deal to know just
where lo shop for your personal and gift needs
in the e of fine jewelry. We have been serving
Ann Arbor for over foarty years, and are proud
to' offer you our experience .and estige in
jewelry buying.
We take pride in displaying out line of beautiful
diamond rings. For the girl who is engaged we
have exquisite diamond rings in platinum and
yellow gold.

w rb
/ 3tat ia/risr &xperiucn ce nooteWwy
The.advertising department of The 'MichiganDly t offers you an excel-
glent u.opporrity to acquire practical experience in the field of Advertis-
ind eadmDesign. If you have had no previous training you i egivenfree
instructtonif you have had classiroomtraining, you will test your ability
with actuali practice. Youtcanobtain business experience and personal
contactwrithtadvertisers that you can secure no other way.
D- PROBLEMS of selling goods and services V DIRECT CONTACT with advertisers wil
throughthe newspaper medium will bepdgive you the advertisers' viewpoint neces-
given, duo consideration. sary ' in- preparing, effective advertisements.
STYEE "MAT SERVICES"" providing ideas
and ready-made illustrations, are available PRINTING PROCESSES and procedure used
for your use in preparing layouts. inpublishing The Dailywil become familir
to, you.
/' DRAWING BOARDS, -T-Squares,' anid:other
equiprment will be provided for your,, use. ~ THE DAILY BUSINESS OFFICE also affords
,A STUDY"OF TYPE;"FAMILIES" ad char- an' opportunity to "get acquainted" on
acteristics.,wilt be made. . carnpus4
For .those of yobu who, are not- especially interested in "Advertising Layout
and Design,"'there are the clerical staff, the accounting department, the
Daily editorial staff, Sports staff, and the Women's staff. Coeds are es
pecially welcomed to become members of any Daily staff. Definite dates
and places of staff meetings will be announced in The Daily later this week,
or contact the manager of the department in which you are most interested
to discUss your participation in the publication of The Michigan Daily.

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