A Graphic Survey Shows AS TP Men on Campus Training for Technical Duties
Center To Hold
Coffee Hours
Ikejiani To Be Speaker;
'West Africa and War'
Topic of Discussion
A reception, a discussion and a
coffee hour have been planned for
today and tomorrow by the Inter-
national Center.
Okechukwu Ikejiani will discuss
"West Africa and the War" at 7:30
p. m. tomorrow at the Center.
Ikejioni, who entered the Univer-
sity this semester, is the first stu-
dent from Nigeria ever to enroll here.
He is studying bacteriology and ex-
pects to use this knowledge in com-
bating tropical diseases in West Af-
rica after the war.
He will discuss tomorrow the
changes made by the war in the
West African colonies and the past
these colonies play in the winning
of the war. Nigeria now supplies tin,
rubber and manganese to Britain.
Before coming to the University
Ikejiani studied at Cambridge, Eng-
land, the University of New Bruns-
wick, Canada, and at the University
of Chicago.
A reception in honor of Eduardo
A. Salgado will be held at 8 p. m.
today in the Rackham Building.
Salagdo, a native of the Philippine
Commonwealth, is now showing an
exhibition of Mexican paintings in
the Rackham Building. The exhibi-
tion will last through Nov. 30. Invi-
tations have been sent for the re-
Lt. James Miller
Receives Promotion
Lt. James Miller, Company C, re-
ceived a promotion Thursday from
second lieutenant to first lieutenant,
Capt. Richard S. Campbell, Company
C commander, announced yesterday.
Lt. Miller has been on furlough in-
Chicago and, previous to his return
last night, had not heard of his pro-
motion, Capt. Campbell said. He is
being transferred to the Air Corpa.
In praise of Lt. Miller, one of the
officers here said, "his popularity.
with his men knew no bounds." r
Lt. Miller received his B.S.: degree.
from Northwestern University and
worked for awhile as assistant mana-.
ger of a Chicago firm. He graduated
from Officer Candidate School at
Gainesville, Fla., in February.
Studen Church
Groups Make
Week-end Plans
Campus Servicemen
Are Invited To Attend
Variety of Programs
Students and servicemen will find
a wide variety of activities planned
for their spare time this week-end by
the student church groups.
The Presbyterian student group
will hold an open house from 9 p.m.
to midnight today at the church. At
6 p.m. tomorrow students and ser-
vicemen are invited to attend a sup-
per and fellowship hour, after which
Lyle Albright will discus "The Christ-
ian's View in the Post-War World."
Dr. Hopkins Is Guest
The Congregational-Disciples guild
will meet at 7 p.m. tomorrow at the
Congregational Church to hear An-
drew Kuroda speak on "Japanese-
Americans in a Post-War America."
A special guest at the meeting will be
Dr. Robert M. Hopkins, president of-
the United Christian Missionary So-
Students who attend St. Mary's
Catholic Chapel are invited to the
informal open house to be held from
9 p.m. to midnight today at the cha-
pel club rooms. At 2:30 p.m. Sunday
they will meet for a hike out to Ged-
des and along the Huron River Drive.
A supper to be held at 5:30 p.m. has
been planned by Mary Driver, Ann
Maloney, Dorothy Callahan, Sue
Babcock and Moreen Ryan.
The 4 Canterbury Club (Episcopal
Students) will hold a discussion on
the church's plan for post-war peace,
to be led by the Rev. Henry Lewis.
All students and servicemen are in-.
vited to attend the meeting at 6 p.m.
tomorrow in Lane Hall.
Gamma Delta To Meet
Gamma. Delta (Missouri Lutheran)
'Will. assemble at the University Luth-
eran Chapel, 1611 Washtenaw, for its
usual supper and fellowship hour at
5.3 '
Mr. Theodore 'Markwood, a student
in the law school, will be the speaker
for the Sunday program of the Lutli-
Bran Student Association. The meet-
ig wil 'open at 5:30 Pm. for a fel..
loWship lIur' and dinner.
Unitar.ianstludents and servicemen
will, meet- at -9 p.m. today at the
churcli for an informal evening of
sdcial gaimes and dancing.
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Newsmen Observe Trainees at Work
On Campus...
Faculty Recital Scheduled
Joseph Brinkman, pianist, and
Wassily Besekirsky, violinist, will be
guest artists in the second Faculty
Recital, to be presented at 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Three Brahms sonatas will be
played. The performance is open to
the general public without charge.
Club To Hold Dance ...
The: Graduate Outing Club will
hold a country dance tonight at
Grange Hall near Saline, and ar-
rangements for transportation can be
made by calling John Hoffman, 2-
Ally graduate and professional stu-
dents and alumni are invited to the
regular meeting at 2:30 p.m. tomor-
row at the club's quarters in the
Rackham Building. The meeting will
include'hike to Saginaw Forests.
Resale Desk Open...
The ticket resale desk for the Ohio
State game will be open from 12:30
to 1:30 p.m. today at the Travel Desk
in the -lobby of the Union.
All regular tickets can be ex-
dhanged except faculty, student -and
I'M" Club tickets. In exchange for
their tickets persons who make use
of the-'service will be given receipts
which should be returned to the Un-
ion Student offices no later than Dec.
4, and either the money or tickets
will be sent to the owner.
Speakers Schedule Smoker
The Stumpspeakers' Association
will hold a smoker at 17:30 p.m. Mon-
day in Room 302 of the Union for old
members and engineering and archi-
tecture students.
This undergraduate branch of Sig-
ma Rho Tau offers training in pro-
fessional speech. In previous years.
freshmen have been eligible, but this
year only outstanding freshmen may
become neophytes, the first step of
JGP Nets $100 in
i-i- n
Are Avadable
At Union Desk
Tickets for the Bomber Scholarship
Dance to be held from 8:30 p.m. to
midnight today at Waterman Gym,
will be on general sale from noon on
today at the Union Travel Desk.
Glen Gray and his Casa Loma Or-
chestra will be the featured enter-
tainers for the Fall Prom and have
promised continuous music eliminat-
ing many of the intermissions which
have heretofore characterized the
gala affairs given.
Preceding the dance, Glen Gray
and the orchestra will give a nation-
wide broadcast from 6:30 to 7 p.m. at
Hill Auditorium. Capt. Richard Cas-
sidy, USN, will speak at the broad-
All proceeds from the dance will go
to the Bomber Scholarship Fund.
General chairman of the dance is
Roy Boucher, '45; John Clippert is in
charge of publicity; Rupert Straub,
'44E, tickets chairman; and Jean
Bisdee, '44, arrangements.
Mayfield Gets
Company B Engineer
Is Made Lieutenant
Pfc. Allen D. Mayfield, Company
B, received a commission as second
lieutenant by telegram direct from
the War Department in Washington
Thursday, Lt. Charles Peakes, Com-
pany B commander, announced yes-
Lt. Mayfield, a native of San An-
tonio; is a graduate of Georgia Tech.
He is a sanitary engineer, special-
izing in malaria control.
His training has been extensive
with two years of junior ROTC, three
and one-half years of senior ROTC
in the ordnance department, three
months in the Coastal Artillery
Corps, six months in the medical
corps and several months of ASTP.
He was stationed at Corvalles, Ore.,
before being assigned to this area
and was a private for 14 months.
ICC Representatives To
Attend Co-ops Convention
At the Inter-Cooperative Council
A major university, alive with ac-
tivity, geared to the urgencies of
war-this was the picture unfolded
yesterday for the more than 30
newspaper editors and radio men
who toured the campus as guests
of the Army Command nere.
The tour was arranged and guided
by executive officers of Army Head-
quarters' as part of a nationwide
program to present first hand ob-
servation of the Army Specialized
Training Program (ASTP) at work.
The tour included first hand in-
spection of Army trainees in class-
es, at work in the Intramural
Building, at home in the East
Quadrangle, and at mess in the
The ASTP program was officially
begun March 1 this year and the
University of Michigan is one of
the pilot schools in the country in
utilizing its facilities for specialized
Of the Army's program of 16 dif-
ferent courses designed to produce
technically trained men for every
branch of service, 15 are in progress
At present, there are more than
3,800 uniformed men on campus in-
cluding both the Army and Navy
programs taking courses ranging
from language study to sanitary en-
Even before any ASTP units came
to campus, the facilities of the Uni-
versity were being used for Army
In September, 1942, the Judge
Advocate School was moved wholly
from Washington and set up in the
Law Quadrangle. At that time
there were some 80 men in the
unit, all officers.
It was expanded last spring into
an Officer Candidate School and
is the only one of its kind in the
Having gained experience from ad-
justing a course of army training
to its regular functions, the Univer-
sity was prepared and ready to in-
augurate the most diversified ASTP
training set-up in the country last
The first group of men to come
to campus was a contingent of 140
students assigned to engineering
Prof. Clarence Kessler of the Col-
lege of Engineering pointed out at a
luncheon for the press men held at
the Union that "this initial group
presented many problems, for we
immediately found men who didn't
want to be in college."
"After an initial period of trial
and error adjustment fitting the fac-
ilities of the engineering school to
the speed of the program, we worked
out a method of using our facilities
efficiently," he stated.
Now the engineering school is
teaching more than 700 uniformed
men each day the rudiments of ba-
sic and the details of advanced
engineering in every department of
the school.
Col. Fred Rogers, commander of
Army forces in Ann Arbor, in dis-
cussing ASTP at the luncheon, said
that "in the beginning the Army
was in a bad way for technically
trained men in every skilled field. In
the. ASTP program we are refining
tar'y tactics each week, as well as
six hours of physical education.
In connection with the Army pro-
gram, the University has introduced
several innovations.
For the first time in University
history, the engineering college
had to incorporate into its pro-
gram regularly scheduled study
classes each week to give extra aid
to students.
Another first in University history
was the establishment of a curricu-
lum known as sanitary engineer-
ing. The course is te result of the
Army's realization that "it must pro-
vide for the general welfare of the
foreign lands in which it is operat-
ing," Prof. Kessler pointed out.
Dean Lloyd S. Woodbourne of the
literary college declared that "the
degree of success that we have at-
tained in our ASTP program can be
attributed to the cooperation of every
unit in the University."
Every man in ASTP is afforded the
best in housing and messing facili-
ties. The bulk of the Army men on
campus are being housed in the East
Quadrangle of Residence Halls, a
University dormitory originally de-
signed for 450 civilian students.
At present more than 1,000 men
in khaki are being housed there
and the dining halls serve more
than 3,000 meals each day.
In addition to the East Quad,
Army trainees are being housed in
the Law Quadrangle, Victor Vaughn
dormitory, and in more than ten
fraternity houses which have been
taken over for that purpose.
All the men living outside of what
were civilian dorms are being fed in
the ballroom of the Union which
serves 700 men three times a day.
Other highlights included in the
tour of inspection were the Naval
tank-one of three in the United
States, and the tropics room of the
University Hospital where experi-
ments are being conducted to dis-
cover the efficiency of human en-
ergies in tropical areas.
The more than 1,400 Navy V-12
trainees now on campus completes
the picture of University facilities
geared to war training.
The Navy's college training pro-1
gram is four months younger than
ASTP, officially beginning July 1 of
this year.
"The Navy program. is the most
democratic program that has ever
been devised," Captain Richard
Cassidy, commandant'of Naval
forces here, said, "and it gives men
who would not otherwise have it,
the opportunity to come to col-
Included in the Navy program are
some 300 Marines and Coastguards-
men, all of whom are being housed in
the West Quadrangle, the largest
men's dormitory on campus.
All men connected with both serv-
ice programs on campus were of one
opinion - that specialized training
programs are beneficial to the serv-
ices supplying much needed techni-
cal personnel, that they are a benefit
to the nation providing a well round-
ed educated generation to take up
the burdens of peace, and that they
are a benefit to each individual in-
creasing his wealth of knowledge.
Every classroom, lecture hall,
laboratory and instructor connect-
ed with Michigan. is geared to the
multiple duties of war training.
This is the University of Michigan
in training for war, for peace.
1_ __ _ __ __ _ , I
State and Huron Streets
Edward H. Redman, Minister
Miss Janet Wilson, Organist
Saturday Evening: Social Games and Dancing.
10:40 A.M. Unitarian-Friends Church School.
11:00 A.M. Church Service with Mr. Redman
preaching on "Our Pilgrim Heritage."
Sunday. Nov. 14a
Michigan League, 8 P.M.
Wednesday, Nov. 24. - "Mankind in the Cru-
cible" by Miss Etha Snodgrass, Member Na-
tional Board of Directors.
1511 Washtenaw
(Missouri Synod)
Rev. Alfred Scheips, Pastor
11:00 A.M. Divine Service with sermon by the
pastor, "God's Vineyard."
5:30 P.M. Supper meeting of Gamma Delta,
Lutheran Student Club, preceded by social
409 South Division St.
Wednesday evening service at 8:00.
Sunday morning service at 10:30 - Subject:
"Soul and Body."
Sunday -School at 11:45.
You are cordially invited to our services and
our public Reading Room at 106 E. Wash-
ington St., Open daily, except Sundays and
holidays, from 11:30 to 5:00, Saturdays to
9 P.M..
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
William P. Lemon, D.D., Willard V. Lampe,
Franklin Mitchell, Director of Music
and Organist
Miss E. Gertrude Campbell, Director
of Christian Education
9:30 A.M. Church School Classes.
10:45 A.M. Nursery and Beginner and Primary
Departments during the hour of Morning
in-A A .M' Mrnninnr Worshin "Than1s Tivinr"
sponsored jointly by
Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches
Zion Lutheran Church - E. Washington St. and
S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service.
Sermon by the Rev. E. C. Stellhorn.
Trinity Lutheran Church - E. William St. and-
S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service.
Sermon by the Rev. Henry 0. Yoder.
The Lutheran Student Association
5:30 P.M. Fellowship Hour.
6:00 P.M. Supper with program following. Mr.
Theodore Markwood, speaker.
State and William Streets
Rev. Leonard A. Parr,-D.D., Minister
Rev. H. L. Pickerill, Director of Student
Wilson Sawyer, Director of Music
9:15 A.M. Church School Depts.
10:45 P.M. Public Worship. A special Thanks-
giving service. Dr. Parr will speak on "Let
Us Give Thanks."
5:30 P.M. Ariston League for High School Stu-
7:00 P.M. Cong'l-Disciples Student Guild. An-
drew Kuroda will speak on "Japanese Ameri-
cans and Post-War America." Social hour
and refreshments.
306 North Division St.
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector
The Rev. Robert M. Muir, Student Chaplain
Miss Maxine J. Westphal, Counsellor for
Women Students
Mr. Philip Malpas, Organist and Choirmaster
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
11:00 A.M. Junior Church.
11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Dedication of
New Hymnals. Sermon by the Rev. Philip
L. Schenk.
3:30 P.M. H-Square Club, Page Hall,
5:00 P.M. Choral Evening Prayer and Com-
mentary by the Chaplain.
6:00 P.M. Canterbury Club, Page Hall (for stu-
dents and servicemen); Supper, and discus-
sion on the Church's plans for, post-war re-
construction, led by the Rector.
TUESDAY -0- 10:00 A.(. Holy Communion, War
W1rDNSDTAV .-. R-:00 AM HoLv Conmmuninn
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