Two- THE IVT1t1GAN -DA[LY a _ .. ..., .... v -r . .. _ ,. , __ _ _ _ .. --.Postwar Plan Released... (Continued from Page 1) in 1923. University Hall was built in! 1871, for use of a college of only 1,200 students, Project L includes plans for heat- ing plant addition, equipment ex-! pansion and $general improvements.j The last major adjustments to the heating plant were made in 1939. Atr the present time, the plant has no reserve capacity. Additions to Buildings Planned The project also calls for addl- tions to the Chemistry building, West Epgineering building and constiuc- tion of a new unit near the Eastl Engineering building. An addition on the south side of the library is planned, as well as construction of an east unit to Angell Hall. Nativto-Seleement in B-ougaimvilleAre'a Pictured above is a native village near Kieta, northern Solomons. It is directly across from the island where the U. S. Marines recently dealt a decisive blow to Jap forces and established a beachhead. SRA Presents Program for . Coming Year' Thleological Seminlars, Coffee Hours To Be Included in Activities Coffee hours, a series of seminars on modern theology, discussions on religious music and a weekly Satur- day luncheon group conference on "The Individual in Marxist Philoso- phy" are a few of the activities plan- ned by the Student Religious Associ- ation, E. William Muehl, acting dir- ector of the Association announced yesterday. All new students and servicemen interested in the SRA program and in religious study are invited to at- tend the second coffee. hour of thej term from 4 p. m. to 6 p. m. todayI in Lane Hall. Leader of the luncheon group dis- cussion to be held at 12:15 p. m.I tomorrow will be Prof. Roy W. Sell- ers of the Philosophy Department. All students who plan to atttend the discussions on the individual in Marxist philosophy should call ex- tension 2148 by noon today. The SRA music hour will begin consideration of Bach's "St. Mat- thew Passion" when Robert Taylor of the Association leads a discus- sion at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. The composition will be played on Dec. 8 as well.I Also included on the program will be a Modern Theology Seminar to open Tuesday, Nov. 30. Works of such men as Bart, Niebuhr, and Tilley will constitute the first dis- cussion. U. A'S LAST SERENADE: Soldiers, Girls' Glee Club To Give Concert 1 -'AFU T W'I kld-1 AY T 'U' WU ET AiiU ' Improvements in lighting and ! ALLLI A ALL W UME :- . ., -'-' acoustical treatment in classrooms . . I are also covered in the report. 'ecruucng D0 A Food Supply building to com- plete wholesale food storage and Be Estabh distributing unit servicing the Resid- ence Halls, University Hospital and other University units requiring food Back in the "Gay Nineties" one of supplies, is planned, as well as con- the' standing subjects for cartoon- struction of a Maternity Hospital. sa n, Other Improvements Listed .sts was that of an Army of women, Other projects include an addi.. gayly garbed in flouncy frills and tion to the music school, heating ready to do battle. tunnel improvements, construction Little did they know how 1943 of a laboratory theatre, a cooperative would find that cartoonist's ad residence for 24 women students, an dream being fulfilled. But it is 'not addition to the Union, new residence a bad dream that gives us smartly halls for men and women and expan- uniformed WAVEs, WACs, SPARs sion of the School of Business Ad- and Marines who are doing a dead-E ministration. ly serious job in this present war. Plans are also made for addition to Two WAVEs Stationed Here the men's and women's gymnasiums. In connection with the WAVE re- This includes construction of a cruiting program, two WAVEs, En- swiming pool for women. sign Jean Courtney and Sp. (R) 3/c An Armory to centralize and pro-jHaieSmosn wllc eou vide space for all activities of the HafrietheSOfonson, wiaval Offic University's Army and Navy ROTC Procurement in Detroit to set up an units is also proposed. information and recruiting booth ia More detailed information regard-~ithormationcrumt thLg. Jng riany of the porjects is available the small council room at the League. ing Prnofeo rmsfls They will arrive Tuesday,. Nov. 23, In rofessor Gram's files. instead of Monday as previously an- nounced. The hours for University Marinel SubScribe women will be announced later. The number of University of $40,000 n m BondS Michigan women graduates now serving in any branch of the armed Every Marine stationed here has services is at present very insignif- allotted part of his pay for bonds icant' when compared to the number with a total of $40,000 being sub- of women who have graduated. scribed by the Marine battalion dur- 'U' Graduate Is Specialist ing October. Among the women who have at- The Marines were the first V-12 tended the University, however, one battalion stationed here and was one has received especial notice in the of the first Marine detachments in WAVES. Virginia rreeva Moore, the country to subscribe 100 percent who took graduate wor~k here in 1937, for bonds. is the first Woman reservist to have Each month a total of $2,718.17 been- named a specialist, the Navy. will be taken out of the pay of the announced. In her new position Marines for the purchase of bonds, she will work with the chaplain's of- oth for WAVES shed in Lea'gue fie at the Potomac River Naval Command. There are opportunities for women with any type of training in the. WAVEs and advanced training is offered in a wide variety of fields., Lettie Gavin, '44, recruiting chair- fan on campus, in speaking of the coming drive, said, "The Navy is very much interested in women students receiving their degrees first, but I then there is a great need for these same women in the WAVEs follow- ing graduation." The local entertainment spotlight will be turned on Co. A once more when the talented members of The Soldier Choir make their final ap- pearance in a special concert per- formance with the University Girls' Glee Club the evening of Sunday, Dec. 12, in Hill Auditorium. Selections by the 35 man-65 girl' combined chorus will be mainly of a light religious or holiday nature. Collects $600,000 Although publicly inactive. since! their successful performance in "Nips in the Bud," Co. A's all- soldier musical has 'netted close to $600,000 in War Bonds for the Coun- ty Bond Drive in September. The Soldier Choir has been practicing twice weekly under the direction of Bill Sawyer, campus band leader and choral conductor. It was Saw-, yer's idea to combine the singers in khaki with the Girls' Glee Club, and after several weeks of mutual harmony, he is convinced his efforts axe being well-rewarded. Appeared at Hill Auditorium Featured soloists will be Cpl. Arth- ur Flynn, former concert tenor from New York City, who has appeared in Town Hall with loud acclaim from Gotham critics. Representing the Girls' Glee Club will be Misses Midge Gould. Jackie Bear, and Charlotte McMullen. The Soldier Choir's last separate appearance was their concert this Navy Offers Cormissions 'To Packag(ers Men who have been doing various types of packaging work in civilian life now have an opportunity for commissions as Navy Packaging Of- ficers, Navy Officers have disclosed. Personsapplying for commissions should have a college -degree, pref- erably in engineeringaand should be between 28 and 48 years old. They mnust have at least three years experience in the packaging or packing field includig production experience in the manufacture of at least one of the following box fields: corrugated, solid fibre, folding, set- up, nailed wood, wire bound, cleated plywood, cleated fibre board or crat- ing. In addition to the above regula- tions men applying for commissions must have the general qualifications necessary for naval officers. Applicants in this line of worl should inquire at the office of Naval Officer Procurement, Book Building Detroit, for more information. sunnier im I-ill Auiditeui before 4,000 music goi-. Previous tO hat th'y had fiOve week Saturday morn- l m1' broadc4 o-:i WJR, Detroit. The Choir had is inception during v tie lirst. performances of "Nips in I the Bud early last spring whena Sawyer cai ( tac potentialities of the. tryouts. most 1 wiom lave had ex- t tensive college Glee Club or profes-. sional experience The Universit Gir 1s Glee Clubr has had a large turnout this year and a host of very good voices to" choose from.' Arrangements to sing in conjunction with The Soldier Choir were made through Sawyer-. Cpl. Milton Stanzler. manager of thet Choir, and Miss Patty Spore, presi- dent of the Glee Club. One of the most interesting num-1 bers on the program, according tot Cpl. Stanzler will be "Dona Nobis1 Pace." by the contemporary com-< poser. R. Vaughan Williams. This will be the first time the piece hasi been presented before an audience in this state, and will feature in ad-' dition to the two choruses, Sawyer's orchestra providing instrumental1 background. -7-7-777-7- I. To Graduate In formal Exercise,. To Be Held Nov. 7 11torm graduation e-cises for. the students in the pre-meteorQlogy program of the Army Air Force bet- tral Technical Training. Comand will be held at 10 a.m., Nov. 27 in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, it - was announced yesterday. The graduation is to be hel; iader the sponsorship of Capt. Robert L. lickey, AAF supervisor.. and con#- manding officer of the 554,A A trahiningdetahm'ent uni, .4ich is u nder the Detroit Civilian Scho~ols Area, Lt. Ralph Bergh,. detltchunent adjutant, and Lt. Martin Smith will also be present. The pre-meteorology students ar- rived last June for a six months' course and have now completed the prescribedL training requirements. Most of the men, who were a.hand- picked group, had taken college training before. The training whJoh they are now completing is a regular college academic program. PROFESSOR TO SPEAK Prof. Brockway will speak to te' Michigan State Local Section of te American Chemical Society on ele- tron refraction and molecular strne- ture today in East Lansing. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING toI" you have time available in the morning iIf you.wouldl |lke to earn extra money Contact CLASSIFIED RATES $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional 5 words.) Non-Contract $1.00 per 15-word insertion for three or.more days. (In-. crease of $.25 for each additional 5 words.) Contract Rates on Request j HELP WANTEDI WANTED--Secretary. College girl who is interested in part time sec- retarial work. Hours at your con- venience. Situation available for entire college year. State capabili- ties and experience in reply. Box number 1705 care of The Daily. HELP WANTEDI7-male drug clerk- good hours-top pay. Marshall Drug, 235 S. State. . MICH IGAN Now Showing STUDENT-Boy or girl to work in soda fountain evenings and Sun- dlay. Hours to suit your schedule. 50c an hour plus bonus to start. Apply Miller's Dairy Store, 1219 S. University. FOR SALE 200 ACRE LAKE FARM: This is one of the most desirable lake proper- ties available anywhere; with both a secluded 10 acre private lake and 400 feet frontage with cottage on large lake. Owner's residence with 8 rooms, 2 baths, stone fireplace, wide porches and the farm build- ings are beautifully located on high ground overlooking the large lake. A profitable 'farm and an ideal home. Sacrifice price of $20,000 because of illness. Terms.} Oril Ferguson, 928 Forest, Phone 22839. WANTED i 23-24-1 .. Circulation Dept. '4 It's a cohance for you to utilize your tim? to its best advantage. Desirable Hours: 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. I n 0SOLIID J.or t4-SeriouJ GREGORIAN CHANTS BENEDICTINE MONA1 G7-12...$5.25 I i }' . F ARE RIDE WANTED Thanksgiving. 7 p.m. Ask for to Grand Rapids Call 2-2243 after Betty.1 KS C(IR1 CQ/CItor HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for your discarded wearing apparel. Claud Brown, 512 S. Main Street. MISCELLANEOUS MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S. State. LOST and FOUND LOST - Rectangular silver chorus wrist watch, in or near Gen'l Li-, brary. Reward. Herman Yueh, Phone 3653. BACH: CONCERTO IN E ADOLPH BUSCh AND BUSCH CH AMJBER PLAYERS MM 530 . . . $3.67 BACH: PASSACAGLIA IN C MINOR WEINRICH (ORGAN) WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE! Continuous from 1 PM. STATE (ANN ARBOA'S NEWEST THEATA4E.. ~ Musicraft 10 . . s2.62 MOZART: MAGIC FLUTE (Complete in 2 AlIums) BERLIN PHILIHARMONIC UNDER BEECJIAM BEETHOVEN: QUARTET NO. 8 OP. 59 NO.' 2 BUDAPEST STRING QUARTET SDM 340 . . . $4.72 D'INDY: SYMPHONY NO. 2 'MONTEUX AND SAN FRANCISCO SYMPHONY DM 943 . .. $5.77 MAHLER: DAS LIED VON DER ERDE WALTEIR AND VIENNA PIHILIARMKNIC, TIHORBERG AND KULLI.INIA'i MM 300 . . .7.87 MILHAUD: SUITE PROVENCALE GOLSCHI!AANN AN) 'T. ( )IE SYAPJJOINY DN' 951 . . . N2.62 SHOSTAKOVITCH: QUAkTET OP. 49 STUYVESANT STRIN(; ()UARI :I' MX 231 . . . $2.62 You will find these and hundreds of 0ther albums always in stock at the 3 r .3 ". i . ; ' .;{::. 44 h; . r7! ' r._ :....''a 1, Today and SatLurday I PERSONALIZED )GREETING CARDS STAT TONER Y hla(-e(, )e n oerssa ry! STATIONERY from our gift section makes an always- useful and welcome present, especially for those in the armed forces. We have a wide *1cction of GREET'NG CAlMS so artful that they sing out with checr. Many of them looklikie handp inIings. FRANCISCO & BOYCE 723 Nor/h University 4 I I I '1 '4 I I i q 4 i l .. 1 . R [l I III 11 t :;;;'nee A *nn uee ,- ik ,e * - I 'l II I A PARMOUUNT YPlgTURE If f