lr, . OWL 31PPN 4vPui ALi Viate ( '\' VOL. LIV No. 16 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOV. 19, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Reds Take Korosten, Split Nazi JI Post-War Plan for University Released Public Works Program Calls for Building, Equipment Modernization, Expenditures The University Building Commit- tee yesterday released a Postwar Pub- lic Works Program for the University, the estimated cost of which totals more than $26,000,000. The plan, which was approved by the Board of Regents in September, calls for modernization of inadequate, obsolescent buildings and equipment in addition to capital expenditures for new dormitories, departmental buildings and other improvements. Report Sent to Gov. Kelly A report of the plan prepared by Prof. Lewis M. Gram, Director of Plant Extension, John C. Christensen, Controllor and Assistant Secretary and Walter M. Roth, Assistant Super- intendent of Buildings and Grounds, was recently sent to Gov. Harry F. Kelly. The report stated that the enroll- ment of part-time students and full- time resident students has increased more than proportionally since 1920. Pointing out that if the pre-war rate of growth continues after the end of the war, an enrollment of 18,000 full- time students in residence might rea- sonably be expected. This would be an increase of about 50 percent over the 1940 figure. Donations Not Sufficient Although the enrollment of stu- dents increased precipitately since 1930, no major appropriations have been made for the expansion of phys- ical plant facilities at the University for more than ten years. The report said that donations and issuance of bonds for self-liquidating projects have not been sufficient to supply the need of additional classrooms and larger and improved laboratories. The capacity of these must keep pace with the growth of the student body. The schedule of projects is divided into three groups. First, provisions must be made to bring the physical plant up to date. Nineteen projects are included in this group, the esti- mated cost of which is $13,056,000. The second plan is to meet the de- mands for the University training in a five-year post-war period. Esti- mated cost for these projects is $13,- 775,000. 'The third group includes longer range plans for University develop- Civilians To Get More Soft Coal Industrial Plants Must Curtail Consumption WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.-(P)- New bituminous coal distribution regulations designed to divert a larger share of production to domes- tic heating purposes were issued to- day by the Solid Fuels Administra- tion. The SEA said that recent work stoppages at the mines, combined with the increasing coal require- ments of war industry, had created a bituminous shortage making the regulations necessary. The program, which becomes ef- fective Dec. 1, requires that most industrial plants and railroads hav- ing 25 days' coal supply in storage and public utilities having 40 days' requirements on hand reduce their current orders to 75 percent or less of monthly burning requirements. The SFA estimated that the stock limitation will free approximately 5,000,000 tons each month to move through retail dealers to domestic consumers and industrial users with below-standard stocks. Buck Kills Pony as Owner Hunts Deer While LaVerne Coy, 5340 Miller Road, is up north hunting deer, his barnyard came into the spotlight yes- terday as the scene of a double mur- der, involving his son'sapet pony and an eight-point buck. Wednesday the 14-year-old boy's ment, no estimates of which have been made,as yet. The report pointed out that funds for nearly half of the University lands, buildings and equipment, ap- praised at more than $60,000,000, have come from sources other than state funds. General Service Building Suggested Erection of a general service build- ing is proposed to house the general administrative offices of the Univer- sity and the offices and departments of the University's public service units to provide for closer contact and more expeditious administration of the University. Completion of this plan calls for the tearing down of University Hall, which was condemned by State pub- lic safety authorities as a fire hazard See POSTWAR, Page 2 Turkey Gives Secret Aid to Allied Forces Country Nears War; Air Bases Ready for Use in Bombing Axis By The Associated Press ANKARA, TURKEY, Nov. 17 - (Delayed)--Turkey is giving sub rosa assistance to the Allied armed forces which closely approximates that which the United States gave Britain in the months before Pearl Harbor, and is moving toward war with the Axis. Details of the secret aid cannot be disclosed. There is little doubt that her course has been set and that Turkey will become- a full-fledged fighting member of the United Nations, prob- ably by spring. Continued Turkish aid to the Al- lies might lead to a token attack by the Nazis on Turkish soil and bring the whole gathering storm into the open. Turkey already has developed elaborate airports and landing fields which hardly need more than the arrival of Allied bombing planes and their crews to be transformed into bases for far-reaching operations against Axis-held territory. Tur- key's army, made up of some of the bravest soldiers in the world, prob- ably could not go into action before spring in any event, since the wint- er in Thrace is not fighting weather. The new Turkish position natur-. ally stems from the Moscow Confer- ence and subsequent talks in Cairo between Turkish Foreign Minister Numan Menemencioglu and British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, though the best thought here still is that Eden made no specific de- mands on Turkey. (Apparently alarmed at the turn of events, Franz Von Papen, Nazi Ambassador to Turkey, returned to Germany two days ago. The Nazi- controlled Paris radio said he was received by Hitler Thursday.) One of the unsubstantiated re- ports going the rounds here is that Eden told Menemencioglu that Rus- sia wanted Turkey in the war to protect her flank and as a guaran- tee of Turkey's faith in the Allied cause. Menemencioglu was said to have replied that Turkey would go on helping the Allies sub rosa and would eventually enter the war against the Axis, but that for the time being she did not wish to provoke the Germans to active retaliation. * * ,* Wilson Explains Occupation of Leros CAIRO, Nov. 18.-(A)-British oc- cupation of the Dddecanese Islands of Cos, Leros and Samos and the subsequent loss to the Germans of the first two was justified today by the British Middle East commander, Gen. Sir Henry Maitland Wilson, as a "diversion" which "has paid us a dividend." In the first official review of the Pntir..+ AP ria~n' a -,, ~ +4 (Un iQ Hillers To Get Subsidy For Wheat Government Program Launched To Hold Down Bread Prices By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.- The government launched anew subsidy program tonight to hold bread prices down to present levels while permit- ting millers to pay higher prices for wheat. Stabilization director Fred M. Vin- son announced the program, to cost "no more than $9,000,000 a month," while at the Capitol a coalition of Democrats and Republicans in the House pushed ahead with a campaign to kill all subsidies after Jan. 1. Ceiling Prices To Hold, Under the Vinson-approved plan, wheat flour millers would pay as high as parity prices for wheat, should the market reach that level, and at the same time continue to sell flour for no more than the. ceiling pricesnow in effect. The date on which payments will become effective will be announced later, Vinson said. The Reconstruction Finance Cor- poration has been asked to provide funds for the subsidy and to adminis- ter the program. 'Squeeze' Necessitates Subsidy His office said the plan was or- dered because of a "squeeze" on mil- lers resulting from higher wheat pri- ces. Otherwise, it was said, increased ceiling prices for flour would have to be allowed. In order to prevent the possibility of a new squeeze should the price of wheat advance above parity, the of- fice of price administration will place a ceiling on all wheat to supplement the maximums recently placed on soft wheat in the eastern states. The subsidy program calls for establishing two milling regions, one east of the Rocky Mountains and one west. The amount of subsidy to be paid in each region is to be announced at the beginning of each month and remain fixed for that month. Nearly every member in the House stood and applauded Representative Steagall (D.-Ala.) as he concluded a stinging attack on subsidies as the representatives moved through their first day of debate on anti-subsidy' legislation. Senate I nq uir y To Probe Retail Liquor Scarcity WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.- (P)- Congressional efforts to do something about the retail liquor shortage won the approval of the Treasury today and the Justice Department disclosed it already is pushing an investigation to see whether the scarcity is genu- ine. While Senator Scrugham (D.-Nev.) author of the resolution for the Sen- ate inquiry which is to begin next week, estimated there are 400,000,000 gallons of liquor stored in bonded warehouses - that's 3,200,000,000 pints-there were these other devel- opments: (1) Secretary of the Treasury Mor- genthau, told of the plan of Senator George (D.-Ga.) to cut the length of time liquor may be held untaxed in bond, said: "Senator George has a good idea and I'm for it." Morgen- thau predicted that this plan to cut the non-taxable period from eight to four years would turn enough liquor into retail stores to end the shortage overnight and wipe out "the black market in liquor" just as promptly. (2) Wendell Berge, in charge of the Justice Department's anti-trust com- mittee, disclosed that his office al- ready has assigned special men to find out whether liquor concerns have been fixing prices and with- holding supplies in order to create an artificial shortage and thus increase prices. Editors, Radio Men To Tour 'U' Today More than thirty newspaper editors and radio and magazine men from all over Michigan will tour the Univer- r;-m_ it + _ - An._- no - -- o^fA - U.S. Blasts Jap Air Base Near Rabaul Americans Shell Buka; Surge Inland for New Gains on Bougainville By The Associated Press ADMIRAL WILLIAM F. HAL- SEY'S SOUTH PACIFIC HEAD- QUARTERS, Friday, Nov. 19-Am- erican warships, flaunting an im- plied challenge at the naval might of Rabaul, have ventured less than 200 miles from that Japanese fortress for the second time this month to shell enemy air bases on Buka at the northern tip of Bougainville. The warships, warding off dam- aging blows by Japanese planes which harrassed their movement along the coast of invaded Bougain- ville, poured their shells on Buka for 45 minutes, during the pre-dawn hours Wednesday. On the west central coast of Bou- gainville, the last big enemy Solo- mons base barring the eastern ap- proaches to Rabaul, American troops have fought their way inland at mn- press Augusta Bay for new gains, their guns adding more dead'Japan ese to a total which has grown be- yond 800 since the invasion opened Nov. 1. In contrast American losses have been little more than 100, Ad- miral Halsey's headquarters said. Reinforcements continue to be sent to the beachhead, headquarters disclosing today the sinking of a small ship Tuesday by Japanese planes which attacked vessels in a convoy bringing in supplies and re- inforcements. Although Japanese float planes and torpedo planes attacked inter- mittently for hours during the war-. ships' movement toward Buka, the ships were not interfered with by planes during the bombardment. Japanese planes reappeared on the trip back dropping white and green flares but failing to attack. One of the planes definitely was shot down by the ships' anti-aircraft. Senators Back Absentee Voting Suggest Amendments To Green-Lucas Bill WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.--(P)-A dozen Senate Republicans tentatively agreed at an informal conference to- day to seek sweeping changes in the Green-Lucas Bill creating a war bal- lot commission to supervise absentee voting by the armed forces in next year's general election. Senator Bridges (R.-N.H.) predic- ted the group would back amend- ments to make certain that the pro- posed four-man commission would include two "real Republicans" and would seek to alter a section empow- ering the Chief Justice to name an- other jurist as an umpire in case of a commission tie. Senator Vandenberg (R.-Mich.), who called the group together, said the Republicans are "interested in making the bill workable." He said another meeting will be held Satur- day at which proposed amendments will be studied. By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.- Secre- tary of State Hull, in a history-mak- ing personal report to Congress on the Moscow conference, expressed conviction today that the declaration CORDELL HULL ... brings message from Moscow adopted there laid the foundation for a post-war world of peace and secur- ity for all peace-loving nations, great and small. The 72-year-old Secretary's visit to the capitol broke precedent and he was received with an acclaim un- equaled save for the appearances be- fore ,the legislators of . President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Chur- Heav Bombers Smash Berlin In Night Raid Massive Operations Climax 3-Day Series Of. Allied Air Blows LONDON, Friday, Nov. 29.-(R)'- Britain's heavy bombers were report- ed, in a DNB broadcast today to have attacked Berlin with fire and explo- sive 'bombs last night as the climax of' three days of massive operations by RAF and American squadrons concentrating on vital components of the Nazi war machine. The night assault followed up a smashing daylight raid by unescorted U.S. Liberators on the Germans' big- gest Norwegian airplane repair and maintenance depot at Kjeller, outside Oslo. The Nazi broadcast, recorded by the ministry of information, sugges- ted that the attack on Berlin was made in force. "British bomber formations flew in over northwestern Germany under cover of unfavorable weather condi- tions and attacked Berlin as well as a few other localities with high explo- sives and incendiary bombs," it said. Nazi night fighters were reported to have taken off immediately and, with the aid of ground defenses, "pre- vented the British terror bombers" from concentrating on, the heart of the capital. The U.S. daylight blow was another precision attack meant to wipe out a vital component of the Nazi war ma- chine. FOUNDATION FOR PEACE:. Hull Reports on Moscow Conference to Congress chill. A thundering ovation, which greeted him when he entered the House chamber, was repeated when he concluded his 25-minute speech. His address was interrupted fre- quently by applause which was loud- est when heapaid tribute to the Soviet people, saying they "merit the admir- ation and good will of the peoples of all countries," and to Soviet Premier- Marshal Stalin whom he called a "re- markable personality, one of the great statesmen and leaders of this age." While Hull made clear that the Moscow conference left much to be done in the future, he left no doubt of his elation over the declaration by the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and China that they "recognize the necessity of establish- ing at the earliest practicable date a general international organization based on the principle of the sover- eign equality of all peace-loving states and open to membership by all such states, large and small." He wanted to lay particular stress, he told the legislators, on that prin- ciple of equality irrespective of size and strength, and added that it was "particularly welcome to us." Eighth Army Smashes Nazi Counterattack ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, AL- GIERS, Nov. 18.-01P-German prep- arations for a counterattack along the middle sector of the Sangro Riv- er front were smashed yesterday by the concentrated fire of Eighth Ar- my artillery, while continued heavy rains converted Iaanbatlersand creeks along the tla te line into raging torrents. Diverted from Italian targets by the- unfavorable weather, American Flying Fortresses and M-25 Mitchells again turned their wrath against im- portant enemy airdromes in the Athens area in a continuing effort to curb German air power that was so effective in overcoming the Brit- ish and Italian defenders of Leros ,sland in the Aegean. The unescorted Fortresses flew through a heavy barrage to drop bombs on hangars, storage dumps, runways and parked aircraft at Ee- vsis Field, leaving towering columns of smoke behind them. Petain Resigynation Reported in France AT THE SWISS-FRENCH FRON- TIER, Nov. 18.-0/P-Marshal Petain is declared by an informant with Vichy connections to have written his resignation as chief of state, to become effective unless his wish' to summon a "democratic" parliament is granted. This report could not be confirmed through direct French channels to- day, but the source was one not like- ly .to accept a mere rumor. The in- formant said energetic negotiations still were underway in an effort to prevail upon the aged Marshal to change his mind. orces Soviets Near Gomel Axis Escape Route Rechitsa Stronghold Captured, Zhitomir Setback Recovered By The Associated Press LONDON, Nov. 18.-The Red Army split the German forces in White Russia and the northern Ukraine to- day by capturing the impotant rail junction of Korosten, and also nar- rowed the enemy's escape corridor from imperilled Gomel to less than 25 miles by toppling the protective stronghold of Rechitsa after a furious three-day battle. Stalin Announces Victories Two orders of the day by Marshal- Premier Joseph Stalin announced the twin victories below and aove the Pripet marshes. They were brod- cast by Moscow and recorded by the Soviet Monitor. The last north-south railway avail- able to the Germans, the Leningrad- Odessa Railway 60 miles short of the pre-war Polish border, was cut at Korosten late yesterday after a two- day struggle by Gen. Nikolai Vatu- tin's forces which already had effec- tively split the enemy's forces in the southern and northern Ukraine by taking Zhitomir, 45 miles below Kor- osten. Recovering from Wednesday's slight retreat in the Zhitomir sector, the Russians also beat- down heavy German counterattacks between there and Korostyshev, inflicting huge los- ses on Field Marshal Erich Von Mannstein's tank and infantry forces, the daily communique said. Reds Take Rechitsa A night attack routed the enemy from Rechitsa, 100 miles across the Pripet marshes northeast of Koros- ten, and only 25 miles west of Gomel on the railway to Warsaw. The Rus- sians, also flowed westward 25 miles to take Vasilevichi. The Rechitsa garrison was hurled eastward across the Dnieper Rivei' by troops under Gen. Costantin Rokos- sovsky, who stopped cold the brief German summer offensive last July near Belgorod in a prelude to the massive Red Army counter-offensive which has not yet halted. The enemy units were thrown into the arms of their own Gomel troops between the Dnieper and' Sozh Rivers for either a last-ditch fight or a re- treat northwestward along the rail- way running to Zhlobin. Other Rus- sian units crossing the Sozh above Gomel already were reported within 10 miles of severing that escape hatch, and Moscow dispatches said the Gomel garrison's position hourly was becoming untenable as the Rus- sians strove to encircle it. 'Band Tryouts Will Be Held Membership Auditions Named for Next Week Auditions open to all students for membership to the University Con- cert Band will be held next week, Nov. 22 through Nov. 27, in Morris Hall. Students are asked to observe the following schedule for auditions: Monday, flutes, oboes, English horns, bassoons, E flat, B flat, alto and bass clarinets, 4:30-6 p.m.; Tuesday, saxo- phones, 4:30 to 5:15 p.m., French horns, 4:30 to 6 p.m.; Wednesday, cornets and trumpets, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., baritones and euphoniums, 4:30 to 6 p.m.; Friday, trombones, 4:30 to 6 p.m., tuba 5:15 to 6 pm.; Saturday, string bass, 10:30 to 11 a.m., percus- sion, 11 a.m. . Those students who are unable to audition at the indicated hours will be given other periods by calling at Morris Hail any afternoon from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Rehearsal schedule will be arranged after the membership has been selected and the available time determined. The Concert Band, which has been praised by such eminent musicians as Dr. Frank Goldman, Roy Harris, Ferde Grofe and Morton Goulds, will present concert and radio performan- ces. Drowsy Coeds Turn Out 7 w_-'. - -V ! _. _ " __± U. S. FOREIGN POLICY: Rogers Asks for International Cooperation By LOUISE COMINS "I am disappointed with the atti- tude of the British to their Empire," Congressman Will Rogers, Jr., stated here yesterday in a lecture on "The United States in Foreign Affairs." "I think we should cooperate with England as much as possible," Mr. Rogers continued, "but we should disassociate ourselves from her co- lonial policy in the Pacific." He explained that the United States was trying to cooperate with the peoples of the Pacific; that we had'given freedom to the Philippines, renounced extra-territorialism, and recently repealed the Chinese Exclu- sion Act. "The difficulties of settling post- wa. Eunn will beimmense." he airbase in the fold, should be made an international air base by agree- ment and that Britain should open up Bermuda and Iceland in a sim- ilar manner. Speaking from information he acquired while abroad a few months ago he revealed that there is a dangerous trend toward na- tionalism sweeping over Europe. YThis demand by all peoples that their countries be completely re- instated after the war must be considered," Mr. Rogers declared. "I don't think bombing alone will defeat German," he said while des- cribing his experience in England. "War in Europe can only be wort by fighting on land, sea, and in the people to that of the Americans by stating that Lord Woolton, the Brit- ish minister of supply who is one of the most popular men in England, has a job similar to that of the head of the OPA in the United States. Mr. Rogers also compared the British method of sending out bomb- ing raids With the American method. "The American forces work on the principle of saturation of defense and the concentration of offense, while the British saturate defense only at the point of bombing," he revealed. In the beginning of hi speech while describing the mechanisms of Congress, Congressman Rogers stated, "The repeal of the poll-tax