r~~ ot THE~ -Alf 11Wi _. . . f Ensian Sets Final Deadline For Pictures February Graduiates Must Have Pictures Sent in by January 1 "Seniors graduating in February must have their pictures for the En- sian in by Jan. 1 at the very latest," Rosemary Klein, '46, Ensian Circula- tion Manager announced yesterday. Seniors must come to the Student Publications Building to pay the $2 charge for having their pictures and a list of their campus activities put in the Ensian. They will be given an envelope addressed to the Ensian of- fices which they may give to the pho- tographer where their picture is tak- en. The photographer will mail the picture directly to the Student Pub- lications Building. The $2 fee does not pay for the cost of having the picture made. Any pho- tographer may make the picture. Stu- dents wishing to patronize their home photographer may do so. Seniors graduating in June must have their pictures in by March 1. The deadline has not yet been set for September graduates. Because of the accelerated wartime program the Ensian is being pub- lished in three editions each year. Pictures of campus organizations and activities will be included in each edition. Miss Gustafson urged that pictures be turned in as soon as possible, and positively no later than Jan. 1. There will be a meeting at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow at the Ensian business office, Student Publications Building, to organize a student directory selling staff. All persons interested should attend. HELP WANTED: Women Urged To Sign Up for Work in University Laundry wompen students are urged by members of the five honor societies, , Mortar Board, Senior Society, Scroll, Wyvern, and Alpha Lambda Delta, to sign up for work in the University Laundry where help is badly needed, Gerry Stadelman, '44, personnel ad- ministrator of the Women's War Council, said yesterday. "We want girls to work Mondays through Fridays from 12 to 5:30, and Saturday mornings from 8 to 12," she said. Women who sign up must work at least two hours eachhweek at a definite time. They will handle only clean linen and work will consist of light jobs such as folding and sorting. Wages will be 53 cents an hour. Women may sign up today or to- morrow in the Undergraduate Office in the League and must attend a meeting at 4:30 Friday in the League. Work will begin next week. A woman from each honor society will serve as chairman each day. They are: Monday, Mortar Board, Gerry Stadelman, Chi Omega; Tuesday, Surgical Dressing Unit Meets at Hillel Red Cross Surgical Dressing Unit will meet from 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. today and continuing on every Thursday throughout the semester at the Hillel Foundation. Rita Hyman, '44, chairman of the unit, urges that every student in- terested volunteer for the work. The quota for surgical dressings from Washtenaw County has been so in- creased that 100,000 dressings must be completed and sent to receeiving centers by Jan. 1. Scroll, Marilyn Mayer, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Wednesday, Senior Society. Edith Heiberg, Martha Cook; Thurs- day, Wyvern, Peggy Laubengayer, Alpha Chi Omega; and Friday, Alpha Lambda Delta, Lois Kibi. If any wo- men have questions about the work, they may call any of these chairmen. Women who have already volun- teered for work are: Patricia Wil- liams, Ann Schutz, Barbara Osborne, Jean Gaffney, Marion Johnson, Pat, Coulter, Shelby Dietrich, Natalie1 Mattern, Deborah Parry, Peggy Lau- bengayer, Cornelia Grafsema, Marge Hall, Jean Marie Loree, Mickey Thie- len, Ann Stanton, Helen Mae Kress- bach, Rita Hyman, Ann Adams, Mary Ann Olsen, Marion Ford, Monna Heath, Nancy Hattersley, Josephine Fitzpatrick and Marcia Zimmerman. Nurses Open Meeting Today The Public Health Nursing Con- ference, consisting of the University public health faculty and representa- tives of the various public health nursing agencies and counties asso- ciated with the W. K. Kellogg Foun- dation, will convene today in the School of Public Health. The conference will continue its Tuesday discussion on a closer cor- relation between the theoretical cour- ses in the University and the prac- tical work offered in the public health agencies. Miss Ella McNeil, Associated Pro- fessor of Public Health Nursing, will open the meeting by introducing the various aspects of public health nurs- ing. Other speakers will be Miss Mary Hester, instructor in social case work, Dr. Henry Vaughan, Dean of the School of Public Health, and Miss Hazel Herringshaw, Assistant Profes- sor of Public Health Nursing. Contest for Sweater Girl To Be Featured at Dance A contest for the 1943 Michigan sweater girl will be featured at Bill Sawyer's dance in the League Ball- room tomorrow night. The sweater dance is the second in an annual series which Sawyer an- nounces will continue as long as he is at Michigan. The League will not be open for dancing Saturday night because of the Bomber Scholarship dance in Waterman Gym which Sawyer per- sonally endorses. Girls To Worka In 'U'Hospitala Will meet Today V01 nt enrsIMust Attend , One Orientation Group To Prepare for Duties "A second orientation meeting for women interested in doing volunteer work will be held at 7:30 p.m. today at University Hospital," Carol Evans, '46, announced yesterday.. "Every volunteer must attend one orientation meeting before she can be assigned to a post," Miss Evans added. Residents of Mosher, Jordan, and Stockwell halls are being urged to work from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. "Resi- dents of these dormitories near the hospital can work during the evening much more conveniently than can women living in most sorority and League houses." Three new members have been ap- pointed to the central committee of soph project which sponsors the Hos- pital Volunteer Service, old commit- tee members announced yesterday.- Delilah Murrah, '46, who has done volunteer work for two semesters, will fill one of the positions. Miss Mur- rah is affiliated with Kappa Delta sorority. Emily Tillou, '46, has done U.S.O. work in addition to being a volunteer. She is a member of Delta Gamma sorority. Helen E. Masson, '46, who has also done hospital work, is a member of the Choral Union Society. The new members will con- tinue their volunteer duties by acting as captains and will do the additional publicity and organization work of the committee. Toy Rehabilitation Is Quaker Project Toy rehabilitation will be the prin- i . l ti i of a. "wnrk holiday" ITo Tiransfe- ir Lt. L. C.. Newton, collmn tierofthie! Company E meteorology students was promoted yesterday from second to first lieutenant and is being trans- ferred shortly to the air corps. Lt. Newton is one man who knows the Army from the bottom up, hav- ing been first a buck private, then a master sergeant and now a commis- sioned officer. He enlisted in the Army in May, 1939, worked in the Adjutant General's Department of the Fourth Service Command and applied for Officers' Candidate School, graduating from the Army administration school Feb. 10, 1943, at Gainesville, Fla. Upon his arrival at Michigan last February, Lt. Newton was put in command of the first ASTP Com- pany on campus, Company E. Speaking with a slight southern drawl, Lt. Newton said that his home is Atlanta, Ga. His wife and three- year-old son did not accompany him to Ann Arbor, but are still in Atlanta. Lt. Newton Is Reception Will Promoted Prior Honor Salgado A reception for Eduardo A. Salgado will be held at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Rackham Building by the Interna- -tional Center. Paintings of Mexico by Salgado will be on exhibition in the Rackham Building through Nov. 30. Salgado, a native of the Philippine Commonwealth, studied art at the School of Fine Arts of the University of the Philippines and here in Ann Arbor. His paintings are realistic. "That is what people seem to prefer now," he said. He has been acclaimed for the manner in which he suits the technique to the type of subject he is portraying. After the war, he hopes to return to the Philippines to paint more of the life and customs of the Islands. The International Center will also hold a coffee hour after the game Saturday to which all are invited. t First Woman Student ldies Mrs. A. K. Edwards Enrolled in June, 1870 Mrs. Alfred Knight Edwards, the first woman to enter the University as a freshman and the second one to matriculate, died Nov. 13 at the age of 98. Julia Elizabeth Knight was born Jan. 2, 1845 at Adrian, Mich. She took her entrance examination in June, 1870, and was admitted to the University in September of that year. She enrolled in the School of Lit- erature, Science, and Arts, electing Latin and Greek. By passing a spe- cial examination, she was permitted to take calculus also, much to the dissatisfaction of male math stu- dents. Mrs. Edwards. did not remain to graduate, but her five children have received degrees from the University. After her marriage she moved out of state and made her home in Au- rora, Ill. -- --- 'I I ;I Prelt; iN e- r Pius It's the PIN that makes your out- fit complete! We have a nice variety for dresses and coat lapels. Pins, also, make ideal Christmas gifts . . . Make your selection now, and we will hold it -r ..._,-- - ~ ' ,,1- S, ',' '1i }I ELECTRICITY is NOT rationed - Let's keep it that Way by cipal activc v1 WU&Liila and open house to be held by the Ann Arbor Society of Friends from 4 p. m. to 9 p. m. Saturday in the basement of Lane Hall. Members of church groups on campus and all others interested in working on the project are requested to come any time during the after- noon or evening. Instructors will be present for the toy-making, painting, sewing and packing of the gifts. JGP Meeting Is Today "War activities chairmen or a rep- resentative from each dormitory are urged to attend a JGP meeting at 5 p.m. today in the League," Rosalie Bruno '45, chairman of dormitory sales, announced yesterday. for you ... just a nominal deposit necessary. Come in and look around; we are happy to serve you! Jo Ie- EIBLEII, }ewe&r Since 1904. Now at 308 South State . t' I CLEARA'CE DAYTIMlE DRESSES Tailored'and Dressy VOLUNTARY CONSERVATION! Electricity is cheap and unrationed and there is no shortage of electricity in this area. But because there is an urgent need to save coal and manpower and trans- portation for war, the Government is ask- ing for VOLUNTARY conservation. This means turning off all lights not actually in use. It means remembering to turn off the cellar light and the porch light and lamps in unoccupied rooms. It means the careful use of electric appliances. It means keeping lamp bulbs and reflectors dust-free, and "sharing the light" wher- ever possible by making one reading lamp serve two people. If you and every other American will do these things, thousands of tons of coal will be saved every day-coal critically needed NOW. No one wants electricity added to the list of things rationed. All of us would rather save VOLUNTARILY. Here is a chance to prove that voluntary, self-imposed rationing will, work. The Detroit Edison Company. CONSERVE ELECTRICITY Even a 5% saving in the month)y use of electric I Jty by Detroit &dison customers will save about One- and Two-Piece Styles Rayon Crepes. .. Jerseys Plaids. .. Plains $5 WERE TO 8.95 ALL ARE FROM REGULAR STOCK STREET AD AFTERN00N DRESSES Gabardines.. . Aralac Bewitching in B.LACK THE UNION FORMAL isn't too for away and it's time to think of look- ing your loveliest. Our selection of formals has been supplemented by recent shipments. Try jet-black for added glamour; snow-white for that ethereal look; or a pastel shade to compliment your coloring. 11.95 tn 35.00 SIZES: 9-15 and 10-18 Rayon Crepes $8 WERE TO 14.95 JUNIORS', WOMEN'S AND MISSES' STYLES i I Ul. - - - L mw A ' m I