V ! iii A it1i zttt mv WF q / eather Snow Flurries VOL. LIV No. 15 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOV. 18, 1943 PRICE FFE C11S Germans Launch New Counteroffensive Germans Capture { CruiserI Boise Packed' With British Tommies Leros Isle. Tiny Island Succumbs After Five Days of Heavy Bombardment By The Associated Press CAIRO, Nov. 17.-The tiny but strategic island of Leros has been captured by the Germans in five days of heavy fighting despite a "most determined resistance" put up by its British and Italian defenders, the British Middle East Command announced today. The Allied forces were unable to beat off the Nazis, who subjected the island's 28 square miles to a ter- rifie pounding from the air, mean- while continuing to land reinforce- ments by boat and by parachute. The battle, which began with a Ger- man , landing Friday, ended last night. Crete Tactics Used The Germans' tactics were sim- ilar to those used in their capture of Crete in a major victory in this area 22% years ago, and they won for Iitler the second largest Dodec- anese island in three weeks. The B4ish announced on Oct. 26 the eacuation of neighboring Cos, 20 milessouth of Leros, under similar German assault. (Adolph Hitler used the Leros victory as occasion for a special communique from his headquarters asserting Leros =was taken from de- fenders "superior in numbers and armament" and claiming that a total of .8,550 prisoners had surrendered -3,200 British troops and 5,350 It- alian. British Staff on Carpet (Loss of Leros to the Germans brought sharp questioning in Lon- don of Britain's entire Eastern Mediterranean tactics. Some sec- tion of the British. press were open- ly critical, and there was talk of re- placing the British Middle East commander, Gen. Sir Henry Mait- land Wilson,. but this suggestion found n6 support in official quarters, which showed no great alarm at the turn of events in the Aegean.) Planes Blast Two Jap_ Ships Nip Merchant Marine Is Object of Attack SOUTHWEST PACIFIC ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, Thursday, Nov. 18.-(IP)-Lt.-Gen. George C. Ken- ney's Fifth Air Force, centering its attacks on Japan's hard-pressed mer- chant marine, have scored damaging blows on two more merchantmen, General MacArthur's headquarters reported today. Catalina Flying Boats, whose re- cen. night-flying activities have re- sulted in heavy damage to an enemy cruiser and the enforced beaching of a 9,000 ton cargo ship, both in the general area of Rabaul, went after an enemy convoy near there and left a 6,000 ton merchant ship in a sinking condition. The convoy, consisting of two de- stroyers, two merchantmen and two corvettes, was attacked during Mon- day night and early Tuesday 23 miles north of Rabaul, moving northwest. A 1,000 pound bomb and a 250 poun- der landed forward of the bridge. When last seen, the ship was lying low astern. Tuesday a Liberator bombed a 2,500 ton Japanese merchantman 40 miles northeast of Hansa Bay, New Guinea, and left it sinking. Other limited activities reported today included a 40 ton bombard- ment of the Kara airdrome on the south coast of invaded Bougainville, one of the Japanese fields which have been kept inoperative and unable to interfere with the beachhead of Ad- miral William F. Halsey's forces at Empress Augusta Bay. White Cross Plans Mind. Disarmament A plan to bring the idea of men- tal disarmament to people through organizations already established in enemy or occupied countries was re- solved Tuesday at a meeting of the Packed with British troops and equipment, the U. S. Cruiser Boise pulls alongside the dock in Taranto Harbor, Italy, on Sept. 9, 1943, one day af ter the official surrender of the Badogio govern- ment. Men and supplies were quickly debarked for the march up the "boot." (AP Wirephoto). Kessler, Seltzer Are Elected as Board Members Union Vice-Presidents Chosen in Heavily Voted Campus Elections Karl Kessler, Grad, and Hoe Selt- zer, '45Med, were elected student members of the Board in Control of Student Publications in the heavily voted campus elections held yester- day. John Timms, '45, David Striffler, '47D, David F. Upton, '45E, and War- ren Watts, '46BAd, won the Union vice-president's contest while Keith Nicolls, '44E, was chosen for senior representative on the Engineering Council. Due to the fact that only one can- didate's name was submitted in both the Law and Medical schools, elec- tions for Union vice-presidents, Bud Brimmer, '46L, and Donald Mason,, '44M, were declared unanimously elected. Representing the junior class on the Engineering Council is John Clip- pert. Arthur Johnson and Harold Johnson were elected sophomore and freshman members, respectively, of the Council. New Union vice-presidents will at- tend the installation banquet to be held at 6:15 p.m. today in the Ander- son Room of the Union. Rushees To Register All freshman and upperclass inde- pendent *omen who are interested in rushing may register today and to- morrow in the Undergraduate Office in the League, according to Mary June Hastreiter, '44, president of Panhellenic. It is imperative that every woman who intends to go through rushing period sign up dur- ing this period. Roosevelt Says Allies Possess Big Advantage NEW YORK, Nov. 17.-(A')-Presi- dent Roosevelt said tonight that the United Nations now had the "su- preme advantage of initiative" and their progress could be measured by the fact that they were producfig "the most important events of the war." "We must not lose this advantage -the supreme advantage of initia- tive," he said in a message to the closing session of the New York Her- ald Tribune forum on current prob- lems. Vice-President Wallace and Wen- dell Willkie addressed the session in the Waldorf-Astoria ballroom. Mes- sages also were read from Prime Min- ister Churchill and Foreign Minister Anthony Eden of Great Britain and General Charles De Gaulle, President of the French Committee of National Liberation. Churchill observed that the forum was meeting "in the glow of one of the most cheering developments in international affairs, the Moscow Conference," and referred to the pledge of the United States, the Unit- ed Kingdom, Russia and China "to work together not only in winning the war but in building the structure of a lasting peace." Salvage Pickup To Be Postponed The pickup for waste paper and rags which was originally scheduled for today, will be postponed for about three weeks, George Gabler, chairman of the Washtenaw Salvage Committee, announced. When the drive is staged all citi- zens of Ann Arbor and students liv- ing in sorority houses, co-ops, resi- dent halls, and League houses, are requested to contribute all waste- paper and rags they can find. Aurand To Visit Army Units Here Saturday Major General Plans Conference Here with Commandant Rogers Maj. Gen. Henry S. Aurand, com- manding officer of the Sixth Service Command, will visit the ASTP- ROTC contingent at the University Saturday in connection with the Army Specialized Training Program and will confer with Col. Frederick C. Rogers, the commandant here, military headquarters announced yesterday. It was further announced that he will bring commendations from the Sixth Service Command Headquart- ers for the achievements and out- standing work being done by the Army here at the University. Gen. Aurand, born in Pennsyl- vania in 1894, is one of the Army's youngest major generals. He re- ceived part of his education at a military academy in Pennsylvania, graduated with a BS degree from the U. S Military Academy at West Point and has also attended and graduated from various Army serv- ice schools and colleges. Having accepted a commission as second lieutenant in the Coast Ar- tillery Corps in 1915, Gen. Aurand was transferred as a captain to the Ordinance Department in 1920. He was appointed to the General Staff Corps in September, 1940, and is at the present time commanding gen- eral of the Sixth Service Command. I dent Cards Are Ready Now All students who did not receive identification cards this summer, and all servicemen who had their pictures taken this fall may call for them be- tween 8 a.m. and noon, and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Room 2, University Hall. The Dean of Students' Office adds just one note of warning: this year the pictures were pasted on the cards with a glue inferior to the rubber cement formerly used. If the pictures come off, the student may bring it to the Dean of Students' office for a re- glueing. However, if the picture is lost, he will have to pay the usual dollar fee for a duplicate. Kelly Designates Thanksgiving Date LANSING, Nov. 17.-(P)-Gover- nor Kelly, recalling the part Thanksgiving Day has played in the American tradition, today issued the following proclamation, designating Nov. 25 as Thanksgiving Day: "On this Thanksgiving Day, let us breathe a prayer in gratitude that our cities have been spared destruc- tion, that our countryside has been blessed again with a bountiful har- vest, that we have survived another Allied Planes Smash Nazi Airdromes Marseilles Air Fields Receive Hardest Blow In Weeks by Bombers By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, AL- GIERS, Nov. 17.-Attacking on a front more than 1,000 miles, bombers of the northwest African Air Force struck their hardest blow of recent weeks at the Nazi Air Force yester- day when they smashed enemy air- dromes near Marseilles in southern in southern France and in the Athens area in Greece. Blistering onslaughts by Flying Fortresses and Marauders against fields at Istres Le Tube and Salon near Marseilles were aimed primarily at the destruction of fleets of Dor- nier-217 and other German long- range bombers that have been har- assing Allied shipping in the Medi- terranean. Many grounded bomb- ers were left flaming at the two en- emy bases and a tremendous explo- sion indicated an American bomb found an ammunition dump. Another force of Mitchell medium bombers whipped eastward from their Italian bases to blast the El- evsis airfield near Athens for the second straight day. While the Allies' Mediterranean air activity fanned out on an ever broadening front, ground operations in Italy were cursed by dismal weather, with high winds, rain and snow hampering the movenients of men and supplies. For a week Al- lied gains had been measured by yards instead of by miles, and re- sumption of major fighting did not appear imminent. Milk Rationing For Detroit Area Considered MMPA, Under New Agreement, To Pay Class One Milk Prices DETROIT, Nov. 17.-(IP)-Consid- ering the question of milk rationing for the Detroit area, Gov. Kelly's committee heard further evidence here today from farm representatives while the Michigan milk producers association announced that dealers, acting under a new agreement, will pay class one prices for all milk, re- gardless of use. Harol Zorlen, state director of the Michigan United Dairy Farmers Un- ion, and Donald M. Gay, Milan farm- er and foe of the Michigan Milk Pro- ducers Association, gave testimony today to Robert E. Rich, statemar- keting agent of the War Food Admin- istration, and Capt. Donald S. Leon- ard, State Civilian Defense Director. Rich and Leonard have the key evi- dence collectors in the three confer- ences. Meanwhile, in Detroit reports con- tinued to distributors and handlers of fluid milk that producers in several sections of the milk-shed would stop shipments unless they received $4 a hundredweight for their product. They now receive $3.36 a hundred- weight, less transportation charges. I I 1 r 1 I i a 1 i r 1 1 7 I I 7 >Red Army Loses Some Holds in Zhtomir Area Russians Advance North Toward Korosten; Gain in Dnieper Bend and Gomel Region By JUDSON O'QUINN Associated Press Correspondent LONDON, Nov. 17.-The Russians announced tonight that the Germans had forced them to abandon a few populated places in the Zhitomir- Korostyshev region of the northern Ukraine, indicating that the Germans had launched a new counteroffensive against the underside of. the Red army's salient in the west. This setback, the first announced by the Soviet command in weeks of steady progress along a wide front, was described only briefly in the daily Soviet Communique, which reported continuing gains in the Dnieper bend and in the Gomel area to the north. Large forces of German infantry and tanks smashed heavily at the southern flank of the salient at Zhitomir and Korostyshev, 15 miles to the - east, said the Moscow Communique, recorded by the Soviet Monitor from F ood Subsidy a broadcast. The Russians fought stubbornly, said the bulletin, but under the ter- rific pounding of the German forces Snag in Capitol gave way. fld Q Reds ake 50 Towns At the same time the Russians forged ahead in their drive to clear Plan To Hold Down out the Dnieper River bend to the Bread Price Meets south of the Zhitomir region. . North of Zhitonmir, in the salient Specific Opposition now under German attack, the Rus- sians captured over 50 towns and WASHINGTON, Nov., 17.- ()- hamlets as they surged north and The broadest food price subsidy pro- west toward Korosten, a major rail gram yet-a $9,000,000-a-month plan junction, and the Leningrad-Korb- to hold down the cost of bread-ran sten railway. head-on into specific opposition on Farther north in the Rechitsa area where the Russians were.,in Capitol Hill today while the storm of position to outflank Gomel and drive congressional and farm protest from the railway junction of Kalii- against food subsidies in general rose kovichi. Six German strongpoints to new fury were captured and the Russiazis drove into the western outskirts of Senator Reed (R-Kas.) tackled the the town of Rechitsa. break price issue ahead of its formal North of Gomel where the Rius- announcement, saying he understood sians had a bridgehead across the the subsidy to millers was planned at Sozh River in further menace about 14 cents a bushel and adding: this almost surrounded city, the army improved its positions 88 it "I'm still opposed to it. It's, just fought to extend the bridgehead part of the subsidy program to which area. Congress is overwhelmingly opposed. Gomel Shelled But that doesn't seem to make any Moscow dispatches said Ruslan difference to those birds." artillery was heavily shelling Qo. mel's outskirts and three of th.e It was learned that the bread pro- railroad lines that lead into the city gram, including a ceiling price on have now been cut. Threatened by bard wheat, awaits only the signa- the Soviet advance was the German ture of Fred M. Vinson, Economic major escape route from the city-- Stabilization Director, expected this the Gomel-Minsk railway. Other Russian advances were Meanwhile, opponents of payments made north of Kiev in the lower to cut consumer prices added new reaches of the Pripet River force to their attack with a parade of Moscow was silent on ther. state agriculture commisioners n teCienPnnua farm leaders before the Senate Agri- in the CrimeaCP eaw culture Committee. rsin hed rtheaPwhere lne E. H. Everson, South Dakota Sec- Russians hedth Peekop retary of Agriculture, led the drive,igefog d r o- contending that the end result of izing both sides. consumer price subsidies is inflation. Subsidy supporters call the pay- Ickes Orders ments anti-inflationary, arguing that they are necessary to hold the line on living costs as a bar to demands for compensating wage increases. Prof. Karl Young, To Negotiate Michigan Grad, Dies Government To Give Word was received here yesterday Up Mines as Soon as that Prof. Karl Young, a University Contract Is Agreed On of Michigan graduate of 1901, died suddenly yesterday at New Haven, WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.-(MP)-A Conn. new start was made today toward Well known to members of Michi- negotiation of a contract between gan's faculty, Prof. Young received John L. Lewis' United Mine Workers his AB in English and also received and owners of soft coal mines. a LL. D. from Michigan in 1937. He At the invitation of Secretary of taught English at the University of Interior Iclies, now operating the Wisconsin from 1908 to 1923, and mines for the government, Lewis and taught at Yale from 1923 to the operators representing a majority of time of his death. the soft coal tonnage sat down to- gether in a conference room at the R: "interior department. They talked for two hours in a haze of blue cigar smoke and agreed to meet again to- ing Officers- mAt the same time, there were re- d ~portsth: .aAnthracite operators are ready to undertake negotiation of a contract and may meet with UMW represent- the new WAVE is a full-fledged sea- atives next week. man ready for special training in a Some operators are ready to with- chosen field or assignment to active draw from the Appalachian Wage duty. Conference, which has been the prin- Following Recruit School, depend- cipal agency for negotiation of soft ing upon the needs of the Navy, a coal wage contracts, and a new agen- WAVE may be ordered to a duty sta- cy may be established tomorrow. tion at once or she may be assigned Ickes has indicated that the UMW to one of the many Naval Training and mine owners must agree on a Schools for advanced training. Some contract before the government will of the Training Schools are radio, relinquish control of the mines which Miami University; storekeeper, Geor- it seized after the general strike of gia State College for Women; yeo- Nov. 1. man, Iowa State Teachers College; Since any contract agreement must aerographer, Naval Air Station, Lake- be submitted to the War Labor Board hurst, N.J.; mail clerk, Naval Train- for approval, the renewal of negotia- ing School. Sampson. N.Y.: control tions may mark the first sten. too. FIRST LECTURE TODAY: Will Rogers, Jr., Will Speak On 'U.S. in Foreign Affairs' Congressman Will Rogers, Jr., son of one of the best loved humorists of our time, will speak on "The United torical Association, will be introduced by Prof. James K. Pollock of the po- litical science department. Elected into Congress directly from the Army in a campaign which con- sisted of one radio broadcast, he was appointed to the important Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives. Although he is ac- tually the Hollywood representative in the House he prefers to consider himself as representing the soldier. A graduate of Stanford University, he spent several months before the advent of World War II covering the' war in Spain for his own newspaper in California. The resemblance between Con- gressman Rogers and his late father is so startling that members of the House and the press are already call- ing him a "chin off the old block." 47,000 QUOTA FOR YEA WAVE Recrui To .Be Statione 27,000 women in blue. 27,000 wo- men who are now releasing Navy men from control towers at air fields, Naval hospitals, and many other Nav- al shore establishments. 27,000 WAVES are now serving their coun- try and 20,000 more are urgently needed at the rate of 1,000 a week in order to reach the goal of 47,000 by the end of the year. To help fill this quota two Naval recruiting officers from Detroit, En- sign Jean Courtney and Sp. (R) e/c Harriet Simonson, will be stationed in the League for the week beginning Monday, Nov. 22. After donning the Navy blue which .. .... i