Soldiers Form
New Campus
Athletic C roup
Army Intramural
Program Includes
Basketball, Wrestling
A new program of Army intra-
murals, which will give the seven
companies on campus a chance to
compete among themselves and with
the Navy, has been organized under
the general supervision of Maj. J. P.
Each company will have two bas-
ketball teams, and a track team is
to be organized from among the vari-
Gus units. A tentative plan is also
being made to have field events such
as jumping and hurdles.
Men Volunteer
The company basketball teams, re-
spectively under the supervision of a
coach and a manager, are composed
of selected volunteers. About 248
men signed up for basketball origi-
nally, although fewer showed up for
the first practice last Friday night in
Waterman Gymnasium. Company B
led the list of volunteers with 56
Inter-company competition will be-
gin next Friday and will continue on
Nov. 26, Dec. 3 and Dec. 10 in Water-
man Gymnasium. Either the win-
ning company team or 'an all-star
team composed of men from all the
companies will then play the top
Navy team on Dec. 17 in Yost Field
House. The final selection of a team
to compete with ,the Navy will be
made by representatives from the
different companies.
Boxing, Wrestling Planned
Boxing and wrestling are also
planned with nine volunteers for
each. Twenty men signed up for run-
ning and 14 for track.
The aim of the intramural pro-
gram, Maj. Warner said, is "to get
as many men to participate as pos-
sible. Quite a lot of interest was
shown among the men and the or-
ganization was more or less spon-
Lt. Archie V. Johnson, Lt. Samuel
Reizman and Lt. Carlyle C. Garrick
are assisting Maj. Warner in super-
vision of the program.
formation as saying that several
places in southern Norway were at-
tacked at noon "by strong American
formations." The broadcast acknow-
ledged, however, only "damage to
some buildings."
The raid continued a series of ma-
jor American blows at the Germans'
metal supply. Fortresses bombed
Dueiren near Cologne, site of an im-
portant light-metal processing plant
for airplane parts, on Oct. 20 and
,Nov. 7.
The aerial campaign against Ger-
man war facilities across the English
Channel was continued during the
d y, meanwhile, but swift RAF for-
mations of light bombers and fight-
ers which attacked a seaplane base
near' Brest, an alcohol plant near
t.'aazaire and shipping and com-
munications throughout northern
There were also indications tonight
'that the Allied attacks were contin-
uing. The Vichy radio's five-station
ztwork went off the air early this
evening for a long period. This is
the usual sign that Allied night
bombers were out on their missions.
Marines Learn
In Forest PEM
Men Trained To Climb
Trees, Use Compass,
Distinguish Animals
This semester 40 Marines are tak-
ing a special forestry P.E.M. course
which in previous years was given
for civilians who wanted to know
how to take care of themselves in the
As there were very few civilians
left on campus to take this course, it
was decided to adapt it to the needs
of the Marine Corps, training the
men to take care of themselves in
jungles and similar places where they
may someday be fighting.
Men Visit Preserve
The men go out to a nearby Uni-
versity forest preserve one afternoon
a week. This preserve is used by the
Forestry Department for forestry
classes. The Marines are instructed
by members of the University staff
assisted by Sgt. George Hornbrook,
Sgt. Floyd Rubin and Cpl. Robert F.
Atkins Jr., Marine drill instructors.
In addition to the 40 Marines there
are still a few civilian students in the
Forestry Department taking the
course. The men learn to climb ropes
and trees to observation posts, how
to find their way through the forest
by means of a compass and other
methods of identification and how to
distinguish dangerous from non-dan-
gerous plants and animals.
The program is adapted from a
book, "On Your Own" which was
written by two University professors,
Samuel A. Graham, professor of eco-
nomic zoology, and Earl C. O'Roke,
associate professor of forest zoology.
Clothing Drive
Begins Nov. 22
A drive, sponsored by the Wash-
tenaw County Salvage Committee,
will begin Nov. 22 for the purpose of
collecting articles of clothing for the
people of war-torn countries over-
This drive, which is being conduc-
ted at the request of the War Pro-
duction Board, has the whole-heart-
ed support of the Michigan State
Association of Cleaners and Dyers
and all garments will be taken to
local cleaners before being shipped
School buildings throughout the
county will act as receiving houses for
donations. Persons wishing to give
clothing will be asked to bring it to
the schools between 8:30 a.m. and
3:30 p.m. except on Saturdays.
Clothing is needed for women from
the ages of two to 50 and for men of
the same ages. The chief articles
needed by the men are overcoats,
topcoats, complete suits, sweaters,
overalls, and sleeping bags. Those
most needed by the women include
coats, skirts, mittens, robes, hosiery,
and underwear.
Navy Pharmacist Leaves
G. A. Freeman, pharmacist's mate
first class, who was working in the
V-12 sick bay, has been detached
from the naval unit here and will
leave Friday for another base.
Mr. Freeman cahe here on June 17
from the naval hospital at Great
Lakes. He has been in the Navy 14
Supplies Come Ashore for Marines
With the beach cleared of Japanese opposition, Marine landing
barges come into Bougainville Island to disgorge supplies for the fight-
ing men who started the invasion of that Japanese stronghold in the
Solomons, Nov. 1. Note tractor and jeep already ashore.
ASTP To Be Permitted Only
Two Day Christmas Vacation
Christmas holidays will be a war
casualty this year for all Army train-
ees and their instructors stationed on
From the headquarters of the Sixth
Service Command came orders this
week permitting ASTP trainees only
two days' vacation in the holiday
For them and their instructors this
two-day holiday will take the place
Df a full week vacation provided in
the regular University calendar.
The orders of the Sixth Service
Command read: "It is not contem-
plated that any other holiday peri-
od will be allowed ASTP trainees
except Christmas Day, Dec. 25.
Passes may be granted for the peri-
od from the close of scheduled in-
struction on Dec. 24 until the
scheduled time for the evening
meal on Dec. 26.
In its directive to military per-
sonnel here, the Service Command
stated that "Thanksgiving Day and
New Year's Day are not considered
as holidays for military personnel
and employees of the War Depart-
ment during the present war emer-
gency and regular hours of duty
will be required."
Navy men will fare much better
than their brothers in khaki. For
them Thanksgiving vacation will last
from 6 p.m., Nov. 24 to 7:15 p.m.,
Nov. 25.
In addition, the bluejackets on
campus will have a full week for
Christmas, the vacation beginning
after classes Dec. 21 and ending at
7:15 p.m., Dec. 28. Like the Army, the
Navy will consider New Year's just
another day and classes will be
scheduled as usual.
Stanhrook To
Speak Friday
Lecture Will Be Given
For Naval Architects
R. C. Stanbrook, Marine Superin-
tendent for the Bradley Transport
Company of Rogers City, Mich., will
speak before the Reserve Officers
Naval Architecture Group on "Mar-
ine Machinery," at 10 a. m. Friday.
Mr. Stanbrook's company now has
six unloaders on the great Lakes. He
has been successful in increasing the
efficiency of these lake freighters by
improvements in the engine and boil-
er rooms and by the use of new pro-
pellors designed by the Department
of Naval Architecture and Marine
During the last World War Mr.
Stanbrook was an engineering officer
in the British Navy. His lecture Fri-
day will be given only for the Naval
Architects. No one else may attend.
This semester the Naval Architects
will use the Naval tank in the West
Engineering building about four
hours a week, studying damage con-
trol and stability of ships.
This tank, one of the few of its
size in the country, was built in 1904
for experimental use by marine and
naval engineers. During the last few
years it has been used exclusively
in testing ship designs for Maritime
Commission, Army, Navy and private
Cost of Living
Declines in
Seven Cities
LANSING, Nov. 16.-(P)-The cost
of living in seven major Michigan
cities declined 1.9 points from June
to September, the State Department
of Labor and Industry reported to-
day, although it still was 11.5 points
above the Pearl Harbor level.
The Department said food costs in
the six communities fell 6.7 points,
while clothing costs increased 2.5
points, rents remained unchanged,
fuel, electricity and ice increased 0.2
points and house furnishings in-
creased 1.8 points.
In Flint, the Department survey
said, all cost of living items were
down 1.0 points since June, but were
5.8 points above Pearl Harbor., Food
costs in that city dropped 5.5 in the
quarter but were up 30 per cent since
the start of the war. Clothing costs
were reported 1.3 points higher since
June and 10.3 higher than in Decem-
ber, 1941. There was no change in
rents reported. Fuel and electricity
costs rose 0.6 points for the quarter
and 2.2 points since Pearl Harbor,
while furnishings increased 8.1 since
June and 15.9 since Pearl Harbor.
Michigan Graduate
Wins Lennard Prize
James H. Fahey, '40, was recently
awarded the Joseph W. Lennard
Prize for the best paper given be-
fore the annual meeting of the So-
ciety of Naval Architects and Marine
Engineers at their 1942 meeting.
The award was presented at the
1943 meeting of the group for Mr.
Fahey's paper, "Side Launching on
the Great Lakes," which was select-
ed as the best from a program of 12
papers presented on various sub-
jects connected with shipbuilding
and design.
Glen Gray will broadcast from 6:301
to 7 p.m. Saturday over a nation-wideE
hook up from Hill Auditorium.-
The program, which is being given
especially for Navy men and other
military personnel on campus, is be-
ing made up by the Navy Department
in Washington. Navy personnel will
occupy the center section of Hill Aud-
The doors to the Auditorium will be
closed at 6:25 p.m. Any man in uni-
form will be admitted free, and ser-
vicemen with a ticket to the Bomber
Scholarship dance may bring their
date to the broadcast. Civilians who
cThink To Win'
Response Huge
Soldiers Submit More
Than 550 Ideas Daily
Terming the response to the Sixth
Army, Command "Think To Win"
contest as "excellent," Lt. Robert
Wattles, director of the program here,
said yesterday that suggestions are
coming in at the rate of over 550 a
He added: "enlisted men are com-
ing through in fine style. All seem
to have suggestions." One man has
turned in 20, and approximately 10
percent send in more than two en-
About 67 suggestions have come
from the 42 officers in this area, and
two of.the 17 civilians eligible to
compete have entered.
Lt. Wattles said suggestions cover
everything from standardizing the
size of buttons to the use of vehicles,
new ways of handling Army records
and improvement of discipline.
Editors To Be
Guests of Army
The Army Command stationed on
campus will play host to newspaper
editors and radio and magazine men
of Michigan Friday when they will
conduct a tour to inspect various
phases of Army training in the Uni-
Highlights of the campus such as
the radar laboratory, the Navy tank;
and the tropics room of the Univer-
sity Hospital will be included in the
tour which will begin at 10 a.m. from
Army Headquarters.
Army and Navy officials will par-
ticipate in a general question period
following a luncheon at the Michi-
gan Union.
Guests who wish to attend the
Michigan-Ohio State football game
Saturday may contact Larry Towe at
the University News Service in Uni-
versity Hall.
Glen Gray To Broadcast on
Nation-wide Hookup Saturday
will sing with Glen Gray's
orchestra here Saturday. 4
well as music. Glen Gray is donating
his time for the entertainment of Na-
vy men.
Eugenie Baird, Glen Gray's singer,
is. also coming and will appear on the
program. The famous band leader is
now in New York, having just coml
pleted an engagement in Florida. He
will arrive here Saturday just before
the broadcast.
For the past few weeks he has been
broadcasting siniilar programs on a
nation-wide Mutual hook-up.
(Continued from Page 1)
lett '45, George Morley '45, Alan-May-
emon '45 and Robert Germain.'46..
Business Administration and oth-
ers: Richard J. Sokatch, Burton P.
Dougherty, and Warren Watts '46-
Since only, one candidate's name
was submitted in both the elections
for the ,Law and Medical Schools
Donald Mason '44M and Bud Brim-
mer '46L have been declared unani-
mously elected vice-president.
In the Engineering. Council elec.-
tion the only. contest will be for a
representative from the Sehior clms.
The canoidates being Keith Nicolls
144e and Pete Bonnell '44E.
Students must present either a a
shier's receipt or if they attended the
summer semester an identification
card for t1ae year 1943-44 in order to
have a ticket to the dance may also
attend the broadcast with their date.
No other persons will be admitted.
The program which is being spon-
sored by the Navy Department will
contain messages from the Navy as
Singing Queen
ljtIJeckan #ten at Wda'
Letters from numerous headquar-
ters of our armed forces summarize
the activities and training of former
University students and graduates
now in service.
Capt. Walter E. Schroeder, of
Omaha, Neb., who is Asst. Post Judge
Advocate at Fort $heridan, Ill., has
recently received his promotion to
this rank. Capt. Schroeder was a
member of the seventh graduating
class of the Judge Advocate General
School here and has been stationed
at Fort Sheridan since his gradua-
tion, Oct. 15, 1943.
Capt. Norman W. Reed, of Lansing,
a graduate of the University, Class
of 1938, has been promoted recently,
_to the grade of major in the Army
Air Corps at the Victorville Army Air
Field, at Victorville, Calif.
Aviation Cadet Donald W. How-
ick of Grand Rapids, has just com-
pleted the Army's primary flight
training course at Thunderbirdj
Field No. 1, Glendale, Ariz., and
has now commenced his basic
flight training at another field.
When A/C Howick entered the
armed services in Feb. 18, 1943, he
was in his junior year in the aeron-
autical engineering school at the
One of the men to win his wings
in November exercises was Lt. Will-
iam F. Van Gieson at Blackland Fly-
ing Field, former student of the Uni-
versity. Following a few weeks of
Sandwiches and Fountain
727 North University
Used Records For Sale
transition training, these new pilots
will be capable of piloting fast pur-
suit ships and giant bombers.
Lt. Julius Aisner Jr, an alumnus of
the University, is now taking bom-
bardier training at Roswell Army
Air Field in Roswell, N. M., having
completed a course in navigation at
San Marcos, Tex. Lt. Aisner will
thus be able to serve the Army Air
Corps in a dual capacity and will be
eligible to wear the wings of either
navigator of bombardier.
Cadet Norman S. Teahan, of
Schenectady, N. Y., is receiving
basic flight at the Greenwood Army
Air Field, at Greenwood, Miss.
Cadet Teahan attended the Uni-
versity and participated in track.
He was accepted into cadet train-
ing in October, 1942.
While in training at Greenwood
Army Air Field, Cadet Teahan will
go through the transition from stu-
dent flyer to combat pilot and learn
the intricacies of night flying in ad-
dition to learning to overcome the
problems encountered in handling
the faster basic training planes. Upon
graduation he will proceed to an
advanced training school.
Aviation Cadet Kenesaw C. Gove
of Milan has just arrived at Big
Spring Bombardier School, Big
Spring, Tex., to pursue the twelve
weeks course as a bombardier cadet.
Upon satisfactory completion of his
training there, he will win his silver
wings as a bombardier and be ap-
pointed a flying officer in the Army
Air Forces.
Cadet Gove attended the Univer-
sity from 1940-41 where he earned a
letter is basketball and played pro-
fessionally in a dance band.
o New under-arm *
Cream Deodorant
Stops Perspiration
1. Does not rot dresses or men's
shirts. Does not irritate skin.
2. No waiting to dry. Can be used
right after shaving.
3. Instantly stops perspiration for
1 to 3 days. Prevents odor.
4.A nnre white, greaseless.
7The J#tichigan eatei s
To Be Selected FRI DAY N ITE
at the
No Dance On Saturday
6'o m hber 'Sch otarih Commt Qe
invdtei ou
to the
_ _ gir
m,- ----
Have a "Coke" = Come in and sit down
Aa iurin
Jin ci Caa Joma
Orched tra
8:30 to 12:00
It/ A ,
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