PACE FOUR& T~lEMICHIG(AN DI LlY WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1M 1943 .~i ~ I U Fifty-Fourth Year LDCE PICKED 'WRONG HORSE' Badoglio, King Emmanuel Are Unpredictable; Revolution May Be Only'Outlet for Italian People .. I .ditedt and managed by students of the University of 6icliigen under the authority of the Board in Contra) fit stud!ent Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press 18 exclusively entitled to the use ror republication of all news dispatches redited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper, All rights of repub- ication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as saecond-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.50, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43' Editorial Staff ARSHALL BADGLIO in his interview with the American press last week laid sole blame for Italy's entry into' the war, and for its conduct at all times on Mussolini, and took none of the- respensbilfty upon himself for his own conduct. Mussolini's overthrow, contended Badoglio, was- the work of the, Fascist. officials, and he stepped in only when called upon to do so by a sunmnons fronv the King. When H-eIrbert L.. Matthews of- the New York "Times" reminded him of the meeting. in Ethiopia, Badoglio said,* "Those were better times for Italy." This would seem that the Marshall did not turn against Il Duce because of hie invasions or lack of in. vasions, but because Mussolini failed to pick the right horse. Throughout his interview Badoglio repeat- edlf promised that he would resign office im- Mediately after fighting ceased and the Ger- mans were overthown. -Even more recently he stated that h'e would resign after the Allies reached Rome, rather than have the King ab- dicate. Iz light of Badogio sentiments toward Faseism, it seems impossible that he will keep Ils promises when the time comes for him to resign, nor- would it be any better for the King, with' his Fascist tendencies, to remaiu, if -Ba.. doglio would resign after the Allies reiwh Rome, BADOGLIO, before.he made his statement to the press that he would resign when the Allies reached Rome, approached Count Sforza and other liberal leaders of Italy, with hopes of forming a coalition government. Count Sforza, however, has stated that he has returned to Italy as a private citizen, and that his only in- terest in the government and the country was to help rid it of the Nazis. Before a coalition government can be formed, hoisever, the problem of a monarchy must be solved. Count Sforza and other prominent anti- Fascists in.Italy are willing to adjust and settle the differences concerning the government, and maintain the crown as a symbol if King Victor and his heir abdicate in favor of Crown Prince Umberto's six-year old son. One snag faces this arrangement. A statute of 1938 requires that in the case of a regency the next of kin to the King must be named regent. Prince Umberto, the heir to the throne and Victor Emmanuel have followed Fascist dictates for so long, that they coddn't possibly rule as regents without using many of the doctrines of Fiscism. They must be ousted and not allowed to have anything further to do with the government. Thus, a government under Badoglio, who, it seems, will never keep his promises either to resign after the Nazis are ousted from Italy, or when the Allies reach Rome, and a regency under the present government statutes, are not the solutions to Italy's governmental problems. Per- haps the revolution, which was evaded because of .Allied intervention and occupation in Italy, would be the sole solution to the problem, which to date has left the Italian people without a government that they can depend upon. -Agatha Miller I.t 2~ if] he &di o Criticism Necessary... MISS PETERSON'S recent editorial on Reperesntative Dondero as- serts that our American statesmen should refrain from making remarks wherever our gallant Allies are con- cerned. As she says, "we must not let men like Representative Dondero nullify the wonderful results achieved by the Moscow conference." It would seem to me, however, that her proposition, if it is to carry any weight, must work both ways. The British have continually made re- marks, through their press, ridiculing our Congress. It was they who first quipped about our five Senators tour- ing the war fronts. Now we find the Russians filling our country with propaganda. We, I presume, are to stand idly by like little Punch and Judys while our Allies make. puppets of us. If there is to be any kind of peace between our Allies and ourselves, we all must mind our own internal business Do we fill Russia with propaganda advocating a democ- racy there? Do we advise the Brit- ish Parliament on whom they should chose for Prime Minister. No! We have left their internal policies entirely tq the British and Russian people. Is it too much to ask or expect that our internal policies should be left to ourselves? It would seem to me that it-is any American statesman's duty 't keep the public informed about, any ac- tivity, no matter whom it concerns, if it threatens that which we are fighting for-our democracy., If that harmony which Miss Peter- son refers between Russia and the} United States is to become a reality, then it must be initiated within Rus- sia itself. The Russians must keep, their Red noses out of our internal affairs. What we do within the Unit- ed States is up to God and ourselves and no one else ! -John C. Timms Truth Should He Told.. . IN AN editorial in The Daily of Nov. 14, Doris Peterson chastizes Rep. Dondero for his "bad taste' 'in voicing his disapproval of Russia's sending to this country in returning leid- lease ships printed propaganda.- GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty -Marion Ford , Jane Parrant . . Claire Sherman . Marjorie Borradaile 1Ed Zalenskl . Betty Harvey .. Hilda, Slautterback Doris Kuentz . . Business Molly Ann Winokur- - Ejiabeth- Carpenter Martha Opsion. Managing Editor . Editorial Director . .- City Editor . Associate Editor . Sparts Editor, Women's- Editor - Columnpist * . . Columnist Sta ff - Business Manager Ass't.Bus. Manager . Aes't Bus. D thnager 12 . t.. , , - ' .i F ¢443, ~Ofgo Times,1i1a. _ . , a nol atj ---- -- .-------~ - - - -~- "-And look into the future' Some day, you'll want to outside fireplace and grill to'burn the mortgage-- or knows -i maybe even to cook a steak!" use, ths who i .F Tetephone ZJ-14-I NIGHT EDITOR: STAN WALLACE . Ediforials published i The Michigan Daily are written-mby members of The- Daily stf. and represent the views of the writers ont i DEDICATION: Students Pledge Today To Winning War, Peace FOUR YEARS AGO today Jan Opletal, a 24- year-old studen't of medicine at the Unlversiy of Prague died because he demonstrated against Fascism. Thousands' of students who attended his funeral were murdered or shipped to con- centration camps by fhe Nazis. Al CzchosIo- vakian universities were closed by- order of the. Gestapo. - - A few students escaped the wrath of the Nazis and made their 'way to Lontdon. They sought some means of commemorating the- deaths of their friends. In London in 1941 stu- dents from Britain, Russia, China, America andI underground groups in conquered nations dedi- cated November 17 as International.. Students Day. TODAY, INTERNATIONAL Students Day, is a day of dedication for students, throughout the world. Students and teachers everyWhere. who have been affected by the vicious attack of the fascists on free democratic education will be remembered.", We, the students who are yet free, pledge ourselves, in observing this day, to devote all our energies to! the winning of the war and the peace. We,- who are students in a free democracy, must work so that, in the words of the Inter- national Students Council: "November 17, 1944, will be joyfully celebrated in the streets of Paris and Peiping, of Kiev, Warsaw and Belgrade, of Brussels, Amsterdam, Athens and Prague.'' Kathie Sharfman LABOR FAILS: C 5. Agreed. - ertafiily. Gr "he'dRather Be Right with Sam Grafton. And we like riding Pearson's bucking "Merry-r Go-Round.' - - We listen when someone begins, "My friends . . -We -know that truly "now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party." But to these phrases weadd: We're in a Hurry. All of this generation is on the speed-up line t We've got to be; its not a matter of choice. We've got to find the answers. We know the cltestions ... our parents asked them over our cradles and while teaching us to wash behind our ears. The questions that grew out of World War I, out of the boom that followed . . our parents asked them o,, the Black Friday of the stock market crash, and the Saturday of the Bank Holiday. They asked them' when the NIRA, AAA, WPA, CCC", IYA, FHA were born. They asked them until they were sobusy asking' that they couldn't find the answers. They didn't see-that they had-only so much time to find the- solutions. They forgot that some day an alarm clock would go off: time's ' up! They -looked aron- so1ehat aimless- ly;soretMes - r etlessy-yes, they looked for the answers. But not soon enough; not hard enough; not practically enough. Each took his * lofe candle and searched alone for the light. They weren't in the- hurry that we are in. -;We are fighting World War I. We are talking about post-war prdblebns. - We are studying, interna- tional cartels, race discrimination, political cor- ruption; labor-management committees, chronic industrial slack, the foreign policy of the State Department;' the American Fascists who much prefer a Hitler victory to a recognition of Rus- siW's part in Allied plamiing. WE CHEER WHILE MICHIGAN licks Wiscon- sii; *e c re whether the Tigers- win that dou- ble header. We study for blue-books and stay up all night typing research papers. We drink cokes anld talk-we smoke and knit and write letters and dance. < Butbehind it all, we know that this genera- tion - has got to be in a hurry about fulfilling mottoes lke "Making the World Safe for Deiooracy." We'Ye got tq make the Four Freedom live in the United States at the same time were fighting for them all over the world. We've got to maintain the revolutionary tradi- tion of the wars of 1776 and 1861-wars to create a new ,world for a new breed of men ... free men. First1 we -must destroy-but we can't stop there. The Revolutionary War wasn't .ended in 1783, it had to be written first into- the Consti- tution and the Bill of Rights. The Civil War couldn't end- with Lee's surrender. couldn't end till reconstruction- began. That's why: we're in a hurry to win the war . so' that we can stop destroying and start creating again. Creating the land of plenty our' immigrant ancestors dreamed of. The land of opportunity and equality for whidh minority groups have searched the globe. The land where one hundred hirty million people believe that the pursuit of happiness is, their birth :right. Many- of our predecessors in this sanctified spot- have written their pieces day after day, waiting till their last column to- heave their books at the pillars of Angell Hall and tramp off, diplomas in hand. - But since we're I A Hurry this year, we'd like to start off 1943-44 by taking careful aim, pausing for effect, and throwing our academic tools at that hallowed building with its noble inscription.u Then, the decks cleared for action, we can start out-where the others-left off trying to find out why we felt in a. bok-throwing mood, and arranging things -so -that -future columnists I'd Rather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTo The price for a square meal in occupied Europe today is revolution against the Nazis, or a rea- sonably exact facsimile. The new United Nations relief organization, which Mr. Lehman heads, is willing to feed Europe on those terms, for that price. But Mr. Herbert Hoover, persisting in his ef- forts to feed the hungry peopleQf Europe at Once; demands that we ifurnish food without re- quiring any price BETWEEN THE MILESTONES What would happen if we accepted Mr. Hoover's plan? We would then use Swiss and Swedish agents ,operating throughout the coii- quered countries, to succor starving women and children. We would ease their lot, certainly, and we would relieve the minds of their husbands, their sons, and also of their Nazi puppet rulers. At the same time we would be hard at work in the skies, bombing day and night, in an attempt to bring about exactly the opposite effects. We would have one great organization, our air forces, killing non-combatants as well as combatants, doing its uttermost to reduce European morale, to itcrease European tensions, to destroy trans- port, which is the same as destroying food and clothing. Simultaneously, under the Hoover con- ception, we would have another great organiza- tion bringing in food, soothing unrest, and post- poning the breaking point. Mr. Hoover's pro- posal, for all its weighty humanitarianism, would actually grind the people of Europe between upper and nether millstones; postponing both victory through force, and victory through revolt. IT DOES NOT STAND ALONE It is a horrid thing to say that food should not be sent to any women and any children, any- where. But Mr. Hoover's trouble is that he dis- entangles -this one horror from all the horrors of war, then fascinates himself contemplating it, as it stands all alone. But it does not stand alone. It stands in a field of horrors, of which air bombardment is one, and of which the scorched earth policy, by which Russia rendered millions of its own people homeless and hungry, is another. Do we deny food to French women and children? So does every French patriot who blows up a railroad line, or who sabotages a powerhouse. He thereby helps to starve and freeze his own, and he does it (and this is no paradox, though it sounds like one) because that is the quickest way to end a situation in which his own are freezing and starving The Russians denifd thW German soldiers houses in which to sleep during winter, at the heavy cost of burning those houses, and freez- ing their own people. The French underground works- day and night to disorganize the econ- omic life of France, destroying factories, dis- rupting the rationing system, blowing up mines; though it knows that the immediate cost is tsore suffering for France. What is sabotage except a delayed scorched-earth policy?' Those horrors are committed by men who hate horrors, and as the only end to horror. It is into the presence of these great forces, moving to their speedy climax, that Mr. Hoover would in- trude with hismoralities and ameliorations', HOW TO END HOR R But I wonder if Mr. Hoover understands that the Russians,,who burnt their villages, were real- If theequestions are to be antwer- ed postively we are sure ter:be< "left holdi the bag in internatioanal politics and o4 representative gov- erninent is doomed. The queston is not whether or not we should offend Russia, but whether a Congressman should tell Congress what he finds to be the truth. Perhaps 'Iiss.Peterso'' would pre- fer to -have us overlook the facts, as long as Russia is accepted as- a friend. We refused to accept the facts{ when . Japan professed friendship. The result of that should have taught us a lesson. Lee Wil iauns Antir-PoD Tax Bil... S ANTI-POLL ta bill has al- readyr been passed by the House and is now up for consideration in the Senate. There's no- doubt ingny mind but that it Vill be passed in the Senate too providing a vote is taken. And that is the wrench in the machinery. There is a-'democratie' process knoWn as filTbustlerintt which allows an insignificant min- ority to keep any bill tihey. dislike fromK being called up for a votd. Thetefore it is especially importanta that everyone write to his Senator to pass a rule of cloture which will fdrce a- vote after a designated period- is allotted to discussion. And ask him to be certain .to be present when the vote is called, and of course to vote for ;the bill, HR.7. In order to make our democracy a total one, in order to unify all people in~ our cofntry so that there i. greater strength to carry on the war,,and in order to complete the uncompleted job of the Civil War- it is very important tht the Alnti- poll Tax Bill be passed. We are fighting against an ideology which subordinates "inferior races"- how -can we reconcile the loss of our boys for such principles with- our lethargy to rid our own country of such similar practices. Let's really keep the home tires burning. Sara Chapman There has been no breakdown. thus far in over-the-road transportation directly -affecting the movement of war freight. Indeed, there is every indication that the motor carriers will handle an een greater excess in the last half of this year than the 15 percent increase as cbmpared With 1941- which was predicted early in the eurent tWelve months by the Office of Defe'ise 't'asportation. However, this increased dfrect war dad is- being cafried at the expense of civilian traffie, Mdh of-which is essefitfal to the war and to the busi- ness of the nation. -New York. Times Does friendship with another nation necessitate the complete closing of our eyes to the intentions and activities of that nation? Should a member of our national legislature, in whose hands we Nhve placed much of the welfare of our country, be prevented fromt report- ing what he sees to be the facts? .. .,._ _ ,m .: -ter- r"._.. '. : rrn r.n r 'i .n. +NI °. Li+ i.1:Wy wF . : wnirn rii - p ° iY ri r" i r ir l rr r rlgrlA"rr" I WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17, 1943_ VOL LIV No. 14 - All notices for the Daly Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 pm. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Strict Enforcement of Anti-Strike Bill Needed WITH ALL FOUR employer members and three public members of the War Labor Board un- officially advocating stricter control over labor unions, it may be expected that Congress will take up the matter shortly. John L. Lewis was the first to breach the line and force an Administrative surrender. Now several other groups are following in his footsteps. M1ore than 1,0O0,000 non-operating railway. employees are preparing to take a strike vote which will result in the probable authorizatIon of a work- stoppage. A general CIO move to break the Littre Steel Formula seems to b in "the making with the United Steel Workers leading in the effort. Officials of the herieaft Federation of Labor are l4ok-' ing in the same direction. The weakness of the Smith-Connally Act, a make-shift sort of colnpr'omise in the first place, is becoming more and more apparent as- the labor situation bebomes more and more critical. The outstanding flaw in the Act is that its pro- visions for strike prohibition are not- effective until after the Government has taken over the industry. concerned. Government seizure for the purpose of dealing with strikes-is an injustice to employers who bear the brunt of government punishment, rather than the strikers. Not onlv is the Smith-Connally Act weak Noticest Conservation of Public Utilities: It is urged that every meMber of the University community, faculty, stu- dents, clerks, and other employees,t constitute himself or herself a com- mittee of one to contribute in every reasonable way to the end that there shall be no waste of electricity, wa- ter, gas, oil, coal, or of communica-1 tions or transportation service. This1 notice is in behalf not only of the University administration but of var- ious United States Government au-3 thorities. University Lecture: Dr. Albert H. Burrows, Professor of Economics and Sociology at Northern Michigan Col- lege of Education, will lecture on the subject, "Social Problems of the or-i themn Peninsula" under the auspices of the Department of Sociology on Friday, Nov. 26, at 4:15 p.m. in- the Rackhan Amphitheatre. The public is invited. Academic Notices To all male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: By action of the Board of ' Regents, all male students in residence in this. College must elect Physical Educa- tion for Men. This action had been effective since June, 1943, and will continue for the duration of the war. Students may be excused from, taking the course by (1) The Vni- versity Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his representa- considered after the end of the third week of the Fall Term, The Administrative Boaird of the College of Literature, Selenee and the Arts Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: No course- nay be elected for credit after the end of the third week of the Fall Term.' Nov. 20 is th'vrefore the last date on; which new. elections may be ap- droved The: Willingnessof an indi- vidual iistrctor to admit -a student later does not affect -the operation of this rule. E. A. Walter School of Education Students: No course elected for credit after Saturday, Nov. 20. Students must re- port all changes of elections at: the Registrar's Office, Room 4,.University Hall.'* Membership in a class does not cease nor begin until all changes have been thusofficially registered. hAr- rangeMnents 'made with the instructor are not official changes. German -Departmentat Library hours, Fall _Term 1943-44: 1:304:30 p.m., Monday through Friday; 10:00- 12:00 a.m., Tuesdays and Saturdays, 204 University. Hall. C.on certs-- Faculty- Recital: Wassily Iesekir- sky, violinist, and Joseph Brinkman, pianist, - wil be heard in -thesecond program of a series of three recitals by members of the School of Music faculty,' at 4:15 Sunday: afternoon,. Nov. 21, in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre. Professrs' Besekirslty and Brink- man have -arranged a program com- prising the three sonatas for violin and piano by Brahms. It will be open to the general public without charge. Events Today Researsch Clubt wilt. meet is the- photographs, and refreshments. Ev- erybody welcome. The Merit Comrittee will meet to- day in the Undergraduate Office of the League at 4:30 p.m. Post-WarCouncil Public Panel.on "The United Nations: - What They Are and What They May Become," with Professors Hostie, Laing, and Maurer participating at 7:30 tonight in the League. Everyone welcome. Red Cross Standard First Aid Class wily meet tonight at 7:00 at Betsy Barbour. Interested women are asked to come The Association Music Hour will present the first section of Bach's "St. Matthew Passion" tonight at 7:30 at Lane Hall. The La Crosse Club will meet today at °4: 30 .p.m.-6n, Palmer Field. The Rifle Club will meet today 4:30 p.m. , in the WAB. No experience -necessary to join. Instruction will be :given. The Discussion Group of the Michi- gan Dames will-meet tonight at 8:15 at the home-of-Mrs. W. L. Lenz, 1109 Prospect Street. Subject for discus- Sion, "Juvenile- Delinquency." Zoology Club will nmeet on Thur>,- day, Nov. 18,- at 7:30 in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Mr. L. Edward Perry will speak on the "Biology and Eco- nomic, Significance of.-the Peaknose Cisco of Bear Lake, Idaho and Utah." A.I.Ch.E. will meet on Thursday, Nov. 18, at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. ]D. G. G. Brown, chairman of the Department of Chemical Engineer- ing, will speak. All chemical engi- neering students are urged to attend. A Red Cross Surgical Dressings Unit will open at Hillel Foundation on Thursday, Nov. 18, from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. To comply with Red Cross edgulations, each volunteer must wear I M I