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March 22, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-22

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4 it

Little Change





ofias Communications;

Hull I
Fight for
Liberty Is
17 Points Iinclude
National Security
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 21.-In an
unprecedented definition of Ameri-
can foreign policy, Secretary of State
Hull tonight called upon all liberty-
loving men and nations to "show
themselves worthy ofnliberty" by'
fighting for its preservation, in any
way open to them, "against those
who would destroy it for all."
"Never did a plainer duty to fight'
against its foes devolve upon all peo-
ples who prize liberty and all who as-
pire to it," the Secretary declared.
Based on Speeches
His statement on liberty was one of
seventeen points, based on speeches
which he has made over the past two
years and issued in capsule form to-





Emirau Is
Taken by
Isolate Japan's
Bismarck Bases
By The Associated Press
All Japanese bases in the Bismarck
archipelago were completely isolated
Monday as United States Marines
landed and took over Emirau Island,
while American battleships pounded
Nippon's strategic Kavieng, just 84
miles to the southeast.
An official southwest Pacific com-
munique late Tuesday said the oper-
ations Monday placed American for-
ces within bombing range of Truk,
keystone of Japan's mid-Pacific de-
fenses. Emirau is about 600 miles
south of Truk.
The Japanese base at Rabaul was
isolated as the Leathernecks moved
into Emirau.
The battleships appearing forthe
first time in .the Bismarck: area
pounded Kavieng, main point on the
Rabaul supply line, with 1,000 tons
of shells. The battering lasted three
and a half hours and was preceded
by air raids. Large sections of Kav-
ieng were totally destroyed.
Meanwhile Allied headquarters re-
ported further major successes
against Japan's sea power with' the
sinking of 27 Nipponese ships, most
of them by submarine action
In Burma the Japanese suffered
two setbacks but continued to ad-
vance on one front.
. . ie
ill Sp eak on
Ch ina's L. eader
"Chiang Kai - Shek, Statesman"
will be the topic of Dr. George Shep-
herd's talk at 4 p.m. today in the
lecture room on the first floor of the
Rackham Building.
Dr. Shepherd, an advisor of the
Generalissimo and to the New Life
Movement of China, has spent more

100,000 Soldiers
Occupy Hungary
Hitler Plans Tr i Set Up Quisling Rule;
Full Assault on Bulgaria Is Predicted
By 'rue Assocated Pres
LONDON, March 21.-German forces were reported tonight to
have taken over communications centers in Sofia, capital of Bulgaria,
even while a Nazi army of 100,000 men developed their occupation of
Hungary and while Adolpf Hitler was said to be maneuvering to set up
a Quisling regime.
Without immediate confirmation from other sources, the Ankara
Turkish radio declared that the Germans had occupied the postal and
telegraph offices of Sofia. The broadcast was recorded in Bern, Switzer-
The reported move perhaps presaged a full-scale drive into Bulgaria
such as was sent against Hungary, where the German occupation was
meeting some opposition.
_-- - - - - - - - ._- . r _ _ _ 1 __ i . .. -

WASHINGTON, March 21.-(P)
--The United States government
pledged unequivically today the de-
struction of the Vichy regime of
France and sharply questioned the
loyalty of those who suggest Am-
eran intentions to collaborate
with Vichy officlals.
Such repots, the State Depart-
mient said in a hotly-worded state-
ment, are "false on their face" and
"evidently inspired."
day to meet what the Secretary call-
ed a growing interest in this nation's
foreign policy as indicated by in-
creasln =' reqiiests for information
which are now coming to the State
"tn determining our foreign poli-
cy," the Secretary declared in his
first point, "we must first seeclear-
ly what our true national interests
"At the present time, the para-
mount aim of our foreign policy is
to defeat our enemies as quickly as
"Beyond our final victory, our fun-
damental national interests are the
assuring of our national security and
the fostering of the economic and
social well being of our people."
Atlantic Charter Discussed
One point Hull devoted to a dis-
cussion of the Atlantic Charter, de-
claring that while it assures every
nation regardless of size a greater op-
portunity to live in prosperity and
freedom it also implies an obligation
for each nation to demonstrate its
capacity for sound government and
peaceful relations.
Faculty Tops
Red Cross Goal
Washtenaw County
Soars Toward Quota
University faculty members have
exceeded their $3,000 quota for the
local Red Cross Drive by $1,16.10,
Charles Henderson, chairman of the
Washtenaw County drive, announced
yesterday as county Rtotals soared to
$71,555.25, $49,386.68 of which came
from the city of Ann Arbor.
John Clippert, of the Union Red
Cross Drive, reported that University
men had passed the thousand dollar
mark in their drive, the majority of
the contributions coming from civil-
ians and Army personnel stationed
on campus.
$372.26 has been turned in by the
men who have yet to collect nine
tenths of their $3,500 quota, accord-
ing to Marjorie Hall, women's chair-
Reports from the Judge Advocate
Generals' School reveal that the men
there have exceeded their quota by
more than 50 per cent, having col-
lected $110 above their $200 quota,
and more returns are expected.
Women are needed to take up Red
Cross collections in the two campus
theaters tomorrow through next
-anb me.onn-.~and ay -cinnnmin

ing last November during the invasion of Tarawa Island are buried in this cemetery on the Gilbert
Atoll. Navy and other dead are buried elsewhere on the island.

Fin s Reect ed Terms;-
Soviets Hint at Reprisals
Final Breakdown in Negotiations Reported;
Reaction in Finland Confused After Incident

By The Associated Press
LONDON; March 21.-Finland an-
nounced rejection of the Russian ar-
mistice terms today and a few hours
later an official Soviet statement
broadcast from Moscow declared that
the refusal placed full responsibility
for the consequences on the Finnish
Together the two declarations in-
dicated a complete and final break-
down in peace negotiations.
Exchange Notes Outlined
The Moscow statement was brief,
outlining tersely the order and sub-
stance of the notes exchanged by the
two 'governments leading up to Fin-
land's rejection of Russia's six-point
"By this action it (the regime of
Premier Edwin Linkomies) has taken
upon itself full responsibility for
what will follow," said the statement,
recorded by the Soviet Monitor.
The statement was signed by the
information bureau of the Peoples'
Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of
the U.S.S.R.
It pointed out that Finland's first
answer to the offer of peace, made
March 1, had been a reply that the
Soviet"terms were difficult to accept.
Reaction Confused
Reaction in Finland to the gov-
ernment's refusal of the terms was
confused, an Associated Press dis-
patch from Stockholm said.
A spokesman of the Finnish for-
eign office asserted again tonight
that "Finland is willing for peace,"
but the Soviet statement indicated
that Russia considered negotiations
A dispatch from Stockholm by
Tass, Soviet news agency, said dis-
content in Finland was increasing
"because government propaganda is
carefully concealing the grave posi-
tion of the country."
American sources in Stockholm ex-
pressed belief that if negotiations
MC allum To
Qui Public Life
State Senator George P. McCallum
of Ann Arbor announced yesterday
his intention to retire from public
life, sayi.g that he would not be a
candidate for any office in the July
Senator McCallum had previouslyj
stated that he was considering run-
nina o. acndidate for lieutenant

had broken down completely the
United States might sever its al-
ready slender diplomatic relations
with Finland.
Communique Makes Protest
A DNB dispatch broadcast by Ber-
lin averred, "the Finnish reply is a
manifestation of Finland's determi-
nation to preserve the country's free-
dom, independence and individual-
The Finnish communique disclos-
ing the rejection, asserted Russia had
not granted the Finns "an opportun-
ity to express her own viewpoint be-

fore accepting

the terms."

Senior Officers,
Union Officials
To Be Elected
In an attempt to consolidate re-
maining campus elections for the
current semester, the Men's Judi-
ciary Council yesterday announced
that election for senior class officers
and three Union vice-presidents will
be held Wednesday, April 5.
Petitions for both elections must
be filed by 5 p.m. next Wednesday in
the' Union Student Offices, John
Clippert, Judiciary Council secretary,
Three Union vice-presidents will
be elected representing the literary
college, the engineering-arch schools
and the combined schools and col-
Men interested in these positions
must file petitions detailing their
qualifications for office without ob-
taining any signatures.
Students desirous of holding senior
class offices in any school or college
should file petitions bearing the sig-
natures of 25 qualified electores-
members of their class in the respec-
tive schools-together with an ac-
count of their qualifications.
Candidates for the Union positions
will be interviewed by a Union nomi-
nating committee while those for
class office will be interviewed by
the Judiciary Council.
That age-old thirst for alcoholic
beverages can't be changed much by
municipal legislation in the opinion
....C A..... At.k.-..-. '. .....r.. n riT nn-n.N

Nazi Parachute
TropsBatter to
**.P~os a e
Cassrno s Edge
Battle Still Rages as
Germans Strive To
Retake Vital Heights
PLES, March 21-(t)-Fanatic young
Nazi parachute troops-perhaps the
toughest men in the German Army-
have fought their way back into the
ruins of the Continental Hotel at
Cassino's edge and continue to wage
a desperate struggle for vital heights
behind the stronghold.
Only yesterday New Zealand troops
and tanks blasted their way into the
extensive wreckage of the hotel on
the southwestern outskirts and seized
180 prisoners, but last night the Ger-
mans struck back savagely under the
exhortation of their commander, Lt. -
Gen. Richard Heidrich, to throw the
Allies out of Cassino.
New Zealand and Indian troops
still held the railway station and
Castle Hill on the slope of Mt. Cas-
sino, but the Nazis were throwing
vicious counterattacks against Indi-
an Gurkhas clinging to Castle Hill.
Allied dive-bombers again supplied
isolated Allied troops by parachute.
The ferocity of the Nazi defense
was partly explained by the disclos-
ure that Heidrich's parachute troops,
to whom have been added units of a
crack armored grenadier division,'
average about 20 years of age and'
are thoroughly imbued with the Nazi
doctrine. Most of them are fighting{
to the death.
With all roads up Monastery hill
destroyed and the slopes almost too
rugged for pack mules, P-36 Invad-
ers dropped parachute bundles of
food, water and ammunition to an
Allied detachment isolated on a small
plateau halfway up.-
MainBowski Named
Head of ongress
Witold Malinowski, of Detroit, has
been appointed president of Men's
Congress for the coming year, out-
s going president Fred Hoffman an-
nounced yesterday.
This week Malinowski will make
appointments of other officers for
Congress, organization of indepen-
dent men.'

.,S. A.ir Fleet '
Attacks French
. i
Invasion Coast
Fighters Destroy 20
Nazi Planes During
Sweep into France
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 21.- American
four-engined Liberators attacked the
Pas-de-Calais invasion coast area of
northern France today without losing
a plane and swift Mustangs of the
Eighth Air Force made an unprece-
dented sweep over 450 miles of oecu-
pied France, strafing enemy air-
dromes and destroying 20 planes.
Ranging all the way from Paris to
the Pyrenees Mountains at the Span-
ish border, the Mustangs, which
combine a long range with speeds up
to 425 m.p.h., shot down 11 enemy
aircraft and destroyed nine on the
A communique tonight reported
seven Mustangs missing from the
daring operation.
The Mustang sweep was one of the
largest and longest ever made from
British bases and the bag of 20
planes was indicative of what the,
powerful new fighters will be able to
do when they go into tactical opera-
tions supporting the invasion.
Until now the Mustangs had been
used mainly for long-range bomber
escorts. On several occasions they
have been assigned to guard the big
bombers during attacks on Berlin,
600 miles away.

' Hungarian troops loyal to their Re-
gent, Admiral Nicholas Horthy, re-
sisted stubbornly at some points, but
on the whole the occupying force of
five German and two Rumanian div-
isions appeared to be meeting little
fight as it took over the country, said
advices relayed through neutral cap-
The noted pro-Nazi former pre-
mier, Bela Imredi, was understood to
be heading a temporary government
LONDON, Wednesday, March 22
-(P)-Nazi armored columns were
said to be moving swiftly on Bu-
charest, indicating th~at both Bul-
garia and Rumania might soco
share the fate of Hungary, now
completely dominated by Hitler's
armed forces.
in cooperation with Berlin and was
reported to have ordered the arrest
of his predecessor, Premier Nicholas
Imredi went into action immedi-
ately, launching a round-up of liberal
political leaders, Jews and Polish
refugees, and summoning Parliament
to meet tomorrow, with himself sub-
stituting for the "absent" Regent
Admiral Horthy was still reported
retained in Germany with three of
his aides who went with him to Ber-
lin last week at Hitler's call. Their
detention and the occupation of Hun-
gary followed their refusal to mobilize
troops and further participate in the
war against Russia.

Advancing R eds Cut Railway,
Drive on Toward Prul River

. . .to speak today
than 20 years in that country. His
speech today, which is open to stu-
dents and the public, is sponsored by
the Committee on Religious Educa-
tion and Co. A and D. Dr. E. W.
Blakeman will make the introduc-
More than 200 men from Ann
Arbor churches heard Dr. Shepherd
speak yesterday at a dinner held at
the Bethlehem Evangelical and Re-
formed Church. The meeting was
sponsored by the laymen group of
the Council of Churches.

LONDON, March 21.--P)-Russian
troops smashing across the Dniester
River at Mogilev Podolski swept
through 40 villages today, cutting
the railway between eastern Bessa-
rabia and the capital at Cernauti
and planting a powerful Soviet van-
guard within 30 miles of the Prut
River from which the Nazis launch-
ed their 1941 invasion, Moscow an-
nounced tonight.
As the sweep into pre-war Rumania
tore through Rumanian divisions cov-
ering the flight of German troops,
Moscow's communique sai4 the Red
Army attacking in old Poland to-
ward Lwow had captured 62 more
villages. Soviet spearheads were re-
ported already within sight of Brody,
50 miles northeas of Lwow.
Berlin's 'high command said the
Russians were attacking Kovel, 100
miles north of Lwow, 170 air line
miles from Warsaw, and 500 miles
from Berlin-the same distance from

- ~ -~
Berlin s the American-British in-
vasion forces gathering in Britain.
German radio commentators said
the battle for Kovel, strategic rail
junction on the Kiev-Warsaw line,
was raging with "unparalled fero-
Falling back on Odessa from the
north, the Germans admitted in their
broadcasts that they were trying to
"disengage" their troops from the
attacking Russians and withdraw
them safely across the lower Bug
River in the Pervomaisk-Voznesensk
Stassen Tosses
Hat inGOP Riti
WASHINGTON, March 21--(?P)-
Lt.-Com. Harold E. Stassen today
became the fourth openly receptive
prospect for the Republican presi-
dential nomination, leaving only
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey and .Gen.
Douglas MacArthur outside that cat-
egory among the possibilities most
often mentioned.
Stassen wrote Secretary of the
Navy Knox that he °does not seek
and will do nothing personally to
secure the nomination, but if he were
nominated he would consider it his
- - -ir rii.r . t lA\F ew .se:. .

Threaten, But Beer Thirst Goes On


cil with a 12-2 vote, but it will not

become effective until it is passed at
a second meeting.

"Most of our customers want beer
with their Sunday dinners, and you
might as well give it to them other-

regulation does go into effect, ac-
cording to their managers. The ma-
inritvo f the downtown vpetfanrant

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