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March 21, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-21

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TUESDAY, MAlCH 21, 1944




Aimed at

India Is Halted in Assam

v _

Nips Suffer
Great Casualties
In New Clash

Burmese Invasion1 Is
Called Biggest Battle
In Theatre Since '42

By The Associated Press
NEW DELHI, INDIA, March 20.-
A Japanese offensive from remote
bases of the upper Chindwin aimed
at an invasion of India and disrup-
tibn of the Allied supply line over
the Burma hump to China apparent-
ly was developing today into the big-
gest battle of the theatre since 1942.
Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten's
Southeast Asia Headquarters an-
nounced yesterday that the Japan-
ese had crossed the Chindwin in force
at several places, and today it was
disclosed that a hard battle lasting
two days had been fought in the Tid-
dim area on the southern flank of the
Japanese thrust.
Japs Withdraw
Although the communique said the
Japanese were forced to withdraw
after severe casualties in the Tiddim
action, it reported the general sit-
uation unchanged.
The Japanese objective was to break
through the jungle wall along the
Assam frontier of India and strike
into the rail, air and river line which
feeds Allied supplies not only to Lt.
Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell's Chinese
and Americans in northern Burma,
but also to Maj. Gen. Claire Chen-
nault's U.S. Air Force in China.
Imphal Is Goal
Striking northward along the west
band of the Chindwin; one Japanese
column eveidently was aimed at Im-
phal, British base in Indian. Anoth-
er column, striking from between
Homalin and Timanthi farther
north, was headed westward.
Allied commanders appeared to
feel as much enthusiasm as appre-
hension at the new Japanese of-
fensive, however.
If the Japanese tried to supply
their columns by air as the Allies
have been doing, British and Ameri-
can airmen could wish for nothing
better, for they have dozens of fight-
er fields within easy reach.
Four Elected to
E'ngine Council
The four, newly elected Freshman
and Sophomore representatives to
the Engineering Council, were an-
nounced last night by John Clippert
who was in charge of the Council
Ray Hulce, USMCR, received the
largest Sophomore vote, and will
serve on the Council for the rest of
his college days. A/S Jim Martin,
also a Sophomore representative, will
serve through the Spring semester.
Charles Walton will be the perman-
ent member representing the Class of
'47 and Salvitore Sorice will serve on
behalf of the Freshmen Engineering
students this semester.
The new members are urged to
attend1 the Council meeting to be
held at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow in Rm.
244 of the West Engineering Build-
ing. Arrangements for the joint
Slide-Rule and Engineering Ball and
the administration of the honor sys-
tem in the Engine School this sem-
ester will be discussed at the meet-
Men of Co. C Hold
Farewell Party
The men of Company C held a fare-
well party last night at the Pretzel
Arrangements for the party were
made by Sgt. Irwin Stup. Cpl. Ben
Lipton was in charge of the enter-
tainment which was provided by
members of the company.
Capt. Richard S. Campbell is the
commanding officer of the company.

_ 'N Ledo ' Ft.HNertz :.4; _
angkwan sumprabum
_ = Mogawlu un-
=b =- Pinilebu - B-ham ~Buma or
* Katha
FORCING THE CHINDWIN River, Jap Forces (1) are aiming at an in-
vasion of India and the disruption of Allied supply lines through Burma
to China. Chinese troops are also meeting heavy Jap resistance at
Jambu Bum (2), and airborne British forces landed southeast of Myit-
lyina (3) won a strong Jap position in hand to hand fighting.
- Six Escape Deat as Bus
Skids ito Passaic River

Coeds Wanted
To Tryout for
Co. D Show
Singing, Dancing and
Speaking Roles Open
For 'Rumor Has It'
All coeds interested in roles in
Company .D's original musical com-
edy, "Rumor Has It," should try out
for speaking parts between 7 and
10 tomorrow or Thursday in the
USO ballroom.
Singing and dancing try-outs will
be held from 3 to 6 p.m. tomorrow
in the USO ballroom. According to
Pfc. Arty Fischer, director of the
show, coeds interested in parts must
have all types of try-outs.
He said that they are particularly
interested in getting coeds who were
in the cast of "Tom Sawyer" and thus
unable to attend previous meetings
to try-out tomorrow. Other women
interested in parts who have been
unable to attend previous try-outs
should go to the USO tomorrow at
the scheduled times..
This will be the first time in six
years that coeds have had an op-
portunity to participate in a musical
comedy. Over 200 had singing and
dancing try-outs last week.
Coeds interested in set designing
and construction, make-up, wardrobe
or in any other type of off stage
work are needed for the show. A
special meeting will be held in the
near future for all persons interested
in back-stage work.
Sold ier Choir



By The Associated Press
PASSAIC, N.J., March 20.-A diver
estimated late today that there were
"about 25" bodies in a bus which had
skidded from an ice-covered bridge
into the 18-foot barge channel of the
Passaic River nearly ten hours earli-
er. '
Four bodies already had been taken
to an improvised morgue and offi-
cials said others might be under the
bus or swept downstream by the out-
going tide.
Cold Offset Work
Six persons escaped with their lives,
and their esimates of the dead rang-
ed from eight to 30 before Julius J.
Cinamon, Passaic Director of Public
M4olas To Talky
On Paraguay
Lecture Is Third in
Spanish Club Series
Dr. Mariano Molas of Paraguay
will- present the third of a current
lecture series sponsored by the So-
ciedad Hispanica at 8:00 p.m. tomor-
row in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Dr. Molas, who is at present work-
ing for his master's degree in Public
health, was formerly a professor of
surgery at the University of Asunci-
on, Paraguay. Recently in the diplo-
matic service as minister to Mexico
and to Uruguay, he decided to come
to the University shortly after he
resumed practice.
"Paraguay is a small, undeveloped
country and needs economic support
from the United States," Dr. Molas
said in a recent interview. "Its po-
tential industries are mainly agricul-
tural in nature, but Paraguay also
has deposits of petroleum and other
"Paraguay's population, which was
decimated by the war with Argentina,
Brazil and Uruguay from 1865 'to
1870, needs to be built up by European
immigration," he continued.
In summary, Dr. Molas asserted
that Paraguay looks to the United
States for economic support in order
to become the small well-developed
nation for which she has the poten-
Dr. Molas expects to return to
Paraguay at the end of the summer
and plans to specialize in public
health work. His lecture will be
mainly concerned with acquainting
his audience with the main facts
about Paraguay.

Dr. Mott, Theologist, Lauds
YMCA Aid to War Prisoners

Safety, announced the diver's re-
Rescue efforts were dramatic, but
the bitter cold of the water offset
much of the work.
Dotting the surface were self-in-
flating life rafts pitched with extra-
lightwood from fourth-floor windows
of the big United States Rubber
Company plant beside the river, ropes
and poles dangled from the bridge,
cushions which floated free from the
bus, and swimmers who dared the all-
but-paralyzing water. But only seven
passengers were pulled out alive, and
one of these died in a hospital..
Driver Makes "Last Trip"
The accident occurred during the
morning rush hour and on a day
when a storm of sleet and snow had
sent extra thousands piling into buses
throughout northern New Jersey. It
occurred within seconds after the
driver of the disaster-destined ve-
hicle had commented he was making
his "last trip."
Stanley Raymond of Passaic, the
man to whom the driver made the
remark, turned to look for a seatj
and an instant later was swimming
inside the bus. He paddled, pastj
corpses to the emergency rear door.
and made his escape.
Frances Griffin
To G ive Recital
The Bruch "Concerto in G minor,
Op. 26" will highlight the violin re-
cital of Frances C. Griffin, '44, at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Other selections on Miss Griffin's
program are Handel's "Sonata in D
major," the Bach "Sonata in D min-
or" (for violin alone), "Sonata in A
major, Op. 100" by Brahms, "Anor-
anza" by Granados and "Jota" by
de Falla.
Miss Griffin, a member of Pi Beta
Phi sorority and Sigma Alpha Iota,
music fraternity, is presenting this
program in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the B.M. degree.
In February, 1943, she entered the
School of Music as a student of Prof.
Gilbert Ross. During the past sum-
mer she studied with Feri Roth, dir-
ector of the nationally known Roth
String Quartet which appeared here
in January, and at present is con-
tinuing work with Prof. Ross.

To Sing April


"I wish I were as sure of the older
generation, to which I belong, as I
am of the younger," Dr. John R.
Mott, one of the greatest living
Christian leaders, said Sunday in a
speech celebrating the centennial
anniversary of the YMCA.
Emphasizing the attitude, spirit
and purpose of present-day youth,
Dr. Mott said, "I have served in 3,000
different colleges and universities in
the past 56 years, and the attitude of
the Good Samaritan is spreading
widely, even more so than in the last
"Already in this present war, we
are serving six million men, and if
we secure permission from Russia to
serve Germans, the total will reach
ten million," Dr. Mott, who headed
Almnae lub
To Sponsor Tea
Brazilian Will Speak
At International Center
The Michigan Alumnae Club will
hold a tea and program for foreign
women on campus from 3 to 5:30
p.m. tomorrow at the International
A speech, "A Brazilian Looks at
the USA" will be given by Nelson
Sampaio, from San Paulo, who is
doing work in legal research at the
The program was arranged by Dr.
Esson M. Gale, director of the Inter-
national Center, George Hall, assis-
tant to the director, and Mrs. John
Adcock. Mrs. Carl Burklund, Mrs.
D. C. May, Mrs. Louis Eich, Mrs.
Robert Wurster and Mrs. J. S. Wor-
ley, officers and board members of
the Alumnae Club.
Tea To Follow
A tea and social hour will be held
following the speech. Mrs. Alexander
G. Ruthven, Mrs. G. J. Diekema, Mrs.
A. H. Lovell, Dr. and Mrs. Gale and
Mrs. J. Raleigh Nelson will receive.
Hostesses will be Miss Edith Barn-
ard, Dean Alice Lloyd, Dean Byrl F.
Bacher, Mrs. Beach Conger, Mrs.
William Walz, Mrs. Howell Taylor,
Mrs. Hugh Keeler, Mrs. Martha Ray,
Mrs. Walter Newell, Mrs. Hazel Over-
ton, Miss Elene Ley, Mrs. Francisca
Thivy, Miss Violen Oulbegian, Mrs.
Ola Crawford, Miss Constance Taber,
Mrs. Howard Holmes and George
Coeds To Assist
Presiding at the tea tables will be
Mrs. Edward Adams, Mrs. Shirley
Smith, Mrs. Stone Yoakum, Mrs.
Evans Holbrook, Mrs. Walter Mad-
dock and Mrs. H. A. K. Whitney.
Assisting at the tea tables will be
a group. of University women, Mary
Brownrigg, Virginia Barnes Helen
Dickinson, Elaine Glasner, Betty
Grimes, Ruth Rodenbach, Marion
Squire, Ann Terbruggen, Marion
Torn, Elizabeth Updegraff, Margaret
J. Walsh and Florene Wilkins.
Riders Tryout Today
Coeds who are trying out for Crop
and Saddle or the University Wo-
men's Riding Club will meet at 6:15
p.m. today in front of Barbour Gym.
Tryouts will be expected to pay for
their full hour of riding. For further
information call Pat Coullter at

war work among prisoners in the
first World War, added.
"We have organized colleges in
prisons, we have collected millions of
books to send across (we should have
collected tens of millions), and we
have organized sports for the men.
One of the princpile expenses in this
war is for musical instruments. There
is no other means quite so effective
to bring life from the 'dead'."
"We are teaching some 40 trades
among prisoners of war. In the field
of religion our principal aim is to
provide religious worship according
to the tradition of theprisoner."
"In short," continued Dr. Mott,
"we are trying to turn the life of
enforced confinementsfrom physical
deterioration, mental stagnation and
moral disintegration to a period of
physical reconstruction, mental ac-
tivity and moral reinforcement."
"Of the 83 countries I have visited,
there is none which is not surcharged
with fears and suspicions, buthnever-
theless my heart beats higher with
hope than it ever has before. There
are grounds for hope which make me
believe that this time things will be
"For one thing in every country
that I have served, I have noted that
discerning men and women are posi-
tively alarmed; they are not discour-
aged, they are not disillusioned, but
they are awake! I cannot help feel-
ing this as a reason to hope," Dr.
Mott maintained.
"Then too, there is the factor of
our illimitable resources which we
cannot ignore. Five-sixths of the
present nations of the world believe
war is not the best permanent means
of settling international troubles,"
Dr. Mott pointed out. "We have in
Germany a far greater number of
people with us than we have against
"A third ground for hope is the
present-day evidencesrof Christian-
ity," he continued. "Christ has never
been better preached than He is now.
The blood of martyrs is the seed of
the church, and therefore I am not
Dr. Mott has served as interna-
tional secretary of the YMCA, presi-
dent of the World Student Christian
Federation and chairman of the
Institute of Social and Religious Re-
Among the countries he has visited
are England, France, Spain, Estonia,
Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Germany,
Japan, China, Korea, Switzerland,
Yugoslavia, the Philippines, Bulgaria,
Poland and Italy.

On Vocational
Guidance Today
A lecture on "Job Opportunities
Now and After the War' will be given
by Albert Cohen of the Detroit Jew-
ish Vocational Service at 8 p.m. today
at the Hillel Foundation.
The lecture will deal primarily
with those fields in which discrimi-
nation against the Jews is not prac-
ticed, and the lecturer will describe
new fields in which minority groups
can find employment.
Discussing the large number of
jobs now available for college grad-
uates, Cohen will advise students who
are undecided about their field of
concentration or are dissatisfied with
the choice they have made. A motion
picture will accompany the lecture.
The Nisei group on campus has
been invited and special attention
will be devoted to the employment
problems facing Japanese-Americans.
A vocational guidance test will be
given Sunday, April 2, to a limited
group of students. Those interested
in taking the test or in half hour
personal consultations with Mr. Co-
hen on Sunday, April 16, should
apply for an appointment on the
night of the lecture. The meeting
will be open to the public.
Hopwood ..
(Continued from Page 1)
third prize of $20 for her poem, "To a
Lost Cause."
Fifty-four students submitted 62
manuscripts. Of that number, 31
were entered in the essay division, 22
in the field of fiction, and nine in the
poetry division. Last year 45 students
entered 50 manuscripts. Twenty of
these were submitted in the field of
the essay, 17 in the fiction division,
and 13 in poetry.
Judges of the 1944 freshmrar con-
test were Profs. Arno L. Bader and
Louis I. Bredvold, and Dr. Frank E.
Under the terms of his wil? one-
fifth of Avery Hopwood's estate was
set aside and given to the Regents of
the University "for the encouraging
of creative work in writing." In the
thirteen years the awards have been
given, they have amounted to $9,000
a year.
The contest was open to "any
freshman regularly enrolled in a
composition course in the English
Department of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts, or in that
of the College of Engineering,

Co. A Choralists Will Be
City Orchestra Guests
The Soldier Choir of Co. A will be
the guest artists at a program with
the Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra to be
presented April 2 in the Ann Arbor
High School Auditorium.
Cpl. Joseph Running of Co. A is
the director of the choir. Cpl. Run-
ning was formerly a member of the
music faculties of Stanford Univer-
sity and of St. Olaf College.
Dr. Joseph Maddy of the School of
Music and director of the National
Music Camp at Interlochen, is the
orchestra director. He is now in
Washington taking part in the Pe-
trillo investigation. He plans to re-
turn to Ann Arbor in time for the
Thechoir will be featured in a
capella selections. The orchestra will
accompany them in one number. Cpl.
Robert Muller, baritone, will appear
as soloist. Cpl. Muller was formerly
a member of the faculties of Michi-
gan State College and Southern
Methodist College in Dallas, Tex. and
has had professional experience in'
opera in New York.
There will be no charge for the
concert and the public is invited.
Pucheu, Former Vichy
Minister, Is Executed
ALGIERS, March 20.-(iP)-Declin-
ing to be blindfolded and himself
shouting the command to fire, Pierre
Pucheu, former Vichy Interior Min-
ister, died at dawn today, sentenced
by a special French military tribunal
that found him guilty of treason.
A few hours later, a special tri-
bunal condemned a young Tunisian
native to death for treason and im-
posed prison terms on three other

The Perfeet Easter Gift

SEAFORTH products are the
finest that money can buy. We
have a complete line of: Shav-
ing Lotion, Men's Talc, Men's
Cologne, Hair Dressing, Liquid
Shaving Soap, and Men's De-



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