11TT~ MTCiIICAN ~IAJTIV ' e f 1'. [ T. Frosh To Hold Frolic Friday Freshman women are urged by Es- telle Klein, '47, chairman of Frosh Project, to hold 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. this Friday open for an evening of fun at Waterman Gymnasium with the coed members of the freshman class at Frosh Frolic. "Cancel those dates, girls, and tell him you will see him later. Since all the '47 coeds are headed for Frosh Frolic, there will'be no time for men," said the Frosh Project publicity com- mittee. Slap-Happy Fun Skits, songs, and slap-happy fun are in store for the class of '47, ac- cording to Miss Klein. The skits are to be given by all freshman women, who have been divided into zones ac- cording to the location of their houses. Prizes for Attendance The Women's War Council will award prizes for the best skit and to zones with perfect attendance at the Frolic. The Council will act as judges of the skits. Because Dean Alice C. Lloyd will present a skit which is ex- pected to provide serious competi- tion, Miss Klein urges the freshmen to sharpen their wits and come up with some snappy skits. Costumes, which will be worn by each frolicker, vxill permit extreme expression of the wearer's originality, and may be composed of "anything" -old, borrowed, or blue-according to the freshman central committee. Petitioning To Begin for JQP Petitioning for the central com- mittee of Junior Girls' Project will be open to all sophomore women from Monday to Friday, Judiciary Council announced yesterday. Petition blanks may be obtained in the undergraduate offices of the League and must be filled out in ink containing complete plans for the position desired. There are eleven committee heads plus the general chairmanship to be selected for the forthcoming year. Coeds Urged To Attend SuTQgical Dressings Unrit Each campus coed is asked to work for at least 1 hour a week at the League Surgical Dressings Unit, which is open from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, according to Harriet Fishel, '45, head of the Unit. The extreme importance of meet- ing the Unit's quota is stressed by Miss Fishel, who recently cited the great necessity for an adequate sup- ply of surgical dressings on our fight- ing fronts. Under a new arrangement, each sorority house is asked by Pan-Hel- lenic to promise a certain number of volunteers on the day assigned by the Unit to that house. Hours contributed by each coed are recorded on her League activities re- cord, and the hours increase the. house totals released from time to time by the Women's War Council. Workers at the Unit are asked to wear blouses or smocks rather than sweaters, as no lint must get into the bandages. Crazy Tune Is Mental Release By MARION SIPES It's a pretty sure bet that the next person you .hear whistling "Mairzy Doats" has some terrible problems on his brain-maybe even the Income Tax, according to the eminent psy- chiatrist Dr. Abraham Arden Brill. "The popularity of the craziest song hit for ten years makes more sense than its words," Dr. Brill was quoted as saying, "precisely because its words are nonsense!" Contrary to the opinions that the whole nation is liable to be in a psy- chopathic ward soon because of its infantile rhymes, Dr. Brill said that it is "a release for human rebellion against this year's income tax forms and regimentations. "The human mind resents the de- mand for accurate speech and re- volts against civilization. We rarely build monuments to teachers," he added. ' Paintings of Salvador Dali or the "Please Pay a Lion a Pheasant or a Street" type of Gertrude Stein poems and prose are in the same category. Their main difference is that Miss Stein's poem never sold 80,000 copies a day, the current sales of "Kiddley divey too" 's composers. QUESTION ANSWERED-Comedian-Quizmaster Phil Baker learned from Lt. Phyllis Straus of the Army Air Corps Aides that her organiza- tion consists of civilian volunteers who work without remuneration to aid the Army Air Force. if '.\ \Q. ., // A / 7/ / S.\ , wuiee! Ott &t C etera j7 f Ott oUe. THE LINE in a two-piece suit of fine gabardine and lovely 1 00% wool shetland in soft Hounds tooth; check. 5 .9 :r ' ' . R ,T, ... Z~- 3. <<^ f , r ' , i t..N.:.. i , ' o . '" Q x : . i , , : } .. }( ! l < : x ? ;:a: N . k#j$ 4 . tiK 'l .t:v1 { 5 "'; ::i i := } ,..{ 5 "'> <'WK' By NANCY GROBERG What it all boils down to in the end is the fact that we are a collection of sponges waiting around for something to absorb. Our natural intellectual laziness has produced the possibility of such a state; the lecture system of teaching has solidified it. It works this way-A professor gets up in front of a class-often one so large that not only is there no thought of discussion, but the people who sit in the back are tempted to use field glasses-and hammers away for an hour about something that it's taken him a good ten years to figure out. Each sponge in the collection which is audience to his exposition is supplied with proper absorbing equipment, namely notebook and pen. From there on in it's just a matter of finding out who can take the most complete notes and memorize them most accurately. The sponge with the greatest power of absorption wins. Three cheers for the winner! Squeezing the Sponge The stimulus to the squeezing out process is easily discovered. Most frequently it takes the form of exams, so that from time to time during the school year the sponge is required to come to class fairly well saturated. This is all very well if exams are given at "proper" intervals, but often this is not the case and, well-everyone knows what happens to a sponge that's left lying around too long. In such cases-and this occurs more frequently than the other; more simple state of affairs-the sponge is forced to sit up all night before the exam and indulge furiously in what is'known as "cram- ming'," in reality simply a process of re-absorption. Lecture Lessons What we have stated here requires very little in the way of concrete proof. The very fact that if a student were given one gigantic wish he would be most likely to ask for a photographic mind, bears witness to the idea. A professor once said that "a textbook is an intellectual crutch on which the student hobbles into class." Then the lecture, we submit, is the crutch on which he hobbles out. What the lecture, the marking system, the use of a textbook seem to demand is more and better sponges. Speed up your absorption there, old fellow, you're rating an E. Recitation Lectures All of which seems to point out a fundamental weakness in our system of teaching and learning-a weakness which no one has ever denied. Modification in the form of recitation section, interruptions in lecture, conference discussions have done little if anything to destroy the sponge concept of education. Thus on exam papers, in themes, often even in conference, the student gives the professor "what he wants." The seminar stands alpne in its fight against "spongism," and the popular cry becomes "Absorb or fail" 7Teattuer* for <"""">o<"""">ec<""">0<="""y c--y<-- oo--y<--oc-->oot}r 9 B.1.H TOW ELS Thickly looped bath towels that are firmly woven for quick-d1'ying- longer wear. Individually or in matched sets. 0 White with pastel borders! Colors! Alays Reasonably Priced 0 . . Y S10 NICKELS ARCADE CFa }~G OC i' .' z .., "+ 's..!