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March 19, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-19

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Allies P
Planes Blast
Nazi Positions
At Beaehhead
Hourly Raids in Effect;
German Airdromes
Plastered in Nor'tleast
By The Associated Press
PLES, March 18.-Fifth Army shock
troops inched from stone to stone
through the ruined houses of Cassino
against Nazi dive-bombers, 170 -milli-
meter cannon and small arms fire
today, wliile Allied bombers plastered
the German positions around the
edge of the Anzio beachhead south
of Rome and heavy bombers slashed
through enemy fighters to blast five
airfields in northern Italy.
Fighting in Three Sectors
The battle of Italy thus was in
three major sectors: the grim fight
for Cassino and its environs; the
hour-by-hour Allied bombing of the
Germans near Anzio, and teheavy
onslaught against Nazi airdromes at
Udine, Vilorba, Maniago, Livariano
and Gorizia in the northeast.
A group of British Gurkhas, knife-
wielding fighters from the Himal-
ayas, was marooned high up Monas-
tery Hill, Associated Press Corre-
spondent Lynn Heinzerling radioed
from Cassino tonight, and was being
supplied by parachute from Mustang
fighter planes swooping down low
through small arms fire.r
Allies Force Nazis Back Slowly
Fighting furiously from every point
of shattered masonry from which
guns could be brought to bear, the
Allied forces in Cassino were slowly
pushing the Germans from their
warrens in the southwestern part of
the town in the area of the railroad
station now held by the Allies. d
Working without rest since the
tremendous Allied air attack literally
turned Cassino upside down Wednes-
day, Fifth Army engineers finally
cleared a path through the rubble,
permitting tanks to meve into posi-
tion ahead of the infantry to blast
the remaining gun positions and
hidden Nazi strongpoints.
$93,5003 Gol









FIJI, Churchill, Stalin
May Hold Conference
speculation Follows Issue of Recognition
By Russia of Badoglio Government in Italy

By Tlhe Associated Press
LONDON, March 18.-President
Roosevelt and Prime Minister
Churchill may meet soon, and Pre-
mier Stalin may confer with them
later, it was reported in London
tonight as speculation increased
over whether Russia is playing a
lone hand in dealing with Euro-
pean issues.
Diplomatic quarters in London
suggested that Roosevelt 'and
Churchill might meet after the
forthcoming London visit of Un-
dersecretary of State Edward R.
Stettinius, Jr., to discuss a series of
new problems in European politics,
with Stalin possibly being called in
"afterward to get his accord.-
The Russian-Italian exchange of
"representatives" seemed a blow at
carefully worked out arrangements
to deal with Italy through the Al-
lied Control Commission and the
Advisory Commission on which the
Soviet Union has a seat.
With the situation in Finland
excepted, the action cafme against
this background:
1. Russian insistence that some
of the leaders of the Polish gov-
ernment-in-exile be ousted in set-
tling the Polish-Russian boundary
dispute. This was coupled with the

possibility here that Russia may
recognize another Polish govern-
ment set up inside Poland as the
Red Army plunges deeper into that
2. Strong Soviet support for Mar-
shal Tito, leader of the Red-starred
Partisan armies in Yugoslavia.
3. Russian backing for the claim
of the French Committee of Na-
tional Liberation to speak for the
French in civilian affairs.
4. The action of Stalin in signing
a mutual assistance pact with
Czechoslovakia with the possible
understanding the Czech govern-
ment will be given authority to
govern that country's liberated
areas as they are freed.
5. Propaganda appeals to "bro-
ther Slavs" in the Balkans to over-
throw those who entered into alli-
ance with the Axis to join the
"common fight" against the en-
It should be emphasized that
Britain and the United States are
by no means planning to "de-
mand" a showdown from the Sov-
iets in their future plans. Rather,
they would like clarification and
unofficial assurances that the Ital-
ian independent action will not
happen again.

AWAITING AN AIR hop to base hospital, casualties of the Marshalls campaign lie on their stretchers
in shade of a wing of a U.S. Navy transport.

Surprise Aerial Attack Behind
Japs Menaces Supply Lines

To Be Topped
Charles Henderson, the chairman
of the Washtenaw County Red Cross
drive, said yesterday that collections
are increasing daily and that he and
his committee expect to top the $93,-
500 goal by the end of March.
Henderson announced that $31,510
has been collected thus far. The
University's $8,900 part of the drive
is also moving as expected, Hender-
son said.
Here is the picture now: members
of the University staff have contrib-
uted $2,692.25 toward their $3,000
quota, while University Hospital has
already topped its quota of $700 by
turning in $1,196.14.
University men have almost reach-
ed the half-way mark in their cam-
paign, having contributed $720 to-'
ward their $1,500 goal.
University coeds are asked to aid
the local Red Cross chapter in taking
collections in local theatres from
Wednesday, March 23 until March
30. Those interested are asked to
report to- Louise Mayer at 334 S.
State between 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on

BURMA FRONT, March 18.-In the
heart of Northern Burma, 150 miles
behind the Japanese lines, a strong
force of British-Indian Airborne
Mc eay P'laces
Politi ca.l Victory
For GPFirst
GRAND RAPIDS, March 18.-
({P)- Frank D. McKay, whose re-
election as Republican national com-
mitteeman has been opposed by sev-
eral party leaders in the state, said
tonight, "The only thing that counts
politically is victory next November,"
and added:
"I will not permit myself to be
drawn into a fight which might eas-
ily destroy Republican prospects."
He did not withdraw his name as a
candidate for re-election.
He did say, "I gladly leave to my
fellow Republicans of Michigan with
whom I have labored for party wel-
fare for close on to half a century,
the question of whether or not , am
deserving of a second term."
"If I were so inclined," the con-
mitteeman said, "I believe I could
stage a knock-down-drag-out fight
to a bitter finish in order to retain
office. That might satisfy a personal
desire, but it would do the party
naught but harm."
MYDA To H . old
Forumlt at U nion
Launching its 1944 membership
drive, Michigan Youth for Demo-
cratic Action will hold a forum at
7:45 p.m. tomorrow in the Union on
"Youth's Contributions in the War."
Don Thurber, a Harvard graduate
and for ner executive secretary of the
Metropolitan Detroit Youth Council,
will speak on the importance of youth
organizations. Prof. Joseph Kallen-
bach of the political science depart-
ment will lead a panel discussion on
an anti-poll tax bill.

troops supplied by American Glider
and Air Transport Units today was
exploiting a surprise aerial "break-
through" that menaces all Japanese
north-south supply lines in Burma.
The site of their landing and im-
mediate establishment of an offensive
pocket was officially described only
as "southeast of Myitkyina." That
north Burma city is the hub of the
whole Japanese operation in the
Largest Aerial Operation of War
Additional details of the airborne
invasion that began March 5 marked
it as the largest aerial offensive op-
eration undertaken by the Allies since
the war started, it was reported at
The daring stroke, directed by Col.
Philip Cochran (the real life "model
for the "Flip Corkin" of the comic
strips), caught the Japanese com-
pletely by surprise. It was not until
eight days had passed, and the base
was organized and expanding into a
powerful threat to enemy rule in
Burma, that the Japanese mounted
their first feeble counter-blow, an
aerial sortie that RAF Spitfires quick-
ly broke up.
Dr. Aronovici
To Lecture
Speaker To Discuss
Regionalism Tomorrow
Dr. Carol Aronovici, a lecturer on
city planning in Columbia University,
will discuss "Regionalism" in a lec-
ture sponsored by the Department of
Sociology and the School of Archi-
tecture at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
An authority on housing and city
planning, Dr. Aronovici studied in
Paris, France. He came to the United
States and received his B. S. A. at
the University of Cornell in 1905.
Among the positions he has held is
that of director of housing for the
California State Commission on Im-
rigration and Housing.
The public is invited to the lecture.

Alied Bom1bers
Hit Germany
In Ni4'vht Raid
Yank Planes Poundl
Southern Targets in
Heavy Daylight Stab -
LONDON, March 19, Sunday-
(P)-British bombers attacked Ger-
many in strength last night-with
Frankfurt as their main objective
--in 2r, heavy follow-up to the day-
' ., fto southern Germany
"y Amierican Flying Fortresses and
LONDON, March 18.-American
Flying Fortresses and Liberators in
great strength plunged deep into
southern Germany today to pound'
Augsburg, Friedrchshaven and other
targets, ploughing into heavy opposi-
tion that cost 43 U.S. bombers and
ten fighters.
The attacking force,referred to
in the communique as being "in
very great strength," was estimated
at nearly 2,000 planes including
Lightnings, Thunderbolts and
Mustangs which furnished an es-
The fighters, representing both the
Eighth and Ninth Air Forces, de-
stroyed 30 enemy planes, but the
number shot down by the bombers
was not yet known.
Besides Augsburg and Friedrichs-
hafen, military targets also were hit
at Lechfeld, Landsberg and Ober-
The loss was the heaviest for
American daylight raiders since
the March 6 attack on Berlin which
cost 68 heavy bombers. However,
at least 13 planes missing from
today's 500-mile penetration into
Europe were reported to have land-
ed safely in Switzerland.
Smoke r Today
Will In troduce
U nnActivities
All University men have been in-
vited to attend an introductory smok-
er which will be held at 4:30 p.m.
today in Rooms 316, 318 and 320 of
the Union.
Designed to introduce the Union's
activities, the meeting will consist of
short talks by various committee
chairmen explaining the work of their
committees and the opportunities for
The six committees which handle
Union activities are: 1) social com-
mittee, responsible for Union dances,
swing concerts and similar events; 2)
orientation committee; 3) war ac-
tivities committee, in charge of re-
cruiting University men for the Red
Cross blood bank; 4) campus affairs
committee, which handles campus

Two American Sibs Missing
WASHINGTON, March 18.(I)-Two American submarines-part
of the fleet that has been inflicting heavy damage on Japanese supply
lines-are missing in enemy-controlled waters, the Navy said today,
bringing to 22 the number of submersibles lost since the war started.
Missing with the subs Capelin and Sculpin are approximately 150
officers and men, who took the two subs on their last war patrols,
possibly in coastal waters of Japan. None of the listed casualties was
from Michigan.

Maddy To Take
Part in Petrillo
Dr. Joseph Maddy of the School of
Music and director of the National
Music Camp at Interlochen left for
Washington yesterday to appear be-
fore a Senate committee investigat-
ing the activities of James C. Pe-
trillo, president of the American
Federation of Musicians (AFL).
Petrillo has ruled that Interlochen
students may not participate in a
radio broadcast because they are not

Officers for
Engine Council
To Be Elected
Freshman and sophomore class
representatives for the Engineering
Council will be elected tomorrow
when students of the respective clas-
ses cast their ballots at the election
in the Engine Arch.
All engineering students will vote
for their preference for attire at the
Engine Ball.
Robert Dolph, Charles Walton and
Salvitore Sorice are candidates on
the freshman ballot, while James
Martin, Witold Malinowski, Pvt.
Ray Hulce, USMCR, and Roger Hotte
are contestants for the sophomore
As Francis X. Nutto is the only
candidate on the junior ticket, he
will automatically be elected to serve
until his graduation.
Candidates receiving the largest'
vote from their respective classes will
serve until their graduation. The
runner-up will hold office through-
out the coming year.
New President
Prof. Nelson of Wayne
IS Named to Position
Prof. Alfred L. Nelson, chairman
of the mathematics department at

Take City
Of Yampol
Near Destruction of
Sixth Army Told
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 19, Sunday.-
Russian troops spilling through the
shattered German Ukrainian front
have almost completed the destruc-
tion of the German Sixth Army,
killing or, capturing 50,000 Nazis
and reaching the Dniester River
frontier of pre-war Rumania, and
there were indications that the
Germans already were evacuating
some men from the big Black Sea
port of Nikolaev, a Moscow com-
munique disclosed early today.
By The Associated Press
The Red Army pouring unchecked
through the broken German front
in the Ukraine captured Yampol on
the Dniester River border of pre-war
Rumania today and announced the
near destruction of the German Sixth
Army, with more than 50,000 Nazi
casualties, in an 11-day battle north-
east of Nikolaev.
The Russians'listed 36,800 Germans
killed and 13,859 captured in the
rout of the Sixth Army, reconstituted
since its historic capitulation at Stal-
Axis Warned To Get Out "at Once"
The official British government
radio after announcing the news that
the Russians had reached Rumania
broadcast a warning to the Axis sat
ellite to get out of the war "at once."
The Russians announced a resound-
ing series of successes on all three
Ukrainian fronts, from Dubno in pre-
war Poland down to the encircled
Black Sea port of Nikolaev.
Tonight they were pursuing 40 to 50
German divisio , the muddI
Ukraine farmia S.
Most Notable Victory ot War
The victory over the jinxed Ger-
man Sixth Army was one of the most
notable of the 'war, the Russians
listing nine German ivisions as 11-
quidated, anoth r s baidly cut up it
could not fight, pd ten others sound-
ly whipped but t11 retaining. what
the special communique called "some
fighting capacity,"
The remnant " of this army were
declared now fipeing westward indi-
vidually or in nall groups.
Split and vi'tually trapped, the
Germans confronted major disaster
as the Russians pushed the war to
the door of panicky Rumania and ad-
vanced through the nmtd at all points
up and down the 200-mile-long
Ukrainian battle line.
2,a000 Appaud
First Victry
Varieties Sho

Border Officials Tell Student: 'Still Chinese'


Being forced to get off the Wol-
verine at the Canadian border be-
cause an immigration official said
she was "still Chinese" is an ex-
perience that Janet Chong, '44, will
never forget.
Miss Chong's article describing
the incident in the February issue
of "Asia and the Americas" was

-Associated Press Photo
members of his union. The Senate
inquiry is being reopened after the
"International Musician," union
publication, printed an article dis-
cussing the control Petrillo has over
broadcasting and recording.
The National Broadcasting Co. has
refused to permit broadcasts from
Interlochen since 1942 when Petrillo
protested that the students at the
camp were not members of the union.
They range in age from 12 to 20.

sult on the part of Canadian offi-
cials, the editors of the New Repub-
lic pointed out that the case would
have been just as serious if Miss
Chong had been a Chinese citizen,
since that nation is also an ally.
"The Wolverine experience," Miss
Chong wrote, 'was like a sudden
splash of icy water in my dace. I


"Every act a hit," "a really swell
show," "tops in entertainment," were
some of the enthusiastic comments
from the audience of 2,000 who saw
the first University Victory Varieties
show at Hill Auditorium last night.
Introduced by Joseph A. Bursley,
dean of students, Victory Varieties
was described as a show planned
for civilian students and service-
men to supply additional first-class
entertainment in Ann Arb-r.
Big hit of the evening were the tap
routines of the internationally fam-
ous Georgie Tapps. Among his five
encores he gave an interpretation of
the "St. Louis Blues," "Perfidia" in
rhumba time, and "Dinah" in swing.
Joy Adrienne and her Pal Hank
received a round of spontaneous
applause when Hank (a mule) be-
gan acting up with the pretty girls
in the audience. The soldier who
volunteer to help +o~t with the aet
was definitelysurprised to receive
a hearty kiss from Hank when she
shed her disguise and proved to be
Joy's mother.
The sparkling personality of Bert
Lynn, with his vibrolyn guitar was
enthusiastically applauded for his
imitation of a little girl reciting
"Mary Had a Little Lamb," a trip to
Hawaii by steamship, and a war of
bombs, machine guns and shells.
Smooth perfection in swing, waltz

proach, saw buildings and houses
demolished, and lost some of her
friends and neighbors in the bomb-
ing attack.
In July, 1942, she left Pearl Har-
bor on the Pan-American Clipper.
With only a two-hour notice, she
hurriedly threw her 15 pounds of
haoaam in.na ~PC)hnfl n '1a

Wayne University, was elected presi-
dent of the Michigan Academy of
Science, Arts and Letters - yesterday
at the last session of the two-day
conference here.
Professor Nelson is also the region-
al director of the American Mathe-
matical Association. Prof. Leigh J.
Young of the forestry department
of Ann Arbor is retiring president.
The 300 scholars, who came to
Ann Arbor Friday for their 49th

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