roUI TfTE MICUTc~AN ivAll.v SATtTRTIAY. 'MAtWlI Ut Ut& - .F .0.E .N LEA A. yq 1A..E 6.A La 6! . ..9 d"A L L! A ^^ .e.e . -r __ _______ .. .. _. _ __ ._ 4 -.mss> .. . _ 1 .+a :es >: nwvim a s[ YL.B.i f6fp S7 3 S Dr. Mott's T alk To Celebrate cY' Anniversary Former International Secretary To Speak on Worlid-Wide Travels To celebrate the hundredth anni- versary of the YMCA, Dr. John R. Mott, world traveler and former in- ternational secretary of the YMCA, will speak on "Journeys among the Students of Friend and Foe" at 3 tomrorrow in Rackham lecture hall. Dr. Mott has served as chairman of the World Committee since 1915. and from 1900-1920 he was head of the World Student Christian Fed- eration. His work for the Christian Missionary Movement included tours of Asia and Africa from 1900-1941, and in 1917 he was sent to Russia as a member of President Wilson's spe- cial diplomatic mission. During the first World War, Dr. Mott served as general secretary of the YMCA War Work Council and made a tour of the prison camps in Europe. He was awarded the "Knight of the Legion of Honor" by the French for his work. Among the books he has written are "The Present Summons to World Christianity" in 1931, and "Five Dec- ades and a Forward View" in 1939. "No living American citizen has held the imagination of successive student generations as has John R. Mott," Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, religious counselor, said, "and few platform speakers have addressed great official gatherings of both reli- gious and educational leaders with greater acceptability for the past 20 years."' 2 Programs To Be B roadcast Two programs will be presented over the University Broadcasting Service on Station WJR this week- end: The Wranglers and Hymns for Victory. At 2 p.m. today the Wranglers will discuss "What should be included in the education of free men in post- war America," Professor Brumm an- nouncec yesterday. The four other .participants in the round-table will be Prof. Clarence Thorpe, ,Prof. Nor- man Olsen, Prof. Harold Dorr and Prof. N. R. F. Maier. Hymns for Victory, under the mu- sical direction of Prof. Arthur Hack- ett, Will be broadcast at 9:15 a.m. tomorrow. Robert Dierks, Dorothy Oronsfeldman, Florence McCracken and Evor Gothie will take part in the quartet. 'U' Hospital Tops Red Cross Quota The University Hospital has gone over its original Red Cross Fund quota of $700.00 by subscribing $1,196.14 to Red Cross Headquarters here. Campus houses which have over- subscribed the drive are Kappa Kap- pa Gamma, composed of 36 women, who have contributed $50.00, and Mrs. Simon's League House, with 15 girls, who have given $18.75 to the Fund. USO To Hold Dance A St. Patrick's Day dance will be given from 8:30 p.m. to midnight today at the USO. All junior host- esses of Company Z are expected to attend the dance or send a substi- tute. Sailor Is Freed from Ye itilator ha 't ES o ' Nt . . :{ : r :.:f h ox ' ii 1 z fl S 11C Engine Council Ballot To Be Held Grease-covered W. J. Fraser, 2nd Class, sits up in a Boston am- bulance after firemen cut him out of a ventilating flue in which he had been trapped several hours. HeF is believed to have fallen head-first down an alley outlet of the flue used to ventilate a restaurant. Panel Discusses Need For ducaionof Ault (Continued from Page 1) methods continue, the sawtimber sup- ply will be depleted in 20 years or less, and if these resources are des- troyed, it will require most of an- other century to restore the forests to a productive condition . . . because public agencies own but 26 per cent of forest lands and only six per cent of the sawtimber is so held, the answer to the problem lies in the hands of private owners. In the economics section of the Academy, Bert E. O'Beirne of Mich- igan State College said that, "We are doing as bad a job in this war as in the last of controlling our economy. Individuals have in- creased purchasing power, have bought relatively few bonds and are holding most of their savings in liquid form." He listed five governmental ac- tions that he considered necessary to prevent a run-away inflation after the tsar: (1) raising of income tax rates, (2) compulsory savings, (3) in- creased excise taxes, (4) more sub- sidies if increased production will re- sult and the savings to the govern- ment and people will equal the cost of the subsidies, (5) diversion of some raw materials to the production of civilian goods. Stating that the "public is not yet sufficiently opposed to black mar- kets," Prof. Edgar H. Gault said that in order to control these black mar- kets the "OPA should have power to tell vendors to whom they can sell." He said that;the OPA's job is com- plicated by the fact that they have no adequate control over wages or the parity system and that they can- not compel grade labeling. Samuel M. Levin of Wayne Uni- versity said that the UAW's attempt to secure equality of sacrifice for everybody during war time failed be- cause the people did not feel that labor, itself, was sacrificing very much." Attempting to analyze the factors which might have led Negroes and whites to participate in Detroit's race riots of last June, Mr. Elmer R. Akers of the Classification Depart- ment of the State Prison of Southern Michigan, presented a paper yester- day before the Michigan Sociological Association containing information relating to those 105 rioters who were sentenced to the prison. It was found that most of the men had come from southern states, had I.Q.'s of 81, had grade placements of 4.1. There was not a skilled worker in the riot group which came before the courts, and most of the men had held several jobs in the course of a year. The average age of ,the men was 22 years. 74 per cent had previously been in contact with law enforce- ment agencies. After the paper had been read, Dr. Norman D. Humphrey of the Depart- ment of Sociology of Wayne Univer- sity, who was discussant of the group, suggested that these men who were being considered should not have been referred to as "rioters" as the paper had previously pointed out that they were mainly looters. He went on to say that "newspapers might be prone to use the term in such a way as to give it a wrong connotation in the public's eye.. That psychologists must realize the world will nbt remain the way it is now and must adjust to changing world conditions in their work was the general view expressed yesterday by speakers. o f Psychology Sympo- sium of the Academy in emphasizing the importance of practical or ap- plied psychology. "The fugitive children of Europe will be a number one problem after the war," Dr. Fritz Redl of Wayne University said in regard to social psychology. "We will need a tre- mendous knowledge of child psychol- ogy and adult education. Thousands of homeless children are roaming streets alone; and while some take care of younger ones, others lapse into delinquency." "Another post-war factor," he con- tinued, "will be that we will have a tremendous amount of mass defeat and there will be a cynical attitude toward institutions. There will be an "Chip" the squirrel, newly-elected, mascot of the '47 Corps, will be one of the guests of honor at the "Frosh Frolic," get-together for the 900 freshman women on campus, to be held from 8-10 p.m., March 24, in Waterman Gym, according to Estelle Klein, chairman of the central com- mittee. Representative of the numerous furry little animals seen about cam- pus,. "Cip," the feature attraction at "Fresh Frolic," will appear in full costume. Deans, teachers, war coun- cil members and other distinguished guests will also be introduced during the evening. Mrs. Vera B. Bates, recently elec- ted a member of the University Board of Regents, will also attend the "Frolic" to meet the girls of the freshman class. Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Confere( .. (Continued from Page 1) Dorothy Powell of the University of Chicago, Prof. David Trout of Cen- tral State College, Chaplain Jule Ayers of New York City, the Rev. Henry O. Yoder of Trinity Lutheran Church, Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, religious counselor, and Father Hugh B. O'Neill of the University of Detroit. Members on the second symposium include the Rev. C. W. Brashares of the First Methodist Church, Dr. H. Lewis Batts, inter-church campus minister of Kalamazoo; H ar old Kuebler, student department of the YMCA, Chicago; Dorothy Zimmer- man of the YWCA, Detroit colleges, and Dean Fred Mitchell of Michigan State College.' Saturday's sessions will be con- cluded with a talk by the Rev. Ralph Hyslop at 4 p.m. A member of the Congregational Christian Board of Education, Boston, the Rev. Hyslop will speak on "Some Convictions Won by Visiting Many Colleges." British Paratroops Land in Jap-Burma ON THE INDIA-BURMA FRON- TIER, March 17.-(IP)-British para- chute troopers have dropped behind the Japanese lines in the developing offensive in northern Burma where forces under Lt.-Gen. Joseph W. Stil- well are moving to clean out the Japanese from all territory menacing the Ledo supply road to China. The parachute fighters landed south of the Maingkwan - Taro- Changmai front already activated by several Chinese columns. outbreak of small power groups who will be more open in standing out for what they want." "Industry will block certain knowl- edge and suggested techniques of the industrial psychologists, but I think psychology research will emphasize application in the future," Prof. N. R. Maier of the University said. "Some specific war - conditioned problems," Dr. L. Himler of the Uni- versity Health Service commented, "are pre-induction anxieties, the af- fect of rejection, rehabilitation of discharged and returning veterans in the young age group, and the social readjustment of young girls, includ- ing war marriages. Physicians are discovering psycho-therapy is im- portant in 50 per cent of their cases." "Both psychology and medicine," he continued, "hove an interest in the problems of young people, espe- cially at this time, and both fields are trying to classify their problems in a way to find more effective ways of treatment." appearing in costume. will present a vocal solo, while Miss Hartwig of the physical education department plans to wear her junior college prom for- mal. All "Frosh'' women are urged to employ their ingenuity in making original costumes of crepe paper, old bathing suits, etc., for the evening's entertainment. Groups participating in skits are also designing their own costumes for their acts. A prize will be given for the best skit, also all houses, dorms and zones having 100 per cent attendance will be awarded prizes. Group singing will comprise the remainder of the entertainment, and refreshments will be served during the evening. There will be a ten cent admittance charge for each girl. W AA Notices At 2:30 p.m. today the Outdoor Sports Club will meet at the WAB for an afternoon hike with Saginaw Forest as their destination. All servicemen, students and mem- bers of the Outdoor Sports Club are invited to attend. The hikers plan to return in time for dinner. In case of bad weather, the hike will be can- celled. For further information call Barbara Fairman at 2-4514. The badminton courts will be open from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. today for all members of the Badminton Club who wish to practice their game. Other coeds not members of the Club may also use the courts at this time. Women who would like to try out for membership in Crop and Saddle or the University Women's Riding Club must sign up on the sheets post- ed in either Barbour Gym or the WAB before 5 p.m. Monday. Tryouts will be held at 6:15 p.m. Tuesday. Since the new system of tryouts per- mits each coed to ride for a full hour, the applicants will be expected to pay the fee for one hour's riding. For further information contact Pat Coulter at 2-3159. All freshman and sophomore stu- dents in the Engineering School are urged to cast their ballots for their respective class representatives to the Engineering Council Monday. Ballot boxes will be placed under the Engine Arch. Robert Dolph, Charles Walton and Salvitore Sorice are running on the freshman ballot while James Martin, Withold Malinowski, Pvt. Ray Hulce, USMCR, and Roger Htte are con- tending for the sophomore vote. As Francis X. Nutto is the .only candidate on the junior ticket he will automatically be elected to serve un- til his graduation. The candidates receiving the lar- gest vote from the respective classes will serve until their graduation, and the runner - up will hold office throughout the coming year. Today is your Last Chance /r - ,- - I -- . _ --.7/ 7 " " , ' r -K:- i+/ f,, to see Wilson (Bill) Sawyer's Newest and Gayest MUSICAL COMEDY "TOM SAWY ER" at the LYDIA MENDELSSOHN T H EATRE Performances TODAY at 2:30 P.M. and 8:30 P.M. Tickets available at the box office from 10 A.M. 'II DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I. ' . 'U * 2 * - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenasw Ave. William P. Lemon, D.D., James Van Pernis, Ministers Franklin Mitchell, Director of Music and Organist° E. rtriude Caunpbeil Director of Christian Education 9:30 a.m. Church School, Junior, Intermediate and Senior Departments. The Young Mar- ried Couples Class in Mr. Van Pernis' study. The Men's Class in the Choir Room. 10:45 a.m. Nursery, Beginner and Primary De- partments. Also Junior Choir Rehearsal. 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. "The Politically- Minded." Sermon by Dr. Lemon. 5:00 p.m. Westminster Student Guild in the Russel Parlor. Mr. Herbert Twining will speak on "Building a Christian Home-Bringing Up the Children." Supper will follow at 6 p.m. in the Social Hall. 6:00 p.m. Tuxis worship service and Lenten Bible Study directed by Dr. Lemon. GRACE BIBLE FELLOWSH IP Masonic Temple 327 South Fourth Avenue Harold J. DeVries, Pastor 10 a.m. University Bible Class. TedGroesbeck, teacher. 11:00 a.m.: Message by the pastor: "The Value of the Blood." 7:30 p.m.: "My Body." Thursday, 7:30 p.m.: Midweek Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. L UTH ERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION Sponsored jointly by the Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches Lion Lutheran Church E. Washington and S. Fifth Ave. 10:30 a.n.: Worship Service. Sermon by the Rev. E. C. Stellhorn, "Repentance Unto Sal- vation." Trinity Lutheran Church E. William and S. Fifth Ave. 10:30 a.m.: Worship Service. Sermon by the Rev. Henry 0. Yoder, "Why the Cross for the Church?" Lutheran Student Association Zion Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington St. 5:30 p.m.: Social half hour. 6:00 p.m.: Supper, program following. Con- tinuation of a study of the catechism. ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 306 North Division St. The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector The Rev. Robert M. Muir, Student Chaplain Maxine J. Westphal, Counsellor for Women Students Philip Malpas, Organist and Choirmaster R ". m.- T Hr- n y nmmunin.l UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER (Missouri Syniod) 1511 Washztenaw Ave, Rev. Alfred Scheips, Pastor Sunday at 11:00: Morning Service. Sermon by the pastor, "Christ or Barabbas?" Sunday at 5:00: Supper -meeting of Gamma Delta, Lutheran student club. Wednesday at 8:00: Lenten Service. Sermon subject, "Pontius Pilate - Blameworthy Bungler." FIRST+ CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 409 S. Division St. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting at 8:00 p.m. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Matter" .Sunday School at 11:40 a.m. A convenient Reading Room is maintained by this church at 106 E. Washington St., where the Bible, also the Christian Science textbook, "Sci- ence and Health" with Key to the Scriptures and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy, may be read, borrowed, or purchased. This room is open daily, except Sundays and holidays, from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturdays 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. THEOSOPHI-ICAL SOCIETY IN ANN ARBOR* Study classes in Theosophy, Topic to be dis- cussed, "Law -- Karma." Class conducted by S. H. Wylie, president. Michigan League, Sunday, Mar. 19, 8 p.m. Public cordially in- vited. FIRST BAPTIST CH URCH 512 East Huron Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister Roger Williams Guild House, 502 East Huron Saturday, 8:30 p.m.: Roger Williams Guild party in the Guild House, "A Play Production Party." Sunday, 10:00: Roger Williams Class meets in the Guild House to study the "Teachings of Jesus." 11:00 a.m.: Church worship. Ordinance of Bap- tism. Sermon: "Established A.D. 30." 3:00 p.m.: Dr. John R. Mott speaks in Rack- ham auditorium on "Journeys Among Friend and Foe." 5:00 p.m.: Roger Williams Guild meets in the Guild House. Prof. Bennett Weaver will dis- cuzss Dr. Douglas Steer's new book, "On Beginning from Within." FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 120 South State Street Ministers: Charles W. Brashares and Ralph G. Dunlop Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director Mary McCall Stubbins, organist 9:30 a.m.: Class fo rUniversity students. Wesley Foundation lounge. Prof. Kenneth Hance, 1 (Continued from Page 2) service. Guest speaker, Rev. J. Leslie French. 5:00 p.m., Guild Sunday Evening Hour. Disciple students and their friends will join Congregational students at the Congregational Church, State and William Sts. Rev. Ralph D. Hyslop, national Minister of Student Life for Congregational- Christian Churches, will speak at 5:45 p.m. on "The Future Is Now." Supper will be served at 5:15. Small charge. Pvt. Robert Swam, Co. D., will lead the closing worship service. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St. Wednesday testi- monial meeting at 8:00 p.m. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Matter." Sunday school at 11:40 a.m. A convenient reading room is maintained by this church at 106 E. Washington St., where the Bible, also the Christian Science textbook, "Sci- ence and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and' other writings by Mary Baker Eddy, may be read, bor- rowed or purchased. This room is open daily, except Sundays and holi- days, from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sat- urdays to 9 p.m. Grace Bible Fellowship, Masonic Temple, 327 S. Fourth Ave. 10 a.m., University Bible Class. Ted Groes- beck, teacher. 11 a.m., Message by the pastor: "The Value of the Blood." 7:30 p.m., "My Body." University Lutheran Chapel: Ser- vice Sunday at 11:00. Sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Christ or Bar- abbas?" Unity: Mrs. Blanche Joki, Detroit Unity Association, will be the guest speaker for the local Unity group; Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at the Michigan League. Her topic will be' "The Surrender That Means Domin- ion." THE......... ..S,# ;: ": >: ;"e": : : 'i:t% r;i ' ..'E.. OR E T HAN 8,000,000 PR ISON ER-OF-WAR PARCELS have been shipped for distribution to Arnerican prisoners and civilian internees in enemy countries. To these and to thousands of other war victims, the RED CROSS brings food, clothing, medicine. Never has the need of so many been so great . . . GIVE MORE IN '44 to keep the RED CROSS always at their side! Mesdber Federal Reserve Systciiz AFTER YOU SEE "TOM SAWYER" DANCE TO THE MUSIC OP Ii r ° r - ,n° , . t -, - nrt niI i