a a . 4.TrU x . i. lR U A . . F iJ T. f.1 L. rb-il.. - _ l.: U Y A. is.[ L7L [v a=1l. -L :.. .Ky'Y c a ty. out iY ",fl-Fouth Yar By SAMUEL GRAvToN __ .. C 1j_ /' M ~ - _^ Edited and managed by students of the University of NMihigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon-' day and Tuesday during the summer session. * Member of The Associated Press The associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Seibscrsptisns daring the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NEW YORK, March 17.--HALFWAY HOUSE: The U.S. Government had Badoglio where it wanted him. It had him parked in Halfway House, somewhere between heaven and earth, between recognition and non-recognition. The motto which hangs over the door of Halfway House is "Yes and No," ornamented with doodles. All the leases in Halfway House are short leases.. Badoglio kept his room only on the promise that he would quit it when Rome was taken. He was exactly what we desired for Italy; he was the Italian government when we wanted an Italian government, and he was no 1/ye P~endulum Editorial Staff Jane farrant Claire Sherman Stan Wallace Evelyn Phillips . Harvey Fr.nk J7 Ann Peterson . Mary Anne Olson Tarjorle Rosmarin . . Managing Editor . .Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor . . Sports Editor Associate Sports 'Editor Associate Sports Editor . . Women's Editor Associate Women's Editor Staff Business Manager Ass't Business Manager Business Eiusabeth Carpenter . Margelatt . Telephone 23-24-1 NIHT EDITOR: LOUISE COMINS Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers onily. T4XO SECRET: Oil Contract Should Be Legislated by Congress J N THE MATTER of foreign affairs it has long been understood that the President is to have full control, involving secrecy if necessary, over relations with other countries. Thus the oil piPEline contract with Saudi Arabia was signed by Ickes on the basis that President Roosevelt and his executive offices have been granted blanket authority and appropriations to under- take anything leading toward effective prose- cution of the war. However, the whole .matter is concerned over post-war oil supplies and not with obtaining the petroleum products .for use in this war. Already formal contracts are expected to be signed this week for .the construction work and -eggineers are awaiting transportation to the Near East.. Yet there is no possibility that the pipeline will be completed in time to aid in the war. Roosevelt admitted as much in a recent press conference when he said he was thinking in terms of an American oil supply five years after the war is over. Thus Congress is brought into she picture, if this project is not to be considered a war necessity. Joint resolutions of both houses will be needed to approve the initial expenditure of $150,000,000 >1E ENTIRE air of secrecy and mystery that has covered the deal has led many to believe that -economic reasons of a few large oil concerns have .promoted the agreement for their own profit. The controlling companies that will handle the oil carried in this government-built pipe are The Standard Oil Company of Cali- fornia, The Gulf Oil Company and The Texas Company. Federal officers, including Ralph Davies, chief assistant to Petroleum Administration for War, have been charged with using their .government positions to arrange a fine busi- ness deal fnr the private companies with which these men had served for many years before the wa ri As leader of the opposing companies, meaning the 55 who ara not in on the control, James Moffett has estimated the cost of oil transporta- tion by this pipeline at 42 cents a barrel. He compares this with 11 cents a barrel it costs to use oceangoing tankers between the same points. House action was taken this week when two members, John Coffee (Dem., Wash.) and Jerry Voorhis (Dem., Calif.) disclosed that "an adverse report on the oil project had been concealed and ignored" by the State Depart- ment when it approved the deal. This and a suspicion of the Department of Interior has led to the appointment of an 11- man.Senatorial committee to investigate oil re- sources of the United States and the advisability of the Near Eastern pipeline. The findings and recommendations of this group promise to bring to light many of these behind-the-scene dealings and alleged unconstitutional executive actions that have assumed the proportions of a national scandal. -Dorothy Potts Senator Gets Caught.. .. Kelly Miller often told the story of a Negro in Alabama who wrote his United States Senator, asking: "What is democracy?" The Senator, thinking that the inquirer was a white man, promptly answered: "Democracy T HE POST-WAR COUNCIL discussion of the Russo-Polish border dispute churned up a number of slightly partisan but indirectly illum- inating facts. Among these was the agreement of all who participated that Russia suspects Pol- and's integrity. One speaker went so far as to say "Russia suspects everyone." With char- acteristic and probably unavoidable superficial- ity, the panelists did not inquire into the reasons for Russia's a1titude. They failed to note the original feeling, for which the word "distrust" is mild, that the Western Powers directed against Russia from' the first day the Bolshevikitook over. Eng- land, France and the United States have not to this day'completely relented in their hostil- ity towards a nominally communist country whose revolutionary armies they had fought in the beginning and continued to fight, by political extention, ever since. Our far sighted press looked upon the USSR with undisguised abhorrence.. We sought to dep- recate the new Russia by refusing to recognize its government until 1933. We excluded Russia from international councils, and when, with great reluctance on our part, Russia finally gained admittance to theLeague of Nations, her repre- sentative-Maxim Litvinov-found himself alone in an unsuccessful effort torouse the world into an awareness of the need for collective security. If Litvonov's words fell on deaf ears, those of disaffected left-wingers like Max Eastman and Eugene Lyons did not. Scores .of visitors like them and guest engineers and horrified clergy- men came back from Russia to ply us with half- truths about the deplorable condition of this commisar-saddled people. DO NOT wish to white-wash Russia of its many, varied and undeniable black marks. But, this matter of suspicion we cannot blame on Stalin and Co. As long ago as 1936 Soviet Rus- sia was sending men and material to Spain when the first citadel of democracy fell before the initial onslaught of Nazi-Fascism. Com- munist Russia aided the republic of Spain, while the USA sent munitions to mix with German tanks and Italian planes on the Phalangist side. For over two decades Russia had been thus rebuffed, the outcast, shunted bad boy nation of Europe. Still in 1938 when Hitler poised his army for the seizure of Czechoslovakian Sudet- enland, Stalin offered tc protect the soon to be attacked model democracy. Not only did Eng- land and France renege again this time in viola- tion of solemn treaties, but they actually abetted Hitler in the emasculation of Czechoslovakia. This low water-mark of appeasement politics came to a head at the infamous Munich Con- ference. Russia, as usual was not called or even consulted in these sell-out negotiations. Munich proved to be the straw that broke the back of Russian faith in the Allies. There- upon, Stalin seemingly pitched his tent in the German camp by means of the 1939 Berlin- Moscow Non-Aggression Pact, but quietly armed Russia into the mighty fortress she has become. Now it behooves us as the instigators of sus- picion to seek out the means wherewith to eradi- cate that suspicion. We must persuade Stalin that we do not hold his every move suspect. The Comintern was dissolved as a sign that Russia does not intend to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations. Why should we meddle in the internal affairs of Russia? It devolves upon us to make further overtures to Russia whose rec- ord in power politics is at least as clean as our own. ADDENDUM: Miss Fitch's editorial of yester- day contained the rhost interesting example of illogicality that has graced the pages of The Daily in many moons. She began by a repetition of Prof. Slosson's comparatively sound analysis. But Prof. Slosson also drew a comparatively sound conclusion. He proposed a plebiscite in accordance with the liberal principle of self- determination. Miss Fitch calls for our inter- vention, how, she does not say, though she takes our government to task for being "peculiarly vague" on the subject. Because the problem cannot be resolved on geographic or ethnographic or legal grounds, it then follows according to this reasoning that we are again engaged in the same sort of ne- farious mischief that typified our policy with regard to Vichy, Spain, etc. Where, oh, where is the connection? -Bernard Rosenberg government at all when we didn't want an Italian government. Whenever Badoglio's position was threatened. he would bolster it by promising to resign. His promises to resign were so popular that they even won him a kind of following. Meanwhile. the Italian people could be kept out of the gov- ernment because Badoglio was in, and also mollified with the theory that he had his bag packed and was about to leave. This what-is-it, this stew. of uncertainties, garnished with question marks, was exactly what we wanted, perhaps because we didl not know what we wanted. If you look for General de Gaulle, currenly, you will also find him residing in Halfway House. We have him where we want him, too, in a mist. in a fog, in a cloud. We have issued a remark- able document proclaiming that we recognize that he speaks for the colonies for which he speaks. But for more than a year we have de- layed giving him full recognition as the head of a provisional government. We have preserved that same startled-fawn relationship with de Gaulle that we have maintained with Badogl, so that we can stay near him, if that seems good, or else run away like the wind, should that seem a better choice. 'uHERE was a time when it would have been enterprising of us to recognize de Gaulle; then came a time when it would have been merely practical to recognize him; but by now we have waited until it is comical not to. Still we wait, trying our best to keep dubiety alive; the worried Bonifaces of Halfway Hxouse. We keep an apartment for ourselves in that cloudy hostelry. We know that Finland ought to be knocked out of this war; we know that would be good for our cause; but we will not make the final break with her. We scold Fin- land, we beg Finland, we urge Finland, we advise Finland to quit. We use every pres- sure device except the one which is in our hands. If we want Finland out of the war, a clean American break with her would do more than anything else td shock the Linkomies governmnent out of its indecision. But the keepers of Halfway House never do what they can; they always try to settle by doing half of what they must. On all these issues (and on Spain and Turkey and Old Poland, too) we seem to take pleasure in promoting a condition of vagueness; we de- light to pitch our camp just short of decision. and settle down. We like to dwell among the pauses in the story of man. Where history stops for breath, there we would live forever, if it would let us. Or, to put it in different fashion, it is our foreign policy to reach a stage at which the cat can jump either way, and then to hold its tail. This is hardly a posture which can be maintained permanently, but we try. Meanvhile, we are developing a tendency to regard other nations which are more decisive, such as Russia, as being conspirators against us. Tears and self-pity are always the last refuge of the insecure. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) DR EW PEARSONs C xe WASHINGTON, March 17.--Much-loved octo_ genarian Senator Carter Glass received a visit recentely from his old friend Jim Parley The Virginia Statesman, who has served in the House, the Senate and as Secretary of the Treasury for almost-half a cetury, is not in good health but. in. pajamas and bathrobe, received Parley. In the Senator's lap, as he talked, was a letter on White House stationery.' Jim Parley could not help but notice the stationery, but naturally did not try to pr~y into the contents of the letter. I was from Jim's one-time friend and chief, Franklin Roosevelt. And it was on a subject regarding which Jim and Carter Glass vigor- ously disagree-the tax veto. After the President had vetoed the tax bill', with consequent Barkley fireworks, Senator Glass phoned the White House. "Tell the President," he told Jimmy Byrnes, "that he not only had the Constitutional right to veto the tai bill, but it was his Constitu- tional duty to veto a bill as inadequate as this one." In reply, the President wrote a warm letter of thanks to the 84-year-old Senator. This was the letter which lay in Glass's lap when Jim Farley called.' Parachute Investigation. Last week the Washington Merry-Go-Round revealed that the parachute now being used by American fliers was dangerous compared with the British single-release type and that Briga- dier General Newton Longfellow of the U.S. Eighth Air Force in England had cabled Wash- ington that "anything but a quick release har- ness is murderous., Today, this column can further reveal that the Justice Department and Army Air Forces are moving in on this situation rapidly, and SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 96 All noices for the Daly Jl1'lrla I - letIron 2rc 1 t~ I LcsrrttI Ito I he fice f ithe tI'resi~Ierii In Iv e witi ( cmfor m by J3:3 P mr r 1of Fe y l}WfrCdiflK usspihihr;- ti 1#t, ~ e r' opi. i S4al '.iy wilie i heia tt°r he-.il -Is~~ e 'thniidi i y I1:30a.rI. Notices Mail is being held at the Business Office of the University for the fol- lowing people: Barrett, Lytell; Dar'- bold, M. E.: Hamilton, Dr. W. S.; Haimnoncd, Mrs. Robert; Halkin. Cyrille; K(uge, Tommie; Leftman. Jeanne; Leonard, David; Pearce, Ray B.; Polk, Dorothy: Schuler, Donna; Stevenson, George A. To all male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: By action of the Board of Regents, all male students in residence in this College must elect Physical Educe- . tion for Men. This action has been effective since June, 1943, and will continue for the difration of the war. Students may be excused from tak- ing the course by (1) The University { health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his representative, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by stu- dents in this College should be ad- dressed by freshmen to Professor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counselors (108 Mason Hall);: byall other studen tsto Assis- tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall). Except under very extraordinary circumstances no petitions will be consiaared after the end of the third week of the Spring Term. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: Attendance report cards are being distributed through the departmental offices. Instructors are requested to report absences of freshmen on green cards, directly to the Office of the Academic Counsel- ors, 1081 Mason Hall. Buff cards shouldbe usedninlrepaorting sopho- mores, juniors and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. -Please note especially the regula- tions concerning three-week absen- ces, and the time limits for dropping courses. The rules relating to ab- sences are printed on the attendance cards. They may also be found n p dy47 of the 1943-44Announce- ment of our College. Registration will be held this week for all those who are interested in camp work and summer work of all kinds. There are many calls on hand at present. Early registration is ad- vised. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours are 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. The office closes at noon on Saturdays. Fraternity House Presidents: Will the house presidents of the following fraternities please inform the Inter- fraternity Council of your local ad- dress and telephone number in order that rushing lists may be sent to your fraternity: Chi Phi, Delta Upsi- lon, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Al- pha, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Psi, Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, heta Chi, Trigon. To All Fraternity House Pres- dents: Membership lists must be filed that one employe at Wright Field, Dayton, O., who was connected with the parocurement of para- chutts, is under investigation. He has resigned from Wright Field under pressure. Also the Air Forces have recently ordered 2,500 of the single-release British type of parachute. This per- mits the flier to free himself of the 'chute immediately after he lands, thus avoiding the danger of being dragged along the ground or if he lands in water, of drowning. The parachute used in most Ar- my planes has three release points. This means that, when a -paratroop- er hits the ground, he has to release the harness at three different points and, if he fumbles on one of them, he cannot get free at all. One Army explanation for using this type of parachute is that a flier sits on it, so that it takes up no room in the cramped quarters ofj the plane. The British type of parachute (originally developed in' this country) gets in the way when the flier is seated in his plane. Nevertheless, U.S. fliers value the single release so highly that almost every American aviator arriving in England tries to beg, borrow or steal a parachute of the British type. Note: The 2,500 new single-release parachutes recently ordered are only a start compared with the approxi- mately 350,000 fliers in the Air Forces. {Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.) I I I ' I I I I I }} .I i I - ,.- n . .--- °° , " : , = _ ,f--- z>r s. 4 i,, . .v . o , ir)tii cc -i'( , 1 "' +f ((a rt.+ '.b I = : 1 ;' ; I jj ., + t iZwy,. r. , , tea., 'f q ., # ; ; . fir. , r Lyi E ''qq 1 t'K. 4 r": 4 y u.; ° lf y.... ' C:: r F, - t C' r° { t C rtr z , . _ Y 3 - t 7 t9tt ~ s, T e. GRIN AND REAR IT "I'm from the Bureau of Internal Revenue! Who's the vice- president in charge of Evasion?" immediately with the Dean of Stu- dents, Rm. 2, University Hall. Mem- bership blanks may be obtained from Miss Scanlon in, the Dean's office. University Lecture: "Regionalism: A Concept of Social Planning." Dr. Carol Aronovici, Director of the Col- umbia University Housing Study; auspices of the College of Architec- ture and Design and the Department of Sociology, Monday, March 20, 4:15 p.m., Rackham amphitheatre. Dr. Haven Emerson, Non-resident lecturer in Public Health Adminis- tration and Professor Emeritus of Public Health at Columbia Univer- sity, will speak to public health stu- dents and other interested individu- als on Monday, March 20, at 4:00 p.m., in the School of Public Health auditorium. The title of Doctor Em- erson's address will be "Hospital Beds for Tuberculosis Patients." Dr. .John R. Mott will speak on "Journeys Among the Colleges of Friend and Foe" at Rackham Hall at 3:00 p.m., Sunday, March 19. This lecture is open to the public. A cdemic Notices Students, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: No course may be elected for credit after the end of the third week of the spring term. March 25 is therefore the last date on which newv elections may be ap- proved. The willingness of an indi- vidual instructor to admit a student later does not affect the operation of this rule. Students, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Students who fail to file their election blanks by the close of the third week of the spring term, even though they have registered and have attended classes unofficially, will forfeit their privi- lege of continuing in the College. Students, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Election cards filed after the end of the first week of the semester may be accepted by the Registrar's Office only if they are approved by Assistant Dean Wal- ter. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Schools of Education, For- estry; Music, and Public Health: Stu- dents who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by April 6. Students wishing an ex- tension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressedtorthe ap- propriate official in their school with Rm. 4, U.H., where it will be trans- mitted. The Make-Up for Economics 51 and Economics 52 Final Examination will be given at three o'clock Thurs- day, March 23, inRm. 207, Econom- ics. Sociology 62: Make-up final exam- ination will be given Saturday, March 25, at 10:00 a.m. in my office at 1027 E. Huron. English 128 will not meet today. Kothe - Hildner Annual German Language Award offered students in Courses 31, 32, 35 and 36. The con- test, a translation test (German- English and English-German), car- ries two stipends of $20 and $30 and will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Friday, March 24. Students who wish to compete and who have not yet hand- ed in their applications should do so immediately in 204 University Hall. Exhibitions University Museums: a) Pen icl- ]ium notatum, the fungus frOm which the drug penicillin is derived, b) The Beginning of Human Indus- try. Exhibit: Museum of Art and Ar- chaeology, Newberry Hall. The Ar- thur G. Cummer Memorial Collection of Arms. March 5-19. Week days, 9-5; 7:30-9:30. Sundays, 3-5. Events Tloday Michigan Outing Club will go on a hike this afternoon to Saginaw For- est. We will meet at 2:30 in front of the Women's Athletic.Building end be back in time for supper. Everyone invited. The Presbyterian Student Guild will have a St. Patrick's Party in the social hall beginning at 8:30 pam. Games, dancing and refreshments. Won't you join in the fun? - Badminton Club- Women Stu- dents: The badminton courts in Waterman Gymnasium will-be open for play for women students on Sat- urday afternoon, March 18, from 2:30 to 4:00. Saturday Night Dance: Saint Pat- rick's Day dance will be held at the Club starting at 8:00 p.m. ' Coming Events Iota Sikma Pi meeting Monday, March 20, at 7:30 p.m. in West Lec- ture Room of Rackham Building. Dr. Newton B. Everett, of the anatomy department, will speak on "The Chemical Aspects of Zoology." Re- freshments at Rackham Building afterward. "Trends and the Future Outlook in Employment Discrimination"' Will be the topic of a talk to be given by Mr. Albert Cohen, Tuesday, March 21 at 8 p.m. at the Hillel Foundation. All those interested in r'ceiving Vo- cational guidance in career planng are urged to attend. Michigan Youth for Democratic Action will hold a general meeting Monday, March 20, at 7:45 pin. in the Union (room to be posted). The topic for the meeting will be World Youth Week, and the new member- ship drive will be launched. Netw members (or those interested in be- coming members) as well as regular members are urged to attend this important meeting. French Play: Tryouts for French Play, Monday, March 20, 2-4 p.m. and Tuesday, March 21, 3-5 p.m., Rm. 408, Romance Language Bldg. The Graduate Oting Club will hold its first meeting in the spring term Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the club quarters, Rackham Hall, northwest corner entrance. All graduate students, alumni and faculty members are cordially invited to investigate and to take an active part in our program of outdoor and indoor activities. Duplicate Bridge: - duplicate bridge tournament will be held at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, March 19, in the USO Club. All servicemen are invited as well as townspeople. Come with or without a partner. A small fee of 25c will be charged per person. Music Hour: A classical music hour will be held Sunday afternoons in the USO Club. (CI, rches First Presbyterian Church, Wash- tenaw Ave. Morning worship at By Lichty BARNABY Well, Barnaby. All set to visi the i office of Congressman O'Ma~ley? | If we find him in, and he's a real man, you'll admit this His oftice isn't here, Pop. He§} T------r FI y Crockett Johnson SCongressman I t H O'Malley? . . . I E -