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March 17, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-17

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Pd Rather Be Right
iAy MUSr i R(Ai.TION


By Lichty


edited andemnanaged by students of the University o'
Mvichigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The AssociatedI Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Gffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptons uringthe regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

Jane Farraut
Stan Wallace
Evelyn :Phfllips ,
Harvey Frank
Bud Low .. .
Jo Ann Peterson
ary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin
Elizabeth Carpente
'Mtarge Batt

Editorial Staff
S . . . Managing ditor
.Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . . . . Associate Editor
SSports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
. ~Womne's Editor
Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff_

er .

. .' Business Manager
. Ass't Business Manager
e 23-24-1


Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are ivritten by members of .The Daily staf
and represent the views of the writers only.
Russian Demands on
Poland Termed Unfair
which is causing increasing tension among
the United States, Great Britain and the USSR,
is undoubtedly the most significant problem yet
to arise concerning Uni'ed Nations post-war
policies and at the same time is one of the most
The issues are clouded in obscurity. On legal
grounds Poland would seem to have the better
ease since Russia has officially renounced the
partition treaty made with Germany in 1939.
It is utterly useless to bring up historic or geo-
graphic considerations because the territory
involved, which is part of the north European
plain and unseparated frdm Poland, Germany
or Russia by any physical barriers, has be-
longed to both Poland and Russia at several
The pre-war population was composed of some
five million Poles, a large number of Ukrainian,
and White Russians and Jews and a few Lithu-
anians. These peoples, whose nationality was
indeterminate even before the war, have now
been so scattered that in all probability the en-
tire ethnographic direction of the area has been
drastically altered.
USSIA, basing her claims to a large extent
on the assertion that the territory is stra-
tegically necessary for her security, seems deter-
mined to twist the confused situation to her own
advantage, even if this involves overruling Great
britain and the United States.
Russia is playing the age-old game of power
politics. Her emphasis on the importance of this
fragment of Europe makes it obvious that the
case is in reality a test of power, a test of just
how far she can go in carrying out an imperial-
istic policy. Besides bombarding her allies with
various kinds of subtle propaganda, Russia has
even gone so far as to inform the United States,
notably in the Pravda rebuke to Wendell Wilkie,
that the matter is none of our business.
The issue is one which goes to the very root
of the post-war structure. If Russia is victori-
ous in this attempted land-grab, Great Britain
and the United States will have lost all future
chances to take part in eastern European
Yet our government is peculiarly vague on
the matter. Where are the principles of the
Atlantic Charter, the declarations of the Mos-
cow and Teheran conferences and all the rest
of the lovely words which have been spoken on
impartial arbitration and cooperation among
the United Nations?
It is unfortunate that the United Nations
were unable to work out a common policy be-
fore the issue was brought to a head by the
present strained relations existing in regard
to the Russo-Polish border. Now their hand
has been forced in no uncertain terms.
Whatever the course in the present case may
be, whether the provisional arrangements should
be made now with plans for a post-war plebiscite
or whether a United Nations council should be
set up immediately to decide the question, some
working policy must inevitably result. It is time
to stop playing around. The facts can no longer
be evaded. The vacillating, spur-of-the-moment
standards which have been our guide in the
cases of Spain, Italy and Vichy must now be
abandoned, definitely and permanently.
-ennie Fitch

NEW YORK, March 16.--I invite you to take
your pick of the following explanations of why
Russia has recognized the Badoglio goverrnent
in Italy:
1. Russia may be coo)peratliiG with us. Ai r
all, we support Badoglio.
(Only, if Russia is cooerating with us. why
do we look as if we had been hit with a wet
towel? We seem embarrassed by this support
for our Italian policy, if it is supoort. It ap-
pears to have taken us by surprise. It goes
beyond our own relations with Badogio, which
do not constitute formal liplomatic reogni-
tion. )
2. Russia may be "getting herself in solid"
with all new governments in Europe, regardless
of type. She was the first to give full recogni-
tion to de Gaulle. She is now the first to give
full recognition to Badoglio. Russia recognizes
that the new governments in the liberated coun-
Y:.::j *'
WASHINGTON, March 16.-The controver-
sial question of giving one third of the Italian
fleet to Russia has an interesting background-
especially to this columnist. It dates back to
last summer, when the Washington Merry-Go-
Round reported that Stalin was irate because
Secretary Hull had not consulted him regarding
preliminary Italian armistice terms.
When a nation surrenders, it is the victors
who are on hand for the armistice "kill" who
get the conquered fleet and the spoils of war.
That was why Stalin was blazing mad when,
at first, he was not consulted. Ie was sore at
some other things too, but especially over the
Italian matter, for Russia has long wanted to
build herself up as a naval power and long
ago saw the Italian fleet as a stepping stone.
When this columnist revealed the State De-
'partment's cold shoulder to Russia, it was
promptly denied.
All of which, in retrospect, may be more
amusing than important, but it leads up to a
question which never ceases to puzzle news
men, no matter how many years grown grey
at the typewriter-namely, why distinguished
statesmen issue diplomatic denials which they
know are certain to be disproved later.
The Denial Scoe C;" ,d.
Just for amusement, the already overworked
girls in my office have got up a list of fairly
important Merry-Go-Round stories which were
indignantly, categorically, vehemently denied
but later turned out to be true. Here they are:
November, 1943-General Patton slapping
incident officially denied by Army. Later ad-
January, 1943-Faulty inspection of shells at
a St. Louis plant denied by the Army. Despite
the denial, a Grand Jury indicted ten people for
this war fraud-though it took eleven months
to do it.
September, 1940-The Attorney General de-
nied the story regarding the plane crash Of
FBI agents and the late Senator Ludeen,
some of whose speeches were being written by
Nazi agent George Sylvester Vierick. Senators
Wheeler and Bennett Clark also denounced
this story on the Senate floor, while Mrs. Lun-
deen threatened to sue for libel. However,
-Vierick is now in jail, convicted in part for
writing Senator Lundeen's speeches.
June, 1939 -First revelation of Louisiana
scandals, involving Governor Leche, Democratic
National Committeeman Seymour Weiss and
President J. M. Smith of Louisiana State Uni-
versity, was denied. All later served jail sen-
June, 1943-Justice Byrnes was reported to
have stopped the Navy's Elk Hills oil deal. De-
nied by Navy. Later, Secretary Knox issued a
statement promising to cancel the Elk Hills
August, 1940-Exclusive story that the
U.S.A. would trade fifty over-age destroyers

for British island bases. Categorically denied
by White House Secretary Early. Officially
confirmed two weeks later.
June, 1940-Disclosure that Roosevelt had
been communicating privately with Mussolini
to keep him from entering the war. "Fantastic,"
was Steve Early's comment. Four days later, the
President himself, speaking at Charlottesville,
Va., told details of his communications with
December, 1940-Secretary Hull sent letters
to newspaper editors denying Merry-Go-Round
story that he favored a $100,000,000 loan to
Franco Spain. Full corroborating details later
were published by Lieut. Thomas Hamilton,
USNR, in his book, "Appeasement's Child."
Yet now and forever after, it probably will be
considered the prerogative of officialdom to
issue categorical denials when they so choose
-until they learn that the public has quit be-
lieving them.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)

ti ies will have quarrels with the Allies. By lining
up with them, early and strong, she gains valu-
able offsets against our influence on the conti-
3. itussia may believe that the Badoglio re-
'ine is temporary, as, indeed, It almost inevi-
tably is. No government of surrender can last
very long. lence in recognizng a government
which she believes is doomed to short life,
anyway, by historical necessity, Russia is giv-
ing little, prhaps getting much. Italy is Cath-
olic, and Poland is Catholic. An unparalleled
friendly gesture toward the' Catholic govern-
ment of a Catholic country, may reduce, in
some degree, Catholic opposition to the Rus-
sian reabsorption of Eastern Poland.
Russia's recognition of Badoglio and Victor
Emmanuel would thus be something "thrown in
to make it harder"; it does become rather awk-
ward for conservative Italians to continue to
regard as their chief enemy, the same country
which has become the chief official friend of
their organs of state.
4. Russia may be pushing her policy of per-
suading the world that she is not interestedin
fomenting Communist uprisings. Last week,
President Benes of Czechoslovakia, who is close
to Stalin, staked his reputation on the flat state-
ment that Russia is against communist organi-
zation of the Balkans. Recognition of Badoglio
fits into this picture. If Russia regards the
Badoglio regime as temporary, anyway, nothing
is paid out, and something is gained.
5. Russia has never been for the overthrow
of Badoglio and Victor Emmanuel. Her press
has been almost silent on these two men. Rus-
sia (like Communism around the world) has
been for a unity policy. The Moscow Declara-
tions, you will remember, called only for
"broadening" the Badoglio regime, byr the in-
clusion of democratic elements. Such broad-
ening may be in the cards, and recognition of
Badoglio may be a preparatory step. For while
a liberal government in Italy may be useful to
Russia, a "unity" government, of both liberals
, and conservatives, so organized that the con-
servatives could not promote an anti-Russian
policy, would be even more useful.
Italian conservatives can make less trouble for
Russia if they are n such a government, and
committed to its unity policy, than if they are
out of it, and independent.
This new Russian policy, which might perhaps
be called the Policy of the Bear Hug, is extra-
ordinarily strong, and extraordinarily hard to
counter, for the not-very-extraordinary reason
that it makes a lot of sense.
The above are speculations, and I have, of
-ourse, left moral values (such as the un-
abated antipathy which liberals around the
world must continue to feel for Badoglio) out
of them, seeking only to understand the Rus-
sian move. Seven times seven Russias cannot
purify Badoglio. If this move, in the end,
helps him, and keeps the Italian people out of
the Italian government, it will be one of the
most cynical gestures of our time. We shall
see what we shall see. This test is what hap-
pens now to the Badoglio government.
(Cupyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
It should be evident to one and all, by now,
that President Roosevelt, if he runs will win.
this 'next election in a walk.
For the Republicans, though they have the
mighty power of the press solidly behind them,
look about as foolish in their attack as a foot-
ball player in high heels.
.. .. .r
So far they have raised two big issues, and
both of them have been accompanied by a very
suspicious smell.

The first big issue was the tax bill; the
second was the soldier ballot. Together they
give a very fair indication that the Republi-
can party is not too interested in the war or
in the men who are fighting the war.
They have offered the country nothing posi-
tive except that their two leading candidates
have a lot of hair, between them, enough to
completely obscure a man's face. Maybe they
plan to increase bombsight production.
One of their possible candidates, Governor
Dewey of New York has already indicated
that he wil not consider the Federal ballot
section included in the new vote bill under
any circumstances.
> ' , t Y .
In short, the President has wisely shied away
from anything resembling politics. The Republi-
cans are hopelessly wallowing in the stuff.
-Claire Sherman

-l f
'9th Ceutiry' RPe ..
To the Editor:
The essential point and purpose of
Bill Sawyer's operetta, "Tom Saw-
yer," was missed sadly in yesterday's
review in The Daily . . . Mr. Kehoe
evidently completely overlooked the
overall character of the music.
Mr. Kehoe views "Sawyer" from
the vantage-point oaf a. nineteenth
century critic reviewing Victor
herbert's latest.
"Tom Sawyer" represents, to me
and to others with whom I have
spoken, among them the director of
the production itself, something new
in music, a step forward in the de-
velopment of a definitely American
idiom. The banjo, the dance band ...
yes, and even the saxophones which
so annoyed Mr. Kehoe ... are Amer-
ican, and that is why Sawyer used
Bill Sawyer attempts to reconcile
the old entertainment form of the
operetta with the new, popular type
of musie . . . known through recent
years as jazz, swing, and by other
handles. This is the only music form
which we can claim as being truly
representative of the United, States
as a whole.
It is believed, I think, by many
that "jazz" is a transition stage
leading toward something entirely
new in music. This process has
been temporarily slowed up by a
return to nlnteenth-century senti-
mentalism because of the present
Sawyer's "Sawyer" is a marker on
the road to a new, American music.
The touch of definite "swing" at the
end makes this all the more obvious,
and I cannot agree that it was out-
of-place. The ending was a refresh-
ing surprise which tied the produc-
tion in with Sawyer's usual styl.
Opinions may differ, of course, but
it seems to me as though Mr. Kehoe
has showed more than an opinion in
his review . . . he has shown neglect

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"lie's been spouting for half an hour already-I thought he said
he was introducing a speaker who 'needed no introduction'."

of recognition of the character of
"Tom Sawyer."
-Peg Weiss
Civi Service fonus ...
To the Editor:
In an editorial of Mar. 14, Mr.
Mullendore attacked the President's
proposal to give ex-servicemen extra
points on civil service examinations.
Contrary to what Mullendore says,
this proposal would have more of an
equalizing effect and would dispel
the disadvantages that ex-service-
men will have to overcome when
seeking employment.
While 11,y00,004 men and women
are in the services, they devote their
entire energies to their jobs. Thus
the servicemen often performs duties
that have no relationship with their

civilian occupation or training.
Meanwhile civilians progress and in-
crease their skill and knowledge in
some occupation. Other civilians are
able to increase their savings against
the uncertain future. Thus, the ci-
vilians will have the advantage over
servicemen. Besides, most civilians
will have jobs that they now hold.
This is not a new proposal. A simi-
lar measure was adopted after the
last war. And contrary to Mullen-
dore, the Civil Service system was not
Soldiers have no desire to raid the
national treasury. They desire oppor-
tunity and not charity Certainly the
boys who are not in AST'P', V-12, and
in tweeds, deserve a break. No, not
a break Mr. Mullendore, but an equal
chance with those who write about
the war. -Ben Josef Daiben

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(Continued from Page 2)
tion, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours+
are 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. The
office closes at noon on Saturdays.
"Victory Gardens": Employes of
the University who desire garden
plots this year at the Botanical Gar-
den should notify Mr. Roszel before
the end of March.
Each plot will be assigned with the
understanding that an endeavor will
be made by the assignee to use it to1
full capacity for the raising of vege-;
tables, that it will be kept neat and1
clean and free from weeds, and that1
no refuse will be allowed to accumu-F
The plots will be twenty-five by
fifty feet. As there may be a few
extra plots, two may be requested if
it is thought that one will noat suffice
axed that two would be fully utilized.'
No tools will be furnished by the
University. Water may be used if
carried in containers or run through
a garden hose held in the hand;
under no circumstances shall a hose
be left running unattended. Particu-
lar care must be taken that no prop-
erty of the Botanical Garden be
molested. Dogs are not allowed in
the Gardens.
A contribution of one dollar per
person (or group using a' single plot)
is requested, to provide for plough-
As a measure of deed economy, it is
suggested that each gardener pur-
chase just enough seed for his own
use and that, if he has any left, he
share or trade with his neighbor.
Dr. Felix Gustfason of the Botany
Department will be available for con-
sultation regarding problems en-
countered in the development of
these gardens.
When the plots are ready for use
the fact will be announced in this
In order to plan better the gardens
for next year, it is desirable that
some information concerning the
success of last year's gardens be
obtained. We therefore ask those
who had gardens here to supply us
with the following information:
What plants did you grow?
How many feet of row did you use
for each kind?
Did you buy any plants or did you
grow them all from seeds?
What was the approximate date
when for practical purposes your'
garden ceased to yield?

What suggestions do you have for
improving the garden project for the
coming summer?
Would you be interested in cooper-
ating if an attempt were made to
exchange young plants for setting
University Lecture: Dr. Edwin J.
Cohn, Professor of Biological Chem-
istry, Harvard University, will lec-
ture on the subject, "The Functions
and Properties of the Plasma Pro-
teins," under the auspices of the
Medical School and the Section on
Sanitary and Medical Sciences of the
Michigan Academy today at 3:50
p.m. in the Kellogg Auditorium. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture and General
Address of the Michigan Academy
of Science, Arts and Letters: Henri
Seyrig, recently Director of the
French Institute in Constantinople
and formerly Director of Antiquities
in the French Mandate of Syria will.
give an illustrated lecture on "Pal-
myra and the Ancient Caravan.
T'rade" today at 4:15 p.m. in the
amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing. The public is cordially invited.
Dr. John U. Matt will speak on
"Journeys Among the Colleges of
Friend andFoe" at Rackham Hall at
3:00 p.m., Sunday, March 19. This
lecture is open to the/ public.
A cademic Notices
Seniors and Graduate Students:
The graduate record examination
will be given the evenings of April 3
and 4 beginning at '7:00 p.m. in the
lecture hall of the Rackham Grad-
uate School. Seniors and graduate
students who will take these exami-
nations should report for registration-
to Miss Helen Wiley in the graduate
school office before March 18. This
is necessarysincedthe "number of
books ordered is determined by the
number of registrants.
All seniors and graduate students
in any school o college on the cam-
pus are eligible.
All newly registered graduate stu-
dents, i.e., just admitted to the grad-
uate .school, are required to take the
Applicants for scholarships or fel-
lowships in the graduate school and
those seniors expecting to apply for
admission .to a graduate school,
either here or elsewhere, will find it
of advantage to present a report of
their scores on this examination as a
part of their credentials.
English 2, Sections 27 and 29, will

Kothe - Iilidner Annual Gerjnan
Language Award offered students in
Courses 31, 32, 35 and 36. The con-
test, a translation test (German-
English and Englishq.erman), car-
ries two stipends of $20 and $30 and
will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Friday,
March 24. Students who wish to
compete and who have not yet hand-
ed in their applications should do so
immediately in 204 University Hall.
Bronson-Thomas Annual German
Language Award offered juniors and
seniors in German. The contest will
be held from 2 to 5 o'clek Friday,
March 24. Thie award, in the amount
of $38, will be presented to the stu-
dent writing the'best essay dealing
with some phase in the development
of German literature from 1750-1900.
Students who wish to compete and
who have not yet , handed. in - their
applications should do so immediate-
ly in Rm. 204 University Hall.
Preliminary Doctoral Examinations
in Chemistry will be held in the
Chemistry Building on the following
dates: Analytical Chemistry, March
24; Organic Chemistry, March 28;
Physical Chemistry, March 31.
Bacteriology 111, the laboratory
course, will begin on Monday, March
20, Rm. 1528 East Medical Building,
at 1:00 p.m. Each student including
those on Army and Navy programs
should come provided with $5.00
Hygienic Laboratory Coupon procur-
able at the Cashier's Office; in addi-
tion, civilian students should bring
seventy-five cents for the Laboratory
Sociology 62: Make-up final exam-
ination will be given Saturday, March
25, at 10:00 a.m. in my office at 1027
E. Huron.
The Make-Up for Economics 51
and Economics 52 Final Examination
vili be given at three o'clock Thurs-
day, March 23, in Rm. 207, Econom-
Chemistry 4 Make-up Final: Stu-
dents who need to take the make-up
final for Prof. Gillette's Chemistry 4
of last semester must make arrange-
ments this week with P. A. Smith,
224 Chem.
College of Architecture and Design:
"Brazil Builds," consisting of mount-
ed photographs and wooden panels
showing Brazilian architecture, cir-
culated by the Museum of Modern
Art, New York City. Open daily 9 to
5, through March 27; ground floor
corridor, Architecture Building. The
public is invited.




_. ., - .



Mentioning the poll tax wasn't
the way to win Rumpelstilskin's
cooperation I decided, so I set

Gus is a very spic and span
ghost in the new sheets I
procured for him. Rump was

"The Perfect Aryan!" he yelled.
He at once agreed to support
our dam if Gus would do him

y Crockett Johnson
Later I learned we needn't have
gone to all that trouble. Rump
votes for all dams anyway. P

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