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March 16, 1944 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-16

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Relii ous Conference '1o Meet 11ere

G-riffiin Disesasses Post-War
Problem in Alumnius' Article

"Religion in the Wartime College"
will be the central theme of a two=
day state conference when represen-
tatives from 29 college communities
come to Ann Arbor Saturday.
Sponsored by the War Emergency
Council of the Christian Associations
and the Conference of College Teach-
ers and Ministers of Religion in
Michigan, this conference will deal
with the problems faced by civilian
and military counselors, religious
leadership and post-war education.
U' Grad To Speak
Opening the conference at 10:30
a.m. in Lane Hall will be a talk on
"Our Men in the Wartime Colleges"
by Chaplain Jule Ayers, lieutenant
in the Army Air Corps. Lt. Ayers,
graduate of the University and of
Union Theological Seminary, was a
Presbyterian minister in New York
and has traveled in the Scandinavian
countries, Greece, Russia, Turkey
and the Holy Land. At present he is
serving as chaplain to 1,200 men who
12 Co. G Dental
Surgeons Are
Twelve dental. surgeons of Co. G
were commissioned as first lieuten-
ants in the medical corps at 9 a.m.
yesterday at Army Headquarters.
This is the first group of ASTP
dental students to be commissioned
in Ann Arbor.
Maj. Edward F. Galliger, adjutant,
read the oath and swore the men in.
The newly commissioned dental
surgeons are Lts. Duncan P. Mac-
Lachlan of Ann Arbor, Marvin J.
DeRoven and Sanford A. Waldon of
Detroit, William D. Jackson of Bad
Axe, Alfred G. Jacobs of Iron Moun-
tain, Warren S. Dodge of Marshall,
George B. Jaaksi of Ishpeming,
Francis K. Bradley of Gladwin, Ar-
thur I. Thomas of Brooklyn, N.Y.,
Max H. Raabe of Denver, Colo.,
James M. Ross of Springfield, Mass..
and Mathew J. Czyzycki of New
York Mills, N.Y.

have returned from overseas. Lt.-Col.
Thomas W. Carter, head of the Sixth
Service Division of the Army Air
Forces Technical Training Com-
mand, will also attend the confer-
A panel discussion of "Situations
Which Challenge Leadership" will
include representatives from various
types of colleges and universities.
Representing a church college will
be Charles Kraft; a state college,
John Price; a municipal university,
Dorothy Zimmerman, and Dean Jos-
eph P. Selden, the University, the
Rev. C. H. Loucks, minister of the
First Baptist Church, and the Rabbi
Jehudah Cohen of Hillel Foundation.
McClusky To Appear on Panel
Following the luncheon to be
served at 12:15 p.m. in the First Con-
gregational Church, will be a panel
discussion on "Post-War Education
as a Religious Opportunity." Prof.
Howard Y. McClusky of the School
of Education, William Muehl, acting
director of the Student Religious
Association, Elizabeth Hawley, for-
mer chairman of the Post-War Coun-
cil, and Makepeace Tsao, student,
will present various points of view
on the problem.
Two discussions will be held simul-
taneously at 2:30 p.m. on "Religious
Counseling" and "Group Religious
Leadership Today." Civilian and
Social Council
Girls To Serve
First 'U' Hostesses To
Entertain at Center Tea
Hostesses provided by the Univer-
sity social council will be present for
the first time at the International
Center tea to be held from 4 to 5:30
p.m. today.
The arrangement to provide host-
esses was made by Miss Ethel A.
McCormick, social director ,for wo-
men, Miss Morrow Weber, social
chairman at the League, and George
Hall, assistant to the director of. the
International Center. -

military aspects of counseling will be
presented by Dorothy Powell of the
University of Chicago, Prof. David
Trout, Central faculty, Chaplain Ay-
ers, the Rev. Henry C. Yoder, of Trin-
ity Lutheran Church, Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, religious counselor, and
Father Hugh B. O'Neill of the Uni-
versity of Detroit.
Rev. Brashares To Speak
The problems related to leadership
will be presented by the Rev. Charles
Brashares of the First Methodist
Church, Dr. H. Lewis Batts, Inter-
Church campus minister, Kalamazoo,
Harold Kuebler, YMCA, Chicago;
Dorothy Zimmerman, YWCA, De-
troit, and Dean Fred Mitchell, Michi-
gan State College.
Y. "e "
(Continued from Page 1)
morning and were "there to keep
traffic moving and not to act as
strike breakers."
At Lansing Governor Kelly said
late today he had conferred by tele-
phone with Mayor Orville Hubbard
of Dearborn and was assured that
Hubbard would "see to it that every
kind of police protection will be given
the Ford Motor Company."
Spokesmen for the company and
the United Automobile Workers
(CIO) professed no knowledge of
what set off the blockade action.
A demonstration in the aircraft
unit last week resulted in discharge
of ten employes and indefinite sus-
pension of ten others.
Rausch, plant superintendent, in
his telegram blamed the blockade on
"a small group of irresponsible union
members most of whom had been
discharged with the consent of the
officers of the UAW-CIO because of
an unauthorized work stoppage."
Mmne. Barzin Speaks
On Undergiround
"In reality the work of the under-
ground is far more dangerous and
secretive than we can possibly imag-
ine from our report through radio
and press," Madame Betty Barzin
said last night in her discussion of
the Belgian underground.
It is interesting to note from her
comprehensive discussion that the
few refugees, soldiers and messengers
to the outside world making the long
trek through occupied France and
hostile Spain \who are "lost on their
way are usually lost in Spain, where
the underground is least effective.
If caught in Spain they are sent to
the Miranda concentration camp,
and are occasionally freed when the
Franco government approaches the
U.S. Embassy in Madrid for a ship-
ment of oil or wheat.
"Perhaps the guiding ideal of the
Belgian underground is that there
shall be no 'third edition' of this last
war," Mme. Barzin concluded.


ROCKET TARGET-A rocket target is released from a wheeled pro-
jector designed to be fired at varying angles to give U.S. anti-aircraft
gunners practice with a target closely simulating speed of enemy air-
craft. This device replaces sleeve targets.
Dr. Hs tie To Discucss Belgian
Relations with Europe Today

"A concern today with the prob-
lems of the post-war period does not
represent a diversion of energy from
the main job but is a requirement for
the completion of that job, which is
nothing less than the preservation of
a free society," Clare E. Griffin, pro-
fessor of Business Economics at the
University said in an article on
"Post-war Unemployment" in the
recent issue of the Michigan Alum-
nus Quarterly Review.
Discussing employment in the
post-war world, Prof. Griffin stated,
"In all probability to attain a healthy
economic state, employment will have
to be substantially higher than in
even our best years of the pre-war
"If we do reach and maintain this
level of employment and production
which our labor force, productive
plant and skills would make feasible,
we will, I believe, find it possible to
bear the burden of war debt and to
progress to a substantially higher
standard of living in this country."
Considering the possibility that
this challenge can be met, Prof.
Griffin said that immediately after
the war there is the danger of serious
inflation unless we have a continua-
tion of wartime price controls and
rationing of goods for consumers and
producers, which must be relaxed
gradually in such a manner as to
"stimulate production but avoid in-
"The immediate post-war period
will be crucial in the sense that it
may set the pattern for several years
to come," he continued. "This fact
places heavy responsibility upon bus-
iness and upon government. What
can be done at that time will depend
upon plans that are laid in advance.
In some industries conversion will
require only producing the same or
substantially the same things for
civilians instead of for soldiers.
"In others it will require a shifting
back to pre-war products and in still
others, where plants have been ex-
panded, it will require the production
of new products."
Prof. Griffin advocated planning
by individual businessmen-'grass

roots' planning as distinguished from
'overall' planning" and stated that
"the government also has certain
"No amount of unemployment
compensation that the government
can possibly provide will' be a fair
substitute for a high level ofbproduc-
tive private employment," Prof. Grif-
fin said.
He urges that tax systems
be made now for the prompt termi-
nation of government contracts so
that the necessary funds will be pro-
vided for post-war expansion. He
also advocates the speedy removal of
government owned equipment from
private plants as soon as the war is
"The government should be slow
to extend its activities into fields
presently occupied by piivate efforts
but should be directed to preventing
individuals and groups from them-
selves establishing barriers to the
workings of the free market," Prof.
Griffin continued.
He urges that the tax systems
should be devised which would avoid
directly interfering with the invest-
ment of "venture capital and the
assumption of business risks." Con-
sidering the question of the national
debt he said, "An easy optimism is
not suggested but rather that the
debt-bearing capacity is dependent
upon our national income."
Don't miss



, it

Dr. Jan Frans Hostie, Legal Coun-
sellor in Foreign Affairs to the Bel-
gian Government and lecturer in
Regional Study Programs here, will
discuss Belgium and its relations
with Europe at 4 p.m. today in Room
4, Alumni Memorial Hall for the fifth
program in the present French lec-
ture series.
Represented Belgium at Peace Table
Dr. Hostie, who is from Ghent in
Flanders, represented Belgium at the
Peace Conference of Paris in 1919
in matters of communications and in
the Transport Section of the Eco-
nomic Supreme Council. He was Sec-
retary General of the Central Com-
mission for Navigation on the Rhine
from 1921 to 1937. Since 1920 he has
been connected with the activities
of the League of Nations, especially
in the field of communications, and
is still a member of the Permanent
Legal Committee of the Organization
for Communications and Transit of
the League.
Pleas for Unity
In discussing the lecture he will
give today, "La Belgique et l'Europe
nouvelle," Dr. Hostie said he will
point out that Belgium, Luxumbourg
and the Netherlands should be looked
on as one group and furthermore not
as an exclusively European territory.
For, he said, the col nial territories
of the group are about 75 times
greater than their European terri-
tory. He said he 'will show how there
is a growing link between the Scan-
dinavian countries and the Low


Countries and between Belgium and
Tickets Still On Sale
He said that if there is time he
hopes to discuss the relations be-
tween the Low Countries and France.
In this category he would discuss the
military potentials of these countries,
the feasibility of an inter-Allied com-
mand, the problem of Alsace and
Lorraine and the possibility of a
common policy on the part of these
countries toward Germany.
Tickets for the lecture may be pur-
chased from the Secretary of the
Romance Languages Department or
at the door at the time of the lecture.

for the

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Buy now!

We hove a very limited supply.
Sold at the MICHIGANENSIAN Office
Student Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard

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Today, Michigan's doctors and nurses
by the hundreds are serving with our
Army and Navy from Alaska to Iran,
from Australia to Italy-bringing back
to health the men who are helping win
Victory for the United Nations. But on
the home front, other thousands of doc-
tors and nurses are fighting doubly hard
to keep their fellow-citizens of Michigan
in good health - doing everything in
their power to prevent or minimize
interruptions in our State's war effort.
In a very real sense the well-being of
all of us in Michigan is in the capable
hands of approximately 6,000 physicians
and surgeons and about 14,000 nurses.
At their disposal are the facilities of 252
hospitals which have beds for nearly
60,000 patients at one time. In an aver-
age year more than 525,000 patients
are admitted to these institutions. To
.__ - . - . - ,_ W ,,,s. , 7 ,. t

goes well-deserved credit for the high
standards of medical care prevailing in
our State.
We of the Greyhound Lines pay tribute
to these fellow-citizens of ours who are
doing so much to make our State a finer
place to live in. They're doing a big job
-a vital one. Greyhound's job is quite
different-but vital, too! Providing safe,
convenient transportation service is
particularly important now. By making
near neighbors and good neighbors of
all the communities we serve in Michi-
gan, we are helping unify the war efforts
of this State - keeping them rolling
toward Victory!

Wail for that steady
H--rn-m before you dial

The dial tone is your signal to start
Sometimes, these days, it may be delayed

dialing a telephone number.
a moment because the central

office equipment is crowded to capacity with a war-created burden of calls.

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