PAGE TWO THUJRSDAY, MARC!!10,1944 THlE MICIIIGAN DAILY Soviets Cross BRug Rivrpproach Old Rumanian Border Olgolopol Falls; Nazis Divided. in Snegirevka Y, Reds Threaten Vital Communication Lines ; Thaws Slow Advance By The Associated5Press LONDON, March 15.- Russian troops swept across the middle Bug River on a 62-mile front today, thrusting powerful spearheads with- in 30 miles of the pre-war Rumanian frontier, and also captured a rail station only 17 miles from the im- periledBlack Sea port of Nikolaev at the mouth of theBug, Moscow an- nounced tonight. 10,000 'Nazis Killed Northeast of Kikolaev on a fast- crumbling German front the third Ukraine Army of Stalingrad veterans under Gen. Rodion Y. Malinovsky, split the remnants of perhaps 45,000 ~Germans trapped in the Snegireka pocket and were "successfully exter- minating" them, said the bulletin. A total of 10,000 Germans already had been declared killed and 4,000 captured in that trap Tuesday. The sensational break-through be- yond the Bug River on the middle- Ukraine front for gains ranging from 12 to 18 miles was achieved by Mar- shal Ivan S. Kone's Second Ukraine Army, and was one of the most sig- nificant developments of the south- ern Russian campaign. Plunging across territory, which Germany had awarded Rumania for her part in the war against Russia, the Soviet troops overran more than 100 villages in a swift surge toward the Dniester River frontier of Bessa- rabia. The broadcast bulletin, recorded by the Soviet Monitor, announced the seizure of Olgopol, only 15 miles from the Odessa-Warsaw trunk rail- way already cut by Marshal Gregory K. Zhukov's First Ukraine Army at Tarnopol, 200 miles to the northwest. Olgopol also is only 25 miles north of Rybnitsa, the Dniester River rail station through which one of three remaining German escape lines feeds into Rumania. Mud Slows Troops Moscow dispatches emphasized the disaster overtaking the hundreds of thousands of Germans in lower Rus- sta as the. Russians steadily slashed ahead toward the tenuous Nazi com- muications lines despite early spring thaws which turned the roads into cuagires. Ouily at Tarnopol were the Ger- mans apparently putting up a stub- born resistance. That "hinge" be- tween the German southern and central fronts has been the scene of bitter street fighting for a full week, and the late Russian communique again omitted mention of the sector. in the Proskurov sector, 62 miles east of Tarnopol, the Russians said they had again beaten down heavy German tank and infantry counter- attacks, inflicting large losses on the enemy. In that sector the Russians had swept southwest of Proskurov in a flanking threat to Tarnopol, which the Germans must hold if they are to prevent themselves being flattened against the Carpathians. KSpeech Contest To Be Held Here March 31 The central regional meeting of the National Discussion Contest on Inter- American Affairs will be held here March 31, with the Department of Speech and the International Center acting as hosts, it was announced yesterday. Designed to promote inter-Ameri- can friendship, the contest is spon- sored by the Office of the Coordina- tor of Inter-American Affairs of the State Department and the American Council on Education. The eight contestants from this region were chosen by a judging com- mitjee in Washington which based their selection on manuscripts sub- nitted by two contestants from each of 500 colleges and universities throughout the country. Winner of the regional contest here will be awarded a $500 scholarship for study in Mexico next summer and travel expenses to New York or Washington to compete in the na- tional contest April 14. Included on the day's program will be a discussion session led by Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the history de- partment, who is a member of the Advisory Committee of the national contest. This will be followed by a reception and tea in honor of the contestants at the International Cen- ter. In the evening a symposium of prepared speeches by the contestants will be held in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. Prof. Kenneth G. Hance of the speech department will have charge of the arrangements for the meeting. -- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN MAIL FOR MARINES-Dozens of sacks of mail are staekĀ£d up to be sorted just behind the front lines where Marines are battling on Southwest Pacific N ew Eritain Island. Vetera ns Returnc LANSING, March 15.-(IP)-Veter- ans of World War II are returning to civilian life at the rate of more than 1,000 a month with the number in- creasing, the State Selective Service headquarters reported today. Coupling the announcement with some advice to veterans concerning their rights, Brig. Gen. Le Roy Pear- son said 1,221 were discharged from the armed forces in February, bring- ing to 46,101 the number returned to civilian life since Pearl Harbor. Pearson, State Selective Service di- rector, said 1,099 were released in January.. Pearson pointed out that a re- turning veteran is obliged to report to his local draft board to receive information concerning his re-em- ployment rights and other benefits. Local boards have re-employment committeemen to assist veterans. After re-employment in his old job the veteran, Pearson said, under the law shall be considered as having been on furlough or leave of absence from the job while he was in the armed service; he shall be reinstated without loss of seniority; he shall be entitled to participate in insurance or other benefits offered by the em- ployer pursuant to established rules and practices relating to employes on furlough or leave of absence which were in effect with the employer at the time the veteran entered the armed forces; and he shall not be dis- charged from his job, without cause, within one year after he was restored to it. r *tichia% n te a t ' News rolls steadily in from Public Relations Offices of our armed for- ces about former University students now in training schools all over the country. Aviation Cadet Emanuel Klein, of Detroit, was recently commissioned a second lieutenant in the Army Air Forces after completing bombardier training at the Carlsbad (New Mexi- co) Army Air Field. Lt. Klein is one of the new "triple-threat men" airmen who have completed instruction in dead reckoning navigation and aerial gunnery in addition to the regular bombardiering' course. As an officer in the Army Air Forces ready for active duty, his destina- tion is not disclosed. In the same graduation exercises. at the Carlsbad Field, Aviation Cadet Herbert M. Bently, of Saginaw, and formerly of the University, was also commissioned a second lieutenant, ready for active duty. Reporting recently at the Carlsbad Army Air Field was Lt. Robert L. Rumbold of Flint, 'Mich. Lt. Rum- bold, who ,was a former student at Flint Junior College and this Uni- varsity, was commissioned Feb. 20, 1944, upon completion of his cadet training at Ft. Sumner, N.M. Scheduled to receive those cov- eted silver pilot's wings and offi- cers bars soon at the twin-engine advanced flying school at Pampa, Tex., are two former University students, Aviation Cadets Robert Frederick Waters, of Grand Rap- ids, Mich. and Cadet lNoyce Wors- tall Strait, Jr., of Pontiac, Mich. Appointed to flight training in August, 1943, both men received their primary flight training at Mus- kogee, Okla., and their basic flight training at Muskogee, Okla. At the completion of their flight training, they will be assigned to duty as instructors or combat pilots. A en toh T aYEs WASHINGTON, March 15.-(/)- What every taxpayer should know: The war now is costing $300,000,000 a day. War spending hit a new high last month of $7,808,000,000. Up to March 1, the war had cost $168,600,000,000. Harold P. Conroy, of Fort Wayne, Ind., was recently appointed a Naval Aviation Cadet and was transferred to the Naval Air Training Center at Pensacola, Fla, for intermediate flight training. Prior to entering the naval service, he attended the Uni- versity for three years, where he was a member of the varsity track team. Upon completion of the intensive course at the "Annapo lis of the Air" Cadet Conroy will, receive his Navy "Wings of Gold" with the designation of Naval Aviator, and will be commissioned an Ensign in the Naval Reserve or a Second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps Reserve. Aviation Cadet Wiiliam J. Grey of Arlington, Va., and a former varsity football player at the University, two weeks a;o completed his nine weeks of basic flight training at the Majors Army Air Field at Green- ville, Tex. Cadet Grey, who attended the University in 1941-43, was a mem- ber of the Sigiiia Phi Epsilon fra- ternity. He entered the Army Air Forces last fall as a student pilot. Marvin D. Litt of Chicago, Ill., re- cently received those coveted silver pilot's wings as a bombardier-navi- gator graduate of the Victorville Army Air Field in Victorville, Cal. These newest aerial fighters of the Army Air Forces Training Command, combining bombardier- ing and navigation, can navigate the ship to the objective, then man the bombsight and release the. bomb load. THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 94 All notices for tihe Daily Official Bul- uin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.n. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tiees should be submitted by 11:30 a.n. Notices May Festival Concerts: The Fifty- first Annual May Festival, consisting of six concerts, will be held Thurs- days Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 4, 5, 6 and 7. The participants will include the Philadelphia Orches- tra at all concerts and the following soloists: Salvatore Baccaloni - Thursday night; Kerstin Thorborg and Charles Kullman--Friday night; Pierre Lu- boshutz and Genia Nemenoff-Satur- day afternoon; Bidu Sayao-Satur- day night; Nathan Milstein and Gre- gor Piatigorsky-Sunday afternoon; Rose Bampton, Kerstin Thorborg, Thelma von Eisenhauser, Charles Kullman and John Brownlee Satur- day night. Conductors: Eugene Ormandy, Saul Caston, Hardin Van Deursen, Harl McDonald and Marguerite Hood. Principal works will include Mah- ler's song symphony, "Das Lied von der Erde;" Brahms' No. 4; Beetho- ven's No. 7; Mozart's No. 35; Tschai- kowsky's No. 6; Brahms' Concerto for Violin and Violoncello; McDon- ald's Concerto for Two Pianos;.Songs of the Two Americas, arranged by Eric DeLamarter for Youth Chorus, an~d Mendelssohn's "'Elijah." The counter sale of season tickets will begin Friday morning, March. 17. Orders received prior to that time will be filed and filled in sequence in advance of the counter sale. To all male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: By action of the Board of Regents, all male students in residence in this College must elect Physical Educa- tion for Men. This action has been effective since June, 1943, and Will continue for the duration of the war. Students may be excused from tak- ing the course by (1) The University Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his representative, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by stu- dents in this College should be ad- dressed by freshmen to Professor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counselors (108 Mason Hall); by all other students to Assis- tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall). Except under very extraordinary circumstances no petitions will be consiared after the end of the third week of the Spring Term. "Victory Gardens": Employes of the University who desire garden plots this year at the Botanical Gar- den should notify Mr. Roszel before the end of March. Each plot will be assigned with the understanding that an endeavor will be made by the assignee to use it to full capacity for the raising of vege- tables, that it will be kept neat and clean and free from weeds, and that no refuse will be allowed to accumu- late. The plots will be twenty-five by fifty feet. As there may be a few extra plots, two may be requested if it is thought that one will not suffice and that two would be fully utilized. No tools will be furnished by the University. Water may be used if carried in containers or run through a garden hose held in the hand; under no circumstances shall a hose be left running unattended. Particu- lar care must be taken that no prop- erty of the Botanical Garden be molested. Dogs are 1ot allowed in the Gardens. A contribution of one dollar per person (or group using a single plot) is requested, to provide for plough- ing. As a measure of seed economy, it is suggested that each gardener pur- chase just enough seed for his own use and that, if he has any left, he share or trade with his neighbor. Dr. Felix Gustfason of the Botany Department will b'e available for corn- sultation regarding problems en- countered in the development of these gardens. When the plots are ready for use WAa BONDS ISSUED HERE-DAY OR NIGHT!- Continuous from 1 P.M. - Last Times Today - ORSON WELLES - Starts Thursday - d$ the fact will be announced in this bulletin. In order to plan better the gardens for next year, it is desirable that some information concerning the success of last year's gardens be obtained. We therefore ask those who had gardens here to supply us with the following information: What plants did you grow? How many feet of row did you use for each kind? Did you buy any plants or did you grow them all from seeds? What was the approximate date when for practical purposes your garden ceased to yield? What suggestions do you have for improving the garden project for the coming summer? Would you be interested in cooper- ating if an attempt were made to exchange young plants for setting out? Registration will be held this week for all those who are interested in camp work and summer work of all kinds. There are many. calls on hand at present. Early registration is ad- vised. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours are 9 to (Continued on Page 4) CLASSIFIED DIR ECT ORY_ CLASSIFIED RATES $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of l10 for each additional 5 words.) Non-Contract $1.00 per 15-word insertion for three or more days. (In- crease of 25c for each additional 5 words.) Contract Rates on Request FOR SALE UNIVEX Mercury camera; f2.7 lens; leather case. $45. 424 West 1u- ron, phone 8351. FOR SALE: Man's Hamilton wrist watch; Schwinn bicycle; home- canned fruit, preserves. Reply Box 12, Michigan Daily. ROOMS FOR RENT-Single room on second floor for student or instructor. Continuous hot water. 507 S. Div- ision. ROOM in private'home for graduate or employed woman. Garage avail- able. Convenient to bus. 395,. HELP WANTW GIRL in pantry, kitchen or serving in exchange for meals. Call 3018. LOST and FOUND WILL WHOEVER borrowed my bor- rowed scissors, inscribed UCS, please. return. Florene Wilkins, 2-3225, Martha Cook. GREEN WALLET in League, initialed G.T.G. Return important paper ard wallet. Contact 620 Forest. LOST-Man's brown Dobbs hat dur- ing registration on Friday at Wat- erman Gymnasium. Reward. 7211. WANTED: Experienced salesladies for ready to wear. Part time work. Dixie Shop, 224 South Main Street. LOST-One Theta sorority pin lost between Haven Hall and Angell Hall. Margery Harris inscribed on back. Call 2-1437. TAN PUPPY, Monday afternoon. Contact Sue Whitman. Call 24914. "France -- Today and Tororrow" H IL L AU D IT OR IU M Official Issuing Agency Here - Bonds Issued, cry or Night 0 SHOWS Continuous from 1 P.M. dA'4N 9A' A' FIVf5T TA'FATr. STARTS TODAy- RADIS TRWIG CINEDOCTOR CRACK A CA5E! quicker than you ca-n ,ry ~r ... -_ 1 WN CICK A r / .a . 7 , .._' I a "3 -met;" ;, ..: E U I n rl