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March 16, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-16

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T?4ii . andclderiF

assno Destroyed in Allied Bomber


Ford Suspends 50
For Wildcat Strikes
Union Gives Consent, but Thomas Says
Police Unnecessary; More May Get Axe
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, March 15.-The Ford.Motor Company announced tonight
the indefinite suspension of 50 employes accused of participating in today's
wildcat strike "pending further investigation and with the probability ad-
ditional discipline will be imposed."
A Ford spokesman described the interviews with the men, who returned
to work on the afternoon shift, as "a very orderly process which took place
in the presence and with the consent of officers of Local 600 and the
international of the United Automobile Workers (CIO).
The suspensions continued a crackdown against wildcat work stoppages
begun a week ago in connection with an earlier strike, which union officers
said was likewise unauthorized.
The Ford Company said an even .i
larger group might be suspended to- New Atoll in
morrow, following further interviews.
A spokesman estimated that 90 per Carohnes H it
cent of the group questioned tonight
freely admitted that they took part 1
in the setting up of barricades that , , o nner
kept thousands of workers from the
plant during two shifts, resulting in Wewak Blasted Fourth
sharply curtailed production of air-
plane engines. Straight Day; Eight Jap
?rior to announcement of the Planes Downed in Raid
suspensions, R. J. Thomas, presi-
dent of the UAW, denounced a Ford By LEONARD MILLIMAN
Motor Company official's appeal Associated Press War Editor
for State Police aid in controlling American bombers struck a new
wildcat strikers as "an hysterical atoll in the Central Pacific Caroline
=ry" as the afternoon shift workers Islands within 200 miles ofavaunted
entered the plant without hin- Trukand blasted Wewak, last major
drance. . . Japaese stronghold on the Bismark
Thomas declared, union officials Sea, for the fourth straight day.
themselves had removed a blockade Oroluk, newest target in the Caro-
of parked automobiles which he said lines, has no obvious military signifi-
was "erected by a few irresponsibles," cance but the attack, made midway.
and termed the plea for state police between the fortresses of Truk and
aid "completely unjustified,"''tand Ponape,was a further demonstration
highly prejudicial to the maintain- of Japan's weakening position in the
ing of smooth relations." .central Pacific.
"Workers at the Rouge plant and Thirty Japanese interceptors roar-
their union are respnsible enough ed up from Wewak's air bases to
tohea r uonarorkpnith eouh stave off the attack on the northeast
to carry on war' work without the New Guinea base. Eight were shot
benefit of police," Thomas odded. dewna baser Wbghteshoy
"We have shown this in the past: down as bombers blasted supply
"We -willdemsontatthis hag. dumps and gun positions and fight-
We will demonstrate this again. I ers followed up with their guns straf-
am making a complete survey of ing. "Heavy damage was inflicted
the situation." and many gun positions. silenced."
The blockade caused a production Southeast of Wewak an Australian
curtailment today which the com- column pressing up from the interior
pany estimated at 75 per cent. Con- valley reached Daumoina, terminus
sisting of automobiles parked end- of the best Japanese built road in
to-end, it was set up shortly before New Guinea. It leads toward Bogad-
midnight last night by afternoon jim, outpost of the Madang area.
shift workers.'
It was withdrawn shortly after F n
the first day shift workers were inn Reec
turned back. O ffer
Police Chief Irving Neilsen of I ViscoW
Dearborn said all available police-
men were at the Rouge plant this .Fr Arm istice
See FORD, p. 6 j

FDR Wires
States on
Ba(lot Bill
Roosevelt Ponders Veto
After House Passes
Compromise Measure
WASHINGTON, March. 15.-(IP')-
Congress passed a servicemen's vote
bill leaning heavily .to states' rights
today but President Roosevelt indi-
cated the matter was far from set-
tled by starting a telegraph survey
to find out how many men could
vote under it.
The Chief Executive wired all go-
ernors an inquiry whether they be-
lieved their state laws authorized
use of supplementary federal ballots.
The President has indicated that
the decision n a veto depends n
whether more men can vote under
new legislation than under existing
Proponents of a simplified federal
ballot have argueduthat the bill
which passed the House today by a
vote of 273 to 111 repeals an existing
waiver of registration and poll tax
payment for servicemen, and that
fewer can vote under it than under
present law.
The bill provides in brief that ser-
vice people must make their own
applications for state absentee bal-
lots which the services will expedite
to them and back to the states, and
that the federal short form shall be
available for use only by those who
apply for the state ballots but do not
get them in time, and whose gover-
nors certify that the federal form
will be acceptable.
Inshis telegram to the state execu-
tives, the President asked them to
tell him also, so he might form an
opinion as to the effectiveness of the
measure, whether steps would be
taken to authorize use of the supple-
mentary ballots, if state laws do not
now do so.
Mr. Roosevelt acted without
waiting for the soldier vote bill to
reach the White House.
The House completed action on
the legislation by a resounding 273
to 111 vote, after six months wrang-
ling between "states' righters" and
sponsors of an administration uni-
form federal ballot plan for service-
men and women.
Yank Gunners Shoot
Down 20 U.S. Placnes
('P)-U.S. Navy gunners in a battle
of the Sicilian campaign shot down
20 American planes by mistake,
Sgt. Jack Foisie, correspondent for
the Stars and Stripes, Army news-
paper, asserted today.
Addressing the Commonwealth
Club, Foisie said the .American
planes, which were C-47 trans-
ports, came over the Navy gunners
just after they had undergone a
heavy aerial bombing attack by
the Germans.
"The Navy gunners kept right
on shooting," Foisie said, "and
some 20 of our planes went down.'
Foisie termed the incident unfor-
tunate and said it was an example
of misunderstanding due to lack
of experience.

2,500 Tons Fall on
Nazi Fortress Town
Infantry, American Tanks Follow Air
Assault, Paving Way for Roiiie Drive
Associated Press Correspondent
ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, NAPLES, March 15. - The Allies de-
stroyed stubborn Cassino today, dropping more than 2,500 tons of bombs on
the strategic fortress town and targets above it in the greatest aerial assault
in history.
Tonight American tanks and Allied infantrymen were moving into the
smoking ruins of the town, long the keystone of the German defenses in
central Italy, and a new all-out drive on Rome was under way.
No Buildings Left Standing
Official photographs released late tonight showed there were no build-
ings left in the town after the virtually all-American air attack, in which
nearly every plane of the Allied Med-U

VICTORY VARIETIES-Adrienne and her pal, Hank, a comedy novelty
act, will be one of the chief attractions of the University Victory
Variety show to be presented at 8:15 p.m. Saturday in Hill Auditorium.
Coming directly from the Empire Room of Chicago's Palmer House,
Adrienne and Hank will perform their amusing routines as a part of
the all-star six-act vaudeville show.

* .. *

* * *

Service, Student Groups To
Help with .VictoryVarieties

iterranean force took part.
Making a total of 3,000 trips, the
planes dropped 1,400 tons of bombs
in the one-mile-square Cassino area
alone, and the remainder on towns,
bridges and communications centers
to the North and Northwest. The'
total load of 2,500 tons was an-
nounced by Lieut. Gen. Ira C. Eaker,
Mediterranean air commander.
The historic assault was begun by
36 medium Mitchells at 8:30 a.m.
soon all types of planes, including
the big four-engined heavy bombers,
were blasting away.
There was a pause at noon after
the last of the heavies had finished
its job, and then a terrific artillery
barrage was poured into the town,
lasting nearly three hours.
Ground Forces Move In
With this big gun cover, the ground
forces began to move in. The first
American tank entered the northern
outskirts at exactly 1:25 p.m.
Later in the afternoon medium and
light bombers resumed the attack.
By tonight there was nothing left
of the town. "Cassino is dead,"
radioed Associated Press Correspon-
dent Lynn Heinzerling from his posi-
tion with the Fifth Army at Cassino.
"There still are walls standing,"
he said, "and there may even be
Germans still alive among them, but
Casino, the great German fortress
on the road to Rome, no longer
at a Glance

Draft Boards
Asked To Take
More Fathers
WASHINGTON, March 15.-('P)-
Selective Service tonight called on
local draft boards to induct more
pre-Pearl Harbor fathers and to
comb industrial deferments to obtain
men who now can be spared to fight.
Selective Service has failed to
meet the military draft calls by 100,-
000 men a month for five consecutive
months, director Lewis B. Hershey
revealed in a letter to all local boards
and appeal panels.
About 1,160,000 men must be sup-
plied to the Army and Navy for the
period from Feb. 1 to July 1, Hershey
said, in order to bring the country's
military establishment up to the
planned strength of 11,300,000 by the
"We must, in the future, make
fathers available in increasingly
greater numbers to meet induction
requirements," Gen. Hershey's mes-
sage warned.
"At the same time we must secure
men from other classes and particu-
larly we must secure men, fathers
and non-fathers, from the group
now deferred in industry and agri-
Co. D To Hold
Tryouts Today
Dancing and singing try-outs for
Co. D's original musical comedy,
"Rumor Has It," will be held today

STOCKHOLM, March 15.-()-
The Finnish Parliament has unani-
mously approved the government's
decision to reject Moscow's final pro-
posals for an armistice and the Finns
are grimly digging in for continua-
tion of the war, it was learned here
The Finnish disclosure was made
in a communique which said Par-
liament considered the government's
position as presented by Premier
Edwin Linkhomies and "accepted
unanimously the motion to return to
the order of the day." Under Finnish
procedure, this means the govern-
ment was sustained.

Representatives of the Army, Navy
and student organizations have
formed a committee to advise and
assist in the presentation of the Uni-
versity Victory Variety show to be
held at 8:15 p.m. Saturday in Hill
The committee will supervise the
sale of tickets in the Army and Navy
service units, the residence halls, fra-
ternities, sororities and other student
Top Officers,
Generals Attend
JAG Meetings
More than 80 high ranking officers
from all the country, including seven
generals, are attending the three-day
conference which began yesterday at
the Judge Advocate General's School.
The purpose of the conference is
to review present procedures, policies
and problems of the Judge Advocate
General's Department and to discuss
future plans.
The speeches this morning will in-
clude talks by Col. Marion Rushton,
Office of the Under Secretary of
War, on "Clemency," and by Col.
Philip J. McCook, Military Justice
Division JAGO, and Lt. Col. Lawr-
ence Jones, Assistant to Deputy Chief
of Staff for Service Commands, on
"Rehabilitation Centers."
The afternoon's session will be
opened by speeches on "Claims" by
Col. Ralph G. Boyd, Chief of Claims
Div., JAGO, Col. Rushton and Brig.
Gen. Adam Richmond, who just re-
turned from the North African Thea-
tre of Operations.
Brig. Gen. Lawrence H. Hedwick,
the Air Judge Advocate and Col.
Franklin Shaw, Staff Judge Advo-
cate, Hg., A.A.F., Material Command,
will speak on "Air Force Problems."
Col. Robert V. Laughlin, Staff Judge
Advocate of the Second Army, will
speak on "Ground Force Problems."
Col. Guy Kinman, Staff Judge Ad-
vocate of the Sixth Service Com-
mand, and Col. Thomas White, Staff
Judge Advocate of the Ninth Service
Command, will conclude the after-
noon's meeting with a discussion of
"'Service Command Problems."
Grads Asked
To Register
All newly registered graduate stu-
dents and graduating seniors who

groups, Dean Joseph A. Bursley
pointed out. They will also assist in
planning any future variety show
which may be presented by the Uni-
Included on the committee are
Dean Bursley, Assistant Dean Walter
B. Rea, Roy Boucher, president of
the Union, William Dale, battalion
commander of the NROTC, Jane
Farrant, managing editor of The
Daily, Lt. Melvin Flegal, 3651st Army
Headquarters, Mary Jane Hastreiter,
president of Pan-Hellenic, Monna
Heath, president of the League, Jos-
eph Linker, chairman of the Men's
Judiciary Council, Miss Ethel McCor-
mick, social director of the League,
and Henry L. Schmidt, president of
the Interfraternity Council.
One of the chief novelty attrac-
tions of the Varieties show Saturday
will be the performance by Joy Adri-
enne and Her Pal Hank. This act
comes to Ann Arbor directly from
the Empire Room of the Palmer
House in Chicago.
Tickets, at 75c, may be secured at
the Union, League, University Hall
corridor, East and West Quadrangles,
University. Hospital newsstand and
various downtown and State Street
Slosson Head s
R usso-Polish
Dispute Panel
Terming the Russo-Polish border
question a "difficult case," the Post-
War Council in a panel discussion
yesterday summarized the dispute as
one which symbolizes the difficulties
which will arise in the post-war
Prof. Preston Slosson opened the
discussion with a presentation of the
background of the problem which
included legal claims, historic right,
self-determination, geography, eco-
nomics and strategic considerations.
He expressed the view that all of
these usual means of solving boun-
dary disputes are of little help in this
case except the principle of self-
According to Prof. Slosson "the
only fair solution of the whole prob-
lem and the only democratic or lib-
eral solution is to leave arrangements
provisional till after the war and
then have a plebiscite supervised by
an impartial international council."
"Although there is no simple or
perfect solution to the problem,"
Prof. Roy Sellars said, "an ideal
would be a liberal or progressive pol-

Scholars To
A1ttend Annxual
A cade myH er~e
Discussions, Lectures,
Papers To Be Heard
Tomorrow, Saturday
More than 300 scholars will come
to Ann Arbor tomorrow and Satur-
day to attend the 49th annual meet-
ing of the Michigan Acedemy of
Science, Arts and Letters.
Regarded as the leading scientific
organization of the state and one of
the outstanding ones in the nation,
the Academy will hear discussions,
lectures and papers on new discover-
ies and developments in 17 different
specializecd fields of study.
Many topics of wartime interest
will be discussed during the two-day
meeting of the Academy.. For i-
stance, a panel discussion on "Re-
sponsibilities and Opportunities of
the Social Sciences in Adult Educa-
tion" will be held following a joint
luncheon session in the Congrega-
tional Church.
Among the prominent men partici-
pating in this discussion will be Dr.
Alexander G. Ruthven, president of
the University; Willard Martinson
of the UAW-CIO; Helen Bryant of
the League of Women Voters; and
Prof. Harold Dorr of the political
science department.
Having as its theme the "Econom-
ics of War and Postwar," the eco-
nomics section of the Academy will
hear discussions on "Control of the
Cost of Living," "Evaluation of Price
Control by OPA," and "Equality of
Sacrifice in Relation to War Policy."
Among the topics discussed in the
forestry section will be wartime for-
estry. The history and political sci-
ence section will consider possible
bases for unicameralism and the
Labadie Collection.
Plans for post-war development of
the University will be discussed in the
landscape architecture section and
the psychology section will hear a
talk on "Adjustment Problems of
Young Adults 'in Wartime." One of
the topics to be discussed by the
sociology section will be last June's
race riots in Detroit.
Prof. Leigh J. Young of the forestry
department will deliver the presiden-
tial address, speaking on "Michigan's
Forest Potential." The general ad-
dresshwill be given by Henri Seyrig
of the New York bureau of the
French Committee of National Lib-
eration. He will give an illustrated
lecture on "Palmyra and the Ancient
Caravan Trade"

Clemencean To Speak Today
On French Part in War Effort

By The Associated Press
Steel Formula Uphld . . .
WASHINGTON, March 15.- La-
bor's drive to smash or alter the
Little Steel wage formula suffered a
setback in the War Labor Board to-
day when a majority coalition of
public and industry members voted
down three American Federation of
Labor motions. The principal motion
called on the board to request Presi-
dent Roosevelt to modify the wage
ceiling "realistically." The other two
motions provided for public hearings.
Eire's Fate Uncertain. .
LONDON, March 15.-Prime Min-
ister Churchill declined in Commons
today to give a hint of the next step
to be taken to seal off Eire from the
outside world and protect Allied wes-
tern front invasion troops from Axis
espionage. He had been asked if the
government would discontinue coal,
oil, tea and other shipments to Eire,
whose government refused a United
States plea to oust Axis diplomats
from neutral Dublin.
Eastman Dies ...
WASHINGTON, March 15.-Jos-
eph B. Eastman, 61, wartime direc-
tor of the nation's transportation
system, died today of a heart attack.
His death left vacant two offices-
Director of Defense Transportation
and a seat on the Interstate Com-
merce Commission, which Eastman
had held for 25 years.
. * 3. .
Nazis Raid London*...
LONDON, March 15.-After-din-
ner Nazi raiders were turned back
from London tonight by a heavy bar-
rage of the capital's ground guns,
less than 24 hours after one of the
worst German air attacks on London
since 1941.
RAF Heads for Coast.. .

The part that France is to play in
winning the war and in maintaining
the peace will be described by Pierre
Clemenceau, grandson of France's
former premier, in a lecture at 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Speaking under the auspices of the
Oratorical Association, M. Clemen-
ceau will lecture on the subject.
"France, Today and Tomorrow."
One of the leading figures in the
Free French movement, M. Clemen-
ceau has been in Washington for sev-
eral months in an effort to do some-
thing for his country.
Before the war he was not actively
interested in politics, but he knows
the leading men of France well. At
the time of the American invasion
of North Africa he was in Dakar and
was of assistance to the forces of the
United Nations.

cellent English. His grandmother
was an American and he is married to
an American girl.
Tickets originally issued for the
Madame Koo lecture will admit hold-

Inwit ial Smoker
T o Be Held in
Union Sunday
To introduce the Union's activities
and directors to all men on campus,
'a smoker will be held at 4:30 p.m.
Sunday in the Union.
The variety of activities offered
through the Union student offices
will be explained.
Six committees handle Union ac-
tivities. The social committee, head-
ed by Dick Chenoweth and Bob
Grandy, is responsible for thedUnion
dances, the Swing concerts, and sim-
ilar events.
The Orientation Committee is un-
der Bob Gaukler and George Darrow.
BiII Wood ,nd .irn Pla~te. wrhyreclit:'



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